HERE BE DRAGONS, or what the fuck were these games ever supposed to be? by Worm 12/30/2014, 12:24pm PST 
Random Inquisitions first impressions by E. L. Koba 12/01/2014, 4:04pm PST 
Yes, you can attach a scope to Bianca NT by WITTGENSTEIN 12/02/2014, 1:02pm PST 
I feel like I almost got an apology for that bungled ending of DA2 by Worm 12/25/2014, 9:50am PST 
I thought that part was funny as Hell. NT by WITTGENSTEIN 12/25/2014, 12:26pm PST 
Oh yeah I laughed when the little disapproval thing appeared. NT by Worm 12/25/2014, 2:30pm PST 
How much of this game is boring Assassin's Creed shit and how much is fun? by Worm 12/26/2014, 8:26pm PST 
By AC shit do you mean the "Go here kill dude" stuff or the war map stuff NT by WITTGENSTEIN 12/27/2014, 9:10am PST 
I mean the "establish x out of x camps" or "collect these fragments" by Worm 12/27/2014, 10:34am PST 
You won't miss anything by not shattering all the lyrium spots by WITTGENSTEIN 12/27/2014, 1:12pm PST 
What sort of build out did you do 4 ur party? NT by Elysium Guy 12/27/2014, 3:27pm PST 
I gave up on it by E. L. Koba 12/27/2014, 5:23pm PST 
Oh, and I forgot the camera! by E. L. Koba 12/27/2014, 5:49pm PST 
Re: I gave up on it by WITTGENSTEIN 12/27/2014, 6:26pm PST 
I got close to giving up but I didn't in the end. by Worm 12/27/2014, 6:28pm PST 
I'm not going to defend the combat, but.... by WITTGENSTEIN 12/27/2014, 6:42pm PST 
My wife has played this game for 200+ hours. by pinback 12/28/2014, 5:00pm PST 
Bitches about people not talking about video games, has temper tantrums NT by then takes a big stinky shit here 12/28/2014, 7:14pm PST 
FAGGOT, PLAY ME IN DA3. ANYONE HERE, PLAY A GAME WITH ME. by pinback 12/28/2014, 8:35pm PST 
So, not even your wife will play with you? Do you scream the same things at her? by Eurotrash 12/29/2014, 1:57am PST 
Never address me directly again. Go through the proper channels. NT by pinback 12/29/2014, 6:06am PST 
Do you say that to your wife too? lol by Eurotrash 12/29/2014, 10:03am PST 
WE WANT A DIVORCE NT by pinback's wife, ET's wife, Caltrops 12/29/2014, 10:05am PST 
The first dragon fight is nearly as bad as DA2's awful one was. by Worm 12/28/2014, 11:57pm PST 
The Crossroads dragon is the worst. by WITTGENSTEIN 12/29/2014, 7:50am PST 
Yeah I just used Ice Runes on my sword and eventually got lucky. by Worm 12/29/2014, 12:26pm PST 
So Inquisition is already 20 bucks off!? by Worm 12/24/2014, 9:22pm PST 
Yeah, so? Would you prefer to wait a year? NT by Eurotrash 12/24/2014, 11:40pm PST 
I'm just still pissed about Wolfenstein getting a 50% discount after I bought it NT by Worm 12/24/2014, 11:48pm PST 
Waiting a whole month to stick my dick into a tranny elf? NT by madness 12/25/2014, 7:42am PST 
This game is not for people with a full-time job. :( NT by WITTGENSTEIN 11/20/2014, 4:27pm PST 
I'm up to about 35 hours invested in it. Still enjoying it. NT by WITTGENSTEIN 11/27/2014, 7:51pm PST 
This makes it sound gay, though. NT by Mysterio 11/27/2014, 8:46pm PST 
Thanks for your enlightening commentary. by WITTGENSTEIN 11/28/2014, 9:04am PST 
So it's just more MMO combat shit? by Worm 11/28/2014, 10:24pm PST 
I've gotten some tactical gameplay but mainly from archer/mage positioning. by WITTGENSTEIN 11/28/2014, 11:20pm PST 
