Star Ruler 2
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Can anyone familiar with Visual Studio help me? by MM 12/20/2023, 7:56pm PST NEW
    Okay, I figured out how to chose "non-steam release" but get no .exe built. NT by MM 12/20/2023, 8:25pm PST NEW
        Re: Okay, I figured out how to chose "non-steam release" but get no .exe built. by Rafiki 12/20/2023, 11:27pm PST NEW
            Re: Okay, I figured out how to chose "non-steam release" but get no .exe built. by Rafiki 12/20/2023, 11:29pm PST NEW
            Oh shit, I guess I WAS doing it right! Thanks by MM 12/21/2023, 7:19am PST NEW
                I admire your lengths to not use DRM programs like Steam by Yahtzeek 12/22/2023, 7:48am PST NEW
                    It's not on sale on Steam, either. I just want a demo before paying full price. NT by MM 12/22/2023, 9:44am PST NEW
    I bought it. Full Price. Excellent game, dunno why I missed it before. Bad name? NT by MM 12/24/2023, 8:38am PST NEW

Release Candidate available! by Firgof 03/24/2015, 11:40am PDT NEW
    Great news! NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 03/24/2015, 12:24pm PDT NEW
    I got the developer to post here. And then the game bombed and the studio folde NT by pinback 12/05/2023, 12:57pm PST NEW

I had a free key for this but I gave it to someone else because you are all mean NT by to me. Actions have consequences, 08/25/2016, 9:18pm PDT NEW

Oh my god, ICJ, LOOK: by pinback 02/06/2015, 10:31am PST NEW
    We did discuss this when it happened. It was glorious. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 03/10/2015, 8:03am PDT NEW
        It's true. Moons ARE awesome. by pinback 08/17/2016, 7:28pm PDT NEW
            On a scale of Masters of Orion 3 to Masters of Orion 2 how good is this game? NT by Rey Mysterio Jr. 08/18/2016, 6:29pm PDT NEW
                I think it's great, BUT: by pinback 08/19/2016, 5:47am PDT NEW

Free Steam key for upcoming 4x game "Predestination" by pinback 04/28/2015, 4:56am PDT NEW
    Did we get extra keys? NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 04/28/2015, 11:13am PDT NEW
        I got one (1) extra key. How much did you back them for? NT by pinback 04/29/2015, 12:28pm PDT NEW
            $25. I tried to logon to Kickstarter to check if I got a key, but by Ice Cream Jonsey 04/29/2015, 1:10pm PDT NEW
                Also, do we not have a Predestination base? NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 04/30/2015, 7:58am PDT NEW
    Re: Free Steam key for upcoming 4x game "Predestination" by jorian 07/05/2015, 9:04am PDT NEW
        Jorian, were your female family members forced into survival sex during their wa NT by rtime sojourn? 07/05/2015, 9:37am PDT NEW

Caltrops SR2 Release-Day Party! by pinback 03/26/2015, 7:43pm PDT NEW
    Re: Caltrops SR2 Release-Day Party! by Firgof 03/27/2015, 5:38am PDT NEW
    TechRaptor posts terrible review, pulls it almost immediately. by pinback 03/27/2015, 8:33am PDT NEW
        Isn't TechRaptor the gaming journalism site that's most supportive of GamerGate? NT by Oh 03/27/2015, 8:34am PDT NEW
        Here's the review, from google cache. by pinback 03/27/2015, 8:42am PDT NEW
            Re: Here's the review, actually as a link by The Happiness Engine 03/27/2015, 3:43pm PDT NEW
        Re: TechRaptor posts terrible review, pulls it almost immediately. by Firgof 03/27/2015, 9:03am PDT NEW
            Dammit, don't let the facts get in the way of a good story. by pinback 03/27/2015, 9:11am PDT NEW
                The guy compared Star Ruler 2 to X: Rebirth by Ice Cream Jonsey 03/27/2015, 11:02am PDT NEW
                    Author of terrible SR2 review COMES AT ME. by pinback 03/27/2015, 7:15pm PDT NEW
                        tl;dr by pinback 03/27/2015, 7:28pm PDT NEW
                            strictly speaking he was right NT by gruman 03/28/2015, 1:01am PDT NEW
                                No. No he wasn't. by pinback 03/28/2015, 6:33am PDT NEW
                                    hamburglar NT by gruman 03/28/2015, 8:42am PDT NEW
                                        XD NT by pinback 03/28/2015, 12:33pm PDT NEW
                                        Very nice. NT by Eurotrash 03/28/2015, 1:57pm PDT NEW

