Day[9] started a game studio. by Ice Cream Jonsey 04/15/2023, 3:06pm PDT
So it's a free weekend for anyone who signed up for the Overwatch beta by fabio 11/20/2015, 7:24pm PST
Is there anything you don't complain about balance with? by Worm 11/20/2015, 10:28pm PST
Is there any discussion you don't announce you don't give a shit about? NT by fuck you 11/20/2015, 11:56pm PST
I really like it, it's just funny that it's already got 'horrendous' balance by Worm 11/21/2015, 12:07am PST
oh and people insisting on assaulting with Bastion or Torbjorn by Worm 11/21/2015, 12:42am PST
Free weekend over by fabio 11/24/2015, 3:32am PST
People don't understand a staggering amount of shit. by Worm 11/24/2015, 10:50am PST
People underestimating Soldier 76 just because he was the tutorial character? by Worm 11/24/2015, 10:53am PST
*highest sustained damage by Worm 11/24/2015, 10:57am PST
He just seemed the dullest by fabio 11/24/2015, 12:38pm PST
So this genre isn't even out yet and alredy it's the hot new one to rip off by fabio 12/08/2015, 10:02pm PST
and another! by fabio 12/08/2015, 10:07pm PST
RTS games that don't let you freeform drive around and jump out at will suck. by kate leth 07/23/2014, 12:33am PDT
Jhoh, the Ginsberg to Whorebach's Kerouac by Vested Id 07/23/2014, 12:46am PDT
Intro cinematic for HotS by Arbit 01/24/2013, 5:59pm PST
MLG Dallas! by turkey sandwich guy 11/03/2012, 2:54pm PDT
Sheth is out. NT by This has been, the MLG Dallas threa 11/03/2012, 7:04pm PDT
Congrats to "Life" for bringing it home in MLG Dal-- NT by oh wait the thread was over 11/04/2012, 6:12pm PST
Re: MLG Dallas! by irony 11/21/2012, 5:41pm PST
thread justified! NT by turkey sandwich guy 11/21/2012, 9:45pm PST
OG FARMING by McMoo 11/22/2012, 7:29am PST
Heart of the Swarm: March 12, 2013 by which is good because 11/18/2012, 3:02pm PST
won my season placement match standing at a two-top in an airport lounge NT by BALLER 11/08/2012, 7:42pm PST
The correct review. by Claborsarls 04/23/2012, 5:56am PDT
I'm looking forward to if you guys are bad at Skullgirls and how that effects yo NT by ur opinion on it. Worm 04/23/2012, 9:03am PDT
Who the fuck plays SC2 in single player? by This is Chris's Blood 04/23/2012, 9:50am PDT
Single Player SC2 was an entertaining diversion. by Oom Shnibble 04/23/2012, 11:20am PDT
Yes by Arbit 04/23/2012, 1:35pm PDT
clarification by Arbit 04/23/2012, 2:00pm PDT
You should keep playing by fabio 04/24/2012, 9:16pm PDT
well the demo doesn't allow me to play all the missions I downloaded by sdroa jists 04/25/2012, 10:20pm PDT
C'mon guys! by FrostySC 09/08/2011, 7:47pm PDT
Re: C'mon guys! by Chillum 09/09/2011, 8:22pm PDT
Day[9] is really funny by Ice Cream Jonsey 09/03/2011, 9:38am PDT
Starcraft 2 is being dominated by HACKERS by Ice Cream Jonsey 05/10/2011, 12:15pm PDT
Plagoo by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/23/2011, 7:18am PDT
According to the headline for this game's article... by Fullofkittens 10/16/2010, 3:28am PDT
That might have to do with the article being terrible. NT by Caltrops Nepotism 10/16/2010, 8:50pm PDT
yes ICJ should have let us write it bilge world of starfuckshitcraft NT by Foam Sword of Justice 10/16/2010, 9:17pm PDT
Re: yes ICJ should have let us write it bilge world of starfuckshitcraft by Souffle of Pain 10/18/2010, 11:12am PDT
Arcade is the best genre, yes. by Ice Cream Jonsey 10/17/2010, 10:17am PDT
Our new theme song. by Sword of Justice 10/16/2010, 10:40pm PDT
Come on, man. I had a rough night and I hate the fuckin' Eagles, man! NT by The Dude 10/16/2010, 11:11pm PDT
And that's the 90s Eagles. Imagine the Dude heard the 90s Eagles? NT by Angry baby boomers, rocking out 10/17/2010, 11:27am PDT
Bad company till the day they die. by Sword of Justice 10/11/2010, 1:57am PDT
Re: Bad company till the day they die. by Bananadine 10/11/2010, 7:02am PDT
I remember using a cheat to turn off the fog of war in the original StarCraft... by Jerry Whorebach 10/11/2010, 7:33am PDT
