Resident Evil 4
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What is your favorite RE game? by Too scared to say 10/24/2024, 10:18am PDT NEW
    Resident Evil 4 is the only one I played. It was fun. NT by Mischief Maker 10/24/2024, 10:49am PDT NEW
        Thank you. NT by Too scared to say 10/24/2024, 1:48pm PDT NEW
            My favorite horror game remains the marine parts of 2000's Aliens vs Predator by Mischief Maker 10/24/2024, 5:24pm PDT NEW
    I never played em :( by laudablepuss 10/24/2024, 4:15pm PDT NEW
    Love me some RE! by Onbekend 10/24/2024, 9:49pm PDT NEW

Resident Evil 5 STARTS with the house defense level by Fussbett 07/15/2008, 2:00am PDT NEW
    Also trailers show a Mad Max highway chase scene with a tanker and shit. NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 07/15/2008, 2:04am PDT NEW
        Resident Evil 5? More like PERFECT PERFECTION 10 NT by Fussbett 07/15/2008, 2:13am PDT NEW
            Just another game that demands release day purchase for this year. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 07/15/2008, 2:18am PDT NEW
                Next year. NT by Fussbett 07/15/2008, 2:45am PDT NEW
                    NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 07/15/2008, 2:46am PDT NEW
                        Well, just think about what a great year next year will be when Left4Dead gets by motherfuckerfoodeater 07/15/2008, 10:33am PDT NEW
    Resident Evil 4 had furniture blockades by Rafiki 07/15/2008, 1:25pm PDT NEW
        HEH HEH HEH, THANK YOU. NT by Creepy Leper Gun Salesman Guy 07/15/2008, 1:29pm PDT NEW
        There is no point of them finishing. >:O by Creexuls, a monster >:3 07/15/2008, 2:42pm PDT NEW
        I think I didn't EVEN know I could move furniture in RE4! But maybe I forgot. NT by Fussbett 07/15/2008, 2:44pm PDT NEW
            In both enclosed houses they have the dressers you can push aside. NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 07/15/2008, 5:46pm PDT NEW
    All I want to hear next before the release is that it's coming to the Wii by Grumah 07/15/2008, 2:42pm PDT NEW
    Re: Resident Evil 5 STARTS with the house defense level by Mr. 3000 02/01/2020, 10:32pm PST NEW

First impressions by Fussbett 01/11/2005, 3:04am PST NEW
    Spinel. by Inspect 01/11/2005, 4:00am PST NEW
        It goes into the Spinel shaped keycard slot/door handle NT by The Joosh 01/11/2005, 6:04pm PST NEW
            keycard slot/door handle/stone pillar/mysterious device/notch in floor/hole in w NT by Creexul :( 01/12/2005, 3:12am PST NEW
    Second impressions: game gets better and better. by Fussbett 01/14/2005, 2:17am PST NEW
        What's so good about this game? by Creexul :( 01/14/2005, 6:24pm PST NEW
            Re: What's so good about this game? by Fussbett 01/14/2005, 9:35pm PST NEW
                Re: What's so good about this game? by Rafiki 01/16/2005, 11:31am PST NEW
                    Re: What's so good about this game? by Fussbett 01/16/2005, 2:51pm PST NEW
                        Re: What's so good about this game? by Creexul :( 01/16/2005, 4:03pm PST NEW
                            Her preppy attire and big ears don't do much for my cock, sadly. NT by Fussbett 01/16/2005, 7:40pm PST NEW
                                TAP "A" BUTTON REPEATEDLY TO PENETRATE PRESIDENT'S DAUGHTER!!!! NT by context sensitive button 01/17/2005, 1:42am PST NEW
    Penny Arcade disagrees by FABIO 01/16/2005, 9:32am PST NEW
        Re: Penny Arcade disagrees by Fussbett 01/16/2005, 2:49pm PST NEW
            Re: Penny Arcade disagrees by FABIO 01/16/2005, 8:36pm PST NEW
    Final Impressions by Fussbett 01/20/2005, 6:33am PST NEW
        Re: Final Impressions by Rafiki 01/22/2005, 9:32pm PST NEW
            Spoilers here too. by Fussbett 01/23/2005, 9:17am PST NEW
                Re: Spoilers here too. by Rafiki 01/23/2005, 12:16pm PST NEW
                    OH YEAH by Rafiki 01/23/2005, 12:18pm PST NEW
                    Re: Spoilers here too. by Mysterio 01/23/2005, 1:21pm PST NEW
                Re: Spoilers here too. by FABIO 01/23/2005, 3:13pm PST NEW
                    Re: Spoilers here too. by Mysterio 01/23/2005, 8:58pm PST NEW
        Goddammit. I am hooking up my Gamecube tonight to finish this. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/22/2014, 8:30am PST NEW
            ¡Cógedlo! ¡Cógedlo! ¡Cógedlo! ¡Cógedlo! ¡Cógedlo! ¡Cógedlo! ¡Cógedlo! ¡Cógedlo! NT by RE4 zealot, angry you never finishe 01/22/2014, 9:16am PST NEW
                haha by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/22/2014, 9:38am PST NEW
                    Still haven't finished it, but hooked the Gamecube up last week to ensure it wor NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/13/2019, 3:46pm PDT NEW
                        Just play through from the beginning you owe it to yourself and to everyone it's by Mysterio 08/13/2019, 10:23pm PDT NEW
                            So this thing always seemed too gay NT by It's a new day: I need advice 08/13/2019, 11:48pm PDT NEW
            Preferred the Wii version, but christ was this game perfectly balanced on all by RetroRomper 01/22/2014, 12:11pm PST NEW
                Drops were based on the contents of your inventory and how often you died. by Lots of stuff was! 01/22/2014, 12:54pm PST NEW

