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How to inline Twitter, Youtube, others by Caltrops 06/23/2018, 8:48pm PDT NEW
    Example for "Rick Roll": [youtube id=dQw4w9WgXcQ] by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 06/27/2018, 10:12pm PDT NEW
        This is wrong. You need quotes there. You're not helping by adding posts to the by Ice Cream Jonsey 07/17/2018, 10:43am PDT NEW
            I'd give anything for him to add a post to a sticky, just one more time. =( NT by pinback 04/03/2019, 2:17pm PDT NEW

Join us on Blue Sky. Let's be friends. by CALTROPS ADMIN????? 11/13/2024, 11:34am PST NEW
    Always resist. Never obey. NT by Dan Flashes Boss 11/13/2024, 12:54pm PST NEW
        Obey Giant NT by Shepard Fairey 11/13/2024, 2:15pm PST NEW

Tensions are hot. by dang 11/08/2024, 4:11pm PST NEW
    Thanks but everything is fine NT by whoops 11/08/2024, 5:05pm PST NEW
    Alas, people aren't going to be able to scream at the politicians/consultants by who just ruined their lives. -MM 11/08/2024, 5:49pm PST NEW
        I should be running this place. NT by Dan Flashes Boss 11/08/2024, 6:04pm PST NEW
            You couldn't get three votes. The one thing America is united on. NT by Yaris 11/08/2024, 8:31pm PST NEW
        It takes a lot of fortitude to not be gaslit by this stuff; NT by save it for the other forum 11/08/2024, 6:13pm PST NEW

POLL: Respond if you left CalTrops because of politics posts NT by Pollmaster 10/20/2024, 7:27pm PDT NEW
    I think I see a flaw in your methodology. NT by MM 10/20/2024, 8:02pm PDT NEW
        I'm going to win back your attention. NT by Pollmaster 10/24/2024, 9:06pm PDT NEW

I would like to say sorry to the website. by Mysterio3 07/19/2024, 10:01am PDT NEW
    I would like to apologize again. by Mysterio3 10/19/2024, 8:53am PDT NEW
        I will forgive you if I see improvement. NT by Wayne Nicholson 10/19/2024, 11:56am PDT NEW
        Stop apologizing NT by NY Post 10/19/2024, 8:39pm PDT NEW
    Tell us your name. all will be NT by forgiven 10/19/2024, 5:05pm PDT NEW

Our values as a community. CalTrops is a place to discuss by GAMES not US Politics 10/15/2024, 5:54pm PDT NEW
    "talking policitcs" by is really 10/15/2024, 7:28pm PDT NEW
        Agreed. Ban MAGA. by Let them chew dick 10/15/2024, 7:42pm PDT NEW
            Keep at it. We can drive them off. NT by john 10/15/2024, 9:33pm PDT NEW
                Keep insulting them. They just sit and take it anyway. by Mysterio 10/18/2024, 9:45am PDT NEW
                    Watch it. Warning you. by Wayne Nicholson 10/18/2024, 10:59am PDT NEW
                        oooohhh what are you ggoing to do? Hit me? NT by lololololololololol 10/18/2024, 11:57am PDT NEW
                        Re: Watch it. Warning you. by laudablepuss 10/18/2024, 2:58pm PDT NEW
    What if they're Woke games? NT by Mischief Maker 10/15/2024, 8:21pm PDT NEW
        I voted, so I am out of the election. On the sidelines. NT by Geryk 10/16/2024, 6:08pm PDT NEW
            Re: I voted, so I am out of the election. On the sidelines. by Gaige Grosskreutz 10/16/2024, 10:04pm PDT NEW
                Strike one by Geryk 10/17/2024, 12:06am PDT NEW
                    Buy it, Geryk and put the site on MongoDB NT by Mysterio 10/17/2024, 11:44am PDT NEW
                        You're a MongoDB by The DB stands for douche bag 10/17/2024, 11:46am PDT NEW

I like it when we are all nice to each other. NT by Eury 07/12/2024, 5:14pm PDT NEW
    Yaaaaay! Hugs! NT by Mischief Maker 07/12/2024, 5:23pm PDT NEW
        There will be a second moderator on Monday. by Modberg 07/13/2024, 12:37am PDT NEW
        Is this sarcasm? NT by Eury 07/19/2024, 11:19am PDT NEW
            Re: Is this sarcasm? by Mischief Maker 07/19/2024, 12:15pm PDT NEW
    The last week has been nice. Thank you all. by Eury 10/06/2024, 3:22pm PDT NEW
        We've lost so many NT by Sadness 10/06/2024, 8:53pm PDT NEW
            I was just here to fight about politics. Cya, losers NT by Mysterio3 10/07/2024, 12:26pm PDT NEW
                Goddamnit! We lost 3 Mysterios in one swoop! NT by Mischief Maker 10/07/2024, 1:20pm PDT NEW
        Not really NT by Do not click 10/07/2024, 1:02pm PDT NEW

A proposal: word bans NT by JV Dance 10/03/2024, 3:36pm PDT NEW
    Re: A proposal: word bans by h0 10/03/2024, 4:24pm PDT NEW
    Jesus you're a soft little bitch by "Stop making it possible to hear 10/03/2024, 4:37pm PDT NEW
        You know which one NT by h0 10/03/2024, 4:45pm PDT NEW
            We have to pretend. by It's called diplomacy. 10/03/2024, 4:53pm PDT NEW
                I do not participate in this nonsense. by pinback 10/04/2024, 8:56am PDT NEW
                    :D by h0 10/04/2024, 12:12pm PDT NEW
        It's doing you cunts a favor though. NT by Geryk 10/04/2024, 7:17am PDT NEW
            How about you post about games, dipshit? NT by Lonnie 10/04/2024, 9:03am PDT NEW

Does the link work? by pinback 09/24/2024, 1:27pm PDT NEW
    I don't know what you guys are clicking on. No. NT by Mysterio 09/24/2024, 1:35pm PDT NEW
    You have to go into the cave and get the red sword from the old man first. NT by MM 09/24/2024, 2:14pm PDT NEW
    They're just being sociopaths NT by Employed guy 09/24/2024, 3:05pm PDT NEW
        Doesnt work on Dreamcast browser NT by kate leth 09/24/2024, 3:29pm PDT NEW
            Same NT by Mysterio 09/24/2024, 4:50pm PDT NEW
    Well excUuuuUse me, princess! NT by Link 09/24/2024, 8:44pm PDT NEW

