Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
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Dad, how was Call of Duty before? (Crowbcat) by Rafiki 12/08/2024, 9:17am PST NEW
    I'm sorry, are we pining for the oldskool gameplay of Call of Duty now? by Mischief Maker 12/08/2024, 9:32am PST NEW
        No. You should probably watch the video by Rafiki 12/08/2024, 10:18am PST NEW
            So it's no longer stealing valor? NT by Mischief Maker 12/08/2024, 1:09pm PST NEW
        Stop by fucking 12/09/2024, 8:37pm PST NEW
            Now why would you want be to become a volcel? NT by Mischief Maker 12/10/2024, 5:25pm PST NEW
                This joke was: NT by COMMANDER-APPROVED! 12/10/2024, 5:36pm PST NEW

Apparently this thing is the biggest entertainment release in history. NT by Fullofkittens 11/10/2009, 2:30pm PST NEW
    A title once held by Mortal Kombat II, which gave us the enduring cultural NT by touchstone of Baraka. 11/10/2009, 5:40pm PST NEW
    People seem to be really jazzed about it. NT by This is Chris's Blood 11/10/2009, 5:42pm PST NEW
    It's the Citizen Kane of video games NT by Entropy Stew 11/10/2009, 6:36pm PST NEW
        ... of repeatedly shooting people in the face by Charlie Brooker 11/11/2009, 2:18am PST NEW
            This GUY doesn't like people saying "I'll see you in hell"? by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 11/11/2009, 2:20am PST NEW
                Who are these people who get an adrenaline rush off FPS's? NT by Fortinbras 11/11/2009, 10:11am PST NEW
    Longest line I've ever seen at a game store. by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 11/10/2009, 7:33pm PST NEW
    These things always sucked NT by Mysterio 12/08/2024, 1:49pm PST NEW
        They were amazing, what are you whining about NT by Ronan Farrow 12/09/2024, 2:28am PST NEW
            Why don't you go fuck yourself, you impotent cunt? by Mysterio 12/09/2024, 7:21am PST NEW

Time to generic 21st century city street warfare: 20 minutes NT by Infinite Warfare is fucking terribl 11/11/2016, 9:32pm PST NEW
    CoD Infinite Warfare's physical UK launch falls almost 50% short of Black Ops 3 by skip 11/12/2016, 5:43am PST NEW
        It's fucking boring by Infinite Warfare is fucking terribl 11/12/2016, 1:53pm PST NEW

So I've been playing the Modern Warfare games for the first time by artist formerly known as Eurotrash 05/03/2016, 1:24am PDT NEW
    There were two missions in Modern Warfare that really worked for me. by Dream Cast 05/03/2016, 9:25am PDT NEW
        Re: There were two missions in Modern Warfare that really worked for me. by Funny you should say that. 05/03/2016, 1:33pm PDT NEW
            You had so many to choose from :( by Dream Cast 05/03/2016, 6:18pm PDT NEW
                I feel like those are a little NT by TOO relevant 05/04/2016, 1:03am PDT NEW
        Modern Warfare and onward are more like war movie simulators, they have more in by artist formerly known as Eurotrash 05/03/2016, 2:18pm PDT NEW

I made a post about MW3 multiplayer on my tumblr. NT by Claborsar 01/26/2012, 1:24am PST NEW

Modern WELFARE 3 (woaaaaa). by Jhohward n Jsostein 01/08/2012, 2:36pm PST NEW

positives about mw3? by sdroa jists 01/03/2012, 8:47pm PST NEW

Beyond parody by fabio 10/25/2011, 8:33pm PDT NEW

I'd play this if the voice chat was like this. by The Beastie Boys 12/14/2010, 3:38pm PST NEW

ranger up, how to invite a guest by Sword of Justice 08/18/2010, 1:49pm PDT NEW

doom with mw2 weapons by Sword of Justice 08/17/2010, 9:25am PDT NEW
    tango down by Sword of Justice 08/17/2010, 9:44am PDT NEW

free weekend for modern wurfur chew NT by Sword of Justice 04/08/2010, 6:46am PDT NEW

