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Trailer by Entropy Stew 01/11/2013, 4:45pm PST NEW
    Re: Trailer by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/12/2013, 5:08pm PST NEW
        I thought you liked Deus Ex: Human Revolution NT by Fullofkittens 01/13/2013, 5:25am PST NEW
            I ... can't believe I forgot that one. Yes, I loved it. by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/13/2013, 9:44am PST NEW
                You just don't look around for them. by WITTGENSTEIN 01/13/2013, 2:43pm PST NEW
                    Personally, I don't know, friend. by Doctor Epyx 02/02/2013, 5:55pm PST NEW
                        Why don't you try playing the game, asshole. NT by WITTGENSTEIN 02/02/2013, 6:12pm PST NEW
                            O..... kay. Calm down. by Doctor Epyx 02/02/2013, 6:25pm PST NEW
                            Fuck you, you piece of shit NT by Mysterio 10/10/2024, 8:39pm PDT NEW
    The end of Rock Paper Shotgun by Doctor Epyx 02/02/2013, 5:54pm PST NEW
        Best part of that interview by Souffle of Pain 02/02/2013, 6:23pm PST NEW
        once you're looking for problems it's hard not to see them by jeep 02/02/2013, 8:33pm PST NEW
            Re: once you're looking for problems it's hard not to see them by Doctor Epyx 02/02/2013, 9:18pm PST NEW
            That's the concept work for the fucking trailer, jeep. by Worm 02/02/2013, 9:45pm PST NEW
                It's not sexist because it was based on a true story (of a PnP campaign). NT by Jerry Whorebach 02/04/2013, 6:37pm PST NEW
        But think of all the pussy he got for protesting a video game trailer! NT by Mischief Maker 02/04/2013, 11:10pm PST NEW
            Has any sensitive faux feminist male ever really gotten laid for his efforts? NT by fabio 02/04/2013, 11:53pm PST NEW
                Probably if you count date rape. NT by Worm 02/05/2013, 12:35am PST NEW
            RPS is definitely trolling for pussy by Arbit 02/06/2013, 10:53am PST NEW
                Re: RPS is definitely trolling for pussy by Mysterio 02/06/2013, 11:43am PST NEW
                Woman in a gun fight? Guns are cocks. Woman in a sword fight? Swords are cocks. by Worm 02/06/2013, 12:31pm PST NEW
                    I'm sorry you see cocks everywhere. by Arbit 02/06/2013, 1:17pm PST NEW
                        He did schwing out his prod and start zapping Ewoks up the ass left and right. NT by Mischief Maker 02/06/2013, 1:54pm PST NEW
                        Also: by Mischief Maker 02/06/2013, 2:07pm PST NEW
                            It took us this many posts by Fullofkittens 02/06/2013, 6:09pm PST NEW
                                All other arguments were just playing devil's advocate, right? NT by RIGHT? 02/07/2013, 1:18pm PST NEW
                                    Here was my take-away: "Hey look, they have store brand Molly Millions." NT by Sam's Choice Cyberpunk 02/07/2013, 1:37pm PST NEW
                        Re: I'm sorry you see cocks everywhere. by matt mysterio 02/06/2013, 2:25pm PST NEW
                            The trailer is laughable. Everyone involved should be embarrassed. by Jerry Whorebach 02/06/2013, 3:16pm PST NEW
                                Re: The trailer is laughable. Everyone involved should be embarrassed. by matt mysterio 02/06/2013, 8:35pm PST NEW
                                    Pay attention, publishers: this is how you promote a video game. by Jerry Whorebach 02/07/2013, 3:48pm PST NEW
                                        Japan knows how to deal with women by Entropy Stew 02/07/2013, 5:06pm PST NEW
                                That was the idea, dude. It was a cinematic trailer with no gameplay. by Mysterio 02/06/2013, 8:46pm PST NEW
                                look at this guy lol. dinosaur grampaw NT by haw haw haw 02/06/2013, 8:52pm PST NEW
                                    I suppose he thinks that we NT by Mysterio 02/06/2013, 8:56pm PST NEW
                                        New idiots, get your shit together. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 02/06/2013, 9:38pm PST NEW
                        Re: I'm sorry you see cocks everywhere. by Mischief Maker 02/06/2013, 7:16pm PST NEW
                    The Matrix would've been a 100x better if Keanu and Larry had transcended human NT by concepts of modesty and chillyness. 02/06/2013, 1:59pm PST NEW
                        The girl in the matrix was exploited. -- faggots NT by not faggots 02/06/2013, 9:05pm PST NEW
                    That shoulder plate should come in handy! NT by Mischief Maker 02/06/2013, 2:14pm PST NEW
                Bah! The whole video is an "out in public in your underwear" dream anyway. by Mischief Maker 02/06/2013, 12:51pm PST NEW
                    I was thinking something more along the lines of a brain transfer right before d NT by eath Entropy Stew 02/07/2013, 5:14pm PST NEW
                        Now I'm thinking of "The Man with Two Brains" hijynx resulting. by Mischief Compulsive Overeater. 02/07/2013, 10:49pm PST NEW
                    I thought they already explained the official background story by fabio 02/08/2013, 3:32pm PST NEW
        "pointless nudity" by Lucas Chin 02/06/2013, 10:19pm PST NEW
    It really took 7 more years to finish this by Damn 10/10/2024, 9:17pm PDT NEW
        The game takes place seven years after the trailer. The cyberpsycho girl lived by now leads a Max Tac team herself 10/11/2024, 5:55pm PDT NEW