I nominate Dan Flashes Boss as mod for rest of 2024 by Mysterio 09/12/2024, 9:10pm PDT NEW
    As someone who was fired for flashing his boss by Mysteriobama 09/14/2024, 5:53pm PDT NEW
        Please, tell us that story. If you can? NT by Dan Flashes Boss 09/14/2024, 7:36pm PDT NEW
            Re: Please, tell us that story. If you can? by Mysteriobama 09/21/2024, 2:46pm PDT NEW
                Oh, and yes, one of the people I flashed by Mysteriobama 09/21/2024, 2:49pm PDT NEW
    Aye by Oh 09/21/2024, 8:45pm PDT NEW

hi by hi 09/18/2024, 7:40pm PDT NEW
    I don't like fun NT by hi 09/18/2024, 7:48pm PDT NEW
        Welcome home NT by Hello 09/18/2024, 9:37pm PDT NEW
    2 by 2 09/19/2024, 4:01pm PDT NEW

Enough bullying. Stop it. by Mysterio 08/20/2024, 9:05pm PDT NEW
    *tapes KICK ME sign to Mysterio's back* NT by Mischief Maker 08/21/2024, 11:24am PDT NEW
    Where did this happen? NT by Ray Gun Gunray 08/21/2024, 8:46pm PDT NEW
        Pay attention NT by ! 08/21/2024, 9:10pm PDT NEW
    I've already played this AI scenario by "Your Bullying Victim's Hot Mom" 08/21/2024, 11:34pm PDT NEW
    STOP BEING MEAN NT by Mysterio 08/29/2024, 4:22pm PDT NEW
    Keep toughening up online and you might make the cut for Meal Team Six. NT by Normal Gamer 08/31/2024, 1:44pm PDT NEW
        I will name and shame the worst offenders. by Oh 09/04/2024, 10:37pm PDT NEW

Some suggestions from someone who is leaving. by Try again 08/29/2024, 11:13am PDT NEW
    Speaking of criticizing comedy giants and creepy guys: by Mischief Maker 08/29/2024, 11:54am PDT NEW
        It's "Jon". Not John. NT by Try again 08/29/2024, 12:11pm PDT NEW
            John. Did I do it right? Wait, what is it again? by Donkey Dikk 08/29/2024, 3:43pm PDT NEW
    Physician, heal thyself NT by laudablepuss 08/30/2024, 5:47am PDT NEW
    As a woman, this post resonated with me by Master Debater 08/30/2024, 11:59am PDT NEW
        fuck you i'm two women NT by two women 08/30/2024, 2:44pm PDT NEW
    Of you don't mind me asking, what's your opinion on by Patch Adams 08/30/2024, 6:20pm PDT NEW
        Patch Adams is the reason Joe Rogan and Bill Maher are so confidently antivax. by Mischief Maker 08/30/2024, 8:06pm PDT NEW
    Re: Some suggestions from someone who is leaving. by Normal Gamer 08/31/2024, 1:40pm PDT NEW

Most of you are terrible posters that the old guard would have hated. NT by Look inward and improve yourselves. 03/11/2024, 2:13pm PDT NEW
    Too gay or not gay enough? by laudablepuss 03/11/2024, 2:21pm PDT NEW
        What a silly question! The answer is ALWAYS "not gay enough!" NT by Mischief Maker 03/11/2024, 2:40pm PDT NEW
            MM is correct. by Look inward and improve yourselves 03/11/2024, 9:42pm PDT NEW
        T'was the second age of the third age of Caltrops by Dildo the Hobbit 04/09/2024, 12:09am PDT NEW
            He doesn't even have a good computer. NT by Dr. Zall 04/10/2024, 9:45am PDT NEW
    Please link to your recent posts as examples of improving NT by We'll wait... 03/12/2024, 12:59pm PDT NEW
        I did a lot of good work with the collective. I'm an effective old tim NT by Look inward and improve yourselves. 03/12/2024, 2:42pm PDT NEW
    1 of you went gay for content. The OG would approve. by Look inward and improve yourselves. 08/08/2024, 3:35pm PDT NEW
        I approve. NT by Mischief Maker 08/08/2024, 3:39pm PDT NEW
            No IMprove by laudablepuss 08/08/2024, 4:49pm PDT NEW
    I got banned for another month NT by Geryk 08/09/2024, 11:57am PDT NEW

You gotta get rid of the stupid Republicans by Helpful advice 07/29/2024, 9:43am PDT NEW
    How about we get rid of you? by Oh wow a stop posting guy 07/29/2024, 10:17am PDT NEW
    Please relax by infosquito 07/29/2024, 11:01am PDT NEW
        This is why I should never ator, lol. God NT by laudablepuss 07/29/2024, 11:02am PDT NEW
        infosquito isn't real? NT by Feris 07/29/2024, 11:27am PDT NEW
        Also, fuck off John Gulp by laudablepuss 07/29/2024, 11:42am PDT NEW
            Will do so. Goodbye forever. NT by John Gulp 07/29/2024, 1:40pm PDT NEW
                Good job laudablepuss NT by Lurkers 07/29/2024, 2:35pm PDT NEW
                    I'm melllllltttttinnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggggg NT by Me giving a fuck 07/29/2024, 2:47pm PDT NEW
                Lol SO DRAMATIC NT by laudablepuss 07/29/2024, 2:53pm PDT NEW
                Look I'll make it up to you goobers by laudablepuss 07/29/2024, 4:25pm PDT NEW
                    Re: Look I'll make it up to you goobers by Feris 07/29/2024, 4:42pm PDT NEW
                        I'm working on this, I promise NT by laudablepuss 07/31/2024, 5:32pm PDT NEW
    Did you get triggered by my posting that Intel sucks? by blackwater 07/29/2024, 1:34pm PDT NEW
    Wrong forum but powerful sentiment by Vested Id 07/29/2024, 4:31pm PDT NEW
        Is this the silliest, most dramatic forum on the internet? NT by laudablepuss 07/29/2024, 4:37pm PDT NEW
        Dilating is the opposite of shutting. NT by Professor Caltrops 07/31/2024, 7:52pm PDT NEW
            Maybe he meant "iris shut" NT by laudablepuss 07/31/2024, 11:06pm PDT NEW
            The door dilated (shut) by Worsted Eg 08/01/2024, 1:00am PDT NEW
                Stop posting by Stop posting 08/01/2024, 6:49am PDT NEW
            Confusion about the meaning of the word Dilate is why people think Robert E. Lee NT by fucked his horse. 08/01/2024, 8:53pm PDT NEW
                But also how he wrote about his horse? It was a little weird . . . NT by laudablepuss 08/02/2024, 12:21pm PDT NEW
    They're animals anyway, let them lose their souls. NT by Joey Zaluchi 08/01/2024, 3:39pm PDT NEW

