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Did you guys like the Nintendo 3DS? NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/14/2024, 10:09am PDT NEW
    I played a shitload of Pokemon X and Y on a 2DS one winter. by Fullofkittens 05/15/2024, 5:34am PDT NEW

Trimming the Herbs by blackwater 03/24/2024, 10:21pm PDT NEW

Pikmin 4 by Rafiki 01/28/2024, 12:07pm PST NEW

I adopted a dog! by Mischief Maker 06/22/2014, 1:30pm PDT NEW
    Re: I adopted a dog! by Roop 06/22/2014, 6:25pm PDT NEW
        I've changed his name by Mischief Maker 06/22/2014, 6:59pm PDT NEW
            People are weird about dogs by Souffle of Pain 06/22/2014, 7:39pm PDT NEW
            You've changed his name... to what? Don't go Paul on me now, finish the story by Eurotrash 06/23/2014, 1:48am PDT NEW
                What's the fucken dog's name NT by Mysterio 08/27/2015, 3:15pm PDT NEW
                    Dog's name, now, god dammit NT by Mysterio 04/22/2017, 12:52pm PDT NEW
                        "shmup pup" obv NT by MM dog name generator 04/22/2017, 6:56pm PDT NEW
            Often weirdo people have a 'thing' with dogs climbing on top of things NT by Roop 06/23/2014, 6:49am PDT NEW
    your dog looks awesome, grats NT by Mysterio 06/22/2014, 7:54pm PDT NEW
    Life imitates art? by Mischief Maker 08/27/2015, 2:46pm PDT NEW
    I am REALLY getting tired of weak pit bull owners. by Mischief Maker 01/25/2016, 6:28am PST NEW
        Yeah I think no one has misconceptions about German Shepards. by Worm 01/25/2016, 7:17am PST NEW
        Re: I am REALLY getting tired of weak pit bull owners. by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/25/2016, 8:42am PST NEW
            There's a difference in my experience. by Mischief Maker 01/26/2016, 6:28am PST NEW
                Re: There's a difference in my experience. by A BREEDIST 01/26/2016, 8:35pm PST NEW
            A chow chow bit me in the face by bombMexico 01/27/2016, 8:08pm PST NEW
                Please fit in with everyone and post it. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/15/2018, 7:33pm PDT NEW
    He just came back from his first political march! by Mischief Maker 04/22/2017, 12:36pm PDT NEW
    I hate people who are too "cool" to leash their dogs in the city. by Mischief Maker 01/08/2018, 6:03pm PST NEW
    The perils of other dog owners by Mischief Maker 08/05/2018, 3:51pm PDT NEW
        Looking for fresh marks to hook into his business? by The Joys of Pets 08/06/2018, 6:26pm PDT NEW
    Argh! Fuckin pitbull owners! by Mischief Maker 08/14/2018, 6:46am PDT NEW
        Holy shit, someone made a videogame about neglectful pitbull owners! by Mischief Maker 08/14/2018, 7:03am PDT NEW
            No, someone KICKSTARTED a game about it, then took the money and ran NT by How are you a lawyer? 08/14/2018, 9:40am PDT NEW
                Shut the FUCK UP, FAGGOT. by Holy shit 08/14/2018, 10:24am PDT NEW
                    Sperging out on a website full of anons NT by to own the faggots 08/14/2018, 11:41am PDT NEW
                        Good stuff as always. NT by Eury 08/14/2018, 2:33pm PDT NEW
                            Oh, lovely. Look what you've all done to this thread... by Mischief Maker 08/14/2018, 3:23pm PDT NEW
                                Hey! How was Home Free? Did you get a copy? How was it? Or were you taken in by by bullshit? 08/14/2018, 4:16pm PDT NEW
                                Reading Caltrops always makes me want to get a dog. by blackwater 08/15/2018, 11:08am PDT NEW
                                    Re: Reading Caltrops always makes me want to get a dog. by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/15/2018, 3:42pm PDT NEW
                                        Re: Reading Caltrops always makes me want to get a dog. by Mischief Maker 08/17/2018, 5:55am PDT NEW
                                            I hear what you're saying but Madison is Autoduel for dogs by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/17/2018, 1:46pm PDT NEW
                                                And when you pulled your dog away to go home by Jack Bauer 04/24/2020, 12:45pm PDT NEW
        About five years ago we decided to get a puppy for the kinder. by Motherhead 08/14/2018, 3:41pm PDT NEW
        Re: Argh! Fuckin pitbull owners! by E. L. Koba 08/15/2018, 3:51pm PDT NEW
    Re: I adopted a dog! by CattleHumper 08/15/2018, 7:21am PDT NEW
        Are we doing this? Let's do this by E. L. Koba 08/15/2018, 3:40pm PDT NEW
        Fags. by Motherhead 08/15/2018, 6:00pm PDT NEW
        All of this is more like it! NT by Mischief Maker 08/15/2018, 6:21pm PDT NEW
        We're doing this. by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/15/2018, 7:32pm PDT NEW
        Re: I adopted a dog! by Roop 08/15/2018, 9:21pm PDT NEW
        POST MOAR DOGS NT by Toro 07/14/2019, 11:28am PDT NEW
    Reality is a script written by a hack. by Mischief Maker 04/24/2020, 11:36am PDT NEW
    2020 can suck a dick, 2021 was the real hell-year. by Mischief Maker 12/28/2021, 10:03am PST NEW
        I am so, so sorry, man. It's the worst, it's the fucking worst. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/28/2021, 12:17pm PST NEW
    New dog and I STILL hate people too cool to leash their dogs. by Mischief Maker 09/27/2022, 10:23am PDT NEW
        I'm glad you got another dog. by Ice Cream Jonsey 09/27/2022, 10:36am PDT NEW
            Sure, I got a happy dog story from this morning! by Mischief Maker 09/27/2022, 11:04am PDT NEW
    My stupid new dog won't pee before bed. by Mischief Maker 07/28/2023, 12:49am PDT NEW

