Devil May Cry 5 trailer by Mischief Shai-hulud 06/14/2018, 1:18pm PDT
This looks so bad. NT by States obvious 06/14/2018, 1:25pm PDT
You must not be familiar with the series. by Mischief Shai-hulud 06/14/2018, 2:03pm PDT
DmC worth $25? by Lurker 58913 07/16/2013, 9:01pm PDT
Depends on your expectations by MM 07/17/2013, 7:21am PDT
DMC4 is $4.99 today, on both Steam and Xbox Live Marketplace. NT by Jerry Whorebach 07/17/2013, 6:14pm PDT
Understand what you're getting into with DMC4 by Mischief Mephistopheles 07/17/2013, 7:05pm PDT
Is the PC version of DMC 3 (Special Edition) any good? It's $5 on Steam too by Rafiki 07/17/2013, 7:32pm PDT
Sadly no. It's a famously shitty port. by Mischief Mephistopheles 07/17/2013, 7:43pm PDT
If you thought the DMC4 fan fic self-insert was bad by fabio 01/06/2013, 9:09pm PST
DMC4 is so weird by Mischief Maker 01/07/2013, 7:50am PST
I had no idea until now that they were farming out the reboot by fabio 01/08/2013, 9:59am PST
I guess they wanted to recreate the incredible success of DMC2? NT by Mischief Maker 01/09/2013, 3:04pm PST
CONFIRMED by fabio 01/18/2013, 2:40pm PST
You pull a "Highlander 3" and pretend it never happened? NT by Mischief Maker 01/18/2013, 2:52pm PST
One detail I just noticed about that cutscene by fabio 01/21/2013, 2:31pm PST
Favorite Youtube DMC4 comment by Mischief Maker 01/21/2013, 2:42pm PST
That's exactly what I loved about it by Entropy Stew 01/21/2013, 4:22pm PST
Retain your save, just replay from the beginning levels by Mischief Maker 01/21/2013, 9:10pm PST
The schlub writing reviews for Penny Arcade loved it. by Worm 01/18/2013, 3:29pm PST
Re: The schlub writing reviews for Penny Arcade loved it. by Entropy Stew 01/18/2013, 4:20pm PST
I should've been the one to fill your dark soul with LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT! NT by Mischief VG reviewer seeking ART 01/18/2013, 4:30pm PST
I really hate Ben Kuchera. He is a self-righteous neckbeard. NT by WITTGENSTEIN 01/19/2013, 9:15am PST
What I play Devil May Cry for NT by TRENCHANT SOCIAL COMMENTARY 01/19/2013, 12:18am PST
I think this is what they were talking about by fabio 01/19/2013, 9:20am PST
Ugh. by Mischief Maker 01/19/2013, 9:51am PST
Oh and here is the last boss ... I guess? by Worm 01/19/2013, 10:37am PST
Devil May Cry 3 WAS hardcore! They had to tone down the special edition. by Mischief Maker 01/19/2013, 10:47am PST
Well sure, but DmC wasn't the let down everyone was looking forward to. by Worm 01/19/2013, 11:34am PST
Now that they rebooted the series, they won't release any more good ones. by Mischief Maker 01/19/2013, 11:00pm PST
Case in point: by Mischief Maker 01/19/2013, 11:51pm PST
Do you get a S rank in your head for making me throw my hands up in frustration? by Worm 01/20/2013, 1:17am PST
For replay value? It kind of was by fabio 01/20/2013, 3:13am PST
I just really don't get this Contra comparison ... cuz you used the guns a lot? by Worm 01/21/2013, 6:26pm PST
Re: I just really don't get this Contra comparison ... cuz you used the by fabio 01/21/2013, 7:30pm PST
Late 90s games that shoehorned 2D into 3D and succeeded NT by 1. Final Fantasy Tactics 01/21/2013, 9:12pm PST
I meant graphics NT by fabio 01/21/2013, 10:11pm PST
DMC 5 to feature innovative rock/paper/scissors,jumping puzzles,music mini games by fabio 07/16/2012, 1:45pm PDT
Heavenly Sword + Ikaruga + that 3D Bionic Commando sequel nobody liked = NT by RIP CAPCOM 1983-2006 07/16/2012, 2:13pm PDT
Just call him "Nero" and stop fucking with us. by Mischief Maker 07/16/2012, 5:56pm PDT
Re: Just call him "Nero" and stop fucking with us. by Ice Cream Jonsey 07/16/2012, 6:18pm PDT
It wasn't so much the insertaions I minded... by Mischief Maker 07/17/2012, 9:06am PDT
insertions, bleh. NT by Mischief Maker 07/17/2012, 9:07am PDT
