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Re: Plantar Wart by jeep 04/04/2005, 10:20pm PDT
Fussbett wrote:

At the turn of the century, doctors would actually burn warts off of patients and it was a painful procedure. Can you believe that? That century turn: RIGHT NOW.

I had them on my hands when I was a kid, they were on the inside of my fucking knuckles. I'd heard about the liquid nitrogen so I didn't go to the doctor for them for years, but it got to the point where I couldn't make a fist without some pain, so I finally went in.

There was no liquid nitrogen, hell there wasn't even a nurse. This sonofabitch dug them out of my ficking knuckles with a scalpel, stitched them partially shut and then dabbed the still-open wounds with silver iodide.

I didn't pass out until the fifth or sixth one, and afterwards the doctor said I was the toughest kid he'd ever seen, which was small consolation given I was sitting up when I passed out and lying on the floor when he was complimenting me on my pain tolerance.

The upside is he told me there would be more but I never got another.

Shocked, I ask if I could use the Dr. Scholl's pads in the meantime, doubling up the treatment to really hammer down the wart. Hey, you know what's in the Dr. Scholl's pads? Acid! Fucking acid!

I tried this on one of mine before I went to the doctor. It was salicylic acid I think, and it only made the thing angry. It just kind of grew around it. Gross. The acid hurts, too.

Plantar Wart by Fussbett 04/04/2005, 3:29pm PDT NEW
    Re: Plantar Wart by binkbot 04/04/2005, 4:23pm PDT NEW
    Re: Plantar Wart by Ray of Light 04/04/2005, 5:57pm PDT NEW
        Re: Plantar Wart by Fullofkittens 04/04/2005, 5:59pm PDT NEW
        This guy doesn't even NEED free health care. NT by Fussbett 04/05/2005, 4:37am PDT NEW
    Re: Plantar Wart by jeep 04/04/2005, 10:20pm PDT NEW
        Re: Plantar Wart by Fullofkittens 04/05/2005, 6:24am PDT NEW
        Re: Plantar Wart by Chairman Mao 04/05/2005, 9:57am PDT NEW
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