What do you mean "had" too much time, you welfare sucking shitstain on society? NT by Mysterious Stranger 10/11/2010, 4:04pm PDT
This guy's pretty angry about shitstains O_O NT by Jerry Whorebach 10/11/2010, 4:18pm PDT
Even your replies are Jsoh-like. Enjoy dying alone you stupid slob. NT by Mysterious Stranger 10/11/2010, 7:10pm PDT
You have no idea what a self-esteem boost I get from not seeing a "fat" in there by Jerry Whorebach 10/11/2010, 8:15pm PDT
Jerry, I think you need to position your brand more closely to the Left. by Corner Office 10/11/2010, 9:08pm PDT
Re: Even your replies are Jsoh-like. Enjoy dying alone you stupid slob. by Souffle of Pain 10/11/2010, 8:56pm PDT
Getting at unlockables from the start? by Mischief Maker 10/11/2010, 9:44am PDT
Re: Bad company till the day they die. by Mysterious Stranger 10/11/2010, 2:06pm PDT
ARGFGH that's me NT by Arbit 10/11/2010, 2:07pm PDT
Re: Bad company till the day they die. by Bananadine 10/11/2010, 3:12pm PDT
Re: Bad company till the day they die. by Arbit 10/11/2010, 6:14pm PDT
Yeah, I mean why not just disable achievements if they can tell who is using tra NT by iners - Worm 10/11/2010, 6:37pm PDT
That wasn't a very good review. by Eldjotnar 08/26/2010, 12:03pm PDT
Re: That wasn't a very good review. by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/26/2010, 1:13pm PDT
Re: That wasn't a very good review. by Eldjotnar 08/26/2010, 1:38pm PDT
I'm sorry princess. One rewritten review coming right up. Just let me get out NT by my doilies, you big spoiled FAGGOT! 08/26/2010, 2:11pm PDT
Okay, when does it go up? NT by Eldjotnar 08/26/2010, 2:17pm PDT
Yeah why didn't the review have more about making roaches and teching into by Worm 08/26/2010, 2:37pm PDT
Re: Yeah why didn't the review have more about making roaches and teching into by Eldjotnar 08/26/2010, 2:56pm PDT
Re: Yeah why didn't the review have more about making roaches and teching into by Souffle of Pain 08/26/2010, 3:04pm PDT
Re: That wasn't a very good review. by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/26/2010, 2:47pm PDT
Hey come on that's not nice. by Jhoh Cause..... 2 08/26/2010, 1:16pm PDT
Speaking of Halo Reach I'm working on a reivew of it. by Jhoh Cause..... 2 08/26/2010, 2:05pm PDT
front page this shit and then front page each new draft NT by Sword of Justice 08/26/2010, 2:09pm PDT
Re: Speaking of Halo Reach I'm working on a reivew of it. by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/26/2010, 2:20pm PDT
Oh yeah Madden, that's something I'm going to put in the second draft. by Jhoh Cause..... 2 08/26/2010, 2:52pm PDT
yessuh mastah, i'll put madden in there rightaway mastah NT by uncle creexul 08/26/2010, 4:44pm PDT
did that asshole actually imply sc2 has an improved interface? NT by Sword of Justice 08/26/2010, 2:46pm PDT
Re: did that asshole actually imply sc2 has an improved interface? by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/26/2010, 2:54pm PDT
Re: did that asshole actually imply sc2 has an improved interface? by Eldjotnar 08/26/2010, 2:58pm PDT
The much needed second draft. by Jhoh Cause..... 2 08/26/2010, 2:53pm PDT
complaining about criticism is a very legitimate form of review on the wow forum NT by Sword of Justice 08/26/2010, 1:18pm PDT
Fabio also thinks that thing. by Jhoh Cause..... 2 08/26/2010, 1:32pm PDT
hahahahha warcraft 3 sure did have great humor, what I remember most was the jok NT by Sword of Justice 08/26/2010, 1:35pm PDT
Warcraft 3 lacked the rich quality of Vampire Bloodlines NT by Jerry Whorebach 08/26/2010, 2:59pm PDT
That's true, it definitely didn't. :3 NT by Jhoh Cause..... 2 08/26/2010, 3:03pm PDT
bloodlines was indeed a great game NT by Sword of Justice 08/26/2010, 3:22pm PDT
And jerry doesn't know what good or bad RPG writing is. NT by Jhoh Cause..... 2 08/26/2010, 3:27pm PDT
Hi Kered by Souffle of Pain 08/26/2010, 2:57pm PDT