I hated DA:O's combat, I hated the fucking shit out of it. by Worm 11/29/2014, 9:42am PST 
Pretty much. I do think it's balanced though, which is all I ask. by WITTGENSTEIN 11/29/2014, 10:01am PST 
I'm already done with it. by Worm 11/29/2014, 11:07am PST 
Oh, you're playing on a console. by WITTGENSTEIN 11/29/2014, 11:14am PST 
Oh the game has a different combat engine on the PC? by Worm 11/29/2014, 11:16am PST 
I don't control anyone, they all work on their own and I give commands NT by WITTGENSTEIN 11/29/2014, 11:43am PST 
Is that a yes or a no? by Worm 11/29/2014, 11:49am PST 
Yes, it's as monotonous as DA: Origins. I don't care. by WITTGENSTEIN 11/29/2014, 12:19pm PST 
Should I give it another try with tactical combat? by Worm 11/30/2014, 12:51pm PST 
After 100 hours invested I think I can give it my tacit approval. 8/10 NT by WITTGENSTEIN 11/30/2014, 2:34am PST 
Is anyone borhering with the next one? by fabio 11/07/2014, 9:36am PST 
Re: Is anyone borhering with the next one? by Ice Cream Jonsey 11/07/2014, 10:16am PST 
Not Jagged Alliance? NT by Entropy Stew 11/07/2014, 12:51pm PST 
Re: Not Jagged Alliance? by Ice Cream Jonsey 11/07/2014, 8:28pm PST 
Yeah, I meant JAII, that's the only one I played by Entropy Stew 11/18/2014, 3:21pm PST 
No and no NT by Hans Clastorp 11/07/2014, 10:43am PST 
No. I hate Bioware writers. by Gutsby 11/07/2014, 10:46am PST 
Re: No. I hate Bioware writers. by Fish Bowl Head 11/20/2014, 7:40pm PST 
Expect to spend about two hours fucking with NT by WITTGENSTEIN 11/18/2014, 12:29pm PST 
Admitting powerlessness over WRPGs because I am a degenerate addict by Horrible Gelatinous Blob 06/10/2014, 8:55pm PDT 
Re: Admitting powerlessness over WRPGs because I am a degenerate addict by Brandon Flick 06/10/2014, 9:45pm PDT 
Re: Admitting powerlessness over WRPGs because I am a degenerate addict by Horrible Gelatinous Blob 06/10/2014, 10:54pm PDT 
I have questions. by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/10/2014, 11:13pm PDT 
Re: I have questions. by Horrible Gelatinous Blob 06/11/2014, 12:37am PDT 
I'm the same way with Paper Sorcerer by Why'd you get sued? 06/11/2014, 6:11am PDT 
DA2 was too middle of the road by It's always there 06/10/2014, 11:34pm PDT 
I tried replaying DA: Origins recently by Lurker 410942 06/11/2014, 3:08am PDT 
DA: Origins is one of my favorite games by Fullofkittens 06/11/2014, 5:28am PDT 
"Like Mass Effect 3". Four words that can make me cancel a pre-order! NT by WITTGENSTEIN 06/11/2014, 8:49am PDT 
Re: Admitting powerlessness over WRPGs because I am a degenerate addict by Mysterio 06/10/2014, 11:50pm PDT 
What? NT by Brandon Flick 06/11/2014, 12:06pm PDT 
Re: Admitting powerlessness over WRPGs because I am a degenerate addict by Grebble 06/11/2014, 7:05pm PDT 
One of the writers of DA2 tried going on Twitter by Ice Cream Jonsey 02/20/2012, 11:09am PST 
she's terrible but she shouldn't be subject to that kind of treatment by jeep 02/20/2012, 11:48am PST 
Re: she's terrible but she shouldn't be subject to that kind of treatment by Lurker 587945 02/20/2012, 1:01pm PST 
Re: she's terrible but she shouldn't be subject to that kind of treatment by Ice Cream Jonsey 02/20/2012, 2:04pm PST 