Revelations sucks :( by fabio 02/27/2015, 11:45pm PST NEW

just don't look up the RE4 discussions on steam, for your own sake by the truth 01/21/2014, 6:57pm PST NEW
    RE4 might be my favourite 3D shooter. by Jerry Whorebach 01/21/2014, 10:51pm PST NEW

Adventures of Psh. by Jhoh Clbbl O_____O 07/23/2007, 11:40am PDT NEW
    we were laughing especially hard when I replayed the game by prepare your armrests 09/15/2013, 7:17pm PDT NEW

RE5 demo first impressions by Weyoun Voidbringer 01/31/2009, 4:25pm PST NEW
    Any word on if this demo is easier for us straight eyes? NT by Worm 01/31/2009, 4:34pm PST NEW
        It isn't, you have to kill the chainsaw dude and he takes a trillion shots. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 01/31/2009, 4:36pm PST NEW

Ok now I feel the urge to play mercs mode again by Weyoun Voidbringer 01/31/2009, 4:49am PST NEW

Xbox360 demo by Fussbett 12/10/2008, 9:30am PST NEW
    Did anyone try this yet? by Worm 12/11/2008, 7:59pm PST NEW
        Re: Did anyone try this yet? by Lizard_King 12/11/2008, 9:29pm PST NEW
            Ashley was the exact comparison I was making by Worm 12/12/2008, 7:30am PST NEW
                It's like we played completely different demos by Lizard_King 12/12/2008, 8:27am PST NEW
                    Can I give her orders or something? "stay here" "stay here" "stay here" "stay he by Worm 12/12/2008, 9:57am PST NEW
                        Spent some more time with the second scenario "Shanty Town" by Lizard_King 12/20/2008, 9:18pm PST NEW
                            Maybe I flipped my controller prematurely here. NT by Worm 12/20/2008, 9:24pm PST NEW
                                Attaboy NT by Lizard_King 12/21/2008, 10:21pm PST NEW
                            Chainsaw guy by Lizard_King 12/31/2008, 9:51am PST NEW
                                I assumed he was unkillable for the demo. NT by Fussbett 12/31/2008, 9:55am PST NEW
                                    Apparently not by Lizard_King 12/31/2008, 10:41am PST NEW
                                        shoot their legs NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 12/31/2008, 11:28am PST NEW
                                        I used the SMG exclusively as a boss killer in RE4. NT by Mischief Maker 12/31/2008, 11:48am PST NEW
                                            deagle deagle deagle deagle... I mean, borkin butterfly by Weyoun Voidbringer 12/31/2008, 11:50am PST NEW
                                            Goes to show by Lizard_King 12/31/2008, 1:47pm PST NEW
                                                The minethrower's main advantage is that it is hilarious NT by Mischief Maker 12/31/2008, 2:06pm PST NEW
                                                I figure why not use the SMG, it's not like the ammo's good for anything else. NT by Jerry Whorebach 12/31/2008, 3:40pm PST NEW
                                                    I sold all the ammo, because I am addicted to min/maxing. NT by Lizard_King 01/01/2009, 11:05am PST NEW
                                                        well the ammo takes up space so if you arent using the gun you might as well NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 01/01/2009, 11:36am PST NEW
                                Excellent by Lizard_King 01/01/2009, 10:46am PST NEW