How the fuck is Netflix on Wii but not Switch? by NintenDONT 07/12/2023, 2:20am PDT NEW
    Probably cause it doesn’t have BLAST PROCESSING NT by Sanic 07/12/2023, 8:06pm PDT NEW

Single most overrated NES game? by Go! 06/18/2022, 5:39pm PDT NEW
    Battletoads. NT by Mischief Maker 06/18/2022, 6:01pm PDT NEW
        Underrated, just some flaws NT by Gen X breadcrumbs 06/18/2022, 6:44pm PDT NEW
        Is mostly hated and regarded as evil by But on that note... 06/19/2022, 12:58pm PDT NEW
            I remember it being hyped to the gills in the gaming press at the time. by Mischief Maker 06/19/2022, 2:35pm PDT NEW
                Oh jesus this is why I hesitated to post this thread by Go! 06/19/2022, 9:29pm PDT NEW
    Final Fantasy. Pioneering and influential things can still be bad. NT by Rafiki 06/18/2022, 9:07pm PDT NEW
        What would you say makes it worse than Dragon Warrior? NT by Go! 06/19/2022, 9:30pm PDT NEW
    Super Mario Bros. 2 by Dream Cast 06/19/2022, 12:46pm PDT NEW
        Super Mario 2 is the best NES Mario by Entropy Stew, circa 2022 06/20/2022, 10:30am PDT NEW
        Is SMB2 good if you dont compare it to others? NT by Jack Bauer 06/20/2022, 12:17pm PDT NEW
            No. by Dream Cast 06/20/2022, 1:31pm PDT NEW
        This is the kind of person who claims by wrong 06/30/2022, 12:52am PDT NEW
    NES RPGs were pretty boring by blackwater 06/20/2022, 5:36am PDT NEW

The Nintendo 64 Thread by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/23/2022, 10:06am PDT NEW
    Re: The Nintendo 64 Thread by CattleHumper 06/24/2022, 6:37am PDT NEW
    Wave Race 64 NT by pinback 06/24/2022, 9:00am PDT NEW

Nintendo Switch by Rafiki 10/20/2016, 8:34am PDT NEW
    Oh fuck! Where'd I put the left half of my console? NT by Mischief Maker 10/20/2016, 9:10am PDT NEW
        Let's hope they don't vibrate. NT by Worm 10/20/2016, 10:14am PDT NEW
    Re: Nintendo Switch by I want my £2.50 back. 10/20/2016, 1:53pm PDT NEW
    Nintablet by Entropy Stew 10/21/2016, 5:53am PDT NEW
    They've gone from unintentional piss terminology to unintentional S&M. NT by MM 10/21/2016, 7:02am PDT NEW
        The lifestyle havers in that promo looked like they'd be more receptive to S&M by than a fucking giant Gameboy. 10/21/2016, 7:47am PDT NEW
    Rumor is that it will be ~$200-250 on launch NT by skip 11/14/2016, 6:49am PST NEW
    $300, 2.5-6 hour battery life, online services going paid NT by Rafiki 01/12/2017, 9:14pm PST NEW
    KILLER APP by Rafiki 01/14/2017, 9:33am PST NEW
        the logo looks like a tard emote by Play It LOUD 01/14/2017, 7:55pm PST NEW
    Innovation is at its peak - skip by Fullofkittens 01/17/2018, 3:59pm PST NEW
        Labo is the first serious challenge to adult gamers asking if we're too old for by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/17/2018, 11:12pm PST NEW
    I am buying one from the Milker tomorrow. by Ice Cream Jonsey 07/20/2021, 11:31am PDT NEW
        Re: I am buying one from the Milker tomorrow. by CattleHumper 07/20/2021, 2:11pm PDT NEW
            Akane plays fairly well on it. by Ice Cream Jonsey 07/23/2021, 8:26am PDT NEW
                Most of my time is spent entering my password. by Ice Cream Jonsey 07/24/2021, 5:56pm PDT NEW
                    This particular instance is appreciated by us parents. NT by Fullofkittens 07/26/2021, 11:36am PDT NEW
                        Counterpoint: catering to GAMER DADS is always a terrible idea NT by the counterpoint guy 07/27/2021, 9:50am PDT NEW
                            in this case they are catering to DADS OF GAMERS by Fullofkittens 07/27/2021, 11:55am PDT NEW
                                Re: in this case they are catering to DADS OF GAMERS by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/03/2021, 8:17am PDT NEW
    Congrats on Nintendo creating the dumbest console migration possible by Rafiki 12/27/2021, 8:26pm PST NEW

