Forum Overview :: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
So it's good and you should get it, but I want to bitch by fabio 02/12/2017, 11:48am PST
Prior to getting this, I was thinking that RPGs from eastern europe were our last chance at characters and stories untouched by gamergate/Anita/tumblr crap. Everyone's an asshole with depth, men and women! Throwing out gratuitous tits doesn't make you a wife beater! "It's only fair that we get to see more male nudity!" fuck you. Set the main character in stone so you don't have to write a generic omnisexual script to accommodate the "where are the playable female protagonists?" crowd.

After getting to the end of the 2nd area:

The ratio of naked oiled bathing Geralt to tits is 2:1

"Well, at least I'm playing heavy metal album, womanizing Geralt and not some bland gender swapped Geralt with tits who's too busy being a Rosie the riveter role model to young girls and amazing men into accepting her as an equal to ever be interesting."

Then you play several segments as Ciri, who is gender swapped Geralt with tits. The very first fucking thing you do is come across a little girl who is totally amazed that another girl can kick so much ass HOW CAN I BE LIKE YOU WHEN I GROW UP? Then it's off to a castle where all the men are I CAN'T BELIEVE A WOMAN IS SO GREAT AT SWORDPLAY AND HUNTING BUT I REMAIN SEXIST KNOWING THEY CANNOT RACE HORSES SINCE THEIR BABY MAKER HIPS ARE TOO WIDE oh no have been bested at horse racing (in a race ten times more stacked in your favor than when Geralt raced a woman previously) I am truly the fool thinking that women are not truly equal in physical prowess amidst this brutal fantasy setting!

Ciri is just this perfectly just Mary Sue who's magically good at everything. Literally not one scene goes by that isn't gushing how great she is or how she's a role model for girls. Geralt having to prep and prepare made him more interesting in a Punisher sort of way. Ciri is just magically born special. Geralt accepts that the world is shitty and there's little any moralizing can do to change it. Ciri is here to show shit-covered peasants that their daughters can grow up to slay werewolves too! Geralt had to undergo a mutation ritual for his abilities which made him an outcast freak. Ciri's inborn super specialness lets her do anything a Witcher can PLUS some without any mutation or social stigma! Ciri's only flaw is that she's SO super special that every powerful man in the world is trying to hunt her down as a possession since in the game of patriarchy, women aren't the opposing team, they're the ball >:(

Thankfully Ciri and Yennifer aren't in the game much, but man do they stink up every scene they're in. It's such a stark contrast to all the other infinitely better written women in the series: Triss, Ves, Keira, Sheala.

It's a contrast to just how bad the writing in Game of Thrones is :(
So it's good and you should get it, but I want to bitch by fabio 02/12/2017, 11:48am PST NEW
    In lore Ciri is magically born special. NT by Worm 02/12/2017, 5:57pm PST NEW
        Oh nevermind, you weren't being hyperbolic there by Worm 02/12/2017, 6:00pm PST NEW
    Fuck! Did they get Bioware people to do all the sex scenes? by fabio 03/12/2017, 11:02pm PDT NEW
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