Forum Overview :: Resident Evil 7
I'm definitely using guides and walkthroughs if I get stuck for a second. by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/29/2017, 9:24am PST
Rey Mysterio Jr. wrote:

I'd say positive.

So much of the game is done incredibly right, but of course I don't want to talk about that.

Re7 does a pretty poor job of indicating puzzles versus red herrings or useless items. There's a room with a number of drawers for dead bodies. You can open them all, but nothing is inside of them. As it turns out, that is a puzzle! I had a solution on how to solve it, I just didn't know that opening them was manipulating a puzzle. There's no feedback that what you are doing has an effect elsewhere. I want to say that in RE4, in similar situations you'd get some sort of feedback. I'd read that they put in some useless interactivity like drawers that contain nothing and boxes that can be examined and left behind to give VR players more to do. I expected VR stuff to negatively impact people that want to play a game normally, and this is the first case of it - SOME items are useless, but not all, and the game doesn't indicate which.

This lack of sufficiently-clued puzzles is a minor problem. It's the current year, I can check a walkthrough and get unstuck.

It's a bit goody to watch a VHS tape, play the role of the person in the VHS tape and then have the game end when you die in the tape. TV from the 90s made you want to die, so maybe it's a metaphor.

Anyone else get it? NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/25/2017, 6:45pm PST NEW
    The Hills Have Eyes + House of 1000 Corpses/Devils Rejects by Rey Mysterio Jr. 01/26/2017, 8:02pm PST NEW
        I'm definitely using guides and walkthroughs if I get stuck for a second. by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/29/2017, 9:24am PST NEW
            It's good, but man does it fuck up in certain places. by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/31/2017, 9:09pm PST NEW
            Re: I'm definitely using guides and walkthroughs if I get stuck for a second. by Rafiki 08/14/2020, 3:43pm PDT NEW
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