Question about the old Gameboy Color by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/19/2017, 7:53am PDT NEW
    Whatever happened to those tiny Tetris keychains from the 90s? NT by Mischief Maker 08/19/2017, 11:00am PDT NEW
        A guy's been buying up every single one on ebay. NT by Mysterio 08/19/2017, 9:02pm PDT NEW
        I had one of those by Entropy Stew 08/20/2017, 10:34am PDT NEW
            CHUCKED IT. FUCK NT by edit button 08/20/2017, 10:35am PDT NEW
                CHUCKED IT. FUCKED IT. by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/21/2017, 7:43pm PDT NEW
                    Update! by Ice Cream Jonsey 09/14/2017, 3:51pm PDT NEW
                        Re: Update! by Kung Lao 09/15/2017, 8:18am PDT NEW
                            I have a new handheld update, gimme 10 minutes NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 07/20/2021, 11:33am PDT NEW
    I remember it was a hell of a lot more battery friendly than the Gamebody Advanc by fabio 08/21/2017, 11:08pm PDT NEW

Popeye by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/01/2020, 12:03pm PDT NEW

Guess what system requires an "expansion pack"? by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/14/2019, 8:03pm PDT NEW
    Re: Guess what system requires an "expansion pack"? by Mysterio 08/15/2019, 12:51pm PDT NEW
        Addendum by Mysterio 08/15/2019, 12:54pm PDT NEW
    Re: Guess what system requires an "expansion pack"? by CattleHumper 08/15/2019, 2:58pm PDT NEW

Remembering NESTicle by Blackwater 03/29/2018, 11:15pm PDT NEW
    Fixed link. by Blackwater 03/29/2018, 11:21pm PDT NEW

Everyone come up with your 5 absolute worst NES games by fabio 09/13/2017, 5:26pm PDT NEW
    Super Glove Ball, Caveman Games, City Connection, Fantasy Zone, Track and Field NT by Rey Mysterio Jr. 09/13/2017, 9:49pm PDT NEW
    Solar Jetman, 8 Eyes, Demon Sword, Track & Field, Dr. Jekyll & Hyde NT by fabio 09/13/2017, 10:00pm PDT NEW
        Fuck, which do I drop to get "Taboo" in there? NT by fabio 09/14/2017, 8:39am PDT NEW
        Hydlide, Cybernoid, Ultima, Kid Nikki, King's Quest V by Snuh 09/14/2017, 8:51am PDT NEW
            How did I forget Hydlide? My list sucks. NT by fabio 09/14/2017, 10:58am PDT NEW
            Re: Hydlide, Cybernoid, Ultima, Kid Nikki, King's Quest V by Reptile 09/14/2017, 11:04am PDT NEW
                User has broken no licensed game rule: 4 day soft ban NT by Bradley Svedka 09/14/2017, 12:03pm PDT NEW

Finally beat Battletoads by fabio 08/16/2017, 9:49am PDT NEW
    I like the idea of Battletoads by Bury my heart at the TURBO TUNNELS 08/17/2017, 11:31pm PDT NEW
    Battletoads punished you for playing 2 player by Rey Mysterio Jr. 08/19/2017, 7:47am PDT NEW

Flight or invisibility? by Nintendo Versus 08/19/2017, 5:50am PDT NEW

I said to myself "I wish that I could play F Zero on this thing" by Fullofkittens 06/07/2017, 8:15pm PDT NEW
    Oh cool a new Wipeout NT by Mysterio, "Thought Leader" 06/08/2017, 12:48am PDT NEW
        nope NT by Eurotrash 06/08/2017, 4:50pm PDT NEW

