Forum Overview :: Gamergate
Oh man even her old twitter portrait was pretty fucking misleading then. by Worm 04/04/2015, 5:58pm PDT
Luckily Phil Plait is here with his amazing take o by Souffle of Pain 04/04/2015, 11:47am PDT NEW
    Swatted but with no bad stuff like her dog being shot, or guns pointed at her. by Worm 04/04/2015, 1:18pm PDT NEW
        Re:Swatted but with no bad stuff like her dog being shot or guns pointed at her. by WITTGENSTEIN 04/04/2015, 1:56pm PDT NEW
            Oh man even her old twitter portrait was pretty fucking misleading then. by Worm 04/04/2015, 5:58pm PDT NEW
                Even the other picture made her look better by fabio 04/04/2015, 7:23pm PDT NEW
        Cops knocked on her door and that was it. by Mysterio Lollerson 04/04/2015, 2:01pm PDT NEW
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