Forum Overview :: Rants
Yeah, I want to see a cop write a ticket for a gradeschooler who skins his knee by while falling without insurance 09/25/2018, 1:37pm PDT
Debate: Is it time to require (manual) bicyclists to carry insurance? by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 09/11/2018, 5:35pm PDT NEW
    No. Assholes or no, a bicycle still is not as dangerous as a car. NT by Mischief Maker 09/11/2018, 7:08pm PDT NEW
    Counter-proposal: build dedicated bike lanes like in Amsterdam by blackwater 09/15/2018, 3:39pm PDT NEW
        Re: Counter-proposal: build dedicated bike lanes like in Amsterdam by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 09/15/2018, 7:56pm PDT NEW
            Re: Counter-proposal: build dedicated bike lanes like in Amsterdam by Roop 09/16/2018, 12:50am PDT NEW
                The Last Days of Caltrops (2018) NT by directed by Gus Van Sant 09/16/2018, 8:34am PDT NEW
    Commander, can you explain your position? by (manual) bicycle freeway menace 09/16/2018, 1:59pm PDT NEW
        Re: Commander, can you explain your position? by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 09/24/2018, 4:43pm PDT NEW
            Wheelchair retards should also have 2 carry insurance in case they dent my Lambo NT by Martin Shkreli 09/25/2018, 12:47pm PDT NEW
    Yeah, I want to see a cop write a ticket for a gradeschooler who skins his knee NT by while falling without insurance 09/25/2018, 1:37pm PDT NEW
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