another thing that happens due to the flat forums tech by jeep 02/20/2012, 3:41pm PST 
Re: she's terrible but she shouldn't be subject to that kind of treatment by Ice Cream Jonsey 02/20/2012, 1:56pm PST 
Re: she's terrible but she shouldn't be subject to that kind of treatment by jeep 02/20/2012, 3:56pm PST 
Re: she's terrible but she shouldn't be subject to that kind of treatment by Lurker 587945 02/20/2012, 9:02pm PST 
Boo Hoo. by Mischief Professional 02/20/2012, 3:42pm PST 
Re: Boo Hoo. by jeep 02/20/2012, 4:05pm PST 
The only thing Witcher 2 has in common with part 1 is the plot. by Mischief Professional 02/20/2012, 5:39pm PST 
But Jeep, depicting rape IS okay! NT by Glenda the good witch 02/20/2012, 10:26pm PST 
Her tweet about having a vagina was obviously a crack at transgender developers. NT by Worm 02/20/2012, 4:03pm PST 
Caltrops: the big time? by fabio 08/06/2011, 3:16pm PDT 
Re: Caltrops: the big time? by Lurker 90210 08/07/2011, 3:46am PDT 
You didn't fucking MAKE a post, you stole one. by Mischief Maker 08/07/2011, 12:14pm PDT 
WHOOPS. Disregard. I mixed you up with that Sephiroth gent. NT by Mischief Maker 08/07/2011, 12:25pm PDT 
MM's 3,000 views in three days has him barely reading the rest of our posts NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/07/2011, 11:22pm PDT 
Reading posts takes time away from gazing into my mirror. NT by Mischief Maker 08/08/2011, 4:33pm PDT 
jesus christ not our posts! NT by won't someone think of the children 08/07/2011, 10:45pm PDT 
Bioware used a different story formula for DA2 by jeep 08/02/2011, 7:57pm PDT 
No fucking shit, Jeep NT by WITTGENSTEIN 08/02/2011, 8:32pm PDT 
Final shots by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/05/2011, 11:25am PDT 
it wasn't that bad by jeep 06/05/2011, 4:34pm PDT 
Objectively speaking, no modern big-budget Hollywood movie should score less by than three out of four stars. 06/05/2011, 5:16pm PDT 
Pulp Fiction: 8.9/10 - The Godfather: 9.2/10 - God of War III: 9.6/10 by IMDb 06/05/2011, 5:27pm PDT 
It actually was that bad. by Hans Clastorp 06/06/2011, 12:02pm PDT 
Also here is one screenshot that totally sums up Dragon Age 2 by Hans Clastorp 06/06/2011, 5:55pm PDT 
Re: Also here is one screenshot that totally sums up Dragon Age 2 by up with pod people 06/06/2011, 6:19pm PDT 
Are you saying Hans is a crybaby, or is this you DA2 plot summary? NT by motherfuckerfoodeater 06/06/2011, 6:29pm PDT 
I believe she's saying it's nice to see Chad get more work. NT by Souffle of Pain 06/06/2011, 7:07pm PDT 
^ NT by up with pod people 06/06/2011, 7:40pm PDT 
REVIEW by Lurker 13920 03/11/2011, 9:56am PST 
This review tells me the game is really, really bad. NT by Gutsby 03/11/2011, 11:28am PST 
did the first line tip you off? NT by soerd unf jos tes 03/11/2011, 1:06pm PST 
Pay 15 bucks or spend an hour to have a bad experience. NT by Gutsby 03/11/2011, 5:05pm PST 
Finished this piece of shit last night by Hans Clastorp 03/15/2011, 11:19am PDT 
combat is what is souring it for me by up with pod people 03/15/2011, 11:28am PDT 
Melee engages my bow guy in melee he runs back 3 yards shoots an arrow by Worm 03/15/2011, 11:31am PDT 
So creatively bankrupt, they couldn't come up with new identities for either by Metacritic/characters 03/15/2011, 12:38pm PDT 