Re: Hi Kered by Jhoh Cause..... 2 08/26/2010, 3:03pm PDT
The atmosphere of that post was almost a gameplay element in itself! NT by Souffle of Pain 08/26/2010, 3:06pm PDT
How did you know he'd be on-line at that moment to talk to you? by Souffle of Pain 08/26/2010, 3:18pm PDT
welcome to 1998, try a free version of any number of aim clients NT by Sword of Justice 08/26/2010, 3:23pm PDT
Welfare lifer totally up on free software by Souffle of Pain 08/26/2010, 3:35pm PDT
Kred is right again, this person is distraught. NT by Jhoh Cause..... 2 08/26/2010, 3:39pm PDT
kred the sped NT by Worm 08/26/2010, 4:14pm PDT
souffle status: destroyed NT by Sword of Justice 08/26/2010, 3:43pm PDT
Looks like this souffle 8( couldn't take the heat yaaaa. by Jhoh Cause..... 2 08/26/2010, 3:25pm PDT
his souffle... fell today 8( NT by Sword of Justice 08/26/2010, 3:29pm PDT
The quoted statement itself is also myopic!! NT by Souffle of Pain 08/26/2010, 3:40pm PDT
remember how you put down that I hate faggots thing 20 years after the fact? NT by Sword of Justice 08/26/2010, 3:50pm PDT
Yes, I do! by Souffle of Pain 08/26/2010, 3:58pm PDT
like you're not interchangeable with any other creexul yes man NT by Worm 08/26/2010, 4:18pm PDT
Re: like you're not interchangeable with any other creexul yes man by Jhoh Cause..... 2 08/26/2010, 4:32pm PDT
I guess every aim log and reply to jhoh isn't a circle jerk, you guys showed me. by Worm 08/26/2010, 4:38pm PDT
Re: like you're not interchangeable with any other creexul yes man by Grebble 08/26/2010, 4:40pm PDT
Kred and Chad both liked this very much (thax). ^_^ NT by Jhoh Cause..... 2 08/26/2010, 4:50pm PDT
Just a little note to Blizzard, if you want us to make your game even better, le by Souffle of Pain 08/26/2010, 3:09pm PDT
Don't be an asshole NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/26/2010, 3:17pm PDT
Re: Don't be an asshole by Souffle of Pain 08/26/2010, 3:28pm PDT
Re: Don't be an asshole by Jhoh Cause..... 2 08/26/2010, 3:38pm PDT
S-souffle... by Noi Dau Don 08/26/2010, 5:52pm PDT
hahahahahaahaha, so how DID it get burned anyway? NT by Sword of Justice 08/26/2010, 3:39pm PDT
I know I just posted like 20 AIM logs BUT it's just too good. by Jhoh Cause..... 2 08/26/2010, 3:42pm PDT
Whoa, don't stop posting AIM logs, chief by Souffle of Pain 08/26/2010, 3:51pm PDT
I like being chief. ^_^ by Jhoh Cause..... 2 08/26/2010, 4:17pm PDT
I wonder if lots of youtubes and cat pictures is how people respond on SA by Worm 08/26/2010, 4:21pm PDT
That's easily as astute as your video game reviews. 83 NT by Jhoh Cause..... 2 08/26/2010, 4:28pm PDT
Re: That's easily as astute as your video game reviews. 83 by Worm 08/26/2010, 4:34pm PDT
Uh oh brace for another romsian meltdown people. ;3 NT by Jhoh Cause..... 2 08/26/2010, 4:41pm PDT
he might post 40 times in a row brother NT by Sword of Justice 08/26/2010, 4:57pm PDT
More than he already has, you mean. 83 by Jhoh Cause..... 2 08/26/2010, 5:04pm PDT
Re: That wasn't a very good review. by Souffle of Pain 08/26/2010, 4:15pm PDT
Wow you must really like Starcraft 2. by Jhoh Cause..... 2 08/26/2010, 4:27pm PDT
/posts a Youtube video by Souffle of Pain 08/26/2010, 4:34pm PDT
Re: /posts a Youtube video by Jhoh Cause..... 2 08/26/2010, 4:45pm PDT
Jesus fucking Christ, have some dignity by Souffle of Pain 08/26/2010, 4:53pm PDT
Re: Jesus fucking Christ, have some dignity by Jhoh Cause..... 2 08/26/2010, 6:13pm PDT
GET HIM TO SAY TAINT NT by Forum's Grebble 08/26/2010, 4:56pm PDT
gameplay video, this game looks like shit by Sword of Justice 08/20/2010, 12:56am PDT
frontpage review: officially invalid by Sword of Justice 08/11/2010, 4:41am PDT
Re: frontpage review: officially invalid by Benjamin "Pinback" Parrish 08/11/2010, 11:48am PDT
Thought it was a good read. Did you get through the terran by Cyril Badman 08/11/2010, 12:18pm PDT
Re: Thought it was a good read. Did you get through the terran by Benjamin "Pinback" Parrish 08/11/2010, 1:05pm PDT
