Roop Dirump's Oom Shnibble's Your're Full Of It
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So I am dragging the family to go live in Australia. by Oom Shnibble 07/01/2015, 12:38pm PDT NEW
    You should move everyone to Australia, mate! NT by Guy That Doesnt Know About Timestam 07/01/2015, 1:04pm PDT NEW
    So you're telling me you DO NOT want to get raped by a pack of basketball americ NT by White Flight 07/01/2015, 10:07pm PDT NEW
    Looking forward to hearing about shitty ISPs and retail markups! (srsly) NT by The Happiness Engine 07/02/2015, 11:41am PDT NEW
        Cant be worse than it is here. by Oom Shnibble 07/06/2015, 9:56pm PDT NEW
            Australia sounds a lot better than the US NT by no blacks for one 07/07/2015, 7:49am PDT NEW
                But more importantly... by Oom Shnibble 07/07/2015, 9:44am PDT NEW
                    There's a lot of that in the US too NT by Mysterio 07/07/2015, 11:36am PDT NEW
                        No there isn't by Oom Shnibble 07/07/2015, 9:36pm PDT NEW
                            Re: No there isn't by Roop 07/07/2015, 10:32pm PDT NEW
                                Thanks for reminding me to buy GTA5 before I ship out. NT by Oom Shnibble 07/08/2015, 6:36am PDT NEW
    I knew caltrops was full of riff-raff but this is the worst... prisoners by tranported to the antipodes posting 07/07/2015, 6:38pm PDT NEW
    I hope this move went well for you. NT by This is Chris's Blood 11/13/2022, 8:00pm PST NEW

Pinback's an asshole! But all assholes are allowed. Except Pinback! NT by Roop 01/08/2020, 9:50am PST NEW
    I wonder what Dick Clownshoes would have to say about this exclusionary policy. NT by pinback 01/08/2020, 1:29pm PST NEW
        Admin!? Hah! I'm pushing this up to the Copy Editor! You... grammar hater! by Roop 01/08/2020, 1:34pm PST NEW
            Clownshoes is creepier than the ghost girl that only posts on holidays by Mr. 3000 01/08/2020, 2:58pm PST NEW
                Ya I think probably its weaker clown manifestation. But Pinbacks still banned! NT by Roop 01/09/2020, 2:33pm PST NEW

Oom Shnibbles Game Dev Diary Part the First. by Oom Shnibble 04/06/2012, 1:33am PDT NEW
    Watch this when you feel like quitting. by Mischief Maker 04/06/2012, 1:52am PDT NEW
        Thank you for the words of inspiration by Oom Shnibble 04/06/2012, 5:12am PDT NEW
    Oom Shnibble's Game Dev Diary Part the Second by Oom Shnibble 04/06/2012, 5:30am PDT NEW
        That looks just like an enormous NT by Wang! Pay attention! 04/06/2012, 1:24pm PDT NEW
        Re: Oom Shnibble's Game Dev Diary Part the Second by Souffle of Pain 04/07/2012, 8:30pm PDT NEW
            C# is not like C. by motherfuckerfoodeater 04/07/2012, 11:32pm PDT NEW
                Yes, C# is better by Entropy Stew 04/08/2012, 7:08pm PDT NEW
                    Java lives again in the world of Android development, though. NT by Fullofkittens 04/08/2012, 7:20pm PDT NEW
            Re: Oom Shnibble's Game Dev Diary Part the Second by Oom Shnibble 04/07/2012, 11:46pm PDT NEW
    Re: Oom Shnibbles Game Dev Diary Part the Third. by Oom Shnibble 04/08/2012, 1:02am PDT NEW
    Oom Shnibble's Game Dev Diary Part the Fourth aka, I DID IT! by Oom Shnibble 04/10/2012, 11:28am PDT NEW
        x - quits the game. -nt- NT by Oom Shnibble 04/10/2012, 11:30am PDT NEW
        Downloaded! Will tell you how it runs first chance I get. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 04/11/2012, 7:23am PDT NEW
            BUMP by Ice Cream Jonsey 04/19/2012, 9:07am PDT NEW
                Re: BUMP by Oom Shnibble 04/19/2012, 12:43pm PDT NEW
        How depressing by Arbit 04/19/2012, 11:23am PDT NEW
    Oom Shnibble's Game Dev Diary V2.oh by Oom Shnibble 04/21/2012, 8:43am PDT NEW
        Re: Oom Shnibble's Game Dev Diary V2.oh by Mr. Kool 04/21/2012, 5:46pm PDT NEW
            Re: Oom Shnibble's Game Dev Diary V2.oh by Oom Shnibble 04/21/2012, 11:20pm PDT NEW
        Oom Shnibble's Game Dev Diary V2.1 by Oom Shnibble 04/28/2012, 3:37am PDT NEW