Mischief Maker didn't mind Icycalm's multiple insertions. by 50 Shades of FAGGOT 07/17/2012, 5:40pm PDT
Trying to get in touch with Mischief Maker by icycalm 03/26/2009, 5:31pm PDT
throat slashing potential: 1000% NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 03/26/2009, 6:05pm PDT
How'd I get banned from your forum? I don't even remember posting there! NT by Jerry Whorebach 03/26/2009, 6:16pm PDT
Re: How'd I get banned from your forum? I don't even remember posting there! by icycalm 03/26/2009, 7:14pm PDT
Don't ban Jerry, he'll kill himself! (Really.) NT by Mischief Maker 03/26/2009, 7:17pm PDT
That's a pretty good reason 8) by Jerry Whorebach 03/26/2009, 9:04pm PDT
Re: That's a pretty good reason 8) by icycalm 03/27/2009, 1:31am PDT
I hope you don't have a hawt sister Jerry can stalk. NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 03/27/2009, 1:33am PDT
I ban YOU, icycalm (from my heart) (You'd only find more of Jerry there anyway) NT by Ray of Light 03/27/2009, 7:43am PDT
On a scale of 1-10 how old are you? NT by Fortinbras 03/27/2009, 11:47pm PDT
Re: Trying to get in touch with Mischief Maker by Mischief Maker 03/26/2009, 6:45pm PDT
Re: Trying to get in touch with Mischief Maker by icycalm 03/26/2009, 7:12pm PDT
Just don't forget the two in-text hyperlinks! NT by Mischief Maker 03/26/2009, 7:15pm PDT
Also if you could include &referer=arcadefetishguy that'd be great NT by Worm 03/26/2009, 7:39pm PDT
Re: Also if you could include &referer=arcadefetishguy that'd be great by icycalm 03/26/2009, 7:58pm PDT
Nope, it's too dull. That's a person who pretends to be me, ban him thx NT by Worm 03/26/2009, 8:07pm PDT
That's what a backpedal looks like. NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 03/26/2009, 11:10pm PDT
Yeah, I'm totally backpedaling from his question with an answer. by Worm 03/27/2009, 7:31am PDT
So it's just a really unoriginal name. NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 03/27/2009, 7:44am PDT
I didn't want to even mention this, but that TF2 shit is poison in my eyes. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 03/27/2009, 8:31am PDT
You banned yourself from being right about maps by Ray of Light 03/27/2009, 10:01am PDT
Scrabble that's real neatzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz by Creexuls, a monster >:3 03/27/2009, 1:08pm PDT
He's a tourneyfag, hence he hates TF2 by Fortinbras 03/27/2009, 10:16am PDT
Actually, I did post there. Twice! I've helpfully reproduced our conversation. by Jerry Whorebach 03/27/2009, 1:12pm PDT
he actually specifically mentions the removal of "shells cells nails etc" by Weyoun Voidbringer 03/27/2009, 8:20pm PDT
Re: he actually specifically mentions the removal of "shells cells nails etc" by Creexuls, a monster >:3 03/28/2009, 3:16am PDT
Re: Trying to get in touch with Mischief Maker by Souffle of Pain 03/26/2009, 7:42pm PDT
Re: Trying to get in touch with Mischief Maker by icycalm 03/26/2009, 8:00pm PDT
I'm calling for Souffle of Pain to be pre-banned due to clown misappropriation. NT by Fussbett 03/26/2009, 8:03pm PDT
Troll Police: Precrime Department NT by Entropy Stew 03/26/2009, 9:49pm PDT
fuckyoucrew incorporated pre-banning services for website forums NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 03/26/2009, 10:13pm PDT
There hasn't been a trolling in six years. The system is PERFECT. NT by Tom Cruise 03/26/2009, 10:53pm PDT
Re: Trying to get in touch with Mischief Maker by Souffle of Pain 03/26/2009, 8:23pm PDT
Re: Trying to get in touch with Mischief Maker by up with pod people 03/26/2009, 8:31pm PDT
Why don't we have any friends? ;-; NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 03/26/2009, 11:11pm PDT
This guy is a regular poolshooter. NT by mark 03/27/2009, 6:26am PDT