New RE5 trailer shows the game's assault on precinct 13 opening by Grumah 08/22/2008, 5:21pm PDT NEW
    "Get back around here, girl". Producer brushes off dumb NPC AI. NT by Fussbett 08/22/2008, 6:50pm PDT NEW
        he gives her a nice haircut WITH BULLETS :( by Grumah 08/22/2008, 6:59pm PDT NEW

Africa is our land. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 05/31/2008, 2:05am PDT NEW
    capcoms new paradigm, the B squad starts a franchise, the A squad does sequels NT by Grumah 05/31/2008, 2:10am PDT NEW
        Don't forget us! ^_^ NT by Activision's call to duty 05/31/2008, 4:06am PDT NEW
            What about them? NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 05/31/2008, 4:18am PDT NEW
    The challenge has been set, can L4D beat RE5 to release?! NT by Worm 05/31/2008, 8:12am PDT NEW

RE5 will have online coop, cover system, "dodging" by Lizard_King 05/23/2008, 8:44pm PDT NEW
    better article by Lizard_King 05/23/2008, 8:45pm PDT NEW
        Re: better article by Mischief Mnemonic 05/23/2008, 8:47pm PDT NEW
        Resi? Does RE have some different meaning in Europe? Quentin? NT by Worm 05/31/2008, 8:11am PDT NEW

Leon takes psh to the ultimate extreme. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 05/20/2008, 9:09am PDT NEW
    HIS HEAD GOT SKLEESHED. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 05/20/2008, 9:28am PDT NEW
        Re: HIS HEAD GOT SKLEESHED. by Bananadine 05/21/2008, 8:03pm PDT NEW
    Re: Leon takes psh to the ultimate extreme. by Cannibal Dave 05/20/2008, 8:37pm PDT NEW

Residentl Evil 5 in Famitsu by Fussbett 07/21/2005, 12:19pm PDT NEW
    I can't tell from the scan by motherfuckerfoodeater 07/21/2005, 12:40pm PDT NEW
        No, but I think they use the same razor! LOL NT by Fussbett 07/21/2005, 5:19pm PDT NEW
            but will there be enough backwards cartwheels? NT by FABIO 07/21/2005, 11:08pm PDT NEW
    Even better? by Kabuke 07/22/2005, 3:00am PDT NEW
        I like it. Fast zombies in... Morocco? NT by Fussbett 07/22/2005, 3:21am PDT NEW
            They hustle tourists in Morocco. They sell them overpriced carpets. NT by Mysterio 07/22/2005, 10:07pm PDT NEW
    so, it's not coming out for the wii? NT by Grumah 05/21/2008, 7:23am PDT NEW
        No. Time to learn to aim with bullshit controls again. by Lizard_King 05/21/2008, 8:41am PDT NEW
            I would also like to advice game companies to stop making any FPS for consoles o by Grumah 05/21/2008, 11:06am PDT NEW
                unless you like the thumbsdicks in which case go ahead be that thing by Grumah 05/21/2008, 11:14am PDT NEW