Release Date Announced by Firgof 03/09/2015, 4:24pm PDT NEW
    Aw hell yeah. by pinback 03/10/2015, 6:50am PDT NEW
    Congrats. Caltrops ONLY backs winners with site ads! by Ice Cream Jonsey 03/10/2015, 8:06am PDT NEW
    I must say, I feel like this makes most other 4x games obsolete. by pinback 03/17/2015, 5:28pm PDT NEW
        Pressure just sounds like a different word for "slots" here. by Mischief McGoo 03/17/2015, 5:46pm PDT NEW
            Well, I mean, you can... you can build whatever you want. Click on "buildings"? NT by pinback 03/17/2015, 7:26pm PDT NEW

Look Jonsey! Planets got RINGS now! by pinback 11/13/2014, 6:39pm PST NEW
    Re: Look Jonsey! Planets got RINGS now! by Firgof 11/13/2014, 7:56pm PST NEW
        A brief history of games with moons. by Ice Cream Jonsey 11/13/2014, 10:45pm PST NEW
            No More Battlestation by Mysterio's Hypnogas 11/18/2014, 6:37pm PST NEW
                Bill Burr agrees with us. by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/12/2014, 8:27pm PST NEW
            On the other hand, rings in video games don't have a great history either by with Halo and the red ring of death 02/06/2015, 10:31pm PST NEW
    This egregious act of 4x trolling will not stand. by Ice Cream Jonsey 11/13/2014, 10:05pm PST NEW

Join me and as we stream Star Ruler 2 on Monday at 9 EST! by pinback 11/14/2014, 8:01am PST NEW
    9:30 EST, I am now told! by pinback 11/17/2014, 2:18pm PST NEW

That's a big ship. by pinback 11/13/2014, 6:45am PST NEW

Star Commander by (Crossposted from JC) 09/03/2014, 11:01am PDT NEW

Remember Tomorrow by pinback 08/29/2014, 2:15pm PDT NEW

Will someone help me learn how to play this? NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/03/2014, 10:49pm PDT NEW
    Not a great endorsement so close to the banner :( NT by Marketing 101 08/05/2014, 1:11am PDT NEW
    I am here to answer your questions about Star Ruler 2! NT by pinbaiiiIII MEAN SR2 EXPERT 08/07/2014, 3:38pm PDT NEW
        Is it pretty good NT by Mysterio 08/07/2014, 7:31pm PDT NEW
            Yes, and already a vast improvement over SR1. NT by SR2 EXPERT 08/08/2014, 6:53am PDT NEW
        Do you like it alot NT by Mysterio 08/09/2014, 11:47am PDT NEW
            Totes. NT by SR2 EXPERT 08/10/2014, 6:32am PDT NEW
        How much extended memory does it require NT by Mysterio 08/12/2014, 9:37pm PDT NEW
            Is it 1998 already?? NT by laudablepuss 08/13/2014, 10:20am PDT NEW
                RainierWolfcastleStandup.jpg NT by A star is burns 08/13/2014, 11:22am PDT NEW

Star Ruler 2 now available on Steam Early Access by Moonrogue 07/21/2014, 9:20am PDT NEW
    Playing this Early Access game is my only joy, you guys. by pinback 07/22/2014, 3:17pm PDT NEW
    POST THE FUCKING BANNER YOU MANIAC by pinback 07/25/2014, 7:31pm PDT NEW
        Thank you. NT by pinback 07/29/2014, 11:15am PDT NEW
            Well, that was fast. by pinback 08/07/2014, 3:40pm PDT NEW
                The check bounced. NT by WITTGENSTEIN 08/07/2014, 6:58pm PDT NEW
                It was up for a week. by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/10/2014, 9:07am PDT NEW
                    Until it came out and sucked and we realized we couldn't write a review of it. NT by RPS 08/10/2014, 5:45pm PDT NEW

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