10. Tanks can't run over marines. (Hi, Jonsey!) by Fortinbras 08/11/2010, 5:42pm PDT
Oh but otherwise it's a great review NT by Fortinbras 08/11/2010, 5:43pm PDT
Re: 10. Tanks can't run over marines. (Hi, Jonsey!) by Benjamin "Pinback" Parrish 08/11/2010, 5:56pm PDT
Oh. by Fortinbras 08/11/2010, 6:15pm PDT
Re: Oh. by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/11/2010, 7:07pm PDT
Kred voices some of his complaints. by Jhoh Cause..... 2 08/11/2010, 6:12pm PDT
Nothing to see here NT by Just a recorded retard rodeo 08/11/2010, 6:30pm PDT
Re: Kred voices some of his complaints. by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/11/2010, 6:56pm PDT
Hey don't blame me I didn't make starcraft 2, blz did. 8( NT by Jhoh Cause..... 2 08/11/2010, 7:13pm PDT
I don't like those guys. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/11/2010, 7:24pm PDT
Between the two Cables and Kered, you pick Kered to let loose upon? The fuck? NT by Entropy Stew 08/12/2010, 7:54am PDT
Hello I would like to speak to stew pid. ^_^ NT by Jhoh Cause..... 2 08/12/2010, 8:53am PDT
Maybe I can get ICJ the Shit Whisperer to pull some content out of that post for NT by Entropy Stew 08/12/2010, 12:21pm PDT
If you did anything on this site period I would be a little impressed. by Jhoh Cause..... 2 08/12/2010, 12:36pm PDT
Like delete it? NT by Entropy Stew 08/12/2010, 1:49pm PDT
Psh like you could do that. NT by Jhoh Cause..... 2 08/12/2010, 3:23pm PDT
Veronica fucked ICJ NT by Entropy Senor Stewito 08/12/2010, 4:24pm PDT
Yeah, but I like Creexul and technically the other two aren't Creexuls. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/12/2010, 11:16am PDT
Post his reply to your terrible fucking World of Warcraft review NT by Souffle of Pain 08/11/2010, 7:13pm PDT
it can be hard to tell what infuriated you more, our wow review, or our l2 revie by Sword of Justice 08/12/2010, 3:54am PDT
Really because Brent thought our WOW review was great. by Jhoh Cause..... 2 08/12/2010, 12:37pm PDT
Is SOJ Spirit of the Jaguar or Seal of Justice? by Worm 08/11/2010, 9:12pm PDT
Hee hee 'u giev soj', oh Kered Kocksucker you are a CARD NT by Guy who still plays Diablo II 08/12/2010, 7:24am PDT
These two posts really go great together. 8) NT by Jhoh Cause..... 2 08/12/2010, 8:48am PDT
Re: Hee hee 'u giev soj', oh Kered Kocksucker you are a CARD by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/12/2010, 8:55am PDT
Some retard cried to jhoh for an hour over a caption you wrote? by Worm 08/12/2010, 9:31am PDT
Go on rom, have another meltdown. 8) NT by Jhoh Cause..... 2 08/12/2010, 10:21am PDT
this game is unplayable repetitive rehashed garbage, BUT YOU FAGGOTS BETTER LOVE by Sword of Justice 08/12/2010, 3:18am PDT
Original v. SC2 by Benjamin "Pinback" Parrish 08/12/2010, 1:51pm PDT
the thread just exploded behind us NT by Sword of Justice 08/12/2010, 11:10pm PDT
ODDLY FAMILIAR by Jhoh Cause..... 2 08/11/2010, 8:21pm PDT
Re: ODDLY FAMILIAR by Benjamin "Pinback" Parrish 08/11/2010, 11:35pm PDT
The campaign maps have replay value, but yeah by Fortinbras 08/12/2010, 6:50am PDT
tl;dr: shamans were bad in WoW like 6 years ago. Cables hate blizzard for it. NT by Worm 08/12/2010, 5:42pm PDT
Do they still play the game, though? NT by Benjamin "Pinback" Parrish 08/12/2010, 10:18pm PDT
no and wrom is wrong again NT by Sword of Justice 08/12/2010, 11:08pm PDT
I guess he's right play doesn't mean to dedicate one's life to something. NT by Worm 08/12/2010, 11:37pm PDT
This one's the "bad" Cable right? by Benjamin "Pinback" Parrish 08/12/2010, 11:40pm PDT
that's right, be afraid NT by Sword of Justice 08/12/2010, 11:49pm PDT
PS: society has failed me NT by Sword of Justice 08/13/2010, 7:53am PDT
Jso has trolled people into being furious at him for the rest of their lives. by Jhoh Cause..... 2 08/13/2010, 3:56pm PDT
a circle jerk is a machine I guess. NT by Worm 08/13/2010, 10:59pm PDT