I unlocked mercenaries mode for the wii and relived the awesome by Grumah 05/17/2008, 12:53am PDT NEW
    Re: I unlocked mercenaries mode for the wii and relived the awesome by Creexuls, a monster >:3 05/19/2008, 4:00pm PDT NEW
        PRO pro tip by Lizard_King 05/19/2008, 11:26pm PDT NEW
            I am working on separate ways at the moment (not the journey song) NT by Grumah 05/20/2008, 3:58am PDT NEW
                I guess I will wait for that then. NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 05/20/2008, 5:58am PDT NEW
                    did it, restarting the pro mode game (I was at the first gigante fight last nigh NT by Grumah 05/20/2008, 8:07am PDT NEW
                        It's a little sad to see how we slammed this game initially. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 05/20/2008, 8:24am PDT NEW
                            did I ever post here about how I purchased and beat RE2? NT by Grumah 05/20/2008, 8:36am PDT NEW
                                I don't think so. :( NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 05/20/2008, 8:52am PDT NEW
                                    long story short, it fuckin sucks NT by Grumah 05/20/2008, 9:38am PDT NEW
                                        HELL YEAH IT FUCKIN SUCKS NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 05/20/2008, 9:48am PDT NEW

Resident Evil 5 SPOILER! by Worm 05/14/2008, 8:56pm PDT NEW

WE used for $27, disc scratched all to fuck but so far it works by Grumah 05/01/2008, 10:20pm PDT NEW
    Ammunition and cash doesn't get tight until the Castle and doesn't get better NT by Fortinbras 05/01/2008, 10:27pm PDT NEW
    Things by Lizard_King 05/01/2008, 10:54pm PDT NEW
        We finished this game like 3 times on the gamecube already. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 05/02/2008, 2:17am PDT NEW
            I figured as much by Lizard_King 05/02/2008, 7:43am PDT NEW
    This was never mentioned about RE4 (RE$). by Creexuls, a monster >:3 05/02/2008, 3:57am PDT NEW
        shit is so cash bro (GET OFF THE GODDAMN PHONE) NT by Grumah 05/03/2008, 4:31am PDT NEW
    when I got to the 2 paths, I did the gigante and then went back for the other by Grumah 05/04/2008, 6:25am PDT NEW
        Re: when I got to the 2 paths, I did the gigante and then went back for the othe by Lizard_King 05/04/2008, 8:54am PDT NEW
    the mine thrower and the target shooting range minigaem by Grumah 05/04/2008, 11:33pm PDT NEW
        Don't get the extra upgrade for the minethrower by Mischief Maker 05/04/2008, 11:58pm PDT NEW
            would that be the final super upgrade? NT by Grumah 05/05/2008, 12:08am PDT NEW
       NT by Grumah 05/05/2008, 12:36am PDT NEW

Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition by Rafiki 07/26/2007, 12:16pm PDT NEW
    Re: reticule by Rafiki 07/26/2007, 12:20pm PDT NEW
    That thread convinced Jso and I to rent and buy the game. by Jhoh Clbbl O_____O 07/26/2007, 12:44pm PDT NEW
    Re: Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition by Quentin Beck 07/26/2007, 1:52pm PDT NEW
        that was me =( NT by FABIO 07/26/2007, 1:52pm PDT NEW
            Re: that was me =( by Rafiki 07/26/2007, 2:20pm PDT NEW
            ^_^; NT by Grumah 08/01/2007, 9:17am PDT NEW
    Does it recognize my GC memory card save files (on pro mode with unlocks)? NT by Grumah 08/01/2007, 9:04am PDT NEW
        No NT by Rafiki 08/01/2007, 10:34am PDT NEW
            well maybe the wii version isnt so good after all ;-; NT by bitter Grumah 08/01/2007, 3:05pm PDT NEW
    OH, AND I ALMOST FORGOT by Rafiki 08/01/2007, 10:43am PDT NEW
        Agreed about the mine thrower, I used it to begin my professional mode game NT by Grumah 08/01/2007, 2:57pm PDT NEW
        Stupid question, aiming is better than in Red steel? by McMoo 08/01/2007, 3:45pm PDT NEW
            I've never played Red Steel by Rafiki 08/01/2007, 7:06pm PDT NEW
                Re: I've never played Red Steel by FABIO 08/01/2007, 10:23pm PDT NEW
                    Re: I've never played Red Steel by McMoo 08/03/2007, 11:33am PDT NEW
                        This was never a problem for me by Rafiki 08/03/2007, 1:55pm PDT NEW
                            Re: This was never a problem for me by Rafiki 08/03/2007, 1:58pm PDT NEW
    I might just buy the Wii version before we get a Wii by Grumah 08/16/2007, 2:35pm PDT NEW
        This is the one game for Wii that I actually want, and I've already played it. by Jerry Whorebach 08/16/2007, 2:59pm PDT NEW

