Forum Overview :: The Zionist Media Conspiracy
Things Millennials are etc likes: shitting pants in a fuming, impotent rage by - Caltrops, "Thought Leader" 10/01/2017, 10:27am PDT
So... Blade Runner remake... by Mischief Maker 12/20/2016, 5:14pm PST NEW
    Not quite Prometheus by fabio 12/20/2016, 5:46pm PST NEW
        BLUGH RLUHHR *huff* 2069 NT by Really Scunt 12/20/2016, 8:01pm PST NEW
        "I wrote the original script to Blade Runner.....well, me and Phillip K. Dick.." NT by "...okay, mostly Philip K Dick" 12/20/2016, 8:40pm PST NEW
    at least we can look forward to tearing it a new asshole on da internet NT by Eurotrash 12/22/2016, 5:16am PST NEW
    It's going to be worse than I thought. by Mischief Maker 05/08/2017, 3:10pm PDT NEW
        Re: It's going to be worse than I thought. by fabio 05/08/2017, 3:28pm PDT NEW
            Which one? NT by MM 05/08/2017, 3:35pm PDT NEW
                Stanley, I would presume. NT by Helpful Monkey 05/08/2017, 4:01pm PDT NEW
                    No, which Kubrick film had a shit script? NT by MM 05/08/2017, 4:27pm PDT NEW
                        The Shining NT by fabio 05/08/2017, 5:45pm PDT NEW
        "no asians in the shell" you done shitting your pants? Feel better now? NT by Eurotrash 05/09/2017, 9:48am PDT NEW
    Rich Evans weighs in... by Mischief Maker 05/09/2017, 11:31pm PDT NEW
    This pisses me off more than it should. by blackwater 05/11/2017, 9:57pm PDT NEW
    Re: So... Blade Runner remake... by Nostromo 09/29/2017, 6:04pm PDT NEW
        Things lots of people like: Donald Trump, Into Darkness, Hitler at one time NT by Millennials are self-centered shits 09/30/2017, 1:37pm PDT NEW
            HE SAY YOU HITRER NT by Nostromo 09/30/2017, 3:13pm PDT NEW
                Sag ihm, ich esse! NT by Hitrer 10/01/2017, 10:06am PDT NEW
                Re: HE SAY YOU HITRER by laudablepuss 08/08/2021, 5:36pm PDT NEW
                    its nice to be remembered =) by Nostromo 08/09/2021, 8:59am PDT NEW
            Things Millennials are etc likes: shitting pants in a fuming, impotent rage NT by - Caltrops, "Thought Leader" 10/01/2017, 10:27am PDT NEW
    Well I finally saw it. by MM 07/29/2021, 7:34pm PDT NEW
        Re: Well I finally saw it. by Mysterio's Hate Render 2070 08/01/2021, 2:26pm PDT NEW
            There is the possibility to explore a well built world and they did none of it by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/01/2021, 2:36pm PDT NEW
                *sweats nervously * by Kathleen Kennedy 08/02/2021, 1:30pm PDT NEW
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