So, now that my Wii U is officially obsolete (RIP)... by Fullofkittens 10/22/2016, 6:44am PDT NEW
    Re: So, now that my Wii U is officially obsolete (RIP)... by Rafiki 10/22/2016, 7:45pm PDT NEW
        Straight to Bayonetta 2 or is the first one worth playing beforehand? NT by Fullofkittens 10/23/2016, 5:12am PDT NEW
            You can skip straight to 2 NT by Rafiki 10/23/2016, 9:48am PDT NEW

Xenoblade Chronicles X impressions by Rafiki 01/11/2016, 2:30pm PST NEW
    I couldn't make it more than 90 minutes into the first game by fabio 01/11/2016, 3:43pm PST NEW
    Re: Xenoblade Chronicles X impressions by Rafiki 01/27/2016, 1:45pm PST NEW
    Gave up on this, can't finish it by Rafiki 02/11/2016, 6:16pm PST NEW

Is there a place online to get cheap, used SNES games? by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/24/2016, 10:53am PST NEW

Super Mario Maker IS GOOD by Rafiki 09/27/2015, 8:54pm PDT NEW
    They're already using this to make "art" games by fabio 09/27/2015, 9:12pm PDT NEW
        Tim Rogers loves this shit NT by Verdict: Negative! 09/27/2015, 9:26pm PDT NEW
        I mean I guess I don't mind art games if they're satirizing art games. NT by Worm 09/28/2015, 11:41am PDT NEW
            This line should be added to the "Are Games Art" section of the FAQ NT by Caltrops 10/04/2015, 9:18pm PDT NEW
    Well, I found all of the Kaizo levels in the community levels by Rafiki 09/28/2015, 9:32pm PDT NEW
    A week later: still great by Rafiki 10/04/2015, 5:02pm PDT NEW
        So I guess I should buy this fucking WiiU thing huh? NT by Worm 10/04/2015, 6:28pm PDT NEW
        I like the "after 9/11" chart for Mario level popularity NT by fabio 10/06/2015, 9:28pm PDT NEW
    Coins and 1-ups are broken by Rafiki 10/06/2015, 5:28pm PDT NEW

3DS by Rafiki 03/13/2014, 3:26pm PDT NEW
    Bravely Default: Oh Japan, you so crazy by Rafiki 03/15/2014, 8:16am PDT NEW
    Rafiki! Have you had good times with other 3DS games since then? NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 09/29/2015, 7:48am PDT NEW
        Not really! I haven't bought but one, because I only use it when I travel by Rafiki 09/29/2015, 10:05am PDT NEW

I ordered a flash cart for my Nintendo DS by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/05/2014, 7:10am PDT NEW
    I did this several years ago by CattleHumper 06/05/2014, 9:37am PDT NEW
        Re: I did this several years ago by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/05/2014, 9:53am PDT NEW
            UPDATE! by Ice Cream Jonsey 09/27/2015, 6:10pm PDT NEW

Nintendo CEO dead NT by Rafiki 07/12/2015, 7:20pm PDT NEW
    Who was that...the guy who made Mario?! He's dead?! by Polygon 07/12/2015, 7:34pm PDT NEW
        This is floating around Twitter and also great: by Ice Cream Jonsey 07/12/2015, 8:17pm PDT NEW
            Iwata on Gamecenter CX by Rafiki 07/12/2015, 8:45pm PDT NEW
        It turns out this was a photochop. I apologize. NT by Polygon still sucks though 07/13/2015, 12:42pm PDT NEW

SPLATOON demo impressions by Rafiki 05/23/2015, 5:22pm PDT NEW
    I loved it NT by Ashamed Dev 05/28/2015, 8:09pm PDT NEW

    Re: PIKMIN 3: A DIAPER BABY GAME FOR LTITLE BABIES by caltrops after dark 07/17/2014, 11:31pm PDT NEW

ANNUAL NINTENDO REPORT by Rafiki 06/10/2014, 8:41pm PDT NEW
    Why does every Wii U game look a million times better than every Xbox One game? by Jerry Whorebach 06/10/2014, 9:34pm PDT NEW
        Haha, apparently the Homefront developers are just writing what they know. by Jerry Whorebach 07/03/2014, 3:38pm PDT NEW
    Re: ANNUAL NINTENDO REPORT by CattleHumper 06/11/2014, 11:14am PDT NEW
        People are debating whether it's actually Link or Zelda by Rafiki 06/11/2014, 12:16pm PDT NEW