I cant believe some tools make this game their lifestyle. 300 hours played! NT by Skyrim it aint 10/10/2024, 8:48am PDT NEW
    I thought Skyrim stinks. by MM 10/10/2024, 8:55am PDT NEW
        Re: I thought Skyrim stinks. by laudablepuss 10/10/2024, 9:38am PDT NEW
            I liked CP2077 more than Skyrim, BUT by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/10/2024, 1:25pm PDT NEW
                I only hit people to reduce stress. NT by pinback 10/10/2024, 3:50pm PDT NEW
                    Hit me! NT by James Brown 10/10/2024, 7:25pm PDT NEW
                New forum name: NT by Above The 'Rim 10/10/2024, 8:12pm PDT NEW

Posting this here because the same three retards drilled holes in their heads by and forgot what happened in 2020 06/10/2024, 10:57am PDT NEW
    icj sticky plz NT by Mysterio 06/10/2024, 10:58am PDT NEW
        Why would he sticky your disinformation? by Mysterio 06/10/2024, 12:02pm PDT NEW
            Re: Why would he sticky your disinformation? by Tycho 06/10/2024, 12:46pm PDT NEW
                Resorting to quoting Penny-Arcade. by Mysterio 06/10/2024, 1:06pm PDT NEW
    Ooo. Huge L on your part. Huge L. by Geryk 06/10/2024, 12:32pm PDT NEW
    game was flawless on launch NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 06/10/2024, 1:40pm PDT NEW

If you think this game was bad or "mid," you're stupid and I hate you. NT by Geryk 06/03/2024, 9:45am PDT NEW
    If you like looter shooter gun progression and jank-ass skill trees, you're mid NT by Sorry I don't make the rules 06/06/2024, 11:06am PDT NEW
        "looter shooter." Wow. NT by Geryk 06/06/2024, 2:29pm PDT NEW
        Picking up ammo and weapons from enemies is now a derogatory feature. by Dan Driedelberg 06/06/2024, 3:22pm PDT NEW
            Isnt that all games? by Mysterio 06/06/2024, 3:25pm PDT NEW
                Did everyone who has played Doom on Caltrops die of old age? People wrote tomes by about the tight gun design on it 06/06/2024, 3:27pm PDT NEW
            Picking up guns that do 3% more damage than other gun identical in action is NT by dumb cliche game design yes 06/06/2024, 3:25pm PDT NEW
                Using a mouse, keyboard, or gamepad to play a game is MID by Mysterio 06/06/2024, 3:43pm PDT NEW
                    I've literally repeated my point 3 times now and you keep responding like by a d-bag teen in a John Hughes film 06/06/2024, 4:40pm PDT NEW
                        You're keeping games on SSDs and hard drives??? by Fucking MID 06/06/2024, 6:15pm PDT NEW
                Look at this PUSSY spam posts to defend his terrible opinion! What a loser by lololololololololol 06/06/2024, 3:45pm PDT NEW
    In an alternate universe on Bizarro Caltrops, someone is insisting Daikatana was NT by great at release 06/09/2024, 6:16pm PDT NEW
        You're just salty because John Romero made you his bitch. NT by Mischief Maker 06/09/2024, 7:45pm PDT NEW
            Also because the guy keeps the brightness above 0 on his monitor NT by fucking mid 06/09/2024, 7:54pm PDT NEW