RACIST EVIL 5 (more like) by Fussbett 08/02/2007, 4:34pm PDT NEW
    Seems like a pretty unpopular viewpoint. by Lizard_King 08/02/2007, 5:28pm PDT NEW
    Re: RACIST EVIL 5 (more like) by Schadenfreude 08/02/2007, 5:55pm PDT NEW
        2007 - 2002 = 7 NT by Math Wizard 08/03/2007, 1:34am PDT NEW
    Re: RACIST EVIL 5 (more like) by Mischief Maker 08/02/2007, 6:34pm PDT NEW
        Re: RACIST EVIL 5 (more like) by Bodybag 08/02/2007, 6:45pm PDT NEW
    Blacks are in RE5? I hadn't noticed by Grumah 08/02/2007, 7:23pm PDT NEW
    Isn't this pretty much how the Japanese view black people anyway? by Horrible Gelatinous Blob 08/02/2007, 7:53pm PDT NEW
        Also, buying it day one since Africans hate black people anyway NT by Horrible Gelatinous Blob 08/02/2007, 7:56pm PDT NEW
        more on that. by mark 08/05/2007, 4:24pm PDT NEW
            Karate! Kempo!! Quiche!!! by Mischief Maker 08/06/2007, 5:44pm PDT NEW
    Resident Evil: Total Realism mod by FABIO 08/02/2007, 8:40pm PDT NEW
        fixed! (for realism) by FABIO 08/02/2007, 8:42pm PDT NEW
    UNFORTUNATELY, this is nothing new >:( by Jerry Whorebach 08/02/2007, 9:57pm PDT NEW
    Psh, they should hire me as an editor. by Worm 08/02/2007, 10:19pm PDT NEW
        "American" isn't an ethnicity. by Jerry Whorebach 08/02/2007, 10:43pm PDT NEW
            All the Civilization 4 has me messed up. by Worm 08/02/2007, 11:23pm PDT NEW
    Those Africans look so poor, and so black NT by Rafiki 08/02/2007, 11:49pm PDT NEW
    Black people should decide what Capcom's game will be about. by Jhoh Clbbl O_____O 08/03/2007, 2:21am PDT NEW
            Just about every comment after that one fuckin rips that bitch apart. NT by Jhoh Clbbl O_____O 08/03/2007, 2:26am PDT NEW
                Better post them here and now before they get deleted by the dictators for life by Grumah 08/03/2007, 2:50am PDT NEW
                    It wasn't us ignoramuses who labelled Spaniards "hispanic," it was the Romans :( NT by Jerry Whorebach 08/03/2007, 4:30am PDT NEW
    On the subject of sloarchan copy pasting macros while I eat by Grumah, ultra verbose copy pasta mo 08/03/2007, 10:45pm PDT NEW

Was I the first one to say "See you later, alligator!" when he beat the SPOILER? by Jerry Whorebach 08/01/2007, 7:50am PDT NEW
    And last. by Jhoh Clbbl O_____O 08/01/2007, 6:54pm PDT NEW
        JAWS was a fish. The SPOILER was very obviously a giant prehistoric alligator :( by Jerry Whorebach 08/01/2007, 9:25pm PDT NEW
            Parasite Eve has giant alligators NT by Grumah 08/02/2007, 3:52pm PDT NEW

RE5 XTRA BIGASS TRAILER by Jhoh Clbbl O_____O 07/26/2007, 11:29am PDT NEW
    OMG those blacks are scary. This cannot be stressed enough. NT by Fussbett 07/26/2007, 5:50pm PDT NEW
        Punch them in the FACE NT by Grumah 07/27/2007, 2:45am PDT NEW
            I have fears of hepatitis too. :( NT by Fussbett 07/27/2007, 10:19am PDT NEW
                Wesker's thrust punch would make them totally sterile NT by Grumah 07/27/2007, 11:46am PDT NEW
                    Too bad he's not in RE5 :( by Fussbett 07/27/2007, 11:29pm PDT NEW
                        I'm pretty sure he'll be in RE5. O__________O by Jhoh Clbbl O_____O 07/27/2007, 11:31pm PDT NEW
    Down in Africa, sack-masked ganados are not allowed to weild chainsaws by Schadenfreude 07/28/2007, 6:43pm PDT NEW

