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Kids these days don't know 'bout the cathode ray tube monitors. by blackwater 02/06/2024, 3:35pm PST
There was always that dangerous feeling when you put your monitor in some weird video mode. The whole screen would go wobbly for a while and it was like you were hacking the Gibson. Plus there was that high-pitched whine that you would just have to get used to. Some of the modes with a low refresh rate were painful to look at.

Well into the 1990s, a lot of games insisted on taking you back to the 1980s by putting you in some stone-age video mode when you started up the game.

Oh, and also: I don't know if it was Microsoft's shitty software stack or something else, but in the 1990s, if you switched resolutions enough times, you'd probably hardlock the system OR end up with no video feed.

I never blew up anything, though. I always assumed that was some kind of urban legend, like the guy who (supposedly) made the explosive floopy disk.
The monitor blowing up story by Mysterio 02/06/2024, 8:15am PST NEW
    Decathalon for the Atari 2600 ruined one of our joysticks growing up by Ice Cream Jonsey 02/06/2024, 8:51am PST NEW
    Re: The monitor blowing up story by laudablepuss 02/06/2024, 9:42am PST NEW
    Kids these days don't know 'bout the cathode ray tube monitors. by blackwater 02/06/2024, 3:35pm PST NEW
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