Has this been finished yet? NT by Johnny Silverpalms 01/03/2023, 8:39pm PST NEW
    It was fine on launch. Don't get your gaming news from nerds. NT by News for nerds. Things that matter. 03/08/2023, 1:28pm PST NEW
        It was fine in the sense it was playable. But boring. NT by Mysterio 04/06/2023, 4:13pm PDT NEW
            "Boring." by Mysterio 04/06/2023, 4:15pm PDT NEW
                "Retard" NT by Nice rebuttal MORON 04/06/2023, 5:05pm PDT NEW
                    "Moron" NT by all you fags are CUNTS! 04/06/2023, 9:41pm PDT NEW
                Me and like 500 other gaming sites: CP 2077 is finally meh after 3 years NT by You: (SMACKING KEYBOARD IN RAGE) 04/07/2023, 7:58am PDT NEW
                    Re: Me and like 500 other gaming sites: CP 2077 is finally meh after 3 years by Mysterio 04/07/2023, 8:22am PDT NEW
                        Which part was your favorite, the dull side-jobs that never went anywhere or NT by Keanu butting into every convo 04/07/2023, 10:19am PDT NEW
                            Re: Which part was your favorite, the dull side-jobs that never went anywhere by Mysterio 04/07/2023, 3:05pm PDT NEW
                                You mean the intro? Yeah, it's great. Then they ran out of budget/time. by Gaming Journo Schill 04/07/2023, 4:09pm PDT NEW
                                    ah yes, the patriotic book about life in the WWI trenches by Mysterio 04/07/2023, 6:15pm PDT NEW
                                        (derp new browser) NT by laudablepuss 04/07/2023, 6:16pm PDT NEW
                                        Re: ah yes, the patriotic book about life in the WWI trenches by Mysterio 04/08/2023, 4:16am PDT NEW
                                    Re: You mean the intro? Yeah, it's great. Then they ran out of budget/time. by Mysterio 04/08/2023, 4:14am PDT NEW
    There's mods now! One fixes enemy Netrunners so they can us all the quickhacks by Gays for Cyberpunk 04/08/2023, 3:46pm PDT NEW
    Complete on launch. outstanding game. by Radon 04/09/2023, 7:43am PDT NEW
    This game was amazing and don't let the internet tell you the opposite. NT by Kirahu Nagasawa 08/11/2023, 9:41pm PDT NEW

Jason Schrier at it again with another "What Went Wrong" by Mysterio 01/21/2021, 5:46pm PST NEW
    From the outlet that claimed China hacked microchips in Apple hardware by No Pulitzers for that one 01/21/2021, 11:47pm PST NEW
        Schreier is terrible. by The Grim Sleeper 01/22/2021, 6:04am PST NEW
            Wait 'till game journos finds out about Japanese work culture by Mysterio 01/22/2021, 2:28pm PST NEW
                Falling over yourselves to defend a 6/10 game NT by to own the game journos 01/23/2021, 6:41am PST NEW
                    Re: Falling over yourself to defend a 0/10 journo NT by Jack Bauer 01/23/2021, 9:38am PST NEW
                        The one thing Schrier is good at is cataloguing gaming dumpster fires NT by Don't take it away from him 01/23/2021, 10:35am PST NEW
                            He also confirmed that Tom Chick takes payoffs to NOT ding Metacritic scores NT by Thanks, Jason 01/23/2021, 12:12pm PST NEW
                                Where is that? by Kirahu Nagasawa 01/23/2021, 7:24pm PST NEW
                                    Here by Thanks, Jason 01/24/2021, 2:11am PST NEW
                                        Re: Here by Cantbot 01/24/2021, 2:23am PST NEW
                                            He needs scores to elevate gaming discourse with his brilliant contrarian takes? NT by Thanks, Jason 01/24/2021, 2:31am PST NEW
                                        Re: Here by Ichabod 01/24/2021, 10:31am PST NEW
                                            Re: Here by Thanks, Jason 01/24/2021, 11:50am PST NEW
                                                What you say makes sense. NT by Ichabod 01/24/2021, 2:50pm PST NEW
            Is this terrible? I don't think so. He got the guy to apologize. by Teuy 09/04/2022, 2:54pm PDT NEW
                Hope you like games like the new Saint's Row by Mysterio 09/05/2022, 2:23pm PDT NEW
                Thank you Jason, for protecting me from devs who're passionate about their games by Grateful Gamer 09/08/2022, 3:17pm PDT NEW

I am a big time hacker now by Horus Truthteller 02/22/2022, 7:34pm PST NEW

50 GB patch with .... stuff by Ice Cream Jonsey 02/16/2022, 6:17am PST NEW
    Re: 50 GB patch with .... stuff by E. L. Koba 02/16/2022, 4:48pm PST NEW

Gonna be $10 at Target on Black Friday NT by Yaris 11/21/2021, 10:00pm PST NEW

There is a new patch by Ice Cream Jonsey 04/04/2021, 9:23am PDT NEW
    The fight that Panam drives you to is so stupid NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 04/19/2021, 10:13pm PDT NEW
        How? NT by Horus Truthteller 04/20/2021, 9:09pm PDT NEW
            I ended up using the sniper. by Ice Cream Jonsey 04/21/2021, 8:15am PDT NEW
    36GB update. I guess there is a new patch. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/18/2021, 4:35pm PDT NEW

Stolen source code auctioned by Caltrops News Network 02/11/2021, 9:24am PST NEW

Honestly enjoyed it alot. Until it abruptly ended by E. L. Koba 01/24/2021, 6:09pm PST NEW
    Re: Honestly enjoyed it alot. Until it abruptly ended by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/29/2021, 5:58am PST NEW
        Re: Honestly enjoyed it alot. Until it abruptly ended by E. L. Koba 01/29/2021, 3:36pm PST NEW