Resident Evil 5 new teaser, new villains unveiled by Fussbett 07/11/2007, 1:41am PDT NEW
    I can't watch youtubes. Does it look more like Candyman or Blackhawk Down? NT by Jerry Whorebach 07/11/2007, 2:18am PDT NEW
        I think it takes place in Somalia, so Blackhawk Down, but with zombies. NT by Jhoh Cable o_O 07/11/2007, 9:40am PDT NEW
            that's accurate. by Lizard_King 07/11/2007, 10:18pm PDT NEW
                The japanese developers are so addicted to american jingoy jingo after RE4 NT by Grumah 07/11/2007, 11:56pm PDT NEW
                    That might just work out for them and us. :3 NT by Jhoh Cable o_O 07/12/2007, 11:16am PDT NEW
        The Serpent and the Rainbow NT by Fussbett 07/11/2007, 10:07am PDT NEW
        Thriller NT by Entropy Stew 07/11/2007, 9:21pm PDT NEW
        Atlanta NT by Bodybag 07/26/2007, 11:38am PDT NEW
    AAAAAIIIIIIEEEEEEEE!!!!! NT by Max Payne developer 07/11/2007, 4:07am PDT NEW

We just unlocked the handcannon. by Creexul :( 04/07/2006, 6:45pm PDT NEW

cr8 logs of Resident Evil 4 by Weyoun Voidbringer 04/06/2006, 1:28pm PDT NEW
    Re: cr8 logs of Resident Evil 4 by Weyoun Voidbringer 04/06/2006, 1:42pm PDT NEW
        Re: cr8 logs of Resident Evil 4 by Creexul :( 04/06/2006, 2:12pm PDT NEW

President Bull*-W-evil* foar by Weyoun Voidbringer 04/03/2006, 7:49pm PDT NEW
    The cables don't own a PS2? NT by Worm 04/03/2006, 8:41pm PDT NEW
        Who the fuck would get the PS2 version? NT by Creexul :( 04/03/2006, 11:53pm PDT NEW
            PS2 owners?! by Fussbett 04/04/2006, 12:35am PDT NEW
                It sounds like a review of the last 90,000 games he's ever played also. :( NT by Creexul :( 04/04/2006, 1:21am PDT NEW
                    I got to where Luis gets killed. But not to where Leon and Ashley escape on a by I need clarification 04/04/2006, 1:55am PDT NEW
                plus game save file!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by Weyoun Voidbringer 04/04/2006, 11:52am PDT NEW

This game is awesome NUFF SAID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 07/17/2005, 2:51pm PDT NEW
    We are late on this one, but yes. :( by Creexul :( 07/17/2005, 3:20pm PDT NEW
        The voice acting is actually not shitty, a first for the RE series NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 07/17/2005, 3:23pm PDT NEW
            It is better at being fittingly cheesy at least. by Creexul :( 07/17/2005, 3:24pm PDT NEW
    best console game of this generation? by FABIO 07/17/2005, 6:37pm PDT NEW
        Better than DMC3???!!!!! by MM 07/18/2005, 9:07pm PDT NEW
            Time loop! by FABIO 07/20/2005, 12:52am PDT NEW
        I agree that this is the best console game of this generation. by Ice Cream Jonsey 07/18/2005, 9:36pm PDT NEW
            Has anyone tried Killer7 yet? NT by Mysterio 07/18/2005, 9:46pm PDT NEW
                I hear it sucks. NT by Creexul :( 07/19/2005, 4:03am PDT NEW
                    but Tycho liked it :( by FABIO 07/20/2005, 12:54am PDT NEW
                        Re: but Tycho liked it :( by Rafiki 07/28/2005, 9:04pm PDT NEW
                It's Horrible NT by Kabuke 07/19/2005, 11:08am PDT NEW
            You're not even contemplating the new Zelda? by Kabuke 07/19/2005, 11:10am PDT NEW
                the new zelda has "Twilight Fairy Princess" on the cover. by bombMexico 07/19/2005, 4:46pm PDT NEW
                    How's the sequel... by Kabuke 07/20/2005, 12:16am PDT NEW
                        wow, it looks like a ton of Caltropsians are cashing in on.... by FABIO 07/20/2005, 12:38am PDT NEW
                            Re: wow, it looks like a ton of Caltropsians are cashing in on.... by Kabuke 07/20/2005, 3:08am PDT NEW
                                Vagrant Story?!?! by FABIO 07/21/2005, 12:15am PDT NEW
                                    Re: Vagrant Story?!?! by Entropy Stew 07/21/2005, 2:02am PDT NEW
                        Re: How's the sequel... by bombMexico 07/21/2005, 1:11am PDT NEW
                        Viewtiful Joe by MM 07/21/2005, 7:08am PDT NEW

