Postal II
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I hate Trump, but I'm on his side against the post office. NT by Jim Sterlin 04/03/2018, 7:27pm PDT NEW
    Shit, dude, not even Fox News backed him up on that whopper. by Mischief Maker 04/03/2018, 8:21pm PDT NEW
    Post Office: Takes zero federal dollars, still saddled with universal delivery. NT by The Happiness Engine 04/04/2018, 2:14pm PDT NEW
        This is where we're at? People who are so anti-Trump they defend (checks notes) NT by ...the US Postal Service? 04/04/2018, 8:34pm PDT NEW
            Not being American myself, I learned about the US postal service from by Cheers 04/05/2018, 6:16am PDT NEW
            He just made up a ton of shit. He does that because he's fuckin senile. by Worm 04/05/2018, 9:26am PDT NEW
                (Annette Schwartz puking on nursing home resident) NT by Nigger Rape Ape 04/05/2018, 10:17am PDT NEW

Really GEEKED about the latest mass shooter bros by Captain Save-a-ho 04/04/2018, 9:09pm PDT NEW

Gary Coleman is dead. by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/28/2010, 12:07pm PDT NEW
    Ischemia caused by thrombosis? NT by The Warezwolf 05/28/2010, 12:09pm PDT NEW
        No, no. 'Twas a diff'rent stroke. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/28/2010, 12:10pm PDT NEW

Those sons of bitches at Gamefly aren't even trying to pretend not to screw me by Fortinbras 07/14/2009, 10:02pm PDT NEW

Postal the movie by Worm 11/20/2008, 6:25pm PST NEW

Mail men everywhere rejoice by Willdog 09/10/2004, 3:12pm PDT NEW
    Preordered by Moab 09/10/2004, 6:58pm PDT NEW
        Jhoh needs one, to kill his mo0m. NT by Fullofkittens 09/10/2004, 7:49pm PDT NEW
        Re: Preordered by E. L. Koba 09/11/2004, 3:06pm PDT NEW
            Dwelling on three round burst puts me dangerously close fetishist, had to avoid. by Moab 09/11/2004, 4:17pm PDT NEW
                * to fetishist by Moab 09/11/2004, 4:19pm PDT NEW
    Re: Mail men everywhere rejoice by corax 09/11/2004, 11:27am PDT NEW

That Livejournal guy? Still insane. by Worm 08/27/2004, 4:16pm PDT NEW
    Re: That Livejournal guy? Still insane. by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/27/2004, 4:22pm PDT NEW
    Re: That Livejournal guy? Still insane. by skippy 08/27/2004, 6:17pm PDT NEW
        Re: That Livejournal guy? Still insane. by Creexul :( 08/27/2004, 6:20pm PDT NEW
            Fag NT by Entropy Stew 08/27/2004, 11:11pm PDT NEW

Extreme Measures... by Willdog 08/24/2004, 5:21pm PDT NEW
    That's the coolest thing I've seen all day by Rafiki 08/24/2004, 8:24pm PDT NEW
        Re: That's the coolest thing I've seen all day by Willdog 08/25/2004, 3:04pm PDT NEW
    KEEP YOUR POWDER DRY NT by Entropy Stew 08/25/2004, 4:51am PDT NEW

Well by jeep 09/05/2003, 1:42pm PDT NEW
    Perfect! NT by Q3 Announcer 09/05/2003, 1:58pm PDT NEW
    Re: Well by E. L. Koba 09/05/2003, 5:30pm PDT NEW
        When do you do a trench run on the Death Star? NT by Star Snores 09/05/2003, 11:07pm PDT NEW
            In that vector graphics arcade machine in 1988 NT by ITES 09/05/2003, 11:14pm PDT NEW
                which sounds 1000 times more fun than this shit fest by FABIO 09/06/2003, 5:38pm PDT NEW
                    =( by E. L. Koba 09/08/2003, 12:02am PDT NEW
            ;_; by E. L. Koba 09/06/2003, 4:46pm PDT NEW