19 million pre-sales. Here come the grifters! by Mysterio Lollerson 06/16/2019, 9:26am PDT NEW
    Also, the "transphobic" ad by Mysterio2 06/16/2019, 9:44am PDT NEW
        Mixing flavors by Jack Bauer 06/16/2019, 9:46am PDT NEW
        Also, you shoot black people by Roop 06/18/2019, 8:43pm PDT NEW
            The "grifters" are really attaching their uselessness to this game by Mysterio Lollerson 06/19/2019, 3:48pm PDT NEW
                Anyone want to define grifter for me NT by Vested Id 06/19/2019, 3:58pm PDT NEW
                    Trump's biggest fan doesn't know what a grifter is NT by lol 06/20/2019, 6:21am PDT NEW
                    A conman, specifically street hustler by Roop 06/21/2019, 12:57am PDT NEW
                        If you make tens of millions of $ from thousands of marks off a fake university, NT by you've earned the "grifter" title. 06/21/2019, 6:06am PDT NEW
                            Nah, that's a Literally Hitler NT by Roop 06/21/2019, 6:37am PDT NEW
                                No, that's for the concentration camps on the border. NT by Child Death Count 6 and climbing! 06/21/2019, 10:43am PDT NEW
                                    Thanks Obama! NT by A regular FDR, that guy 06/21/2019, 12:00pm PDT NEW
                                        In April 2018? NT by Breaking spacetime to own the libs 06/21/2019, 2:49pm PDT NEW
                                            These camps have been there since 2015 NT by my good bitch 06/22/2019, 12:17am PDT NEW
                        Re: A conman, specifically street hustler by Vested Id 06/21/2019, 1:38pm PDT NEW
                            Re: A conman, specifically street hustler by Mysterio Lollerson 06/21/2019, 3:12pm PDT NEW
                                Point scored mean culpa boy do I feel silly NT by Vested Id 06/21/2019, 3:36pm PDT NEW
                                    Grifter? Boomer? What's a computer? NT by Vested ID but in real life 06/21/2019, 3:44pm PDT NEW
                Also, boomer NT by Vested Id 06/19/2019, 4:10pm PDT NEW
    Anita was right. Cyberpunk 2077 is getting just SLAMMED by the internet for... by its sexism. 01/22/2021, 12:15am PST NEW

Apology video: by Mischief Maker 01/13/2021, 4:26pm PST NEW
    They announced massive cuts to GOG just now by Guy that posts goatse 50% of the ti 01/13/2021, 5:05pm PST NEW
        motherfucker. NT by Mischief Maker 01/13/2021, 5:29pm PST NEW
            ;) NT by Mischief Maker 01/13/2021, 5:30pm PST NEW

what a goatfuck NT by console players 12/18/2020, 8:57am PST NEW
    NewsPSA: Your save file is capped at 8mb on all platforms by Goatfuck 2077 12/19/2020, 2:20pm PST NEW
        Apprarently the Witcher 3 has the same issue. by Mischief Maker 12/19/2020, 3:10pm PST NEW
            I am reading that lots of crafting can make it happen. NT by Ichabod 12/19/2020, 3:27pm PST NEW
            WHAT IF they just used OS calls to read and write files?! by The Happiness Engine 12/27/2020, 12:30pm PST NEW
                1. fread and fwrite are shit, mmap 4eva 2. They fixed it in 1.06 NT by Entropy Stew 12/27/2020, 12:33pm PST NEW
                    You can tell the last time I cared about programmin' ^_^ NT by The Happiness Engine, sysadmin. 12/28/2020, 6:39pm PST NEW
    Players of this in 2021 by CURRENT YEAR ANAL YSIS 01/02/2021, 11:28am PST NEW
        'Member how the circa '15 excuse for diversity quotas was that they're needed... by to increase market share? 01/07/2021, 2:58pm PST NEW

I think I liked the scripted/planned parts better than the open world stuff so f NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/03/2021, 9:44am PST NEW
    Possible reasonings? by Judge Barry 01/06/2021, 6:41pm PST NEW

More like Johnny CIRI-hand, amirite? As in, why is he not the main character? NT by Way cooler NPC. Ring a bell Geralt? 12/16/2020, 5:07pm PST NEW
    Johnny Silverhand was in his mid 30s in 2020 NT by So he'd be geriatric 12/16/2020, 9:38pm PST NEW
        Not necessarily such a bad thing! by Mischief Maker 12/16/2020, 10:31pm PST NEW
        That would still work even with the current story by Entropy Stew 12/19/2020, 11:19am PST NEW
    I want his pistol by Entropy Stew 12/19/2020, 11:13am PST NEW
        I wonder if you can find it anywhere in the game just as your own gun is better by Roop 01/02/2021, 9:08pm PST NEW