Submitted without comment by WITTGENSTEIN 04/25/2014, 3:30pm PDT NEW
    Backdoor Plumbers NT by Malibu Heat Films 04/25/2014, 11:55pm PDT NEW
        Now why do people jump on the Gay and miss the Incest? NT by Mischief Maker 04/26/2014, 6:21am PDT NEW
            What a grown man does with his hot brother is his own business! NT by Rafiki 04/26/2014, 12:06pm PDT NEW

Nintendo finally admits WiiU is a disaster - Did anyone here actually have one? NT by WITTGENSTEIN 03/15/2014, 3:19pm PDT NEW

Dogecoin by Entropy Stew 01/15/2014, 2:26pm PST NEW
    And now I wish I'd dumped all my money into doge when I wrote this :( by Entropy Stew 01/20/2014, 1:19pm PST NEW
    So it's worth 1.2 pennies now? NT by WITTGENSTEIN 01/20/2014, 1:41pm PST NEW
        You missed a zero. 0.13 pennies NT by Entropy Stew 01/20/2014, 2:07pm PST NEW
            In that case I give 1/8th of a rats ass (rounded up) NT by WITTGENSTEIN 01/20/2014, 2:13pm PST NEW

Wonderful 101 first impressions by Rafiki 09/18/2013, 12:39pm PDT NEW
    Wow, entire game in isometric tilt-shift miniature view? I have to buy a WiiU? by Fussbett 09/19/2013, 7:26am PDT NEW
        I'm gonna have fun with this game just to spite you. I'm gonna have so much fu by Rafiki 09/19/2013, 6:59pm PDT NEW
            You misunderstand, I'm like "oh shit, I have to buy a WiiU now? :(" by Fussbett 09/19/2013, 8:35pm PDT NEW
                That's actually the first way I read it but then decided buying a WiiU was a dis NT by Rafiki 09/19/2013, 8:56pm PDT NEW

RIP Hiroshi Yamauchi NT by Entropy Stew 09/19/2013, 9:20am PDT NEW
    Re: RIP Hiroshi Yamauchi by I Hate SJW 09/19/2013, 1:20pm PDT NEW

The Nintendo Media Center - aka Wii U by Rafiki 12/26/2012, 9:13pm PST NEW
    Re: The Nintendo Media Center - aka Wii U by Rafiki 01/07/2013, 9:38pm PST NEW
        Re: The Nintendo Media Center - aka Wii U by Rafiki 01/07/2013, 9:57pm PST NEW
            Zombi U by Rafiki 02/01/2013, 1:48pm PST NEW
                Nintendo Land, NSMB-U, Raymand Legends demo by Rafiki 02/04/2013, 1:50pm PST NEW
                    UPDATE: There's no fucking games. See you in September NT by Rafiki 04/14/2013, 1:26pm PDT NEW
                        Not even the lego one? by CattleHumper 04/14/2013, 8:20pm PDT NEW
    There were more Wii's sold than Wii U's in March by skip 04/16/2013, 6:04pm PDT NEW
    A discovery! by Rafiki 09/08/2013, 9:29pm PDT NEW
        Re: A discovery! by PC Game Develoepr 09/08/2013, 10:22pm PDT NEW

I'm having a pretty good day by Rafiki 06/11/2013, 11:12am PDT NEW
    Adding Final Fantasy: Robotech Edition by Rafiki 06/11/2013, 11:46am PDT NEW
        HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH by Rafiki 06/11/2013, 11:47am PDT NEW
            Awesome: The Game by Eurotrash 06/11/2013, 12:54pm PDT NEW

Dick pics vex nips by Entropy Stew 11/24/2012, 10:11am PST NEW
    This is one of the greatest interview excerpts in history. NT by Rafiki 11/24/2012, 11:14am PST NEW
        Yeah, but it's gotta be fake, I mean c'mon. It's brilliant though. NT by Eurotrash 11/24/2012, 2:18pm PST NEW
            I want to live in a world where this interview is real NT by Entropy Stew 11/24/2012, 4:49pm PST NEW
    Nips nip dick pics NT by you're welcome 11/27/2012, 12:09pm PST NEW
        Re: Nips nix dick pics NT by Get your head in the game, son. 11/27/2012, 12:21pm PST NEW
        Bad. I can say that one twice in a row without my tongue tripping over itself NT by Entropy Stew 11/27/2012, 3:36pm PST NEW