Did you-all just give up? by jeep 07/31/2003, 2:10am PDT NEW
    Yes and yes. by Senor Barborito 07/31/2003, 2:58am PDT NEW
        I wish I could see the ad. by Fussbett 07/31/2003, 5:44am PDT NEW
            Re: I wish I could see the ad. by Flurgendorf J. Creexul 07/31/2003, 5:41pm PDT NEW
                Re: I wish I could see the ad. by Thracknazog 08/01/2003, 2:38am PDT NEW
                    Re: I wish I could see the ad. by Flurgendorf J. Creexul 08/01/2003, 3:01pm PDT NEW
    Also, yes by E. L. Koba 07/31/2003, 1:54pm PDT NEW
        join up! by FABIO 07/31/2003, 2:35pm PDT NEW
            I haven't played vanilla BF1942 since I installed desert combat NT by McMoo the anti-drug cow 08/01/2003, 10:07am PDT NEW
                I dont get desert combat by FABIO 08/01/2003, 10:31am PDT NEW
                    Re: I dont get desert combat by McMoo the anti-drug cow 08/01/2003, 12:13pm PDT NEW
    Re: Did you-all just give up? by Roop Dirump 08/01/2003, 12:18pm PDT NEW
        Re: Did you-all just give up? by E. L. Koba 08/01/2003, 6:39pm PDT NEW
            E. L. Koba: Beauty School Dropout NT by Entropy Stew 08/01/2003, 8:43pm PDT NEW

Any sign of Fansy yet? NT by Go go the good team! 07/27/2003, 9:02pm PDT NEW

SB I think you did this wrong by jeep 07/27/2003, 12:51pm PDT NEW
    Re: SB I think you did this wrong by Entropy Stew 07/27/2003, 6:33pm PDT NEW

MOTHERFUCKING SONY by jeep 07/22/2003, 12:33pm PDT NEW
    Re: MOTHERFUCKING SONY by E. L. Koba 07/22/2003, 6:00pm PDT NEW
        Wasn't like this before, though. The code change came when Jeep did by Senor Barborito 07/23/2003, 4:45am PDT NEW
            LOWERCASE jeep LOWERCASE jeep SHIT SHIT SHIT SORRY! NT by Senor Barborito 07/23/2003, 4:45am PDT NEW
    The fuckers change like a 20$ fee for moving a char in EQ by Entropy Stew 07/23/2003, 12:52am PDT NEW