Oh hi wrom we were just talking about you. 8) by Jhoh Cause..... 2 08/14/2010, 1:11am PDT
Talking about me ... where, over the fold out dinner table? by Worm 08/14/2010, 5:29am PDT
Re: Talking about me ... where, over the fold out dinner table? by Sword of Justice 08/15/2010, 4:45pm PDT
Worm destroys you two in every single thread. by Caltrops of Yore 08/15/2010, 5:23pm PDT
Yeah just look at how destroyed we are. 8) NT by Jhoh Cause..... 2 08/15/2010, 7:52pm PDT
you're right, it's utterly pathetic NT by mysterio swarm 08/15/2010, 7:56pm PDT
Every single thread. Except worm has more of a life and can't destroy you consta NT by Sword of Justice 08/15/2010, 7:57pm PDT
Our mass troll field has once again trolled all foes into a delusional state. 83 NT by Jhoh Cause..... 2 08/15/2010, 8:14pm PDT
you are balled on the floor crying about your empty life NT by mysterio swarm 08/15/2010, 8:37pm PDT
Looks like you're having trouble with reality again, do you need more meds? 8) NT by Jhoh Cause..... 2 08/16/2010, 6:23am PDT
you literally lack the faculties to comprehend the world in any meaningful way NT by mysterio swarm 08/16/2010, 6:34am PDT
Projection still doesn't work, it's over, this one's ours. 83 NT by Jhoh Cause..... 2 08/16/2010, 8:07pm PDT
you can't even stop yourself, it's pathetic NT by mysterio swarm 08/17/2010, 1:32am PDT
Thanks for proving my point again. 83 NT by Jhoh Cause..... 2 08/17/2010, 7:20am PDT
you are like the poster child for not getting it. NT by computer expert 08/17/2010, 3:12pm PDT
Having trouble actually making a point there huh? Sounds like you lost. 8) NT by Jhoh Cause..... 2 08/17/2010, 7:44pm PDT
you actually think all this is real somehow NT by mysterio swarm 08/18/2010, 2:52pm PDT
you are the swarm but we are cable NT by Sword of Justice 08/18/2010, 5:14pm PDT
You've been misinformed, but one is funnier than the other. (Interpret that as y NT by Last 08/13/2010, 9:24am PDT
Don't act like you didn't try to participate in Caltrops years ago by Long Memory 08/13/2010, 9:40am PDT
Actually, anonymous Caltrops expert, by motherfuckerfoodeater 08/13/2010, 10:12am PDT
starcraft 2 comparison sheet by Sword of Justice 08/15/2010, 8:55am PDT
and equal amounts of people crying since that stone predates Biblical creation. NT by Worm 08/15/2010, 11:15am PDT
Things Jsoh wants in an RTS: LAN, facebook, tournament integration NT by Fortinbras 08/15/2010, 12:29pm PDT
He's literally retarded, defeated once again. NT by Sword of Justice 08/15/2010, 8:38pm PDT
this is a satisfying ending to this thread by Sword of Justice 08/17/2010, 10:27pm PDT
Re: this is a satisfying ending to this thread by Worm 08/18/2010, 10:44pm PDT
Does the time it takes to download count against the 7 hour guest pass? by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/11/2010, 12:12am PDT
Yes, the seven hours starts from when Starcraft 2 was released. NT by So you're already out of luck. 08/11/2010, 12:25am PDT
Confirmed. It's crippled a bit, but they didn't anticipate the range of players. by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/11/2010, 12:36am PDT
it sucks so bad yatzee refuses to even review it by Sword of Justice 08/04/2010, 4:56pm PDT
Fighting games and now RTS games. by Worm 08/04/2010, 5:54pm PDT
Nice. NT by Jhoh Cause..... 2 08/04/2010, 5:57pm PDT
all the right choices (except for dow and maybe solar empire) NT by Sword of Justice 08/05/2010, 8:35am PDT
He also considers God Hand to be inferior to God of War by Mischief Maker 08/05/2010, 9:35am PDT
>get ass kicked in highschool a lot NT by >become yhatzee 08/05/2010, 11:53am PDT
I just meant he was bitter that his chosen genre of games is dead by Mischief Maker 08/05/2010, 11:57am PDT
Coroner's verdict by laudablepuss 08/05/2010, 2:15pm PDT
He does mention, indirectly, that Natural Selection is the greatest game ever. NT by Mr. Kool 08/05/2010, 12:19pm PDT