Bowser's Inside Story by Last 11/28/2009, 1:44pm PST NEW
    But how do I download the rom? O_O NT by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 11/28/2009, 3:09pm PST NEW
        It requires a firmware update, if that's what you mean. NT by Last 11/28/2009, 8:22pm PST NEW
            Bowser was my favorite part of Super Mario RPG. I am so fucking buying this. NT by Fortinbras 11/28/2009, 8:55pm PST NEW
                Oh, Bowser's INSIDE Story. by Fortinbras 12/06/2009, 10:40pm PST NEW
                    Re: Oh, Bowser's INSIDE Story. by Chris Hansen 12/07/2009, 1:36am PST NEW
                    50% of the game is you playing as Bowser (<-- spoilers) NT by Last 12/07/2009, 5:34am PST NEW
                        Should be 100% >:( NT by Fortinbras 12/07/2009, 7:53am PST NEW
                        Make me either fucking fight a boss or complete a minigame, not both by WITTGENSTEIN 07/18/2011, 8:09pm PDT NEW

    Convince all competition to follow you into casual gaming with motion controls.. by then capture entire hardcore market 06/07/2011, 4:25pm PDT NEW

Lenincat.jpg by Lenincat.jpg 03/31/2011, 5:19pm PDT NEW

Contra 4. by Jhoh Clbbl O_____O 12/07/2007, 9:47am PST NEW
    front paeg NT by Grumah 12/07/2007, 1:47pm PST NEW
    So they didnt "make it correctly" because it doesnt have an extra life code? by Your mom 01/18/2008, 6:08pm PST NEW
        They didn't make it correctly because it's a 20 minute game that sucks. NT by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 01/18/2008, 7:13pm PST NEW
        Yes, they didn't make it correctly without the code, you cunt. NT by Last 01/18/2008, 10:46pm PST NEW
            This is true actually. by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 01/18/2008, 11:07pm PST NEW
        translation: "I am insane with bitter rage at wasting money on conta 4" NT by catassing faggot translator-bot 01/19/2008, 3:54am PST NEW
    action central apparently agrees with me (shameful?). by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 01/23/2008, 9:13pm PST NEW
        Re: action central apparently agrees with me (shameful?). by Bananadine 01/24/2008, 8:45am PST NEW
    Re: Contra 4. by Jerry Whorebach 01/24/2008, 1:17am PST NEW
        for the record: by Grumah 01/24/2008, 10:11am PST NEW
        No, just searched for Contra Shattered Soldier, no posts. by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 01/24/2008, 11:05am PST NEW
    Re: Contra 4. by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 01/30/2008, 12:13pm PST NEW
        Continued. by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 01/30/2008, 12:26pm PST NEW
            So basically everyone on sloarchan is just like you? NT by motherfuckerfoodeater 01/30/2008, 1:05pm PST NEW
                No, the opposite actually. NT by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 01/30/2008, 1:32pm PST NEW
                actually, they arent being bitterly sarcastic there, they are serious :( NT by Grumah 01/30/2008, 3:50pm PST NEW
    Re: Contra 4. by Mysterious Stranger 09/08/2010, 2:54pm PDT NEW
    Re: Contra 4. by Mysterious Stranger 09/08/2010, 2:55pm PDT NEW
        Re: Contra 4. by Mysterious Stranger 09/08/2010, 2:56pm PDT NEW

The World Ends with You (DS) - the gayest game you'll ever love. by Last 05/05/2008, 9:08am PDT NEW
    Beltan Zipar, the Motion Picture. NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 05/05/2008, 9:32am PDT NEW
    Re: The World Ends with You (DS) - the gayest game you'll ever love. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 05/05/2008, 9:36am PDT NEW
    I suffered through what must've been an hour of clicking through cutscenes. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 06/06/2008, 11:41am PDT NEW
        100% correct about the cutscenes. by Last 06/06/2008, 6:28pm PDT NEW
            Re: 100% correct about the cutscenes. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 06/06/2008, 6:43pm PDT NEW
                Japanese devs have a 0.000 success rate when it comes to human emotion/relations by Last 06/11/2008, 10:28am PDT NEW
                    Japanese devs have a 0.000 success rate when it comes to human emotion/relations by Tiger Oni Mask Dude Man 08/08/2010, 8:09pm PDT NEW
                        Japanesu characters are just bodies without personalities. by Jhoh Cause..... 2 08/09/2010, 11:16am PDT NEW
    Okay the game is really really selling me on itself now. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 06/09/2008, 2:13pm PDT NEW
        PS: This is really Scientology: The Video Game. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 06/09/2008, 2:52pm PDT NEW
            Vegeta, what does the e-meter say about his OT level? NT by Entropy Stew 06/09/2008, 10:22pm PDT NEW
            Re: PS: This is really Scientology: The Video Game. by motherfuckerfoodeater 06/09/2008, 10:36pm PDT NEW
                Thanks wrom. NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 06/09/2008, 10:45pm PDT NEW
        One thing about this game that is really fuckin gay. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 06/13/2008, 2:10am PDT NEW
    The ending is a Martrix rip-off and then the main kid takes his headphones OFF. by Last 06/14/2008, 6:06pm PDT NEW
        Well at least I have a + game to look forward to. :( NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 06/14/2008, 7:15pm PDT NEW
            It lets you FFWD all the talking parts, and you find previously impossible items by Last 06/15/2008, 10:53am PDT NEW
                Even more shocking, that tin pin slammer minigame is actually fun and not shit. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 06/15/2008, 5:43pm PDT NEW
    Re: The World Ends with You (DS) - the gayest game you'll ever love. by Tiger Oni Mask Dude Man 08/08/2010, 4:40pm PDT NEW

