Forum Overview :: We Love Katamari
I miss Last. by Mysterio 06/07/2016, 10:53pm PDT
"Numbers are down! Cook up another social justice article!" by RPS Headquarters 03/27/2014, 1:07pm PDT NEW
    Link your shit, dickhead by Souffle of Pain 03/27/2014, 2:04pm PDT NEW
        I'm not going to read the article because life is too short. by Jerry Whorebach 03/27/2014, 2:55pm PDT NEW
            Especially when they're menopausal at 35 by skip 03/27/2014, 6:29pm PDT NEW
        Certainly not Bioshock Infinite by fabio 03/27/2014, 10:34pm PDT NEW
            That is a good example by Souffle of Pain 03/28/2014, 7:43am PDT NEW
                An edit by Souffle of Pain 03/28/2014, 7:46am PDT NEW
                I can't go two minutes without hearing racially intolerant language over mp by Kenji Carter 03/28/2014, 8:42am PDT NEW
                    Well gamers are shitheads, that's not really the topic. by Worm 03/28/2014, 8:52am PDT NEW
                Django is historical fiction. Forums usually aren't. by Last 03/28/2014, 9:11am PDT NEW
                    Forums are awful, sure by Souffle of Pain 03/28/2014, 10:09am PDT NEW
                    I miss Last. NT by Mysterio 06/07/2016, 10:53pm PDT NEW
                Wasn't the latest Assassin's Creed DLC Django Unchained: The Game? by Rafiki 03/28/2014, 9:49am PDT NEW
                    Re: Wasn't the latest Assassin's Creed DLC Django Unchained: The Game? by Souffle of Pain 03/28/2014, 11:08am PDT NEW
                I'm going to steal some of this for the BS:I review by fabio 03/28/2014, 10:49am PDT NEW
                    It's funny because it's not really about racism by fabio 03/28/2014, 11:00am PDT NEW
                        How long do I have to play this shitpile until Elizabeth pisses herself? NT by Worm 03/28/2014, 11:45am PDT NEW
                            Almost until the very end by fabio 03/28/2014, 2:00pm PDT NEW
                Wait, he was complaining about DEPICTIONS of racism? by Jerry Whorebach 03/28/2014, 12:10pm PDT NEW
                    Re: Wait, he was complaining about DEPICTIONS of racism? by Souffle of Pain 03/28/2014, 1:35pm PDT NEW
                        It's metadiscussion. by Gutsby 03/28/2014, 1:49pm PDT NEW
                        I guess to continue my metaphor how many Danica Patricks does it take? by Worm 03/28/2014, 3:44pm PDT NEW
                        Japanese protagonists by skip 03/28/2014, 9:28pm PDT NEW
    Anger-farming hit piece on Rimworld this time out by Mysterio Lollerson 11/02/2016, 4:36pm PDT NEW
        Would you be this outraged if it was a deep dive into SimCity's tax code? by Or are taxes not 'your' issue? 11/02/2016, 7:00pm PDT NEW
            Re: Would you be this outraged if it was a deep dive into SimCity's tax code? by Mysterio Lollerson 11/02/2016, 7:29pm PDT NEW
                They don't buy games. They "don't buy" games. by Kenny Mayne 11/02/2016, 7:32pm PDT NEW
                I'm not outraged. BUT I'M NOT GOING TO LET GO. Ohhhh but he or she sees an oppor by Steven Tyler? 11/02/2016, 8:39pm PDT NEW
                    Oh. Well, I really wanted to get to the bad tweeting portion of the evening. NT by Mysterio Lollerson 11/02/2016, 8:49pm PDT NEW
                    I can't tell if people here are doing a bit. Is this guy doing a bit? NT by pinback 11/02/2016, 8:58pm PDT NEW
            Re: Would you be this outraged if it was a deep dive into SimCity's tax code? by LITERALLY FLABBERGASTED 11/02/2016, 7:46pm PDT NEW
            The criticism is basically political by blackwater 11/02/2016, 9:21pm PDT NEW
                I thought you were going to say criticism of the article was political. :( by Injustice 11/02/2016, 10:38pm PDT NEW
                    Re: I thought you were going to say criticism of the article was political. :( by LITERALLY FLABBERGASTED 11/02/2016, 11:01pm PDT NEW
                    Hey, I can play this game too! by blackwater 11/03/2016, 2:49pm PDT NEW
                        NGJ apparatus is largely interested by in [semi-erudite] sophistry 11/03/2016, 9:32pm PDT NEW
                            I got a tweet during the gamergate thing of a guy citing his mom's approval by Worm 11/03/2016, 10:22pm PDT NEW
                        Sure, in the sense that you 'can' play b-ball with Dr J. by Injustice 11/03/2016, 10:21pm PDT NEW
                            legitimate bitching! by Why, Jerry? 11/03/2016, 11:26pm PDT NEW