I hate you all. I quit. by Modberg 07/22/2024, 6:50am PDT NEW
    Caltrops is a site about GAMES by ??? 07/22/2024, 8:09am PDT NEW
        It's been kind of a gaming drought these last couple weeks. NT by MM 07/22/2024, 8:55am PDT NEW
        Cry me a goddamn river NT by laudablepuss 07/22/2024, 10:27am PDT NEW
            Careful. Be very careful. by ??? 07/22/2024, 10:44am PDT NEW
                hurweruerururer by laudablepuss 07/22/2024, 10:57am PDT NEW
                    Re: hurweruerururer by ??? 07/22/2024, 11:10am PDT NEW
                        Lol by laudablepuss 07/22/2024, 12:10pm PDT NEW
        VIDEO GAMES! NT by ??? 07/29/2024, 5:33pm PDT NEW
            Ok. I'll start posting about games. NT by Ray Gun Gunray 07/29/2024, 6:11pm PDT NEW
    So this place has no admin. NT by Lars 07/23/2024, 5:59pm PDT NEW
        Uh Oh... NT by MM 07/23/2024, 7:13pm PDT NEW
        I AM THE CAPTAIN NOW.jpg NT by Mysterio 07/29/2024, 2:04pm PDT NEW
    I'm back. by Guy you didnt know left 07/30/2024, 3:25pm PDT NEW
        Everyone missed you. Welcome home. NT by Mischief Maker 07/30/2024, 4:27pm PDT NEW
        I mean, we were shooting wildly but I guess we didn't hit shit NT by laudablepuss 07/30/2024, 5:49pm PDT NEW

Is not banning the noise groyper/geryk because of a technical limitation or e by xecutive decision? 07/07/2024, 11:26pm PDT NEW
    Musk makes noise about freedom of speech absolutism, but ICJ has been by doing it for over 2 decades 07/08/2024, 3:08am PDT NEW
        This post could be talking about Musk, Jonesy, or Trolls NT by Its a Choose Your Own Post! 07/08/2024, 3:41pm PDT NEW
            Faris and Geryk flew back to their home planet. NT by BYEEEEEEEEEEEEE 07/08/2024, 4:06pm PDT NEW
    You're worse, Shitlicker. by The OG 07/08/2024, 5:52am PDT NEW
    Re: Is not banning the noise groyper/geryk because of a technical limitation by Warning! 07/08/2024, 6:18am PDT NEW
    Post about him again and you're banned. by Modberg 07/08/2024, 8:36am PDT NEW
        Wait. wait. Who was Groyper? NT by BYEEEEEEEEEEEEE 07/08/2024, 4:06pm PDT NEW
            Thr guy winding up Biden supporters in MF News. Or maybe not! NT by Its a Choose Your Own Post! 07/08/2024, 4:24pm PDT NEW
                haha yeah such a great troll. definitely not a NT by retarded cumspot 07/08/2024, 5:19pm PDT NEW

I'm back from PTO. What happened lol NT by Geryk 07/01/2024, 12:22pm PDT NEW
    Sorry we couldn't make it happen this week but July 4th is big for us NT by Burger King manager 07/03/2024, 1:30pm PDT NEW
            Can you all please stop by Modberg 07/03/2024, 2:14pm PDT NEW
            nobody's impressed when you get roasted and you reply without your dumb moniker NT by A Message from Caltrops Doesnt Care 07/03/2024, 5:42pm PDT NEW

From what I can tell here are the five types of people who post here now: by Caltrops Demographic Research 07/03/2024, 2:25pm PDT NEW
    I asked you to stop. NT by Modberg 07/03/2024, 2:28pm PDT NEW
        ^Attempting to evade ban by 2 demerits awarded 07/03/2024, 2:46pm PDT NEW

Caltrops Unofficial Discord by Nostromo 06/29/2024, 7:01pm PDT NEW
    malware link NT by malware 06/29/2024, 7:10pm PDT NEW
        I am calling the authorities. Consequences will never be the same! NT by twit who got rickrolled 06/29/2024, 8:45pm PDT NEW
    I can't tell if this is a joke or not. by Mischief Maker 06/29/2024, 7:20pm PDT NEW
        I just want laudablepuss back. Please come back. NT by Mysterio 06/29/2024, 8:24pm PDT NEW
            Is he dying? NT by joey 07/01/2024, 5:18pm PDT NEW
                SHE is fine NT by A Message from Caltrops Gone Woke 07/01/2024, 5:51pm PDT NEW
                    Literal kindergarten posts NT by Time to ban the wastes 07/01/2024, 6:34pm PDT NEW
    Re: Caltrops Unofficial Discord by Manny 06/29/2024, 10:19pm PDT NEW