PS1 release by Entropy Stew 12/28/2020, 8:46am PST NEW
    We're kidding, that's what it looks like on the PS4 NT by Oh snap 12/28/2020, 12:53pm PST NEW

Regardless of the bugs, the core gameplay loop isn't that good outside of main by stories, and feature creep abounds 12/21/2020, 9:32am PST NEW
    Re: Regardless of the bugs, the core gameplay loop isn't that good by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/21/2020, 9:38am PST NEW

Settings tweaks? by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/13/2020, 10:30am PST NEW
    HWMonitor? NT by Mysterio 12/13/2020, 11:04am PST NEW
        Thanks, friendo! NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/13/2020, 2:07pm PST NEW
    Turn off your screensaver NT by Graphics Whore newb 12/13/2020, 3:44pm PST NEW
    It seems to be an AMD Ryzen issue. Do you have an Intel CPU? by MM 12/13/2020, 3:54pm PST NEW
    They really need to just have an options menu entry by Entropy Stew 12/19/2020, 11:08am PST NEW

I can't wait to give this game a middling review! by prog trans reviewer 12/07/2020, 9:56am PST NEW
    How can you be transphobic yet hyped for a game about radical body modification? NT by Mischief Maker 12/07/2020, 11:05am PST NEW
        Must be Hitler NT by Roop 12/07/2020, 1:06pm PST NEW
        Hacking off a body part for a prosthetic does not make you a robot NT by CyberTERF 12/07/2020, 2:20pm PST NEW
        Can't beat thugs with my (honestly) giant lady dick NT by 0/5 12/07/2020, 8:17pm PST NEW
                Translation: REEEEEEEEEE! NT by Donkey Kong DOESNT say trans rights 12/08/2020, 2:31pm PST NEW
                    Honestly. I support trans rights 10000%. And I don't know if it's people by Mysterio 12/08/2020, 3:02pm PST NEW
                        How many are actual trans people and how many are small journos chasing clout? NT by Mischief Maker 12/08/2020, 3:16pm PST NEW
                            Whoops! "how many are CIS journos chasing clout?" NT by Mischief Maker 12/08/2020, 3:17pm PST NEW
                            Both of the bad reviews are from troons NT by A. Wyatt Mann 12/08/2020, 3:29pm PST NEW
                            So, I did some reading and checking and you're right. by Too scared to say 12/14/2020, 10:05am PST NEW
                            (MM gets splashed with jizz-milk) NT by Contrapoints 12/14/2020, 8:32pm PST NEW
                                What does Sex at Dawn have to say about prostate orgasms? NT by Epilepsy Foundation of America 12/15/2020, 2:43am PST NEW
                                    Wow, you guys are doing some deep cuts. Feels good to have such devoted fans! NT by Mischief Web Celebrity 12/15/2020, 5:35am PST NEW
        Do you exclusively fuck MTF trans girls? NT by A. Wyatt Mann 12/07/2020, 10:06pm PST NEW
    Look at these fucking journos complaining they have to "crunch" on it to play by Horus Truthteller 12/07/2020, 3:19pm PST NEW
        Anyone ever tell game journos who think "crunch" is this huge scandal about... by work hours on unionized movie sets? 12/13/2020, 1:11am PST NEW
            Re: game journos who think "crunch" is this huge scandal about by Mysterio 12/13/2020, 1:13am PST NEW
            ...and since it's a union, there is a contract about how exactly they get paid by These people are cowards. 12/15/2020, 4:58pm PST NEW
                There's no obligation to give film crew another job after production wraps by As many post-Covid crew can attest 12/16/2020, 2:02am PST NEW
                Unless you don't wear your mask. Then you're FIRED motherfucker! by Tom Cruise 12/16/2020, 2:23am PST NEW
    Time to screech about the screeching to my screeching! NT by Jim Sterling 12/15/2020, 3:57pm PST NEW

They're offering refunds to last-gen purchasers now. by MM 12/14/2020, 6:42am PST NEW
    Not happy to see CD Projekt RED dethroned as gamers media darling NT by Flying too close to the sun 12/14/2020, 8:28pm PST NEW

This game is like a straight version of an AVGN parody by IOW, true to Pondsmith's writing 12/13/2020, 11:48am PST NEW
    IOW? NT by Eury 12/13/2020, 12:08pm PST NEW
    No appreciation for good writing, gonk? NT by He also did the Witcher RPG 12/13/2020, 12:11pm PST NEW
    Expert trolling should not require this much explanation. NT by MM 12/13/2020, 12:23pm PST NEW

