Fire Matt Millen
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Cowboys' Coach Wade Philips out, Jason Stewart in NT by Fortinbras 11/08/2010, 11:35am PST NEW
    About time. NT by laudablepuss 11/08/2010, 11:56am PST NEW
    Jason Garrett. Also, they fired Joe Morgan today, too! NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 11/08/2010, 9:29pm PST NEW
        Re: Jason Garrett. Also, they fired Joe Morgan today, too! by laudablepuss 11/09/2010, 2:20pm PST NEW
    HUGE. HUGE HIRE. (silence) (crumples paper) HUUUUUUGE. by Romey 11/08/2010, 9:30pm PST NEW
        I've been skimming. NT by Gasoline 02/19/2024, 2:04pm PST NEW
    Before he was shitcanned by laudablepuss 11/15/2010, 3:21pm PST NEW
        If someone has a link to the Cromartie punk-out plz post NT by Vested Id 11/15/2010, 3:39pm PST NEW
            Apparently it's this play by laudablepuss 11/15/2010, 4:16pm PST NEW
                That's awesome/fucked up but I meant when he was playing for San Diego NT by Vested Id 11/15/2010, 5:33pm PST NEW
                    ?????? He's San Diego faggot number 31 there. by laudablepuss 11/16/2010, 8:56am PST NEW
                        Thanks for bumping this by laudablepuss 02/20/2024, 9:59am PST NEW
                Re: Apparently it's this play by Ice Cream Jonsey 11/15/2010, 9:28pm PST NEW
                    HE'S ON OUR TEAM NOW! O_O by laudablepuss 11/16/2010, 8:58am PST NEW
                        Re: HE'S ON OUR TEAM NOW! O_O by laudablepuss 11/16/2010, 9:01am PST NEW
            Re: If someone has a link to the Cromartie punk-out plz post by Bodybag 11/16/2010, 4:01pm PST NEW
                Bonus punk-out by Bodybag 11/16/2010, 4:06pm PST NEW
                    Hahahahaha by laudablepuss 11/16/2010, 4:43pm PST NEW
                Did you go through all that trouble by Vested Id 11/16/2010, 10:53pm PST NEW
            This is a barbaric sport. by Kenji Carter 11/16/2010, 4:40pm PST NEW

Great job, Lions by laudablepuss 01/15/2024, 10:00am PST NEW

WE WAS ROBBED NT by Dan Campbell 12/31/2023, 12:23pm PST NEW
    It was possibly the dumbest ref mistake in the history of professional sports NT by laudablepuss 12/31/2023, 2:57pm PST NEW
        end of the game, ref just nodding along THANKS okay THANKS but i'm tryi THANKS NT by Feris 12/31/2023, 7:04pm PST NEW

Ehhh?! EHHHHH?!?!?! NT by Detroit Lions 10/16/2023, 10:44am PDT NEW
    The Lions are a pretty good team NT by laudablepuss 10/16/2023, 3:59pm PDT NEW
        Cowboys, Lions, and Rangers oh my NT by Dogshit teams having a year 11/05/2023, 12:02pm PST NEW
            The cowboys still suck by laudablepuss 11/06/2023, 9:25am PST NEW

Dude, I think your job might be in jeopardy NT by Dom Capers 12/15/2005, 6:43pm PST NEW
    Where were you guys before I got fired? by Steve Mariucci 12/15/2005, 8:42pm PST NEW
        Re: Where were you guys before I got fired? by The Fire Matt Millen News Network 12/21/2005, 8:26pm PST NEW
    Re: Dude, I think your job might be in jeopardy by gggggg 09/06/2010, 10:47pm PDT NEW
        Looking for people to make a game by Makoto Sheffield 09/06/2010, 10:49pm PDT NEW
            What game do you want to make by Bananadine 09/07/2010, 6:26am PDT NEW
                Maybe he wants to make a good good good good good goo NT by laudablepuss 09/07/2010, 8:36am PDT NEW

This is the Millennium forum now. (Attn nerds: I said FORUM not FALCON) by Jerry Whorebach 07/01/2010, 2:33pm PDT NEW
    whether or not you like it/you might be an evil psychic NT by Fullofkittens 07/01/2010, 2:52pm PDT NEW
    24 in the 90s by Hyuk hyuk 07/01/2010, 11:10pm PDT NEW

Saw him before the game by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/02/2009, 3:37am PST NEW
    What did they do to silence Ice Cream? NT by mark 12/02/2009, 6:49am PST NEW
    Re: Saw him before the game by laudablepuss 12/02/2009, 10:23am PST NEW

Recent interview by Ice Cream Jonsey 11/24/2009, 11:22am PST NEW
    Re: Recent interview by laudablepuss 11/24/2009, 5:16pm PST NEW

Responsibility by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/19/2009, 9:30pm PDT NEW
    Lets not forget when you deleted the gold edition of DNF! NT by George Broussard 06/19/2009, 9:40pm PDT NEW
    Wow. NT by laudablepuss 06/20/2009, 9:26am PDT NEW

Millen almost turned 0-16 into Monday Night Football by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/28/2009, 9:49am PDT NEW
    Is this where we post broadcasting jobs for Matt Millen? by Jerry Whorebach 05/29/2009, 6:46pm PDT NEW
        Americans don't even know what you're talking about by The Littlest Hobo 05/30/2009, 12:58am PDT NEW
            Well then maybe the Americans need to Dr. Rock's learn to speak French >:( by Jerry Whorebach 05/30/2009, 2:27am PDT NEW

I'm having people over specifically to watch the Lions go 0-15, with by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/19/2008, 4:26pm PST NEW

Matt and the Internet by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/03/2007, 1:04am PDT NEW
    Re: Matt and the Internet by Souffle of Pain 05/16/2007, 10:03pm PDT NEW
        Re: Matt and the Internet by Leaped Frog 05/17/2007, 8:03pm PDT NEW
        Holy fuck yes Boston NT by FABIO 09/24/2008, 1:02pm PDT NEW
    Matt Millen: no longer living the dream by laudablepuss 09/24/2008, 10:03am PDT NEW
        I can't believe it's over. What use will this base have, now? NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 09/24/2008, 11:57am PDT NEW
        Rob Schneider screaming YOU CAN DO IT from the back of the unemployment line. by Jerry Whorebach 09/24/2008, 6:34pm PDT NEW

8th straight 0-2 start for the Lions, thanks Matt by Ice Cream Jonsey 09/20/2008, 1:08am PDT NEW

Millen survives another season by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/03/2008, 7:01pm PST NEW
    Totally insane by laudablepuss 01/04/2008, 12:42pm PST NEW
        Re: Totally insane by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/05/2008, 2:26am PST NEW
    This just proves by whydirt 01/04/2008, 1:05pm PST NEW
        Re: This just proves by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/05/2008, 2:22am PST NEW

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