Kindness has not improved. I'm going to ban myself in protest. NT by Modberg 06/22/2024, 3:10pm PDT NEW
    It's the dog days of summer release schedule. Everyone starts feuding NT by Sub-IQanon 06/26/2024, 4:05pm PDT NEW
        It is hot out. Extreme heat. by Failson Bitchboy 06/26/2024, 6:04pm PDT NEW
    I'm disappointed in all of you. NT by John Mysterio - FATHER 06/26/2024, 10:23pm PDT NEW
    Re: Kindness has not improved. I'm going to ban myself in protest. by Modberg 06/27/2024, 10:36am PDT NEW
        Re: Kindness has not improved. I'm going to ban myself in protest. by Mysteriobama 06/27/2024, 6:47pm PDT NEW
            Re: Kindness has not improved. I'm going to ban myself in protest. by Modberg 06/27/2024, 7:36pm PDT NEW

it was a NT by blood bath 06/27/2024, 3:42pm PDT NEW
    Debate doesn't start for another 12 minutes NT by Sub-IQanon 06/27/2024, 5:47pm PDT NEW

ban Geryk pls. what does he contribute. NT by screaming STOP POSTING at everyone? 06/19/2024, 8:50pm PDT NEW
    Post better, you miserable little shit. NT by Geryk 06/19/2024, 9:08pm PDT NEW
        This is getting out of hand. Now are there are two of them! NT by (GERYK, GERYK, GERYK!) 06/22/2024, 7:32am PDT NEW
    Re: ban Geryk pls. what does he contribute. by Kenji Carter 06/19/2024, 11:11pm PDT NEW
    Thus is your last warning. NT by Modberg 06/20/2024, 8:03pm PDT NEW
        "Thus"? NT by Dan Driedelberg 06/21/2024, 6:11am PDT NEW
            Verily NT by Mysterio 06/21/2024, 7:02am PDT NEW
    You're banned NT by Modberg 06/21/2024, 12:50pm PDT NEW

official 2024 update on kindness by Modberg 06/09/2024, 11:14am PDT NEW
    Your mom was especially kind in bed last night! NT by Mysterioso 06/09/2024, 11:38am PDT NEW
        This. by Modberg 06/09/2024, 3:50pm PDT NEW

Why is the site in Pacific time? You communist. NT by Commie 06/05/2024, 9:05pm PDT NEW
    Because I live on the west coast and I'm the most important person in my life by And, therefore, the world 06/05/2024, 9:58pm PDT NEW
        I thought Jones lived in Colorado NT by Mysterio 06/06/2024, 11:04am PDT NEW

If you have been bullied on this forum, provide your handle. by Modberg 05/31/2024, 3:09pm PDT NEW
    I feel people could have been a bit nicer to me. NT by pinback 05/31/2024, 3:32pm PDT NEW
        Ok, you are on the list, tysm NT by Modberg 05/31/2024, 3:40pm PDT NEW
        Act like an asshole, get treated like an asshole, whine that everyone else is by the asshole 06/01/2024, 8:56pm PDT NEW
            Pinback's not a Trump stan, silly, he's just a doomer! NT by MM 06/01/2024, 9:09pm PDT NEW
                I am all things to all people. NT by pinback 06/02/2024, 3:41am PDT NEW
                Also what is a "Stan"? NT by pinback 06/02/2024, 3:42am PDT NEW
                    Re: Also what is a "Stan"? by MM 06/02/2024, 6:10am PDT NEW
                        Oh. No, I am not a Trump Stan, he is vile in every conceivable respect. by pinback 06/02/2024, 8:46am PDT NEW
    me NT by Oh 05/31/2024, 4:46pm PDT NEW
    People ATTEMPT to bully me. Please do nothing, I find their efforts... amusing. NT by Mischief Maker 05/31/2024, 5:25pm PDT NEW
        MM has a 3-digit IQ and a job, and … by Mysteriobama 06/01/2024, 5:38pm PDT NEW
    I don't understand NT by John Dilks 05/31/2024, 6:25pm PDT NEW
    Us, Modberg NT by Palestinians 05/31/2024, 10:19pm PDT NEW
        Holy shit, that's all it took by laudablepuss 06/01/2024, 9:20am PDT NEW
            I'm new but I get results. by Modberg 06/01/2024, 9:53am PDT NEW
                Can you delete posts that lack any capital letters and punctuation? NT by Geryk 06/04/2024, 10:14am PDT NEW
                    Go away with this shit NT by laudablepuss 06/04/2024, 10:18am PDT NEW
                        It wasn't him, darling ;) NT by Gasoline 06/04/2024, 1:04pm PDT NEW
                        fuck off, wanna be moderator NT by ugh 06/04/2024, 1:54pm PDT NEW
                            You're trash NT by Karmaboi 06/04/2024, 2:37pm PDT NEW
                            Re: fuck off, wanna be moderator by laudablepuss 06/05/2024, 3:01pm PDT NEW
                                Re: fuck off, wanna be moderator by laudablepuss 06/05/2024, 3:12pm PDT NEW

Does this site have a seller's premium? NT by Question Hound 06/01/2023, 9:14pm PDT NEW
    I have a dick the size of a donkey's btw NT by Donkey Dikk 06/01/2023, 9:15pm PDT NEW
        I have a giant cock by Ask Me Anything 06/01/2023, 9:45pm PDT NEW
            All this fuss over an oversized rooster. NT by Mischief Maker 06/01/2023, 10:26pm PDT NEW
            How much has it positively/negatively affected your life on balance overall NT by Mr. Penis Licker 06/02/2023, 7:56am PDT NEW
                There are cons, but the pros... by Ask Me Anything 06/03/2023, 5:01pm PDT NEW
    Re: Does this site have a seller's premium? by Mysterio 06/05/2023, 9:50pm PDT NEW
        I'm back by tw. It got BIGGER NT by Donkey Dikk 06/04/2024, 3:31pm PDT NEW

ooooooooo tensions are running HOT! NT by hehehehehe SNORT 04/26/2024, 7:53pm PDT NEW
    Let's all try to get along for the rest of the month NT by [SPEECH] 65% 04/26/2024, 9:59pm PDT NEW
        It's time to ban "skin suit" NT by Shut up, bigot 04/27/2024, 1:58pm PDT NEW
            Re: It's time to ban "skin suit" by Gary 05/01/2024, 11:16am PDT NEW
                Reddit is fucking unreadable now with the "I mean" shit. NT by Ray Gun Gunray 05/01/2024, 10:30pm PDT NEW
                    true NT by Modberg 05/02/2024, 6:51am PDT NEW
    Re: ooooooooo tensions are running HOT! by Geryk 05/07/2024, 5:45am PDT NEW
        I am a thought leader, however. by Geryk 05/08/2024, 5:41pm PDT NEW
    Know your place, imbecile. NT by Modberg 05/18/2024, 2:14pm PDT NEW
    Horrible site. See you again never NT by Mysterio 05/21/2024, 10:25am PDT NEW
        Oh no! We lost THAT guy! What did we do wrong? How will we ever recover??? NT by Mysterioso 05/21/2024, 10:40am PDT NEW
            Re: Oh no! We lost THAT guy! What did we do wrong? How will we ever recover??? by Mysterio 05/21/2024, 11:04am PDT NEW
                ashaked is what I'm going to call furious masturbation from now on NT by laudablepuss 05/21/2024, 11:38am PDT NEW
                Re: Oh no! We lost THAT guy! What did we do wrong? How will we ever recover??? by Mysteriobama 05/21/2024, 7:52pm PDT NEW
                    Re: Oh no! We lost THAT guy! What did we do wrong? How will we ever recover??? by george 05/21/2024, 8:47pm PDT NEW
                Ass-shake is your mom’s screen name on Tinder NT by ~THE LOCUST~ 05/22/2024, 6:16pm PDT NEW
    Some of you are too stupid to be here by Modberg 05/31/2024, 8:51am PDT NEW
    The bullying has to stop on this site.It's affecting real people and their lives NT by Eury 05/31/2024, 1:27pm PDT NEW

