Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing
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Post your Wordle first word here. by pinback 03/03/2022, 4:55am PST NEW
    Least NT by Mysterio 03/03/2022, 5:48am PST NEW
    I don't let my players play Wordle. I forbid it. Just kidding, it's CLONE by Bungie's Destiny 2 03/03/2022, 7:10am PST NEW
    Crest. What's everyone's Lewdle opener by Rafiki 03/03/2022, 10:28am PST NEW
    ADIEU NT by Mischief Maker 03/03/2022, 10:30am PST NEW
        Nerd! NT by Nerdle 03/03/2022, 11:30am PST NEW
    Here's some asshole trying to spoil everyone's fun with math by Roop 03/03/2022, 11:10am PST NEW
        Re: Here's some asshole trying to spoil everyone's fun with math by Ice Cream Jonsey 03/03/2022, 11:39am PST NEW
            O wait! What an asshole! by Roop 03/03/2022, 12:57pm PST NEW
                Please don't be NAZIS, please don't be NAZIS please don't be NAZIS by M y s t e r y M a an 03/03/2022, 1:21pm PST NEW
                    This was a good post, but NT by Fuck you. 07/05/2024, 1:43pm PDT NEW
        Fuck me, this actually seems to work. by Mysteriobama 07/10/2024, 6:03am PDT NEW
    TRICK NT by Gasoline 07/08/2024, 9:58pm PDT NEW

house of the dead overkill doesn't have it's own board? I bought this recently by Sword of Justice 04/05/2010, 4:48pm PDT NEW
    on a side note, miggles 4 was 15 fuckbux NT by Sword of Justice 04/05/2010, 6:20pm PDT NEW
    No, it doesn't "have its own board" you fucking limp-dicked retard. by Fuck you. 07/05/2024, 11:46am PDT NEW

Cryptmaster by Mandalore 06/14/2024, 7:58am PDT NEW
    Cryptmaster by Yahtzee 07/03/2024, 12:00pm PDT NEW

The Keyboard Thread by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/28/2009, 5:53pm PDT NEW
    I've gone back to wired by Lizard_King 10/28/2009, 6:43pm PDT NEW
        I wish they could make a mouse with a proper scroll wheel by Entropy Stew 10/29/2009, 2:42pm PDT NEW
    Just read this last night (semirelated) by Vested Id 10/29/2009, 1:02am PDT NEW
        Hey I found your comment by Jerry Whorebach 10/29/2009, 1:56am PDT NEW
    Re: The Keyboard Thread by The Happiness Engine 10/29/2009, 2:42am PDT NEW
    I vastly prefer generic OEM keyboards with standard layout and no multimedia key by Eurotrash 10/29/2009, 3:19am PDT NEW
    Mechanical switch keyboards are beer resistant, like yours truly. by Worm 10/29/2009, 5:08am PDT NEW
    Re: The Keyboard Thread by motherfuckerfoodeater 10/29/2009, 8:10am PDT NEW
    I downloaded the typing of the dead demo but still didn't install it yet :( NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 10/29/2009, 1:04pm PDT NEW
    I'd get an apple keyboard if they knew where to put the fn key :( by Entropy Stew 10/29/2009, 3:00pm PDT NEW
        Apple's full-size keyboard, with the keypad, has proper 'fn' placement. by Mood: Perplexed 10/29/2009, 8:49pm PDT NEW
    do any of your keyboards have a large scroll barrel? by up with pod people 10/29/2009, 6:43pm PDT NEW
        You can get a mouse that has something like that right in between the buttons. ^ NT by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 10/29/2009, 9:20pm PDT NEW
            TOO SMALL TOO SLOW. by up with pod people 10/30/2009, 9:08am PDT NEW
                I have found the pgup and pgdn keys to come in handy in those situations. :( NT by Jhoh Creexul (custom software) 10/30/2009, 9:13am PDT NEW
                    it just ain't the same man. don't knock the barrel until you've tried it by up with pod people 10/30/2009, 11:18am PDT NEW
                        they should build a contraption that makes walking FASTA NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 10/30/2009, 2:22pm PDT NEW
    tiny delicious rectangle by Bananadine 10/30/2009, 7:14am PDT NEW

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