This fucking tutorial by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/06/2024, 1:12pm PDT
Warming up to it a great deal. by Mysterio 08/31/2024, 1:07pm PDT
I didn't play this game by FoK 12/26/2017, 8:02am PST
RPS had an RPG Maker game in there, too. by Too embarrassed to say 12/26/2017, 10:48am PST
gag by with a spoon 12/26/2017, 2:31pm PST
The RPS list is amazing by skip 12/26/2017, 6:12pm PST
Mark Gruenwald by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/26/2017, 7:31pm PST
999 wasn't bad by fabio 12/26/2017, 8:27pm PST
Oh, and it came out in TWO THOUSAND NINE by fabio 12/26/2017, 8:32pm PST
In a year of Okami and Rez, it sits at the kids table of "Japanese games newly NT by ported to PC." -skip 12/27/2017, 4:53am PST
The RPS list really deserves it's own Gamerasutra thread by fabio 12/26/2017, 8:38pm PST
jesus christ by fabio 12/26/2017, 1:01pm PST
Fabio showing off his alt-right bonafides, I see by Fabio Badposter Terribleman 12/28/2017, 7:09am PST
gruman NT by gruman, "Thought Leader" 12/28/2017, 8:25am PST
Look out guys, someone's embarrassed about getting into antifa by Mysterio Lollerson 12/28/2017, 10:07am PST
They got a lot of hairy vagina porn in it NT by Worm/Ed Gein 12/28/2017, 1:07pm PST
Still one of my top 20 posters, take a bow. by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/28/2017, 9:57pm PST
Bo News would have been ecstatic over the Charlottesville vehicular homicide if NT by ANITFA was behind the wheel 12/28/2017, 10:51am PST
It's also hilarious that Bernie Busters are lecturing others on "both sides are NT by just as bad" nonsense 12/28/2017, 10:55am PST
I thought he was being sarcastic. NT by MM 12/28/2017, 11:06am PST
And we thought lawyers understood precedent and constitutional law by fabio 01/02/2018, 12:18pm PST
Not even the federal judiciary understands those nowadays. by Mischief Maker 01/02/2018, 1:02pm PST
How could you idiots misunderstand resident genius FABIO by Fabio explains it all 01/02/2018, 7:20pm PST
Lemme just clarify some things here. by Mischief Maker 01/02/2018, 8:53pm PST
Re: Lemme just clarify some things here. by fabio 01/03/2018, 1:01pm PST
Re: Lemme just clarify some things here. by Mischief Maker 01/03/2018, 3:38pm PST
I don't understand you two having this problem over some tiki torch white guy BS by Saltlord 01/04/2018, 5:50am PST
You or TDARCOS: who likes to hear themselves talk more? NT by Saltlord, "Thought Leader" 01/04/2018, 11:27am PST
gruman NT by gruman, "Thought Leader" 01/05/2018, 6:47am PST
Does everyone realize that antifa is a description, not an organized group? NT by Mischief Maker 01/05/2018, 9:32am PST
I'm guessing Gruman? NT by Roop 01/05/2018, 10:24am PST
IF YOU RESPOND TO THEM IN KIND YOU'LL BE JUST AS BAD AS THEM by Fabio explains it all 01/03/2018, 4:25pm PST
You need to pick a name so we can get you on the bomber next time. by Jerry Whorebach 01/03/2018, 5:00pm PST
You are such a repugnant bitch, no wonder you love Antifa by Mysterio Lollerson 01/04/2018, 7:19am PST
No, I "love" Antifa because they bother to resist by Fabio explains it all 01/04/2018, 12:58pm PST
Yeah, LARPing the French Resistance isnt gonna do shit by Saltlord, "Thought Leader" 01/04/2018, 1:37pm PST
holy shit! NT by Roop 01/04/2018, 9:32pm PST
Nice Proud Boy pic. I love alt-lite open carry demonstrations too! Let's suck di by Thought Leader, "Thought Leader" 01/05/2018, 7:12am PST
that wasnt an open carry protest and those guys arent proudboys NT by know how i know? 2 are BLACK 01/05/2018, 7:56am PST
just found this. I'm black and I venerate the housewife! wtym btw NT by where the white wimmin at 01/09/2018, 9:35pm PST
Way to cite a random clownshow pic as "anti" you dumb fuck by Fabio explains it all 01/05/2018, 11:46am PST
If you think I'm scared of Godfrey Elfwick, Lv12 Elven Ranger and his NT by compound bow you're sadly mistaken 01/05/2018, 12:33pm PST
Jesus you're all still on about this by Worm 01/05/2018, 12:08pm PST
I find this site a place to find good opinions about video games by Fullofkittens 01/05/2018, 12:39pm PST
I'm just amazed people want to bother with this back and forth here by Worm 01/09/2018, 6:44pm PST
35 year old anime con-frequenting Maddox lookalike is right about world NT by Onion headline 01/09/2018, 6:52pm PST
I wish we could get everybody from this thread doing movies of the year, NT by especially fabio and anti-fabio. 01/09/2018, 6:54pm PST
Hey, he's the one who dragged me into this! by MM 01/09/2018, 8:51pm PST
A contest between titans, it's by Fabio vs. Anti-Fabio 01/10/2018, 3:22am PST
BAYONETTA?! Top 25 of the year? Are you fucking kidding me? NT by Rafiki 12/26/2017, 10:32pm PST
No Man's Sky is in the list? It didn't come out in 2017 and it isn't even done. NT by Mischief Maker 12/27/2017, 7:45am PST
Ongoing Game Award category for older game with most patches. I applaud their NT by bravery. -Mehphistopheles 12/27/2017, 8:39am PST
I'm hoping it turns into kind of a detective thing by Mysterio 01/05/2018, 1:38pm PST
Holy fuck would NMS be a better game if you were in charge. by Mischief Maker 01/09/2018, 8:39pm PST
Released today! by Rafiki 09/14/2017, 8:39pm PDT
How's the music? NT by Mischief Maker 09/14/2017, 10:22pm PDT
It sits comfortably in the background by Rafiki 09/19/2017, 6:42pm PDT
I asked because the Divinity series composer died before this. by Mischief Maker 09/19/2017, 8:00pm PDT
The end of this sucked so bad I deleted it and will say don't buy it by Rafiki 10/20/2017, 9:18pm PDT
Too bad. :( NT by Mischief Maker 10/21/2017, 8:25am PDT
I do not care for the art style. I wish it looked like Baldur's Gate. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/10/2017, 9:24am PDT