$4000 Venmo / NFT for the identity of Ulrachi NT by AND ADDRESS 05/21/2024, 4:07pm PDT NEW
    I only take payment in shitcoin NT by Mysterio 05/21/2024, 4:49pm PDT NEW
    You're paying through Venmo and an NFT? NT by Oh 05/21/2024, 4:53pm PDT NEW
        You can't doxx people here, Oh. First warning. NT by Modberg 05/21/2024, 5:04pm PDT NEW
    Damn. All my money's tied up in bakeries and plantations NT by Wut's the xchge rt 4 banana bread? 05/21/2024, 10:11pm PDT NEW

registration page? WEhere? Hello? NT by fucking dumb asses 05/19/2024, 2:10pm PDT NEW

Discussions about Hi Fi Rush are now on my personally BANNED list by John List 05/17/2024, 12:32pm PDT NEW

new mod by Berg 04/24/2024, 4:23pm PDT NEW
    Jonesy LARPing as rando mods here never gets old. Esp when people rage against NT by them nonsensically 04/24/2024, 5:06pm PDT NEW
        I need a raise by Berg 04/24/2024, 5:13pm PDT NEW
            I name you… MODBERG NT by Auntie Semi-tight 04/24/2024, 6:58pm PDT NEW

I require all of the site data, as I shall launch a clone site. by John Dilks 04/16/2024, 4:34pm PDT NEW
    Fucking entitled joke thieves. by MM 04/16/2024, 5:00pm PDT NEW
        You rang? by K. Thor Jensen 04/16/2024, 5:24pm PDT NEW
            I'll retract the last post. Never followed K.Thor outside his OMM forum posts. NT by MM 04/16/2024, 5:26pm PDT NEW
                I hope Kthor, Jon Hendren, and all the other losers who tried to avoid getting a NT by real job die horrible deaths 04/17/2024, 8:04am PDT NEW
                    Does anyone still remember K. Thor and the other "funny twitter" losers? by blackwater 04/17/2024, 8:48pm PDT NEW
                        A corporate cocksucker like blackwater disliking Kthor: funniest shit possible by hahaha 04/18/2024, 6:06am PDT NEW
                            Yeah wtf is going on here NT by laudablepuss 04/18/2024, 9:01am PDT NEW
                    Jeez relax by KThor ator 04/17/2024, 10:36pm PDT NEW
                        Never heard of Forever Amber by blackwater 04/18/2024, 8:53am PDT NEW
            He is a "joke thief"? What? NT by Huh>? 04/18/2024, 8:55am PDT NEW
                He isn't NT by I Hate Epic 04/18/2024, 9:29am PDT NEW

Anyone else have a or email account? by Ice Cream Jonsey 09/25/2019, 6:53pm PDT NEW
    I don't believe those are actual domain names, is probably the issue. NT by pinback 09/25/2019, 7:42pm PDT NEW
        People get this: by Ice Cream Jonsey 09/26/2019, 7:55am PDT NEW
            Evilemail also affected by Ice Cream Jonsey 09/26/2019, 9:12pm PDT NEW
                Conclusion: the dude at fixed it. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 09/27/2019, 5:55am PDT NEW
                    Re: Conclusion: the dude at fixed it. by random internet lurker 12/28/2019, 9:35pm PST NEW
                        Re: Conclusion: the dude at fixed it. by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/28/2019, 9:48pm PST NEW
                            Re: Conclusion: the dude at fixed it. by random internet lurker 12/28/2019, 10:11pm PST NEW
                                Google killed evilemail / zombieworld just now by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/05/2022, 2:51pm PDT NEW
                                    How about NT by Mischief Maker 08/05/2022, 7:58pm PDT NEW
                                        That will never die. NT by Eury 08/05/2022, 11:14pm PDT NEW
                                    Re: Google killed evilemail / zombieworld just now by Jase. 09/01/2022, 11:10am PDT NEW
                                    Re: Google killed evilemail / zombieworld just now by Mysterio 10/01/2022, 9:38pm PDT NEW
                                        Re: Google killed evilemail / zombieworld just now by Mysterio 10/01/2022, 10:27pm PDT NEW
                                            thanks chet, you asshole NT by asshole 04/15/2024, 1:18pm PDT NEW

btw, happy birthday ICJ by laudablepuss 04/08/2024, 12:37pm PDT NEW
    Oh hey, happy birthday! NT by MM 04/08/2024, 1:14pm PDT NEW

Congratulations! I'll be checking ONE of you into rehab to start the new year! NT by Dr. Foughtrough 01/03/2024, 5:36pm PST NEW
    Time to clean this place up. NT by Let's go. 02/20/2024, 8:10pm PST NEW