Humble Bundle has the game books on sale. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 11/18/2020, 10:07pm PST NEW
    I didn't even know about all of this by laudablepuss 11/19/2020, 1:53pm PST NEW
    To hop in a time machine and tell teen me that I could buy every sourcebook for NT by 15 measly bucks! -MM 12/06/2020, 4:11pm PST NEW
    FYI a cleaned-up reprint of the 2nd ed. Sourcebook comes with the GOG version. NT by Mischief Maker 12/09/2020, 4:36pm PST NEW
        Am I being a dick by criticizing this sourcebook? by Mischief Maker 12/09/2020, 5:49pm PST NEW
            I didn't want to say anything but yeah, the rulebook I read read like a book. by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/09/2020, 6:09pm PST NEW
            The OG Shadowrun sourcebook was a GOAT RPG sourcebook. NT by Fullofkittens 12/10/2020, 6:31am PST NEW
                I (and 95% of people) prefer the 4e-6e dice system to the pre-4e dice system by Mysterio 12/13/2020, 9:13am PST NEW
                    the 1e dice system was absolutely absurd once people leveled up by Fullofkittens 12/13/2020, 11:43am PST NEW
            There are a lot of poorly written game sourcebooks that need more criticism NT by Saltlord 12/10/2020, 11:43pm PST NEW
    PSA: There are two versions, the old-as-dirt CP2022, and Cyberpunk RED NT by which just came out last month 12/13/2020, 7:48am PST NEW

holy fuck are the journos are spazzing out over this game by CP2077 News Network 12/08/2020, 10:35am PST NEW
    Is it just that poster all the trannies are spazzing out over? by chopped off cock block 12/10/2020, 12:39pm PST NEW
    Re: holy fuck are the journos are spazzing out over this game by Ichabod 12/10/2020, 7:30pm PST NEW
        More John Walker from 2012 on how game journos are NOT YOUR SHILLS by maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan! 12/13/2020, 12:15am PST NEW

I'm putting it on hold for a couple months. by MM 12/12/2020, 8:11am PST NEW
    I just hope it's enough of a success to not threaten GOG's continued existence. NT by MM 12/12/2020, 8:11am PST NEW
    Re: I'm putting it on hold for a couple months. by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/12/2020, 8:28am PST NEW
    Apparently the car pathing is completely hardcoded, like an amusement park by Epilepsy Foundation of America 12/12/2020, 9:19am PST NEW
    Check out this game-ending bug. by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/12/2020, 9:38pm PST NEW
        The anti Deus Ex by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/12/2020, 9:39pm PST NEW
            Didn't 1.04 hotfix address that? NT by MM 12/12/2020, 9:48pm PST NEW

Mission help: after the spider robot (very early in game) by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/11/2020, 11:59pm PST NEW
    Re: Mission help: after the spider robot (very early in game) by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/12/2020, 12:51am PST NEW

I think it's fun. Anyone else think it's fun so far? by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/10/2020, 7:43pm PST NEW
    I'm having fun, yes. No bugs either, fingers-crossed. NT by Mischief Maker 12/10/2020, 8:57pm PST NEW
        Wish I hadn't watched all those previews. I've already seen all of Act 1 it seem NT by Mischief Maker 12/10/2020, 9:19pm PST NEW
    Re: I think it's fun. Anyone else think it's fun so far? by Lurker 23450987 12/11/2020, 7:15am PST NEW
        PSA for keybindings by Lurker 130498 12/11/2020, 8:55am PST NEW
            Thanks! NT by Chillum 12/11/2020, 10:04am PST NEW
            Yes, this is clutch. by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/11/2020, 11:01am PST NEW
                I was stuck for 5 minutes at the Ripperdock because I only selected the free eye NT by Mischief Maker 12/11/2020, 11:31am PST NEW
                    Yeah, that happened to me as well. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/11/2020, 11:58pm PST NEW
    First 60 posts on rpgcodex are always by the most cringeworthy cunts. by Check it out 12/11/2020, 7:22am PST NEW

"We need something more boring than Blade Runner's photograph-review scene" by CD Projekt Red designing braindance 12/10/2020, 10:14am PST NEW
    Seizure warning NT by Epilepsy Foundation of America 12/10/2020, 11:30am PST NEW
        thanks! NT by 1 in every 100 cutomers 12/10/2020, 11:44pm PST NEW

"Go back to sleep, Samurai, it's not December 10th yet!" NT by Johnny Preload Hand 12/09/2020, 3:49pm PST NEW
    Goddamn did the GOG servers get slow these last ten minutes! NT by Mischief Maker 12/09/2020, 4:13pm PST NEW
        Day zero patch keeps failing for me. NT by Mischief Maker 12/09/2020, 4:14pm PST NEW
            Welp, here we go, another 10 GB download before playable. by Mischief Maker 12/09/2020, 4:16pm PST NEW
                ...and back down to 63 GB. by Mischief Maker 12/09/2020, 6:44pm PST NEW
                    Well slap my ass and call me Charlie! It really DOES run 60fps on my 1660 Super! by Mischief Maker 12/09/2020, 8:16pm PST NEW
                        Only played a few minutes. It looks nice so far. by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/09/2020, 10:58pm PST NEW
                            Is that the booth from the Horrible Bosses movies NT by laudablepuss 12/09/2020, 11:43pm PST NEW
    Crashes every five minutes and you can't quicksave in combat by Shitty combination 12/09/2020, 10:36pm PST NEW
        Were you playing with Ray-tracing on? by Mischief Maker 12/10/2020, 6:26am PST NEW