Re: Fighting games and now RTS games. by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/11/2010, 12:25am PDT
"I prefer games with stories" NT by Yeesh. 08/05/2010, 9:54am PDT
I DIDN'T THINK IT WAS POSSIBLE by Jhoh Cause..... 2 07/30/2010, 2:25pm PDT
Re: I DIDN'T THINK IT WAS POSSIBLE by Spiffyness 07/30/2010, 3:33pm PDT
It wasn't a fluke, the people responsible quit or were fired. by Jhoh Cause..... 2 07/30/2010, 3:47pm PDT
What I want to know is, which race is like night elves by Moog 07/30/2010, 4:54pm PDT
The real Moog would know the answer to this. O_O NT by Jhoh Cause..... 2 07/30/2010, 6:35pm PDT
protoss, obviously, weren't you paying attention by Sword of Justice 07/31/2010, 3:05am PDT
Really, how hard is that to miss? :( NT by Jhoh Cause..... 2 07/31/2010, 3:31am PDT
Yes they are mystical but where are their BOOBS by Moog 07/31/2010, 6:22am PDT
They are probably saving the female protoss for the next $60 xpak0.pak NT by Jhoh Cause..... 2 07/31/2010, 1:37pm PDT
Re: I DIDN'T THINK IT WAS POSSIBLE by Jhoh Cause..... 2 07/31/2010, 2:51am PDT
The last mission of Wings of Liberty IS kind of like Battle for Mount Hyjal :( by Fortinbras 08/01/2010, 12:13pm PDT
fabio snooped this already (you are worse than him) NT by Sword of Justice 08/01/2010, 1:46pm PDT
Re: I DIDN'T THINK IT WAS POSSIBLE by Tiger Oni Mask Dude Man 08/05/2010, 11:41pm PDT
Bad karma like Ty Cobb had, dying at 70 a millionaire? :( NT by Jhoh Cause..... 2 08/06/2010, 4:05am PDT
Bad karma like Enron and Umbrella Corp. NT NT by TIGER ONI MASK DUDE MAN 08/06/2010, 11:46am PDT
like in wow, the humans in sc2 look completely fucking disfigured and shit NT by Sword of Justice 07/31/2010, 2:56am PDT
TIL people cared about the single player story in both Warcraft 3 and Starcraft NT by H1N1 07/31/2010, 10:08am PDT
starcraft had a decent story, back when actual writers worked for blizz NT by Sword of Justice 07/31/2010, 10:57am PDT
Blizzard story template by Fortinbras 07/31/2010, 11:37am PDT
They could have had the decency to rip off Ender's Game at least. NT by Worm 07/31/2010, 12:10pm PDT
apparently battlenet 2.0 is really shitty by Sword of Justice 08/01/2010, 5:14am PDT
apparently starcraft 2.0 is really shitty by grasa cachorro 08/01/2010, 7:15am PDT
Meanwhile Valve releases a super fun LAN game for free. NT by Fullofkittens 08/01/2010, 10:24am PDT
"SC2 is excellence." "Facebook is human hypocrisy." by Fullofkittens 08/01/2010, 10:36am PDT
This guy is two treatises on existentialist philosophy and a good layout away NT by from being icycalm 08/01/2010, 11:36am PDT
Is the atmosphere a gameplay element in itself?` NT by Gourd of Sustenance 07/31/2010, 10:18am PDT
no, there is no atmosphere by Sword of Justice 07/31/2010, 10:55am PDT
There IS crap though. ^_^ NT by Jhoh Cause..... 2 07/31/2010, 1:51pm PDT
The crapsophere is a detriment in itself. NT by Sword of Justice 07/31/2010, 2:31pm PDT
I think we just caused someone to cry bloody tears NT by Sword of Justice 07/31/2010, 3:45pm PDT
Or shit some shitty blood shit NT by Sword of Shit 07/31/2010, 4:27pm PDT
Yes that too (thanks). ^_^ NT by Jhoh Cause..... 2 07/31/2010, 4:36pm PDT
Tycho's overpriced Alienware PC can't handle Starcraft 2 for some reason by Fortinbras 07/31/2010, 11:38am PDT
10 HIS PC IS INFERIOR! 20 GOTO 10 NT by i am a robot's vagina. 07/31/2010, 12:02pm PDT
No, I'm sure his PC is way overqualified. The problem is he's a fat, lazy moron NT by Fortinbras 07/31/2010, 3:18pm PDT
It's awesome by Fortinbras 07/27/2010, 4:09pm PDT
Re: It's awesome by Mysterious Stranger 07/27/2010, 5:09pm PDT
Yes, Warcraft 3 was an innovative game of soggy biscuit micromanagement by Fortinbras 07/28/2010, 7:12am PDT
Starcraft 2's space marines even have jump jets (what a great idea). NT by Jhoh Cause..... 2 07/28/2010, 8:02am PDT
Re: Yes, Warcraft 3 was an innovative game of soggy biscuit micromanagement by Arbit 07/28/2010, 9:25am PDT
you can knock over sc2 units when you bring their health to 0 by Sword of Justice 07/28/2010, 6:55pm PDT
