Forza Horizon 5
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Roundabouts. time to talk roundabouts by "Just go!!!!!!" -- my neighbors 06/01/2024, 7:26pm PDT NEW
    Yep by CattleHumper 06/03/2024, 10:43am PDT NEW
        Even cops don't know how to use them! by Mischief Maker 06/03/2024, 12:04pm PDT NEW
    Everyone in the US hates roundabouts but traffic planners keep adding them. by blackwater 06/03/2024, 3:23pm PDT NEW
        We like them a lot, but not as much as the developers lobbying us to add more. NT by US traffic planners. 06/03/2024, 9:18pm PDT NEW
            Why do they do that? Educate me if you care to, please. NT by Mr_Creosote 06/04/2024, 8:35am PDT NEW

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