Hey guys, who wants 3 new maps for $15? Huh? Huh? NT by Activision 03/17/2010, 10:32am PDT NEW
    Oh Activision. NT by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 03/17/2010, 4:31pm PDT NEW
    you also get 2 months of xbla live NT by irony 03/18/2010, 6:44am PDT NEW
        Do you want two months of Xbox Live? Do you REALLY? by Jerry Whorebach 03/18/2010, 7:55pm PDT NEW
            We have 12 months. 83 NT by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 03/18/2010, 7:57pm PDT NEW
                Impressive 8) NT by Jerry Whorebach 03/18/2010, 8:09pm PDT NEW
                    Those 12 month cards that are on sale for like $30 are always a good deal. NT by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 03/18/2010, 8:32pm PDT NEW
                        You would be hard pressed to find a better deal than that 8) NT by Jerry Whorebach 03/18/2010, 8:42pm PDT NEW

Activision cuts off Infinity Ward's head by Horrible Gelatinous Blob 03/02/2010, 9:38am PST NEW
    Unhappy face. :( by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 03/02/2010, 1:02pm PST NEW
            wrom is either enraged (off the meds) or incoherent (on the meds). by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 03/02/2010, 6:13pm PST NEW
    "here are the royalties for mw2 mister activision" "that takes care of that loos by irony 03/02/2010, 1:08pm PST NEW
        Now Activision is free to turn COD into a dumb jocks game for JOOOOOOOOOOOCKS by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 03/02/2010, 1:18pm PST NEW
            RAMIREZ! NT by Fortinbras 03/02/2010, 2:37pm PST NEW
    More details trickle out by Horrible Gelatinous Blob 03/02/2010, 2:40pm PST NEW
        They'd definitely be better off leaving if this is what Activision does. :( by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 03/02/2010, 2:59pm PST NEW
        Simple, install Charles Marimow as commander of the unit to do rip and runs. NT by Rawls 03/02/2010, 3:18pm PST NEW
    A bunch of links by Fortinbras 03/09/2010, 10:12pm PST NEW
        My favorite part by Fortinbras 03/09/2010, 10:15pm PST NEW

flying RAG HEADS by irony 02/28/2010, 9:50am PST NEW

oscar mike foot mobiles: stay frosty 2, RAMIREZ DO EVERYTHING by irony 01/21/2010, 12:57pm PST NEW
    They're oscar mike. by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 01/21/2010, 7:01pm PST NEW

ONO THEY DINT by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 01/05/2010, 12:45am PST NEW
    I'm Gonna Lay Right Down and Write This Guy A Letter NT by Taint Misbehavin' 01/05/2010, 1:06am PST NEW
    haha the xbox version NT by irony 01/05/2010, 5:51am PST NEW
    Hey, they preserved the "impassable 2ft ledge" mechanic from 2004 NT by how about that 01/16/2010, 10:49pm PST NEW

Hey a video of audio with video. ^_^ by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 01/15/2010, 3:31pm PST NEW

Treyarch making Call of Duty Vietnam, will suck horribly. by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 01/09/2010, 1:07am PST NEW
    Call of Duty 6: Flimsy Excuse to Reuse Jungle Assets from Call of Duty 5 NT by Jerry Whorebach 01/09/2010, 6:00am PST NEW

    Real rating by Fortinbras 11/26/2009, 10:19pm PST NEW
        Didn't happen to me, maybe you're gay. NT by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 11/27/2009, 12:21am PST NEW
            No, your computer just can't run MW2 worth shit. by Fortinbras 11/27/2009, 9:35am PST NEW
                Huh, turns out Jhoh was right NT by Who turns spec to extra? Fags 11/27/2009, 9:58am PST NEW
    crash bug cannot be replicated, so it doesn't exist NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 11/27/2009, 12:22am PST NEW