At least now I know what "fun face pace combat" is. NT by laudablepuss 03/15/2011, 1:20pm PDT 
I mean I know these games are just movies you get to participate in by up with pod people 03/15/2011, 5:32pm PDT 
UPP by Cannibal Dave 03/20/2011, 1:44pm PDT 
Oh yeah I forgot to complain about the terrible pathfinding. by Hans Clastorp 03/15/2011, 2:34pm PDT 
COMBAT TIPS by Worm 03/16/2011, 12:10pm PDT 
Holy shit these MMORPG style fights are getting really tired. by Worm 03/18/2011, 2:18am PDT NT by The tired jokes even have a name 03/15/2011, 1:47pm PDT 
They beat that gag into the ground in Origins also by Hans Clastorp 03/15/2011, 6:06pm PDT 
Also Isabella is a whore hahahahaha by Worm 03/20/2011, 1:11pm PDT 
Uh, that's a reference to the fact she wears an undercorset NT by Mysterio 04/05/2011, 4:40pm PDT 
background patter in the hanged man bar: by up with pod people 03/15/2011, 5:36pm PDT 
The best thing about the game was the day theme from the hanged man. by Worm 03/19/2011, 4:22pm PDT 
My combat bitches, story spoiler bitches soon to come. by Worm 03/20/2011, 1:09pm PDT 
Story bitches *SPOILERS* by Worm 03/20/2011, 3:22pm PDT 
also the ending of FF1 was 296 words the ending of dragon age 2 334 words NT by Worm 03/20/2011, 3:55pm PDT 
Euro Gamer review and article of a bioware guy defending it are the worst shit by Worm 03/21/2011, 12:11pm PDT 
I think they just apologized for making DA2 by Lurker 20123 04/05/2011, 10:45am PDT 
No demo impressions? None at all. by Worm 02/24/2011, 4:28pm PST 
HI CALTROPS, HOW DO YOU LIKE MY HAS-BEEN NICHE AUDIENCE ACTING CAREER?! NT by Felicia Day (she was in Buffy y'kno 02/26/2011, 6:25pm PST 
I like her well enough when somebody else is doing the writing NT by Entropy Stew 02/26/2011, 8:03pm PST 
demo sucks and I am now dreading the game NT by jeep 02/26/2011, 10:49pm PST 
wait hold on I'm more angry than that here's a short screed. Negative! by jeep 02/27/2011, 12:24am PST 
Have you played the game "Outcast?" NT by Mischief Maker 02/27/2011, 2:57am PST 
Ok, we get it. People who didn't like DA1 won't like DA2. Can we have a real NT by demo review now please? 02/27/2011, 7:25am PST 
The Lost In Dreams quest was boring, terrible. by Fullofkittens 02/27/2011, 11:20am PST 
Don't fool yourself by jeep 03/01/2011, 8:14pm PST 
Great stuff, jeep. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 03/01/2011, 5:57pm PST 
Yes, great stuff. ^_^ by Jerry Whorebach 03/01/2011, 9:42pm PST 
Quoting Jim Sterling is not convincing. by motherfuckerfoodeater 03/01/2011, 10:37pm PST 
He's doing you a favour. You couldn't HANDLE uncropped Jim Sterling 8( by Jerry Whorebach 03/01/2011, 11:23pm PST 
I, umm, don't really know what to say about this. by motherfuckerfoodeater 03/02/2011, 12:45am PST 
Wait, I'm kind of lost. We're both despising Jim Sterling here, right? by Jerry Whorebach 03/02/2011, 1:54am PST 
I definitely despise Jim Sterling and don't trust anything he has to say by motherfuckerfoodeater 03/02/2011, 4:56pm PST 
Jim Sterling truly is a horrible person. He revels in it. NT by Ghost of Caltrops' Past 03/02/2011, 8:47pm PST 
Re: Jim Sterling truly is a horrible person. He revels in it. by motherfuckerfoodeater 03/02/2011, 10:34pm PST 