Ok I beat the game here are my stats by Weyoun Voidbringer 07/20/2005, 2:22pm PDT NEW

Was I the only one thinking this during the chase sequences? by FABIO 03/27/2005, 5:59am PST NEW
    that's a minor spoiler, I guess NT by FABIO 03/27/2005, 6:01am PST NEW
    That was good, but too short. NT by extarbags 03/27/2005, 9:57am PST NEW
        That was just to start. Working on a montage of spliced scenes NT by FABIO 03/27/2005, 11:06am PST NEW
            Then keep 'em coming! I'm going to start a fansite. NT by extarbags 03/27/2005, 11:23am PST NEW
                dammit someone beat me to it by FABIO 03/27/2005, 11:40am PST NEW
                    Yeah that one was retarded. by extarbags 03/27/2005, 12:00pm PST NEW
            Re: That was just to start. Working on a montage of spliced scenes by extarbags 07/15/2005, 5:33pm PDT NEW
                lack of usable footage :\ by FABIO 07/15/2005, 5:34pm PDT NEW

Gun questions by FABIO 03/05/2005, 10:14pm PST NEW
    Re: Gun questions by Fussbett 03/05/2005, 10:24pm PST NEW
        Re: Gun questions by FABIO 03/06/2005, 12:33am PST NEW
            STRIKER IS THE LAST SHOTGUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NT by Fussbett 03/06/2005, 1:03am PST NEW
            Re: Gun questions by Mysterio 03/06/2005, 12:59pm PST NEW
            Re: Gun questions by Mysterio 03/06/2005, 6:51pm PST NEW

TV commercial: F minus by FABIO 02/13/2005, 5:16pm PST NEW
    Re: TV commercial: F minus by Mysterio 02/13/2005, 5:54pm PST NEW
    KAKKOIIIIIIII! ^_______^ by Fussbett 02/13/2005, 7:41pm PST NEW
        even worse by FABIO 02/14/2005, 4:28am PST NEW

The graveyard by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/27/2005, 2:56pm PST NEW
    Re: The graveyard by Mysterio 01/27/2005, 5:18pm PST NEW
        Re: The graveyard by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/27/2005, 5:50pm PST NEW
            Re: The graveyard by Rafiki 01/27/2005, 6:08pm PST NEW
        gem combining by FABIO 01/27/2005, 10:30pm PST NEW
            Re: gem combining by Fussbett 01/28/2005, 1:03am PST NEW

