Heat Signature
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Fair warning, the developer is an asshole. by Mysterio Collective 09/21/2018, 9:44am PDT NEW
    "You seem cool." NT by Irredeemable asshole 09/21/2018, 10:42am PDT NEW
        Re: "You seem cool." by Horus Truthteller 09/21/2018, 11:00am PDT NEW
    What a prick. At least @ the guy like a man NT by Eury 09/21/2018, 11:45am PDT NEW
        Seems appropriate to bump NT by BUMP CHUDDER 08/23/2024, 6:24am PDT NEW
            Haters gonna hate NT by Welcome to the Haters Ball 08/23/2024, 9:17am PDT NEW

Void Bastards is supposed to be like an FPS Heat Signature according to steam by saltlord 06/28/2020, 10:33am PDT NEW

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