Re: Jim Sterling truly is a horrible person. He revels in it. by Ice Cream Jonsey 03/09/2011, 7:09pm PST 
Oops, (Unearthed) Arcana foul. Sorry. NT by motherfuckerfoodeater 03/09/2011, 9:40pm PST 
haha NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 03/10/2011, 7:06am PST 
Vodka and 7-Up please. Hold the vodka. NT by Jim Sterling 03/03/2011, 4:21pm PST 
you have a point by jeep 03/02/2011, 11:33pm PST 
The 3.6ghz speed doesn't match up with a cpu because of in-order processing by Entropy Stew 03/03/2011, 12:17am PST 
Re: you have a point by Jerry Whorebach 03/03/2011, 12:57am PST 
Re: you (and fussbett) have a point by jeep 03/04/2011, 9:03pm PST 
You missed the point a little bit. by Fussbett 03/03/2011, 1:07am PST 
So, wait, Far Cry 2 was actually good? NT by Entropy Stew 03/03/2011, 7:31pm PST 
Everything except the shooting and driving. by motherfuckerfoodeater 03/03/2011, 9:59pm PST 
Didn't you prefer FarCry shooting over Crysis shooting? by Arbit 03/04/2011, 11:12am PST 
I hope you all listened to Arbit by Fussbett 03/18/2011, 1:36am PDT 
you get the feeling there's a trespasser curse with these kind of games by jeep 03/04/2011, 8:30pm PST 
Re: wait hold on I'm more angry than that here's a short screed. Negative! by Ice Cream Jonsey 03/04/2011, 11:32am PST 
Pre-ordered it. I promise you a full review on or before April 11th NT by WITTGENSTEIN 03/04/2011, 2:57pm PST 
Playing as a fighter is still boring, rogue seems like the mandatory class now by Hans Clastorp 02/27/2011, 12:36pm PST 
After 1 hour: I can't really see what jeep, Worm, and Hans are bitching about. by WITTGENSTEIN 03/09/2011, 5:31am PST 
Reddit is saying that 75% of the game takes place in the same cave NT by Entropy Stew 03/09/2011, 7:58am PST 
Funny, 50% of my time in DA1 was spent in the Deep Roads (aka: A CAVE) NT by WITTGENSTEIN 03/09/2011, 3:08pm PST 
So since it's obvious they were lazier this time around 75% shouldn't be a shock NT by motherfuckerfoodeater 03/09/2011, 3:49pm PST 
HEY GUYS I HAVEN'T PLAYED THE GAME BUT I'LL SHITPOST ANYWAYS NT by faggotfuckercockeater 03/09/2011, 3:58pm PST 
No one fucking understands how you liked the DA2 demo. by Worm 03/09/2011, 4:51pm PST 
50% of DA:O was spent trying to have lesbian sex with the redhead by Fullofkittens 03/09/2011, 4:51pm PST 
Was that possible? Cos I might go get Dragon Age NT by i_hate_goons.vbs 03/09/2011, 6:48pm PST 
psh yeah you wouldn't NT by Worm 03/09/2011, 10:38am PST 
In This Thread, We Worked On, Review Dragon Age 2. by Ice Cream Jonsey 03/15/2011, 9:10am PDT 
You don't think those are his coworkers? NT by laudablepuss 03/15/2011, 11:04am PDT 
MEATPUPPETS NT by Entropy Stew 03/15/2011, 1:05pm PDT 
Face pace combat! For what it is, it is flawlessly executed! by Arbit 03/15/2011, 3:17pm PDT 
Update! by motherfuckerfoodeater 03/16/2011, 11:53am PDT 
I appreciate them making the rogue even better by adding force jump. by jeep 03/15/2011, 9:12pm PDT 
LOOKS GOOD! by Bioware fans 03/09/2011, 8:41pm PST 
Escapist gave it a perfect score. I wonder how much EA paid for that NT by Entropy Stew 03/09/2011, 1:13pm PST 
Are you faggots going to stop playing soggy biscuit long enough to play DA2? NT by WITTGENSTEIN 03/09/2011, 3:07pm PST 