Worth buying over renting? by FABIO 01/17/2005, 6:55am PST NEW
    THREAD HIJACK by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/20/2005, 12:19pm PST NEW
        it's coming out for PS2 in a few months by FABIO 01/20/2005, 12:45pm PST NEW
            Oh. I have nothing else, then. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/20/2005, 12:51pm PST NEW
            "A few months" being pure speculation. Could be 2006, looking worse on PS2. by Fussbett 01/20/2005, 3:19pm PST NEW
                "End of 2005" NT by Capcom 01/20/2005, 4:51pm PST NEW
                    Good thing games never slip. by Fussbett 01/20/2005, 5:12pm PST NEW
        You don't kill zombies in this one. by Creexul :( 01/20/2005, 2:36pm PST NEW
            Not Zombies. Not human either. NT by Official RE4 box blurb 01/20/2005, 9:20pm PST NEW
            Jhoh is really on the mark on this one. NT by Mysterio 01/20/2005, 10:52pm PST NEW
                Actually, cr8 told me. :( NT by Creexul :( 01/20/2005, 11:48pm PST NEW
        Blockbuster rents systems by FABIO 01/20/2005, 11:04pm PST NEW
            Re: Blockbuster rents systems by McMoo The Anti-Dug Cow 01/26/2005, 1:13pm PST NEW
                $100 gamecube + $50 game = $160? by FABIO 01/26/2005, 2:39pm PST NEW
                    Memory Cards NT by Mi$chief Maker 01/26/2005, 4:01pm PST NEW
                    Perhaps Goderich, Ontario is in Canada NT by HMM 01/26/2005, 5:11pm PST NEW
                    I miss you too honey by McMoo The Anti-Dug Cow 01/27/2005, 9:04am PST NEW
                        I dub this the "Americans are stupid" thread. by I'm Anti-Dug, Too 01/27/2005, 10:40am PST NEW
                            Shit =( NT by McMoo The Anti-DRug Cow 01/27/2005, 11:46am PST NEW
                        what the hell store is ripping you off for $60 RE4? by FABIO 01/27/2005, 10:28pm PST NEW
                            Used Gamecubes go for about 100 CAD NT by Canada 01/27/2005, 10:59pm PST NEW
                                Or new GameCubes. by Fussbett 01/28/2005, 12:32am PST NEW

I concure: awesome NT by FABIO 01/22/2005, 2:06am PST NEW
    Now I have to get it. NT by Kab(uke) Seme 01/22/2005, 2:10am PST NEW
        Blockbuster still only has one copy :( by FABIO 01/22/2005, 3:20am PST NEW
    Re: I concure: awesome by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/24/2005, 10:58am PST NEW
        So does Microsoft OHHHHHHHHHH (Halo, XBox). NT by I need clarification 01/24/2005, 11:18am PST NEW
        my complete review, plus my one complaint by FABIO 01/24/2005, 4:19pm PST NEW
            Re: my complete review, plus my one complaint by Fussbett 01/24/2005, 5:25pm PST NEW
                Re: my complete review, plus my one complaint by Mysterio 01/24/2005, 5:31pm PST NEW
                    Turns out it's semantics by Fussbett 01/24/2005, 9:12pm PST NEW
                        yeah, so why is this point being argued again? NT by FABIO 01/25/2005, 9:14pm PST NEW
                where have you been? NT by Video games since Tomb Raider 01/24/2005, 6:25pm PST NEW

This game is better than any game ever developed by America ever. by Question Asker 01/10/2005, 11:13am PST NEW
    Wow, that's almost a post. by Mysterio 01/10/2005, 11:37am PST NEW
        If it's IGN, I'm kicking his ass. NT by Bill Dungsroman 01/10/2005, 11:54am PST NEW
            It's from Gamespot. NT by Creexul :( 01/10/2005, 1:22pm PST NEW
                See. by Creexul :( 01/10/2005, 2:02pm PST NEW
                    Also: name main character something dorky, like Gordon. by Bill Dungsroman 01/10/2005, 3:10pm PST NEW
                        It's Leon "Esth" Kennedy NT by Question Asker 01/10/2005, 4:03pm PST NEW
                        Re: Also: name main character something dorky, like Gordon. by Creexul :( 01/10/2005, 4:28pm PST NEW
        the data is from the only site who's numerical review system even means anything NT by Question Asker 01/10/2005, 1:22pm PST NEW
            You must be talking about Christ Centered Game Reviews NT by Mysterio 01/10/2005, 2:11pm PST NEW
                See, HE ALREADY KNEW the answer. by Mysterio 01/10/2005, 7:06pm PST NEW
    Remember the last batch of high scores for exclusive reviews of a horror game? NT by Doom3 01/10/2005, 5:38pm PST NEW
        FAGET NT by FAGET 01/12/2005, 11:03am PST NEW

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