"Can you run over infantry with tanks? No? This game sucks." NT by C&C fan on Starcraft 07/29/2010, 6:51am PDT
I guess I'll spell it out for you. by Arbit 07/29/2010, 12:30pm PDT
sounds like a downgrade over dawn of war 1 NT by Sword of Justice 07/27/2010, 6:29pm PDT
THEY PUT A SHOOTER MINIGAME IN IT HOLY CRAP NT by Fortinbras 07/27/2010, 6:51pm PDT
oh, so it's ripping off angel attack from bayonetta that's nice NT by Sword of Justice 07/27/2010, 7:00pm PDT
Koreans and a decade have diminished my excitement. by Last 07/26/2010, 7:54am PDT
Starcraft 2 is region-locked. NO KOREANS! (Unless you live in Australia) NT by Fortinbras 07/26/2010, 4:58pm PDT
Noep. by Jhoh Cause..... 2 07/26/2010, 8:30am PDT
The retarded friend of my retarded enemy is my retarded enemy. Sun Tzu said tha NT by BLU Soldier 07/26/2010, 1:21pm PDT
someone has been guzzling the bilge NT by Sword of Justice 07/26/2010, 1:27pm PDT
hahahahahaha NT by laudablepuss 07/26/2010, 5:51pm PDT
Ouch, even I would not sink as low to say "laudablepuss would like that." NT by Jhoh Cause..... 2 07/26/2010, 7:44pm PDT
we hurt his feelings pretty bad NT by Sword of Justice 07/26/2010, 7:46pm PDT
Did he hate Starcraft I? NT by Fortinbras 07/26/2010, 4:32pm PDT
Well he personally felWHAT THE FUCK DO YOU CARE? NT by Jhoh Cause..... 2 07/26/2010, 4:51pm PDT
WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU CARE ABOUT A SUBJECT I BROUGHT UP?! by Jhoh Cause..... 2 07/26/2010, 6:16pm PDT
I didn't like that one punchline, here: have a worse one. ^_^ NT by person 07/26/2010, 7:45pm PDT
looks like some is scared out of their mind of us NT by Sword of Justice 07/26/2010, 7:46pm PDT
Like literally out of their minds (we have fucked their mortal minds insaaane). NT by Jhoh Cause..... 2 07/26/2010, 7:47pm PDT
the atmosphere is a gameplay element by itself NT by Sword of Justice 07/26/2010, 8:59pm PDT
hahaha it looks like wrom really can't understand this basic fact NT by Sword of Justice 07/27/2010, 6:08pm PDT
dawn of war 3 looks pretty good NT by Sword of Justice 07/26/2010, 12:11pm PDT
the atmosphere is a gameplay element by itself NT by Sword of Justice 07/26/2010, 1:41pm PDT
atmosphere is step two, you know what step one is? NT by Sword of Justice 07/26/2010, 7:47pm PDT
My friend offered me a free pre-release copy on friday. I asked him why he thou NT by E. L. Koba 07/26/2010, 7:36pm PDT
*** Please use the message box if your post wont fit in the title. *** NT by Bradley Svedka. 07/26/2010, 11:28pm PDT
I like your moxie, kid. NT by E. L. Koba 07/27/2010, 12:14am PDT
Also, I like your vodka NT by E. L. Koba 07/27/2010, 12:14am PDT
oh cool it took them 12 years to fix a fucking interface by grasa cachorro 07/27/2010, 6:02pm PDT
7/27/2010 NT by Fortinbras 05/03/2010, 7:34pm PDT
blizzard prepares.... TO SUCK NT by Jhoh Cause..... 2 05/03/2010, 9:04pm PDT
LEARN 2 PLAY STARCRAFT PRO 4 CHEAP by Fortinbras 07/02/2009, 2:45pm PDT
1UP posters are intrigued, but wary... by Fortinbras 07/02/2009, 3:00pm PDT
new "battle report" on fileplanet by Weyoun Voidbringer 06/19/2009, 5:57pm PDT
This is more entertaining than the Battle Reports by Fortinbras 06/19/2009, 6:27pm PDT
I thought that was really really funny. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 06/19/2009, 7:01pm PDT
we shouldn't buy it (no one should, it's gonna suck ass and make dow2 look brill NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 06/19/2009, 7:08pm PDT
For once I agree with Cables! by Fortinbras 06/19/2009, 7:30pm PDT
occasionally you aren't totally wrong about everything (nice job guys) NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 06/19/2009, 8:29pm PDT
Re: For once I agree with Cables! by FABIO 06/19/2009, 9:02pm PDT
I disagree by Fortinbras 06/19/2009, 9:10pm PDT
Re: I disagree by FABIO 06/19/2009, 10:08pm PDT
Re: I disagree by Fortinbras 06/19/2009, 11:35pm PDT