I kept giggling when Sgt. Foley was ordering us to defend the Burger Town NT by Entropy Stew 11/15/2009, 11:55am PST NEW
    Also: FUCK Favela. I think I died as much there as in the rest of the game combi NT by Entropy Stew 11/15/2009, 12:00pm PST NEW
        Try it on veteran. O___O NT by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 11/15/2009, 12:28pm PST NEW
            Why? NT by Worm 11/15/2009, 12:41pm PST NEW
                Because it is hard. NT by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 11/15/2009, 12:53pm PST NEW
                    Re: Because it is hard. by Entropy Stew 11/15/2009, 3:04pm PST NEW
                        I actually never used the lean keys anyway in these games. :( NT by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 11/15/2009, 3:27pm PST NEW
            This game is nothing compared to MW1's Pripyat. Pripyat was bullshit. by Fortinbras 11/26/2009, 9:53pm PST NEW

Big wad of cracked multiplayer info by Entropy Stew 11/13/2009, 6:07pm PST NEW
    teknogod's site sucks dick :( NT by Worm 11/15/2009, 9:38am PST NEW
    So you can play on steam with a warezed version now. by Worm 11/16/2009, 2:53pm PST NEW

Not sure I understand what makes this game remotely special NT by I think people are sheep. 11/15/2009, 11:26am PST NEW
    As covered in a recent funay arcaed comic. by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 11/15/2009, 12:34pm PST NEW
    I hate it by English Psycho 11/16/2009, 3:59am PST NEW

The Beautiful Struggle by BOYCOTT MODERN WARFARE 2 11/15/2009, 5:30am PST NEW
    one guys name is even "mw2 time" NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 11/15/2009, 12:36pm PST NEW

Crossing my arms as hard as I can at this shit, crying like a little girl by Kyle Orland 11/12/2009, 3:32pm PST NEW
    I turned to the lead terrorist, giving him a you-are-not-unnoticed asshole stare NT by "Keep walkin', chubbo" he replied. 11/12/2009, 3:53pm PST NEW
        I gave the caricature artist my best "YOU ARE NOT UNNOTICED ASSHOLE" stare. by Lum the Unemployed 11/12/2009, 7:26pm PST NEW
    I watched in horror as the terrorists reached into my backpack and pulled out my NT by college graduation cap and gown. 11/12/2009, 4:01pm PST NEW
    There's even a baby notice! by Worm 11/12/2009, 4:42pm PST NEW
    havin a whinge by Weyoun Voidbringer 11/12/2009, 8:33pm PST NEW
    Re: Crossing my arms as hard as I can at this shit, crying like a little girl by Bananadine 11/13/2009, 7:20am PST NEW
        Re: Crossing my arms as hard as I can at this shit, crying like a little girl by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 11/13/2009, 8:28am PST NEW

really getting into multiplayer, oh shit is it 9 pm already? by Weyoun Voidbringer 11/11/2009, 5:56pm PST NEW
    whenever you gain a level, guitars dunt hard enough to make women barren NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 11/11/2009, 6:06pm PST NEW
    another huge online improvement: death streaks by Weyoun Voidbringer 11/11/2009, 9:14pm PST NEW
    Got a party with me and Jso and Stoo. by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 11/12/2009, 5:40am PST NEW