I know you guys are psyched for this but did you realize this game fetishizes a NT by girl with a cock? #cancelCyberpunk 06/13/2019, 10:00pm PDT NEW
    It's 2019, I will suck a girl's dick for feminism NT by but only if she is hot 06/14/2019, 4:37am PDT NEW
    I'll try to speak for a people by Ripley's Believe In My Cock 06/14/2019, 6:59am PDT NEW
    Kotaku fuck admits his worthlessness by Johnny Fivedicks 06/15/2019, 9:52am PDT NEW
        So how did a Kotaku editor telling people not to read Kotaku work out? by Answer: Less traffic than EuroGamer 01/31/2020, 8:48pm PST NEW
            God, what a miserable little NT by cunt 10/29/2020, 12:38pm PDT NEW
                "NYU" says it all NT by east coast trustfunder central 11/19/2020, 8:00pm PST NEW
                    This kind of NYU guy doesn't have a trust fund NT by Ten Tricks for Gaming on Shabbat 11/20/2020, 6:35am PST NEW
                        Proudboys HATE this scholarship secret! NT by CLICK HERE! 11/20/2020, 2:26pm PST NEW

System requirements are much tamer than expected! NT by Mischief Maker 10/22/2020, 8:50am PDT NEW
    Nobody can buy the card its meant for, so I guess that is good. NT by Judge Barry 10/22/2020, 9:24pm PDT NEW
    Delayed. by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/27/2020, 10:18am PDT NEW
        Re: Delayed. by laudablepuss 10/27/2020, 3:27pm PDT NEW
            Re: Delayed. by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/27/2020, 5:03pm PDT NEW
            In the meantime, Ghostrunner is awesome! by Mischief Maker 10/27/2020, 5:07pm PDT NEW
                An entire game of playing Genji by Overwatch 10/27/2020, 10:31pm PDT NEW
        Time for apologies by Kirahu Nagasawa 10/29/2020, 8:59am PDT NEW

It's going to be so good. by Ichabod 05/07/2020, 7:47am PDT NEW
    Who is that quote from? NT by MM 05/07/2020, 9:52am PDT NEW
    Night City Episode 4 by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/15/2020, 7:05pm PDT NEW

Why do they keep thinking Keanu is what's selling me on this game? NT by potential buyer 10/03/2020, 10:56pm PDT NEW
    The entertainment industry never has a clue why thing succeed or fail NT by laudablepuss 10/04/2020, 12:30am PDT NEW
    Well they are paying for him and it's probably cool to make commercials with him by The Breadman 10/04/2020, 8:00am PDT NEW
    New video out, I think, and it went gold by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/05/2020, 10:00am PDT NEW

It's time for crunch. by Caltrops News Network 10/01/2020, 6:57am PDT NEW
    I hope they don't fuck this up. If Cyberpunk bombs, it'll take GOG down with it. NT by Mischief Maker 10/01/2020, 9:29am PDT NEW
    You and the Captain, making it happen by Cyperpunk October 2020 10/02/2020, 10:17am PDT NEW
    I have two Crunch takes. by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/02/2020, 10:26am PDT NEW
        an extra shift on the road to finalling by Evil Game Slavedrivers! 10/04/2020, 11:43am PDT NEW

Any of you guys play the tabletop Cyberpunk 2020 game? by Ice Cream Jonsey 04/26/2020, 12:40pm PDT NEW
    Re: Any of you guys play the tabletop Cyberpunk 2020 game? by laudablepuss 04/26/2020, 2:56pm PDT NEW
        Chiming in to say I only remember it as 'Cyberpunk' by Black ICE Dealer 04/27/2020, 4:20pm PDT NEW
        Re: Any of you guys play the tabletop Cyberpunk 2020 game? by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/01/2020, 7:47am PDT NEW

