Forum Overview :: Mac Hall Complaints Department
PA just nixed the PA Report and PATV by skip 12/07/2013, 8:32am PST
Some things you should know about this job.

We’re terrible at work-life balance. Although work is pretty much your life, we do our absolute best to make sure that work is as awesome as possible so you at least enjoy each and every day here.

Hahaha. They enjoy it so much that they're dumping half of it.

Child’s Play and PAX have lives of their own, now. They’re vital, and they need an obsessive level of care. We will do everything in our power to ensure that these things outlast us by a wide margin.

They would never get rid of the charity that let's them have large tax write offs. If Child's Play disappeared overnight, the philanthropic world would survive.

But I don’t think I want to “grow my business” anymore; I sort of want to do the opposite. And I’m tired, sick to death, of saying “Maybe Someday” when it comes to the things we really want to make. So, we’re not going to do that anymore. The next year is going to be a pretty big one, one of the biggest yet; it’s the year the previous fifteen have been leading up to in the literal sense but also in other ways.

What happened to not caring about that work-life balance? Wasn't the Kickstarter done so they could have more time to work on personal projects instead of drawing ads?

And it hurts pretty bad, but I don’t know where PATV as a “channel” for third party shows and The Penny Arcade Report fit into that. We’ll be shutting those things down at the end of this year.

Yeah, sure it hurts. PATV and PAR didn't grow fast or large enough for them to feel it was worth the effort. I get streamlining, but let's not pretend that this isn't about website eyeballs/money.

I think they’re beautiful and useful and important; I use them every day. It’s possible that you do, too. I hired people to run them, or paid them, and I am making their lives worse by doing this. Losing Ben is especially painful - he did everything we asked of him, and more. The only comfort is knowing that everyone affected by this is excellent, as is attested continually by their excellent work, and will certainly land on their feet. We’ve tried to connect the dots for them where we can. Still hurts.

Ben crafted his own post, essentially a written blowjob.

But it’s time to start making good on some of the promises we’ve made in our work. Recognizing that things like the Pins or The New Kid or Daughters of the Eyrewood or Thornwatch or The Lookouts or Automata deserve every ounce of our resources. Novels and albums, too - all these things that got put off in the interests of Empire. Essentially, we’ve decided to be Penny Arcade.

And I’m looking forward to it.