Ok I just got this by jeep 07/18/2003, 9:46pm PDT NEW
    Re: Ok I just got this by E. L. Koba 07/19/2003, 12:56am PDT NEW
        Just got 4 wisdom teeth pulled, won't be on until tomorrow evening earliest NT by Senor Barborito 07/19/2003, 2:11pm PDT NEW
            s'ok, the server keeps kicking me off anyway. NT by jeep 07/19/2003, 7:16pm PDT NEW
                Are you on Lowca? I've had almost no connectivity issues with Lowca. NT by Senor Barborito 07/19/2003, 7:32pm PDT NEW
                    Re: Are you on Lowca? I've had almost no connectivity issues with Lowca. by E. L. Koba 07/19/2003, 8:30pm PDT NEW
                        The new netcode added 3 days ago blew everything to shit lag-wise. by Senor Barborito 07/19/2003, 9:04pm PDT NEW
                            Favorite bad netcode: Anarchy Online's TCP rebroadcast floods -nt- by Entropy Stew 07/19/2003, 9:54pm PDT NEW
                                AO Programmer 1: Hey let's DDoS the boss! AO Programmer 2: Leet! Hax0r! NT by Senor Barborito 07/19/2003, 11:18pm PDT NEW
        Fer crying out loud, already! by Mischief Shai-hulud 07/20/2003, 9:15pm PDT NEW
            Re: Fer crying out loud, already! by E. L. Koba 07/21/2003, 1:11am PDT NEW
                Re: Fer crying out loud, already! by Bitter 07/21/2003, 1:40am PDT NEW
                    The architect/droid engineer/weaponsmith/armorsmith path by Senor Barborito 07/21/2003, 2:47am PDT NEW
                        Re: The architect/droid engineer/weaponsmith/armorsmith path by jeep 07/22/2003, 2:46pm PDT NEW
                    Re: Fer crying out loud, already! by E. L. Koba 07/21/2003, 6:46pm PDT NEW
                    Probably not worth the money by jeep 07/22/2003, 2:40pm PDT NEW
            I'm about to give up on Artisanship altogether. NT by Senor Barborito 07/21/2003, 3:07am PDT NEW
            It's kind of growing on me. by jeep 07/21/2003, 8:06am PDT NEW
                Re: It's kind of growing on me. by Chairman Mao 07/21/2003, 7:20pm PDT NEW
                    Re: It's kind of growing on me. by Live Studio Audience 07/21/2003, 8:55pm PDT NEW
                    Speeder ETA supposedly 6-8 months, space combat another year at best NT by Senor Barborito 07/22/2003, 12:35am PDT NEW
                        ...and people are paying for this?!? NT by Chairman Mao 07/22/2003, 12:43am PDT NEW
                            Yes. Also, Jedi ETA 2 months out. Force slot supposedly profanity-based. by Senor Barborito 07/22/2003, 12:56am PDT NEW
                Re: It's kind of growing on me. by Bitter 07/22/2003, 12:30am PDT NEW
                    Re: It's kind of growing on me. by E. L. Koba 07/22/2003, 12:52am PDT NEW
                        Fuck SWG by Bill Dungsroman 07/22/2003, 12:43pm PDT NEW
                Re: It's kind of growing on me. by Mischief m44x0r 07/22/2003, 12:55pm PDT NEW
                    Re: It's kind of growing on me. by Mr Smoke 07/22/2003, 2:07pm PDT NEW
                    It just occured to me that this game is really a Western... by jeep 07/22/2003, 2:26pm PDT NEW
                        So its M.U.L.E. with the ability to shoot other players. by Chairman Mao 07/22/2003, 2:35pm PDT NEW
                            Re: So its M.U.L.E. with the ability to shoot other players. by E. L. Koba 07/22/2003, 5:57pm PDT NEW
                                Re: So its M.U.L.E. with the ability to shoot other players. by Entropy Stew 07/23/2003, 1:29am PDT NEW

Now officially hooked by Senor Barborito 07/15/2003, 7:07pm PDT NEW
    AH HA NT by Entropy Stew 07/15/2003, 7:28pm PDT NEW
    Heh by Senor Barborito 07/15/2003, 7:46pm PDT NEW
    How long have you been waiting to use that one? by The Accuser 07/15/2003, 10:14pm PDT NEW
        Pffft by Senor Barborito 07/15/2003, 11:24pm PDT NEW
            I understand. by The Accuser 07/16/2003, 1:19am PDT NEW
            I thought you were quoting Jabba the Hut NT by Entropy Stew 07/16/2003, 2:54am PDT NEW
    Re: Now officially hooked by E. L. Koba 07/16/2003, 12:33am PDT NEW
        AND 1 by The Accuser 07/16/2003, 1:21am PDT NEW
            Why would anyone ever hit any "Peace" button? -nt- by E. L. Koba 07/16/2003, 1:59am PDT NEW
                Re: Why would anyone ever hit any "Peace" button? -nt- by Ice Cream Jonsey 07/16/2003, 5:05am PDT NEW
                    I think that class was intended for women to play or something by Senor Barborito 07/16/2003, 6:50am PDT NEW
                        I'm imagining John Williams' epic adventure soundtrack blaring when i read this by FABIO 07/16/2003, 7:09am PDT NEW
            You get attacked and die. I GUESS DONALD RUMSFELD IS RIGHT ONO NT by Senor Barborito 07/16/2003, 4:01am PDT NEW
        "An Ikopi looks tough" by FoK 07/16/2003, 8:42am PDT NEW
            Er, no. by Senor Barborito 07/16/2003, 9:52am PDT NEW
    Jesus Christ, look at yourself NT NT by Zebco Fuckface 07/16/2003, 1:25am PDT NEW
    By 2006, 23% of the U.S. GDP comes from SWG NT by THE FUTURE 07/16/2003, 5:11am PDT NEW
        The future is old NT by Entropy Stew 07/16/2003, 12:38pm PDT NEW
            WW III slows things down a bit in 2004 NT by THE FUTURE 07/18/2003, 11:58pm PDT NEW