Site costs by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/21/2023, 12:22pm PDT NEW
    How do I (we) donate NT by laudablepuss 08/21/2023, 5:10pm PDT NEW
        Well?! Don't leave laudable hanging. by Jerry Whorebach 08/23/2023, 10:28am PDT NEW
    just hire weev NT by he's not offended by racist shitpos 08/22/2023, 5:31pm PDT NEW
    *rolls up sleeves* by Entropy Stew 08/22/2023, 10:02pm PDT NEW
        Ok, I shall this week. Thank you. by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/28/2023, 7:28am PDT NEW
            Hmm yes sounds like the way to go. NT by Injustice 08/28/2023, 10:12pm PDT NEW
            Did you not mail me yet, or am I having issues? NT by Entropy Stew 09/25/2023, 10:12pm PDT NEW
                Re: Did you not mail me yet, or am I having issues? by Ice Cream Jonsey 09/26/2023, 8:47pm PDT NEW
            Re: Ok, I shall this week. Thank you. by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/29/2023, 10:13am PST NEW
                I will donate for an N-word pass by Just on this site, not across life 12/29/2023, 11:56am PST NEW
    For only $38,000, you could register the domain for 100 years by Blackwater 08/27/2023, 9:52am PDT NEW
    Upgrade fun by Entropy Stew 12/29/2023, 3:51pm PST NEW
        EntropyStew is your 2023 Caltrops MVP by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/29/2023, 6:54pm PST NEW
            Don don don fuck with my myonoey by Get Money 12/29/2023, 7:09pm PST NEW
                We're back! NT by The Army of Shitposters 12/29/2023, 7:19pm PST NEW

Anyway, Merry Christmas to all. by Your Friendly Neigjbirhood CoSysop 12/23/2023, 2:34pm PST NEW

Maybe dupe the spambots by changing "Article Submissions" to "Farticle submissio NT by ns"? -MM 12/23/2023, 6:28am PST NEW
    gottem by hehe 12/23/2023, 10:03am PST NEW

Some threads keep getting pushed to the top with "Today" post notifications by but there are no new posts 12/22/2023, 11:43am PST NEW
    Re: Some threads keep getting pushed to the top with "Today" post notifications by Mr. EO 12/22/2023, 11:47am PST NEW
    Probably ICJ pruning spambot messages. NT by MM 12/22/2023, 12:38pm PST NEW
        Yes. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/22/2023, 6:31pm PST NEW

Any plans for 2024? NT by Johnny Fivedicks 12/11/2023, 8:40am PST NEW
    Delete the political forums? NT by Mysterio 12/11/2023, 10:47am PST NEW
        Mahomes, is that you? NT by laudablepuss 12/11/2023, 3:04pm PST NEW
    Going for the record NT by Johnny Sixdicks 12/12/2023, 12:53pm PST NEW
    Re: Any plans for 2024? by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/12/2023, 7:01pm PST NEW
    Banning the retards would be a good choice. NT by Feris 12/15/2023, 10:08am PST NEW
        Why stard now NT by Rudy 12/15/2023, 10:12am PST NEW
        BAN THE NAZIS! NT by [i define "nazi"] 12/15/2023, 5:19pm PST NEW
            And therein lies the PROBLEM WITH THE LEFT by too ashamed to say 12/18/2023, 9:58am PST NEW
                I'll donate 3,000$ to charity if politics are never again discussed on NT by this site 12/18/2023, 10:10am PST NEW
                    Yeah, lets just talk about the CoD game where you commit war crimes for Reagan! NT by Mischief Maker 12/18/2023, 10:17am PST NEW
                        (crickets) NT by A Reddit User Awarded You Gold! 12/18/2023, 11:13am PST NEW
                            Don't you think you should have waited AT LEAST an hour before using (crickets)? NT by Mischief Maker 12/18/2023, 5:01pm PST NEW
                                I do. NT by Feris 12/18/2023, 5:12pm PST NEW
                    No you won't, but also, why? NT by laudablepuss 12/18/2023, 10:34am PST NEW
                I think it's a deliberate attempt by the right to obfuscate the definition. by Mischief Maker 12/18/2023, 10:16am PST NEW
                    Re: I think it's a deliberate attempt by the right to obfuscate the definition. by Mr. EO 12/18/2023, 12:46pm PST NEW
                        Basing your worldview off Joe Rogan's friends is how people end up eating NT by horse de-wormer toast. 12/18/2023, 5:03pm PST NEW
                            Classy unsigned MM dismissal by Mr. EO 12/18/2023, 6:04pm PST NEW
                                It was me NT by Mysterio 12/18/2023, 6:40pm PST NEW
                                    Sign it Elmyr, I'm impressed NT by Mr. EO 12/18/2023, 6:50pm PST NEW
                                        Or sign it "Hitler" and he'll agree with whatever NT by you post 12/18/2023, 9:56pm PST NEW
                                            Gee gee oh who could it be NT by Gasoline 12/19/2023, 12:01pm PST NEW
                                                That previous post was not me. NT by MM 12/20/2023, 6:36am PST NEW
                                                    Noted... NT by Mr. EO 12/20/2023, 5:44pm PST NEW
                        Time to "I was just pretending to be retarded" by 2 days 12/19/2023, 8:34am PST NEW
                            We were the sigma virgins the whole time! NT by 40 y/o Cable virgin roommates 12/19/2023, 12:12pm PST NEW
                            "Hitler was right about everything" was unexpected. NT by Understatement Man 12/20/2023, 12:12pm PST NEW
                    I mean, someone's definitely obfuscating something by bowel weevil 12/18/2023, 8:16pm PST NEW
                        He said non-whites entering the US are poisoning our bloodline. by Mischief Maker 12/18/2023, 8:25pm PST NEW
                            Not gonna admit you've been diluting language for political advant for 20+ years by bowel weevil 12/20/2023, 5:28pm PST NEW
                                Sure. NT by MM 12/20/2023, 7:02pm PST NEW
                                /runs a murderous insurrection, gets cops killed, still supports orange waste of by Y-Y-Y-YOUR WORDS ONLINE!!! tears 12/20/2023, 7:19pm PST NEW
                                    Come on, it's not like the word vermin was tossed around NT by Hitler Had Some Good IUDs 12/20/2023, 7:34pm PST NEW
                                        I'm going to get mod status and shut this shit hole down. NT by Vanessa Bayer's Rachel 12/20/2023, 7:47pm PST NEW
                                    Are we supporting cops again NT by Most? Cops Are Bastards 12/21/2023, 10:42am PST NEW
                                        Don't murder cops in insurrections. Easy thing to be in favor of. by Feris 12/21/2023, 3:01pm PST NEW
                                            Are there circumstances its appropriate to murder cops besides insurrections? NT by Mysterio 12/21/2023, 11:50pm PST NEW
                                                Yes. if a fat orange retard who got a million of us killed says to while licking by Putin's boots, then it's ok 12/22/2023, 7:12am PST NEW
                Who can even define "virgin" anymore? NT by The Cables 12/18/2023, 3:15pm PST NEW
    I'm going to be 50 :( by laudablepuss 12/19/2023, 10:36am PST NEW
    You people are pushing 60. Behave yourselves. NT by Understatement Man 12/19/2023, 11:51am PST NEW
        Are you talking to me? 49 isn't pushing 60 by laudablepuss 12/19/2023, 12:47pm PST NEW
            No. It was just a guess at the general age range of people here. NT by Understatement Man 12/19/2023, 9:46pm PST NEW
            Being a virgin rooming with your twin brother in your 40s is effectively pushing NT by 60 12/20/2023, 2:36am PST NEW
                60K off that tasty shared mortgage, I bet their rate is like 2.5% NT by cable = smarter than u 12/20/2023, 8:46pm PST NEW
                    Why not go FREE mortgage and stay in mom's basement forever? Even smarter! NT by You're a genius sir A+ 12/21/2023, 7:39pm PST NEW
                        cuz dey gotta ploooooooooooooooooooow NT by plow ;) 12/21/2023, 7:59pm PST NEW
                            Here's a free piece of wisdom from how we live by a functual adult 12/22/2023, 2:31am PST NEW
                                cables aren't even here and they trolled this guy NT by Mysterio 12/22/2023, 8:06am PST NEW
                                    I can't tell who is shitposting and who isn't any more NT by Johnny Fivedicks 12/22/2023, 11:02am PST NEW
    Tensions are running a little hot. NT by Why is that? 12/22/2023, 11:40am PST NEW