Pokemon Goldthing and Silveritem released apparently. by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 03/26/2010, 7:19pm PDT NEW
    we are way too old for pokegaymon NT by irony 03/27/2010, 12:37am PDT NEW

Final Fantasy : Grimoire of the Rift : Tactics : A2 : The Review : The First Cha by Last 10/16/2008, 2:10pm PDT NEW
    Re: Final Fantasy : Grimoire of the Rift : Tactics : A2 : The Review by Quentin Beck 10/16/2008, 3:17pm PDT NEW
        Nobody needs sound in any DS game, however... by Last 10/16/2008, 4:02pm PDT NEW
                EBA is better than os tataky owendan. NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 10/16/2008, 4:14pm PDT NEW
            Re: Nobody needs sound in any DS game, however... by Quentin Beck 10/17/2008, 8:14pm PDT NEW
    Re: Final Fantasy : Grimoire of the Rift : Tactics : A2 : by FABIO 10/17/2008, 9:49pm PDT NEW
        Caltoprs in-joke: all those names are stolen from Jerry's medicine cabinet. NT by Last 10/19/2008, 7:31pm PDT NEW
    Update by Quentin Beck 10/24/2008, 1:55am PDT NEW
        Yeah, our time is better spent playing games with vitamins, college credits. NT by Last 10/24/2008, 7:23am PDT NEW
    Well I got it. Random first-impression thoughts. by Mischief Maker 02/27/2010, 9:11am PST NEW
        I don't know, maybe they don't love Disagaea's geo panels/hate FFT(A2)'s laws NT by Strawman Maker 02/27/2010, 9:17am PST NEW
            I wasn't pointing fingers at anyone here. by Mischief Maker 02/27/2010, 10:22am PST NEW
                Re: I wasn't pointing fingers at anyone here. by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 02/27/2010, 10:37am PST NEW
                    Re: I wasn't pointing fingers at anyone here. by Bananadine 02/27/2010, 11:17am PST NEW
                        Re: I wasn't pointing fingers at anyone here. by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 02/27/2010, 11:19am PST NEW
                Jumping when some faggot yells CHANGE PLACES! is less fun than yelling it yourse by Entropy Stew 02/27/2010, 11:20am PST NEW
        Re: Well I got it. Random first-impression thoughts. by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 02/27/2010, 9:44am PST NEW
        Geo panels by a fairy princess 02/27/2010, 11:53am PST NEW

Gamedogs by Worm 02/16/2010, 9:04pm PST NEW
    "Ayy ess cee two drawing"? FUCKING AMATEUR HOUR!! HURRRRRRRRR NT by Jerry Whorebach 02/16/2010, 9:24pm PST NEW

Professor Layton And The Diabolical Box.nds by Creexuls, a monster >:3 08/26/2009, 8:47pm PDT NEW
    It's okay. by Last 08/27/2009, 1:22am PDT NEW
        Yeah more of the same, it's awright for TAKING A SHIT AND SOLVING A PUZZLE. NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 09/05/2009, 4:39pm PDT NEW
            the DS is a great portable system... for taking a shit by Weyoun Voidbringer 09/05/2009, 5:07pm PDT NEW

the world ends with twewy by Weyoun Voidbringer 08/22/2009, 1:35am PDT NEW
    on the subject of cuntscenes by Weyoun Voidbringer 08/22/2009, 1:53am PDT NEW
        Re: on the subject of cuntscenes by Creexuls, a monster >:3 08/22/2009, 9:47am PDT NEW
            so she's like any female NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 08/22/2009, 10:30am PDT NEW
    btw I ended up really liking the music, it's surprisingly not shitty j-pap or ra NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 09/01/2009, 3:56am PDT NEW