Good route for newbies going Imperial (El Koba and I) and contact info by Senor Barborito 07/13/2003, 4:23am PDT NEW
    Re: Good route for newbies going Imperial (El Koba and I) and contact info by Mischief Maker 07/13/2003, 12:02pm PDT NEW
        Re: Good route for newbies going Imperial (El Koba and I) and contact info by FABIO 07/13/2003, 12:52pm PDT NEW
        Actually no, that's not the fastest way to earn faction points - or money by Senor Barborito 07/13/2003, 2:45pm PDT NEW
            Re: Actually no, that's not the fastest way to earn faction points - or money by FABIO 07/13/2003, 11:18pm PDT NEW
                Here by Senor Barborito 07/14/2003, 12:15am PDT NEW
                    Re: Here by FABIO 07/14/2003, 10:02am PDT NEW
    Re: Good route for newbies going Imperial (El Koba and I) and contact info by Forensic 07/13/2003, 10:47pm PDT NEW
        Re: Good route for newbies going Imperial (El Koba and I) and contact info by Entropy Stew 07/14/2003, 3:24am PDT NEW
            Alas, I have yet to find Tashi Station. -nt- by E. L. Koba 07/14/2003, 5:39am PDT NEW
                You can waste time with your friends later by Bill Dungsroman 07/14/2003, 12:22pm PDT NEW
        Building moisture vaporators is in the game (and damned useful, too) by Senor Barborito 07/14/2003, 6:57am PDT NEW
    WANT PELLET NT NT by Zebco Fuckface 07/16/2003, 1:29am PDT NEW

Short Review (in the ever popular AIM log format) by E. L. Koba 07/13/2003, 7:41pm PDT NEW
    Reminds me of this by Senor Barborito 07/13/2003, 10:02pm PDT NEW

All you SW:G faggots can organize here NT by Entropy Stew 07/13/2003, 1:28am PDT NEW

FABIO beats his PC Gamer horse by FABIO 05/24/2003, 3:19am PDT NEW
    George Broussard and Erik face off on Postal 2 -- on different forums. by Fussbett 05/24/2003, 6:45am PDT NEW
        The George Broussard Review by arbit 05/24/2003, 1:19pm PDT NEW
            wasnt this the same guy who by FABIO 05/24/2003, 5:10pm PDT NEW
                confirmation by FABIO 05/24/2003, 5:11pm PDT NEW
                Re: wasnt this the same guy who by Jhoh Creexul 05/25/2003, 11:27am PDT NEW
        Re: George Broussard and Erik face off on Postal 2 -- on different forums. by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/24/2003, 5:47pm PDT NEW
            Re: George Broussard and Erik face off on Postal 2 -- on different forums. by Fussbett 05/25/2003, 11:54am PDT NEW
                I wish that meant something, but it doesn't anymore by Senor Barborito 05/25/2003, 6:25pm PDT NEW
            Broussard is a Shack monster. by Fussbett 05/26/2003, 3:46am PDT NEW
    Re: FABIO beats his PC Gamer horse by foogla 05/24/2003, 2:46pm PDT NEW
    For the record, CGW gave it zero stars NT by Bob Violence 05/25/2003, 12:49am PDT NEW
    Re: FABIO beats his PC Gamer horse by Lizard_King 05/27/2003, 2:51am PDT NEW
        Re: FABIO beats his PC Gamer horse by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/27/2003, 3:13am PDT NEW
            Re: FABIO beats his PC Gamer horse by Lizard_King 05/27/2003, 3:26am PDT NEW

FIRST POST BITCHES by ydrt 05/07/2003, 4:41pm PDT NEW
    Re: FIRST POST BITCHES by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/07/2003, 6:24pm PDT NEW

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