Day[9] started a game studio. by Ice Cream Jonsey 04/15/2023, 3:06pm PDT 
So it's a free weekend for anyone who signed up for the Overwatch beta by fabio 11/20/2015, 7:24pm PST 
RTS games that don't let you freeform drive around and jump out at will suck. by kate leth 07/23/2014, 12:33am PDT 
Intro cinematic for HotS by Arbit 01/24/2013, 5:59pm PST 
MLG Dallas! by turkey sandwich guy 11/03/2012, 2:54pm PDT 
Heart of the Swarm: March 12, 2013 by which is good because 11/18/2012, 3:02pm PST 
won my season placement match standing at a two-top in an airport lounge NT by BALLER 11/08/2012, 7:42pm PST 
The correct review. by Claborsarls 04/23/2012, 5:56am PDT 
C'mon guys! by FrostySC 09/08/2011, 7:47pm PDT 
Day[9] is really funny by Ice Cream Jonsey 09/03/2011, 9:38am PDT 
Starcraft 2 is being dominated by HACKERS by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/10/2011, 12:15pm PDT 
According to the headline for this game's article... by Fullofkittens 10/16/2010, 3:28am PDT 
Our new theme song. by Sword of Justice 10/16/2010, 10:40pm PDT 
Bad company till the day they die. by Sword of Justice 10/11/2010, 1:57am PDT 
That wasn't a very good review. by Eldjotnar 08/26/2010, 12:03pm PDT 
gameplay video, this game looks like shit by Sword of Justice 08/20/2010, 12:56am PDT 
frontpage review: officially invalid by Sword of Justice 08/11/2010, 4:41am PDT 
Does the time it takes to download count against the 7 hour guest pass? by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/11/2010, 12:12am PDT 
it sucks so bad yatzee refuses to even review it by Sword of Justice 08/04/2010, 4:56pm PDT 
I DIDN'T THINK IT WAS POSSIBLE by Jhoh Cause..... 2 07/30/2010, 2:25pm PDT 
apparently battlenet 2.0 is really shitty by Sword of Justice 08/01/2010, 5:14am PDT 
Is the atmosphere a gameplay element in itself?` NT by Gourd of Sustenance 07/31/2010, 10:18am PDT 
Tycho's overpriced Alienware PC can't handle Starcraft 2 for some reason by Fortinbras 07/31/2010, 11:38am PDT 
It's awesome by Fortinbras 07/27/2010, 4:09pm PDT 
7/27/2010 NT by Fortinbras 05/03/2010, 7:34pm PDT 
LEARN 2 PLAY STARCRAFT PRO 4 CHEAP by Fortinbras 07/02/2009, 2:45pm PDT 
new "battle report" on fileplanet by Weyoun Voidbringer 06/19/2009, 5:57pm PDT 
This sounds like a GREAT idea by FABIO 10/11/2008, 4:15pm PDT 
New terran units by FABIO 08/05/2007, 7:33am PDT 
Can't type, playing fake pinball by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/08/2007, 5:32pm PDT 