E3 trailer by Mysterio 06/11/2018, 12:15pm PDT NEW
    The secret message hidden in it by Roop 06/11/2018, 2:38pm PDT NEW
    Looks freaking great. by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/12/2018, 11:04am PDT NEW
    Re: E3 trailer by William Gibson 06/12/2018, 12:55pm PDT NEW
        car + city + day/night cycle = GTA by Worm 06/12/2018, 1:54pm PDT NEW
            Re: car + city + day/night cycle = GTA by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/12/2018, 3:46pm PDT NEW
                In the daytime, the color pallete should be a television tuned to a dead channel by William Gibson 06/12/2018, 4:10pm PDT NEW
                    Trailer looks cool and I'm fine with the art direction by CyberMysterio 2070 06/13/2018, 8:17pm PDT NEW
                        Cyberpunk should look like an Apple Store fucked Blizzard's art team NT by CyberMysterio, "Thought Leader" 06/13/2018, 10:21pm PDT NEW
                        Gibson, godfather of CP: That is not Cyberpunk and looks like shit NT by You, a Rando: I like it! 06/13/2018, 10:22pm PDT NEW
                            It looks great, dont be such a little bitch NT by Mysterio Lollerson 06/13/2018, 10:23pm PDT NEW
                            Appealing to authority isn't very cyberpunk of you. NT by Worm 06/13/2018, 10:53pm PDT NEW
                                Best to not enjoy anything ever by Neuromancer with sticky pages 06/13/2018, 11:37pm PDT NEW
                                    P.T. Barnum would've bilked you of everything. by Saltlord 06/14/2018, 6:39am PDT NEW
                                        Guys, we disappointed a long dead carny huckster and Saltlord. by Mysterio 06/14/2018, 9:07am PDT NEW
                                Good point. Thankfully I'm not writing any novels, filming, or developing games NT by Sidestepping Worms logic trap 06/14/2018, 2:48pm PDT NEW
                            When it come to Games, I'd trust a random internet guy over Gibson by Roop 06/14/2018, 1:08am PDT NEW
                                today I learned Roop is the Polack of caltrops NT by Saltlord 06/14/2018, 6:41am PDT NEW
                                    CDPR is batting 0.333 but everyone loved Witcher 3 so now they can do no wrong NT by Ghost of No Man's Sky 06/14/2018, 12:03pm PDT NEW
                                        Which games of theirs are bad? NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/20/2020, 11:45am PST NEW
                                    Can't I be the african american on the team, the guy who created the original? by I'm even from Gary, Indiana 06/14/2018, 5:51pm PDT NEW
            It was too clean. If you've ever seen Kowloon City that's how it should look NT by CP2077 looks like Overwatch 06/12/2018, 4:08pm PDT NEW
            Comes on, they could have come up with something. by blackwater 06/14/2018, 11:50am PDT NEW
        Well there's always Ruiner that looks like Ghost in the Shell fucked Suspiria. NT by Mischief Maker 06/12/2018, 4:26pm PDT NEW
            Ruiner looks like a weeb singularity. Cyberpunk is dead anyway, we're living it NT by Saltlord 06/13/2018, 6:45pm PDT NEW
        The original trailer got the look right. by Mischief Shai-hulud 06/14/2018, 12:57pm PDT NEW
        Excuse me, I'd like to report a murder by the victim: a William Gibson 06/14/2018, 2:01pm PDT NEW
            Polygon EVISCERATES William Gibson! (canned laughter) NT by This place is a shitshow 06/14/2018, 2:46pm PDT NEW
        Another cyberpunk expert weighs in by Worm 06/19/2018, 5:00pm PDT NEW

New trailer's out by Mischief Maker 06/09/2019, 2:59pm PDT NEW
    I watched the entire Microsoft conference, and Keanu was easily the highlight. by Dreamcast 06/09/2019, 5:06pm PDT NEW
        Re: Keanu was easily the highlight. by Mischief Maker 06/10/2019, 6:57am PDT NEW
            I read that it was his voice and he did mo cap. by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/10/2019, 11:16am PDT NEW
                They say he has more dialogue than anyone, save the PC. 15 days of recording! by Dream Cast 06/13/2019, 1:29pm PDT NEW
                    I guess I'm just used to Ted Theodore Logan voice. NT by MM 06/13/2019, 2:39pm PDT NEW

Won't be an Epic exclusive by Jim Sterlin 02/10/2019, 8:32pm PST NEW
    No shit, they own GOG NT by Entropy Stew 02/11/2019, 9:47am PST NEW
        What does gog have to do with it? NT by Ulrachi 02/11/2019, 11:23am PST NEW
            Take a marker. Draw two dots. Now erase one, because they're the same dot NT by Entropy Stew 02/17/2019, 10:27am PST NEW
                I actually never knew they were. Huh. by Ulrachi 02/17/2019, 11:08am PST NEW

45 min of Gameplay by Roop 08/27/2018, 4:39pm PDT NEW
    This actually sells me on it. by William Gibson 08/27/2018, 6:38pm PDT NEW

Virtual Desktop 1.0 trailer (VR, as in actually virtual) by Entropy Stew 03/23/2016, 2:54pm PDT NEW
    I was like "why would I want this" and then the 360 photos and videos NT by O__O ofkittens 03/23/2016, 3:53pm PDT NEW
    neat-o by Old man yells at clouds 03/23/2016, 10:43pm PDT NEW

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