Forum Overview :: The Walking Dead
Walking Dead really was the beginning of the end for them by fabio 12/25/2015, 9:42pm PST
Has there been a worse mechanic in story driven games than timed dialog responses? Especially when the choices are only vague representation of what you'll say and you have to spend extra time figuring out what it means?

It's the worst "That's how people really talk!" innovation in fictional conversation since Robert fucking Altman's overlapping dialog.
The lowest rated Telltale games on GoG are Minecraft and GoT by skip 12/25/2015, 3:55pm PST NEW
    Minecraft "story mode", not Minecraft NT by laudablepuss 12/25/2015, 9:09pm PST NEW
    Walking Dead really was the beginning of the end for them by fabio 12/25/2015, 9:42pm PST NEW
    Creative decline goes back to nutty CEO by skip 03/21/2018, 1:23pm PDT NEW
        Re: Creative decline goes back to nutty CEO by Mysterio Lollerson 03/24/2018, 9:28am PDT NEW
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