The new X-Com should let you toggle between turn-based and real-time combat. by Jerry Whorebach 02/12/2012, 12:40am PST NEW
    people would complain so they probably won't do that by sdroa jists 02/14/2012, 12:41pm PST NEW
    Re: The new X-Com should let you toggle between turn-based and real-time combat. by Ice Cream Jonsey 02/14/2012, 10:42pm PST NEW
        On the subject of Me by Jerry Whorebach 02/15/2012, 12:02am PST NEW
        Re: The new X-Com should let you toggle between turn-based and real-time combat. by Oom Shnibble 02/15/2012, 9:05am PST NEW
    Jullian Gallop tried that in Xcom3 Apocalypse, sorta sucked by Roop 02/15/2012, 6:13am PST NEW
        My post was in response to the very high quality comic on the front page. by (The one making fun of Josh Sawyer) 02/15/2012, 7:32am PST NEW
    Fallout Tactics, Arcanum =( NT by fabio 02/15/2012, 6:28am PST NEW
        Freedom Force? NT by Fullofkittens 02/15/2012, 6:35am PST NEW
            realtime pause button NT by fabio 02/15/2012, 8:38am PST NEW
                I guess Infinity Engine would count, then NT by Entropy Stew 02/15/2012, 11:50am PST NEW

Blast from the past. by Oom Shnibble 02/08/2012, 11:41am PST NEW
    Be aware, there's a poster-killing robot on the loose. O_O NT by laudablepuss 02/08/2012, 12:51pm PST NEW
    hy het 'n bietjie skeef voorgekom by Roop 02/08/2012, 3:35pm PST NEW
        Jou ma se poes. by Oom Shnibble 02/08/2012, 8:17pm PST NEW
    You'll always have a home here, Shnibble. NT by Souffle of Pain 02/08/2012, 9:24pm PST NEW

frontpage does not link to correct comic. NT by mark 09/30/2011, 8:30am PDT NEW
    Thanks. Fixed. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 09/30/2011, 10:13am PDT NEW

Hello there. by Oom Shnibble 08/10/2006, 8:21am PDT NEW
    Being full of it. NT by Creexul :( 08/10/2006, 2:49pm PDT NEW
        But that goes without saying. by Oom Shnibble 08/11/2006, 3:47am PDT NEW
            your are NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 08/11/2006, 7:49am PDT NEW
                Mine are what? by Oom Shnibble 08/11/2006, 8:05am PDT NEW
                    Your're full of it. by Creexul :( 08/11/2006, 10:47am PDT NEW
    Fucking Faggots NT by Roop 08/04/2011, 12:15pm PDT NEW
        Re: Fucking Faggots by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/04/2011, 1:57pm PDT NEW
            You mean besides the first link that pops up when you seach for "Roop Dirump" by Le Google 08/09/2011, 10:02pm PDT NEW
                Yes. He did others. NT by Herp Derp 08/09/2011, 10:44pm PDT NEW
                    The Star Wars one(s?) were fantastic and they need a home somewhere. NT by Fullofkittens 08/10/2011, 5:20am PDT NEW
            Re: Fucking Faggots by Roop 08/10/2011, 5:42am PDT NEW
                Re: Fucking Faggots by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/10/2011, 11:29am PDT NEW
                    Also, I meant to say "thank you" in there. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/10/2011, 11:30am PDT NEW
                    Re: Fucking Faggots by Roop 08/10/2011, 1:07pm PDT NEW
                        This is great news. NT by Lizard_King 09/11/2011, 8:21pm PDT NEW

8 years later, I still fucking love that wookie in the bottom middle panel NT by Entropy Stew 08/26/2011, 7:22pm PDT NEW
    Re: 8 years later, I still fucking love that wookie in the bottom middle panel by This is Chris's Blood 08/28/2011, 8:02pm PDT NEW

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