Scrabble, GTA: Chinatown Wars, Puzzle Quest: Galactrix by Last 03/16/2009, 10:26am PDT NEW
    fucking scrabble fucking fuck by up with pod people 03/16/2009, 1:08pm PDT NEW
        Ray don't read this post (oshit I can't watch this hey everybody I can't watch t NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 03/16/2009, 1:11pm PDT NEW
            stacking two-letter words into corners is not wordplay IT IS TETRIS by up with pod people 03/16/2009, 1:14pm PDT NEW
                Don't read this post, Creexul! Ray, don't read the title! NT by OK REWIND THE PLAY FIVE MINUTES 03/16/2009, 5:00pm PDT NEW
        The worst is "challenge" mode by FABIO 03/16/2009, 9:03pm PDT NEW
            scrabble sucks, even if everyone is a noob by Weyoun Voidbringer 03/17/2009, 5:35am PDT NEW
    chinatown wars sounds like it will be sweet I read about it in gameinformer (wha NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 03/17/2009, 5:42am PDT NEW

riiflex by bombMexico 01/24/2009, 12:04am PST NEW

Yo dawg, I heard you like cats by Ray of Light 01/07/2009, 8:15am PST NEW
    lol he looks like super mario in the kingdom of white trash NT by Gruman 01/08/2009, 2:17am PST NEW
    My pernicious influence is spreading... NT by Mischief Maker 01/08/2009, 6:21am PST NEW

That FF4 remake is coming out in MURRICA on July 22. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 06/04/2008, 1:37pm PDT NEW
    Ready and set. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 07/22/2008, 6:42am PDT NEW
    it looks really good NT by Grumah 07/22/2008, 6:45pm PDT NEW
    so far: its the best FF game ever by Grumah 07/23/2008, 7:07pm PDT NEW
    "You spoony bard" remains, perhaps intentionally. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 07/24/2008, 10:12am PDT NEW
        Re: "You spoony bard" remains, perhaps intentionally. by Bananadine 08/06/2008, 12:21pm PDT NEW
    Some of the changes. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 07/26/2008, 9:34am PDT NEW
        edward is no longer a worthless fuckstick by Grumah 07/26/2008, 9:52am PDT NEW
        Drakan was number two on the August, 1999 Softrend chart. NT by Mischief Maker 07/26/2008, 11:45am PDT NEW
            how does one "softly" "rend" anything? NT by Grumah 07/26/2008, 11:57am PDT NEW
        You counter with the ability at the top of your menu by Ethan Steele 07/26/2008, 12:32pm PDT NEW
            It doesn't have to be at the top but I guess that's an alternative method. NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 07/26/2008, 12:47pm PDT NEW
                for the counter attack it probably does by Grumah 07/26/2008, 1:31pm PDT NEW
    A 17 year out of date game remade into 9 year out of date game. NT by FABIO 08/02/2008, 1:49pm PDT NEW
        BOY IT'S FUN NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 08/02/2008, 9:17pm PDT NEW
    Some negatives. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 08/03/2008, 2:18am PDT NEW
        Then what did you do? NT by Gruman 08/03/2008, 2:36am PDT NEW
            Some other things. NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 08/03/2008, 4:53am PDT NEW
            take a shit under as many posts as possible NT by bdar 08/03/2008, 5:31am PDT NEW
        The counters system gets worse, and is broken like some kind of blizzard game. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 08/10/2008, 4:31am PDT NEW
        Final verdict: Almost good. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 10/24/2008, 9:48am PDT NEW

New York Times Crossword Puzzle (Review) - it's exactly what you expect. by Last 08/18/2008, 1:50pm PDT NEW
    should I expect to suddenly walk into a gay bar out of the blue? NT by Grumah 08/18/2008, 2:05pm PDT NEW
        That's the common expectation, yes. NT by Last 08/18/2008, 2:25pm PDT NEW
            I mean, that's what WE expect of YOU. FUCK! Joke: ruined. Keyboard: inverted. NT by Last 08/18/2008, 2:27pm PDT NEW
                You fucked it up (her life was in our hands myan). NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 08/18/2008, 2:35pm PDT NEW
                    But chief, Last gets results! NT by Frank McGillicutty 08/18/2008, 2:47pm PDT NEW
                        Well I suppose you are right, I guess he's an okay guy. ^_^ NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 08/18/2008, 2:49pm PDT NEW
                            We also would have accepted, "I've seen his results: at the morgue." NT by Frank McGillicutty 08/18/2008, 2:51pm PDT NEW
                                I believe the line is "in the obituaries." NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 08/18/2008, 3:04pm PDT NEW
                            This is why Creex can't be chief of police, he is too forgiving of casualties NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/18/2008, 2:53pm PDT NEW
                jew york slimes equivocation puzzles are on the front page NT by Grumah 08/18/2008, 4:00pm PDT NEW
                    hahaha AGAIN do it AGAIN NT by Gruman 08/18/2008, 5:07pm PDT NEW

Manhole (Game & Watch) by Jerry Whorebach 08/07/2008, 5:56am PDT NEW

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