they let me pre-pre-order, so I could pre-order before I pre-order by Weyoun Voidbringer 11/09/2009, 12:20pm PST NEW
    how convenient for us NT by gruman 11/09/2009, 2:24pm PST NEW
    53.7% NT by Jrdano, high five machine 11/09/2009, 3:15pm PST NEW
    I had to go back out and buy a second copy. :( by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 11/09/2009, 10:04pm PST NEW
        Try offline mode, you dumb motherfucker. NT by discuss. 11/11/2009, 12:29pm PST NEW
            this game requires an internet connection to complete installation by Weyoun Voidbringer 11/11/2009, 5:48pm PST NEW
            Just more proof that we're smarter than you again. 8) NT by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 11/11/2009, 6:51pm PST NEW
        I hear its already botted to shit NT by Entropy Stew 11/11/2009, 4:49pm PST NEW
            No that's just what the game is normally like. by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 11/11/2009, 6:52pm PST NEW
                in most cases it's because they were looking through a window by Weyoun Voidbringer 11/11/2009, 6:59pm PST NEW
                    Or they were prone in some upper area behind a barrel or some shit. :( by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 11/11/2009, 7:03pm PST NEW
                Yeah, the game is always like this by Totally on the level 11/11/2009, 9:09pm PST NEW
                    Yeap it is thanks for saying the thing I just said (psh who da fwuck is this guy NT by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 11/11/2009, 10:58pm PST NEW

Unlocked on Steam, motherfuckaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa NT by Mysterious Stranger 11/11/2009, 10:17pm PST NEW

it's as awesome as you think, and then some by Weyoun Voidbringer 11/10/2009, 4:31am PST NEW
    Even watching it multiple times on youtube didn't brace me for that twist by Jrdano, high five machine 11/10/2009, 6:24am PST NEW
        why would you spoil it on youtube? that's such a bad idea you are disowned NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 11/10/2009, 1:54pm PST NEW
    Slong's it isn't mind wrenching and gut blowing. Because that would be disgustin NT by Eurotrash 11/11/2009, 2:03am PST NEW

completion time, 6 hours 52 minutes on hardened by Weyoun Voidbringer 11/10/2009, 8:15pm PST NEW

Coop mode. by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 11/10/2009, 7:38pm PST NEW

Yes!! Just got the MW2 with the Night Vision. These things actually work! by Ice-T 11/10/2009, 1:06pm PST NEW
    Quick, take a flash picture of me wearing the-OWWWWWWWWWWGHGH! NT by Last 11/10/2009, 1:15pm PST NEW
        solar winds are coming out of the nvg NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 11/10/2009, 1:39pm PST NEW

ARE YOU REALLY REALLY ABSOLUTELY SURE YOU WANT TO PLAY ON VETERAN? by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 11/01/2009, 4:17am PST NEW
    Cleanse Brazil. by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 11/01/2009, 4:22am PST NEW
        I like the crowd reaction after he dies and shotguns the dog thru the fence NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 11/01/2009, 5:23am PST NEW
    Level 2 the big crazy weird one. by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 11/01/2009, 10:30am PST NEW
        video removed :( NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 11/01/2009, 6:18pm PST NEW
    So COD2 has a level where you walk into a crowded airport and kill everyone NT by Vested Id 11/09/2009, 1:33pm PST NEW
        I don't think they had airports in the 1940s (they did but that's not the point) NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 11/09/2009, 1:42pm PST NEW
            COD:WF2:1138:3EB NT by Vested Id 11/09/2009, 1:57pm PST NEW
                Wodern Farfare 2 NT by Hans Clastorp 11/09/2009, 2:11pm PST NEW

MW2 BONUS LEVEL by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 10/29/2009, 11:26pm PDT NEW
    Level skippable. by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 10/29/2009, 11:40pm PDT NEW

Inifinity Ward shuts down cyberterrorist training camps by Jerry Whorebach 10/20/2009, 6:47pm PDT NEW

The fourth British campaign in Call of Duty 2 is too long and hard. NT by Jerry Whorebach 08/29/2009, 4:10pm PDT NEW
    That's what NT by etc etc 08/29/2009, 4:10pm PDT NEW
        Wow that was quick :( NT by Jerry Whorebach 08/29/2009, 4:22pm PDT NEW
            That's NT by etc etc 08/29/2009, 4:30pm PDT NEW

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