Most of his audience doesn't care about the Lookouts, etc, except the Gamer Dad contingent. And now there's a PA album in the works. While it would be funny if it was a vanity project, it's most likely going to be a nerdcore compilation. Notice that the new projects they want to work on have even less to do with video games than PAR/PATV.
PA crafts the least appealing job posting ever by Siskel and Ebert 11/26/2013, 4:07am PST NEW
    "we’re not a terribly money-motivated group" ...but we like to hold on to as NT by much of it as possible, fuck you. 11/26/2013, 4:38am PST NEW
        "I developed humor as a defense mechanism. Now I drive a fucking Mercedes." by Either Piglike or Bald 11/26/2013, 7:57am PST NEW
    "We're terrible at work/life balance." = "We're trying to hide from our wives." by Mischief Maker 11/26/2013, 6:38am PST NEW
    Re: PA crafts the least appealing job posting ever by Souffle of Pain 11/26/2013, 8:53am PST NEW
        Give CS nerds an office ball pit, get away with paying them half market value NT by BAM! profit! 11/26/2013, 9:55am PST NEW
        It's been scientifically proven PA fans are tasteless brainwashed morons by Bald and Piglike's Horror Show 11/26/2013, 10:40am PST NEW
        Wow, developer snobbery much? by Entropy Stew 11/26/2013, 11:08am PST NEW
            Did it come off that way? Didn't mean to. by Souffle of Pain 11/26/2013, 12:26pm PST NEW
                I think you're confusing web development with web design by Entropy Stew 11/26/2013, 2:01pm PST NEW
                    Re: I think you're confusing web development with web design by Souffle of Pain 11/26/2013, 2:08pm PST NEW
                        Oh totally, the job title should be "IT bitch" NT by Entropy Stew 11/26/2013, 2:10pm PST NEW
                            I can't get over HOW unprofessionally IT WAS written with UNNECESSARY CAPS by WITTGENSTEIN 11/26/2013, 6:14pm PST NEW
    They could at least offer to hold a Kickstarter to pay the new employee. NT by motherfuckerfoodeater 11/26/2013, 11:22am PST NEW
    Outside confirmation that this is a fucking joke by WITTGENSTEIN 11/26/2013, 8:40pm PST NEW
    Shitty Web Comics kills it, as usual by Ice Cream Jonsey 11/26/2013, 9:19pm PST NEW
    On a long enough timeline everyone goes from underdog... by asshole. 11/27/2013, 12:52am PST NEW
    More reax by Vested Id 11/27/2013, 3:49am PST NEW
    Favorite Twitter reply so far: "How many dickwolves shirts will I be paid in" NT by WITTGENSTEIN 11/27/2013, 9:08am PST NEW
    Guy who had it previous responds by Souffle of Pain 11/27/2013, 11:04am PST NEW
        Signed, your faithful student NT by Twilight Sparkle 11/27/2013, 12:28pm PST NEW
        "It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled." NT by Mark Twain 11/27/2013, 1:05pm PST NEW
        Well, did Mike get a chance to come off like a cunt yet? by Mysterio 11/27/2013, 5:06pm PST NEW
            Re: Well, did Mike get a chance to come off like a cunt yet? by E. L. Koba 11/27/2013, 5:44pm PST NEW
            His twitter feed is a 24/7 shitpostathon NT by WITTGENSTEIN 11/27/2013, 5:45pm PST NEW
                Re: His twitter feed is a 24/7 shitpostathon by E. L. Koba 11/27/2013, 5:58pm PST NEW
        Re: Guy who had it previous responds by E. L. Koba 11/27/2013, 5:39pm PST NEW
            Wow he really didn't pull any punches in that PA forum tell-all by WITTGENSTEIN 11/27/2013, 5:48pm PST NEW
            Re: Guy who had it previous responds by Bald and Piglike's Horror Show 11/27/2013, 6:58pm PST NEW
                The show Girls stars exactly those people by fabio 11/27/2013, 7:10pm PST NEW
        This guy gets it by Bald "Mercedes" Fat 11/29/2013, 1:40am PST NEW
            I want there to be a regular poster called Bald "Mercedes" Fat. NT by Mysterio 11/29/2013, 3:59pm PST NEW
            Front page NT by E. L. Koba 11/29/2013, 9:06pm PST NEW
            I shared this post on facebook. As usual, no comments or likes, haha. NT by Eurotrash 03/01/2014, 12:55pm PST NEW
        what I think is funniest about all of this by blackwater 11/29/2013, 2:33pm PST NEW
        How much credibility do you have to spend before people catch on? by skip 11/29/2013, 10:48pm PST NEW
            Re: How much credibility do you have to spend before people catch on? by E. L. Koba 11/30/2013, 12:18pm PST NEW
                He wanted muscular but used his wife as a model... NT by MM 11/30/2013, 3:03pm PST NEW
                I love you. NT by Last 11/30/2013, 9:11pm PST NEW
                    Fag NT by E. L. Koba 12/05/2013, 8:22pm PST NEW
                NAAHH my eyes by Eurotrash 12/06/2013, 11:10am PST NEW
                Bigpald admits default by E. L. Koba 07/03/2015, 2:09pm PDT NEW
    I'm really curious as to what $100k in fun looks lke by jeep 11/29/2013, 4:46pm PST NEW
        I didn't have THAT job, but was in a similar "passion over money" job... by Mischief Maker 11/29/2013, 6:26pm PST NEW
    PA just nixed the PA Report and PATV by skip 12/07/2013, 8:32am PST NEW
            Kuchera got fired? That's pretty funny actually. NT by Mysterio 12/23/2013, 6:51pm PST NEW
        He starting talking about improving work life balance and raises. Time to go. NT by Bald "Mercedes" Fat 12/25/2013, 11:27pm PST NEW
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