                                When I was younger, I thought the only reason to join an online community by was to destroy it from the inside. 11/04/2016, 1:04am PDT NEW
                            Re: Sure, in the sense that you 'can' play b-ball with Dr J. by John Gulp 11/04/2016, 10:51am PDT NEW
                                Are you trying to "win" the argument? NT by Barry Simslayer 11/04/2016, 1:38pm PDT NEW
                                I hope you know you're tying my hands with that respect clause. by Injustice 11/04/2016, 6:58pm PDT NEW
                                    Re: I hope you know you're tying my hands with that respect clause. by Mysterio Lollerson 11/04/2016, 11:01pm PDT NEW
                            Re: Sure, in the sense that you 'can' play b-ball with Dr J. by blackwater 11/05/2016, 10:01pm PDT NEW
                                Hahaha, okay, that's pretty good. by Injustice 11/05/2016, 11:06pm PDT NEW
                                    I mean wasn't a combination of the article and comments? by Worm 11/06/2016, 10:19am PST NEW
                                        Re: I mean wasn't a combination of the article and comments? by Mysterio Lollerson 11/06/2016, 12:02pm PST NEW
                                            Well, this was a decent response to that awful thing you posted. by Drumpf Comedy Heights 11/06/2016, 12:16pm PST NEW
                                            The disability thing blows my mind. by Worm 11/06/2016, 12:45pm PST NEW
                                                Re: The disability thing blows my mind. by Hi Fortinbras by the way 11/06/2016, 1:27pm PST NEW
                                            I feel like you and I are talking about different articles. by Injustice 11/06/2016, 5:20pm PST NEW
                                                Core samples from those paragraphs test positive for 888 by Clearly not a golfer 11/06/2016, 5:56pm PST NEW
                                                    For most of that I was channeling JK Simmons in The Ladykillers. by Injustice 11/06/2016, 7:16pm PST NEW
                                                Re: I feel like you and I are talking about different articles. by Mysterio Lollerson 11/06/2016, 8:35pm PST NEW
                                                    Poor people can't afford delivery pizza, they eat store brand Delissio. by A real fan would know that. 11/06/2016, 11:08pm PST NEW
                                                        Worm, give your brother Delissio by Ryan Paul 11/06/2016, 11:39pm PST NEW
                                                        Re: Poor people can't afford delivery pizza, they eat store brand Delissio. by Mysterio Lollerson 11/07/2016, 7:54am PST NEW
                                                            The supermarket! Poor people have a supermarket, it's called the dollar store. by A real fan would know that. 11/07/2016, 9:39am PST NEW
                                                                (spits to the side, shakes fist at screen) NT by Mysterio Lollerson 11/07/2016, 10:14am PST NEW
                                                                    One more thing by Mysterio Lollerson 11/10/2016, 11:36am PST NEW
                                                               NT by Cheap pillows are an inside joke. 11/10/2016, 6:33pm PST NEW
                                                        Quick question by Worm 11/07/2016, 8:16am PST NEW
                                                Re: I feel like you and I are talking about different articles. by Glenn from Habbo 11/06/2016, 8:45pm PST NEW
                                                Thanks for not putting this under one of my posts. by Worm 11/06/2016, 8:50pm PST NEW
                                                    What about worse than a literary Hitler? by or aliteration Hitler 11/06/2016, 9:50pm PST NEW
                                                    Re: Thanks for not putting this under one of my posts. by John Gulp 11/06/2016, 10:39pm PST NEW
                                    I found out about Super Blood Hockey from RPS. That was nice. by Ice Cream Jonsey 11/06/2016, 12:38pm PST NEW
            They loved Dragon Age 2 and everyone was bi but everyone isn't bi in real life. by Worm 11/02/2016, 10:48pm PDT NEW
                You made the comment I wanted to by skip 11/03/2016, 7:16am PDT NEW
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