Operation: Garbage Day by Mysterio 12/01/2023, 7:59am PST NEW
    Is this officially sanctioned? NT by Yahtzeek 12/01/2023, 8:04am PST NEW
        No. I'm cleaning this dump up on my own. by Mysterio 12/01/2023, 8:22am PST NEW
            No you aren't. You won't do anything. NT by Karmaboi 12/01/2023, 12:59pm PST NEW
                You have all let this site down. by Feris 12/02/2023, 7:20am PST NEW
                    Re: You have all let this site down. NT by cable=virgin 12/02/2023, 7:59am PST NEW
    Re: Operation: Garbage Day by Manny 12/02/2023, 4:54pm PST NEW
        Hey man. Checking in. NT by Manny 12/16/2023, 6:19pm PST NEW

Why don't time codes work for youtube embeds anymore? NT by Mischief Maker 12/09/2023, 7:25pm PST NEW
    Probably because YouTube changed something. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/09/2023, 8:46pm PST NEW

Cool site hack by Vested Id 06/20/2023, 10:47am PDT NEW
    STOP HACKING THE SITE! by Dick Clownshoes 06/20/2023, 3:41pm PDT NEW
        I understood that reference :( NT by Think he's dead now 06/20/2023, 4:52pm PDT NEW
        Stolen valor NT by Damien Leonhardt 06/20/2023, 5:37pm PDT NEW
        Re: STOP HACKING THE SITE! by The OMM Fugitive 10/21/2023, 10:36am PDT NEW
            Re: STOP HACKING THE SITE! by laudablepuss 10/23/2023, 9:44pm PDT NEW
                START SKIMMING NT by START SKIMMING 10/30/2023, 11:17am PDT NEW
            Any person on the net being able to gain access to a thing because they changed by Entropy Stew 11/16/2023, 12:27pm PST NEW

Do any of you consider today to be a good day at Caltrops? by Poll Taker Guy 11/06/2023, 2:15pm PST NEW
    So that's one vote for Caltrops needs more laudablepuss's 'Dilbert' content NT by This place used to talk about games 11/06/2023, 2:18pm PST NEW
        I created the poll, I may not indulge in its sweetness. NT by Poll Taker Guy 11/06/2023, 2:35pm PST NEW
        5 games were commented on in the last 24 hours by how many is enough for you? 11/06/2023, 3:41pm PST NEW
        Lmao NT by What's wrong with Dilbertent anyway 11/06/2023, 4:28pm PST NEW
    No poll dummy NT by Gasoline 11/06/2023, 2:23pm PST NEW
    This was a good day NT by Time Cube 11/06/2023, 4:29pm PST NEW

If I have been hard on anyone here, it is only because I believed in NT by Them 10/11/2023, 5:41pm PDT NEW
    ((Them))???? NT by What could he mean by this 10/11/2023, 6:11pm PDT NEW
        Maybe they mean it in a sexy way? NT by Mischief Maker 10/11/2023, 8:11pm PDT NEW
            He's "hard" on some of us by laudablepuss 10/11/2023, 8:28pm PDT NEW
                I have an idea (wait come back) by laudablepuss 10/12/2023, 7:52am PDT NEW
                    I liked "Shitposterio" NT by From that old ES browser plug-in 10/12/2023, 11:55am PDT NEW
                        Sometimes the Mysterios around here are truth tellers though. by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/12/2023, 1:33pm PDT NEW
    Remember by Yahtzeek 10/30/2023, 9:10am PDT NEW