dow2 is gonna look ingenius in comparison to sc2 NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 06/20/2009, 1:30am PDT
I can't imagine it having a WORSE single player campaign than DoW2 by FABIO 06/20/2009, 12:36pm PDT
It does! by Fortinbras 06/20/2009, 2:24pm PDT
Re: It does! by FABIO 06/20/2009, 6:05pm PDT
You only get access to ONE SP campaign? NT by Mischief Maker 06/20/2009, 6:59pm PDT
Yup. NT by Fortinbras 06/20/2009, 9:06pm PDT
they're releasing each race's campaign seperately NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 06/20/2009, 9:53pm PDT
Hey who wants to play another Space Marine campaign? NT by anyone? 06/21/2009, 12:39am PDT
I do. O_O NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 06/21/2009, 12:58am PDT
here, have some space marines that are significantly less cool or interesting NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 06/21/2009, 1:03am PDT
The guy who said DOW2's campaign was the worst ever loves SC2's campaign design? by Fortinbras 06/20/2009, 9:07pm PDT
Pity there isn't a sarcasm emoticon for those who can't connect the dots. NT by Mischief Maker 06/20/2009, 9:35pm PDT
I've been TROLLED GOD WHY (THROWS PLUGGED-IN TOASTER INTO BATHTUB) NT by Fortinbras 06/20/2009, 10:27pm PDT
Um... that wasn't trolling. Do you know what the word actually means? NT by Mischief Maker 06/21/2009, 7:25am PDT
the new definition of trolling is apparently "anyone who disagrees" NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 06/21/2009, 2:13pm PDT
That's also the new definition of "casual" NT by Mischief Maker 06/21/2009, 7:32pm PDT
You're done. Get off MY SITE NT by FABIO 06/21/2009, 12:21am PDT
In my defense, you crave bad RTS's like a homosexual craves sodomy NT by Fortinbras 06/21/2009, 3:00am PDT
*50 more Fortinbras Steam messages propositioning me* NT by FABIO 06/21/2009, 3:40am PDT
I learned my lesson the first time =/ NT by Fortinbras 06/21/2009, 11:59am PDT
As you know, the more boring and normal a person is, the better they are. by Fortinbras 06/21/2009, 10:37am PDT
the video proves that it's already worse (case closed bar open) NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 06/20/2009, 3:40pm PDT
Starcraft 2 single player will just rip off DOW just like SC1 ripped off WH40K. NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 06/20/2009, 10:29pm PDT
Yup by Fortinbras 06/20/2009, 10:55pm PDT
This sounds like a GREAT idea by FABIO 10/11/2008, 4:15pm PDT
The Quentin Tarantino tactic. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 10/11/2008, 4:49pm PDT
Or the JRRR Tolkien MANeuver am I right? THOSE FUCKING FAGGOTS MAKE ME SICK SIR NT by Jerry Whorebach 10/11/2008, 9:06pm PDT
You think they never saw Dawn of War? Only one multiplayer faction apiece. NT by Prophecy Maker 10/11/2008, 8:34pm PDT
dow had 4, wa had 1, dc had 2, loadstorm had 2 more, and by Weyoun Voidbringer 10/11/2008, 9:19pm PDT
DoW 2 is going to have parties and loot drops =( NT by FABIO 10/11/2008, 10:24pm PDT
so did coh and its still better than everything bilge has ever done NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 10/11/2008, 10:38pm PDT
New terran units by FABIO 08/05/2007, 7:33am PDT
I'm trying to share your cynicisim by Bodybag 08/05/2007, 8:13am PDT
I don't remember having any problems with air units as a terran in the first pla NT by Grumah 08/05/2007, 4:22pm PDT
the problem was always against the Protoss by FABIO 08/05/2007, 5:03pm PDT
Chris Metzin is the source of my dread by FABIO 08/05/2007, 5:30pm PDT
Re: Chris Metzin is the source of my dread by Grumah 08/05/2007, 6:15pm PDT
Re: Chris Metzin is the source of my dread by FABIO 08/05/2007, 9:36pm PDT
Re: Chris Metzin is the source of my dread by The Emperor 08/06/2007, 10:11pm PDT
Blizzard-con vidya of SC2 by Grumah 08/06/2007, 4:43am PDT
keywords: lore, ye ole evils of ole return NT by FABIO 08/06/2007, 6:20am PDT
Can't type, playing fake pinball by Ice Cream Jonsey 06/08/2007, 5:32pm PDT