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Re: There's no reason at all to pick her over other tanks by xXx Dark Zarya xXx 07/17/2016, 10:51pm PDT
fabio wrote:

Including the not impressive outside of his ult Winston, who is at least a bit useful in certain circumstance.

She is nowhere near as useful as Reinhardt or Roadhog. Even D-Va outshines her.

Her problems are:

-Lowest health of any tank. It doesn't help that it's shields.

You mean the thing that automatically regens, unlike health?

-So much coordination required to make her simply mediocre. Still isn't as useful as Reinhardt/Roadhog out of the box.

Would love to say your problem is that you can't aim, but then you are ok with Roadhog, whose hook requires the same level of skill basically.

-Another problem with her shield is the ally one. Nobody knows when it's on them! The visual indicator for this needs to be way more noticeable than it is now.

OK Grandpa, you can have this one. But then, part of playing Zarya is that people don't need to know when it's on them. Because you know. Because you're protecting them from a specific thing that is already happening, like Hanzo's ult. Or you throw the barrier on someone who's running into the front lines.

-"That guy" bitching that I need to switch heroes to fulfill what he thinks is the optimal Warsong raid comp, when he's been playing Zayra all game! YOU switch, motherfucker! Our team comp needs more not-Zaryas!

In my experience, That Guy wants Reinhardt (I main Reinhardt by the way.) He wants Reinhardt for his Bastion. He's trash. Ignore him, Grandpa. Use your Caltrops skills to just ignore the nasty little man.

-I'd argue that her ult is the least useful in the entire game. It's another one of her "useless without team coordination" aspects. It only appears useful because it sets enemies to be killed by other, more useful players and those players walk away with the impression that it wouldn't have been possible without Zayra. There are tons of other doublt ult combos that are devastating, except each individual ult is way better than black hole. "Mei threw down her ult and I was able to Reaper ult them", etc. The only reason people don't get the exact same impression from Reinhardt's ult is that Reinhardt himself as already killed everyone hit by it by the time the rest of his team reacts.

Plus the value of her ult is inflated by your average pub gamer panicking and spending all his time trying to futilely move out of the hole instead of keeping calm and continuing to shoot.

I am truly sorry that you are playing with speds who don't shoot at the ball, and against speds who don't shoot out of it. Many of these problems will resolve themselves once you get past skill level 15.

Zarya is the thinking asshole's tank. She excels at mid-range AOE and hanging on to the point in situations where the other team is superior, which makes her awesome in most of the places where Reinhardt is least useful. First off, if you are using the beam, you're doing it wrong. Stop at once and use the right click bomb attack in every single situation except hosing down an enemy tank. The bomb has splash damage and is effectively a rocket, so you don't have to even aim all that well to get people to panic and run. Barriers go on anyone in front of you, as often as possible. Barriers go on you as often as possible. If it's been a while since you've seen an opponent's ult, you might want to hold on to your barrier charge, but otherwise spam it onto anyone running towards the enemy. You can literally lob that right click bomb across time and space. On the Ilos well map I like to use it to scare opponents into running away from the opp side of the well before I'm anywhere in visible range. She can attack a pocket of 3-4 bunched up enemies by herself, so she's invaluable on defense maps with narrow corridors or places where people just tend to gather.

I didn't like her at first and mostly played Roadhog when I wasn't playing Rein, but now that I know how the game works, I bring out Zarya frequently.

My least-played characters are Junkrat and Bastion.
Who is your least used hero and why is it Zarya NT by Rey Mysterio Jr. 06/19/2016, 7:03pm PDT NEW
    Shield doesn't last long enough by Entropy Stew 06/19/2016, 8:57pm PDT NEW
        Either change it from a damage soak to a full invulnerability or that by Rey Mysterio Jr. 06/19/2016, 10:12pm PDT NEW
    There's no reason at all to pick her over other tanks by fabio 06/19/2016, 10:58pm PDT NEW
        and the reason her shield doesn't last longer by fabio 06/19/2016, 11:01pm PDT NEW
        Re: There's no reason at all to pick her over other tanks by xXx Dark Zarya xXx 07/17/2016, 10:51pm PDT NEW
    Side note if you bought this through paypal on the blizzard store you can still NT by get a refund 07/18/2016, 10:37pm PDT NEW
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