I think it's time to rename "The Zionist Media Conspiracy" forum. by Mischief Maker 11/01/2018, 3:28pm PDT NEW
    I hope Jonesy sits on this one for a minute by Vested Id 11/01/2018, 4:42pm PDT NEW
        Much bigger changes have already happened for far lesser reasons. NT by Quentinbec 11/01/2018, 5:34pm PDT NEW
    I'm not wedded to that name. Post some ideas! But the ZMC joke is expired. NT by Mischief Maker 11/01/2018, 5:30pm PDT NEW
        The Rape Button Forum? The Throbbing Nigger Cock Forum? NT by Roop 11/01/2018, 6:04pm PDT NEW
        Are you offended, or are you running interference for fragile jewish people? by Russian Bots 11/01/2018, 6:08pm PDT NEW
            Nah, I'm just triggering the cons. NT by Mischief Maker 11/01/2018, 6:37pm PDT NEW
        What joke? by Vested Id 11/01/2018, 8:25pm PDT NEW
    How about MyTube? by blackwater 11/01/2018, 6:38pm PDT NEW
        Too much like JewTube. Show some respect, many holocaust survivors read Caltrops NT by Russian Bots 11/01/2018, 7:01pm PDT NEW
    Of course, old friend. Perhaps the following would be a good solution. by Ice Cream Jonsey 11/01/2018, 7:03pm PDT NEW
        Sweet, glad I could witness the beginning of the end. NT by Russian Bots 11/01/2018, 7:11pm PDT NEW
   by Ice Cream Jonsey 11/01/2018, 7:28pm PDT NEW
                What am I doing wrong here? by Russian Bots 11/01/2018, 7:50pm PDT NEW
        Thanks! NT by Mischief Maker 11/01/2018, 7:20pm PDT NEW
            Congratulations! by Gas the Kikes, Race War Now! 11/01/2018, 8:15pm PDT NEW
                You don't even know why the forum was named that, so STFU. NT by blackwater 11/01/2018, 9:05pm PDT NEW
                    You are an extraordinary person. NT by 1488 11/01/2018, 9:06pm PDT NEW
        Why stop there? by Roop 11/01/2018, 8:08pm PDT NEW
            Sigh. MM originally named the Zionist Media Conspiracy by blackwater 11/02/2018, 12:12am PDT NEW
                Has he asked you for dick pics over chat yet? NT by Alex Jones 11/02/2018, 12:23am PDT NEW
                Well congrats, he just made the nazi forum by Roop 11/02/2018, 12:25am PDT NEW
                    Not a bad point NT by Vested Id 11/02/2018, 12:55am PDT NEW
                    For balance we should rename MMs forum MMs Illegal Zionist Occupation NT by Thanos 11/02/2018, 6:18am PDT NEW
                I Always thought INC made the ZMC, He's jewish too! NT by The Happy Merchant 11/02/2018, 12:30am PDT NEW
                Thanks, it helps knowing that by Vested Id 11/02/2018, 12:54am PDT NEW
                Lies and the lying liars who tell them. NT by Al Franken 10/09/2023, 12:01pm PDT NEW
                Damn, Not like that guy to get something fundamentally wrong. NT by Mysterio 10/09/2023, 2:09pm PDT NEW
        Why create a new forum instead of just renaming it? by Entropy Stew 11/26/2018, 2:41pm PST NEW
            I respected you! NT by Vested Id 11/26/2018, 2:51pm PST NEW
                That name was originally chosen as a base for INC by Entropy Stew 11/26/2018, 3:52pm PST NEW
                    Re: That name was originally chosen as a base for INC by Vested Id 11/26/2018, 9:54pm PST NEW
            He was worried about old link not working, I think NT by laudablepuss 11/26/2018, 2:59pm PST NEW
                Right. I don't trust myself trying to haxx0r the database. by Ice Cream Jonsey 11/26/2018, 5:12pm PST NEW
    Wait, are we NeoGAF now? NT by Motherhead 11/01/2018, 9:10pm PDT NEW
    You have officially jumped the shark NT by You worthless cowardly shit 11/01/2018, 10:03pm PDT NEW
        gruman NT by gruman 11/01/2018, 11:30pm PDT NEW
    It's a honeypot trap by Alex Jones 11/01/2018, 11:52pm PDT NEW
        Curses! Your all-natural supplements allowed you to see through my wicked plot! by Mischief Maker 11/02/2018, 12:07am PDT NEW
            Oh you! by Alex Jones 11/02/2018, 12:18am PDT NEW
            Woosh NT by Vested Id 11/02/2018, 12:50am PDT NEW
    I am LAUGHING WITH DELIGHT NT by Satan 11/02/2018, 10:59am PDT NEW
    How about Mediauschwitz? NT by Mysterio 11/27/2018, 11:47am PST NEW
        The Hollywood Holocauster. NT by Callow Sniper 11/27/2018, 11:51am PST NEW
            Jewish Man Smothering Your Dotter On Casting Couch NT by Mysterio 11/27/2018, 6:51pm PST NEW

Hey new modfag, your first crisis in BoP. Get snappy, chappy NT by Mysterio 08/17/2023, 9:57pm PDT NEW
    HELLO? NEWFAG?? GET IN THERE by Mysterio 08/17/2023, 10:17pm PDT NEW
        Harmless. NT by Your Friendly Neigjbirhood CoSysop 08/19/2023, 9:00pm PDT NEW

"Just keep going, it should clot in a few minutes" - shitmod to disgusted trucke NT by Mysterio 09/12/2020, 7:51pm PDT NEW
    Guess we're banning people for opinions on Dune now NT by great forum 09/12/2020, 8:09pm PDT NEW
        Good, we wore out free speech now it's bannon time! NT by And invoke "NT"! 09/12/2020, 9:16pm PDT NEW
    Can you explain what you mean? Honestly don't know NT by Mysterio 09/12/2020, 9:42pm PDT NEW
    NordVPN? by NordVPN. 09/13/2020, 1:49pm PDT NEW
    Wait. Did the old mod let a poster bleed out? NT by Lars 08/08/2023, 11:32am PDT NEW
        Like many clowns, he was a serial killer. NT by Question Hound 08/08/2023, 1:57pm PDT NEW
            A good website doesn't lets it's users die NT by SA kind of did 08/08/2023, 4:20pm PDT NEW
                And its admins! NT by rip lowtax 08/09/2023, 2:06pm PDT NEW
                    When the alley oop is an interception NT by Foal Paw 08/09/2023, 2:45pm PDT NEW
                        The Third Dick Clownshoes got his neck caught in an industrial edger NT by Hym 08/09/2023, 10:04pm PDT NEW
                            How many Dicks Clownshoe have there been? by Question Hound 08/10/2023, 12:57am PDT NEW
                                All the way to Uranus! by CattleHumper 08/10/2023, 7:37am PDT NEW
                                    grumman by Mysterio 08/10/2023, 4:08pm PDT NEW

I do not care for all of the cursing. Wasn't used to be like this. NT by Lars 08/08/2023, 11:30am PDT NEW

What's with all the forums being moved to the top? NT by Mischief Maker 07/10/2023, 8:20pm PDT NEW
    Welcome to the New! by Your Friendly Neigjbirhood CoSysop 07/10/2023, 8:39pm PDT NEW
        Not sure if Cabaret Voltron is putting the best foot forward. by John Gulp 07/10/2023, 8:58pm PDT NEW
        Memories of QC really got my digestive system working by laudablepuss 07/10/2023, 10:19pm PDT NEW

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