You prefer TFC over TF2? What a fag. NT by Fortinbras 03/26/2009, 11:21pm PDT
Re: You prefer TFC over TF2? What a fag. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 03/26/2009, 11:27pm PDT
My comments on his forum by Mischief Maker 03/29/2009, 8:13pm PDT
Countdown to comparing MM to me. O_O NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 03/30/2009, 5:55am PDT
I'm changing into a cable brother! by Mischief Maker 03/30/2009, 6:03am PDT
Hahaha what the fuck. NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 03/30/2009, 6:07am PDT
and who's been stealing MM's VODKA (he knows because he MARKS IT) NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 03/30/2009, 6:29am PDT
Did anyone else just reload that picture 30 times? NT by Bernard Goetz 03/30/2009, 7:13am PDT
No that's what it posted as immediately. NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 03/30/2009, 8:24am PDT
O wait that wasn't the point I guess I'M NOT PAYING ATTENTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 03/30/2009, 8:25am PDT
Re: I'm changing into a cable brother! by Creexuls, a monster >:3 04/01/2009, 9:41am PDT
His reply, oh god, his reply by Worm 03/30/2009, 1:52pm PDT
like my brain became incapable of using 'its' NT by Worm 03/30/2009, 2:19pm PDT
What's Army of Darkness? Is it something like the high-quality film Highlander? NT by FRENCH 03/30/2009, 2:40pm PDT
Psh they do not even come near the depth of Ghost in the Shell. *puffs whatever* by Creexuls, a monster >:3 03/30/2009, 2:50pm PDT
As a means of exploring what it means to be human or as a vehicle for cyberfetis NT by thermoptic fapfapfapfapfapfapfapfap 03/30/2009, 4:09pm PDT
pseudo science garbage philosophy spewing bullshit sandwiched with nudity/guns NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 03/31/2009, 7:12am PDT
dresdumb cuntdak is a great analogy to ghost in the boring. NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 03/31/2009, 7:44am PDT
Nice move accusing the jackass of being a counter-revolutionary, btw. NT by Mischief Maker 03/31/2009, 8:21pm PDT
Some good tips for forum posting by, not an arcade fetish si 03/30/2009, 9:20pm PDT
Sweet baby Jesus and the sweet buttocks of the baby jesus. NT by Fullofkittens 03/30/2009, 9:28pm PDT
42452 by 22327 05/04/2009, 10:08am PDT
Those sneaky bastards NT by laudablepuss 05/04/2009, 10:33am PDT
Re: Some good tips for forum posting by Mischief Maker 03/30/2009, 9:30pm PDT
Re: Some good tips for forum posting by up with pod people 03/30/2009, 9:38pm PDT
PETER PARKER? NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 03/31/2009, 5:34am PDT
tl;dr NT by (zzz) 03/30/2009, 10:12pm PDT
excerpts by up with pod people 03/30/2009, 10:22pm PDT
He's no Ice Cream Jonsey! NT by ICJ's No.1 Fan 03/30/2009, 10:30pm PDT
So icycalm has a dream. by not Jimmy Wales (too bad) 03/30/2009, 10:53pm PDT
He doesn't seem very icyCALM hrewhrewhrewhrew NT by Jkae, The Third Cable Brother 03/30/2009, 11:33pm PDT
Psh bro, more like I SEE CLAM! NT by Joon, the other Cable Brother 03/31/2009, 10:02am PDT
these are horrible posts that a stupid idiot would make (wrom) NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 03/31/2009, 10:59am PDT
You're saying we can't introduce a 3rd Cable bruddah to the narrative? NT by Jkae 03/31/2009, 11:30am PDT
Or fourth, but these other "brothers" are not quite up to our quality. 8( NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 03/31/2009, 12:34pm PDT
They're like the 3rd and 4th Alien movies. =( NT by Fullofkittens 03/31/2009, 12:40pm PDT
The third one was butchered by the STUDIOS. O_O by Creexuls, a monster >:3 03/31/2009, 12:43pm PDT
I'm the only person who liked Alien3. I mean it's no Aliens, but what movie is? NT by Fussbett 04/01/2009, 1:28pm PDT
Dorion also liked Alien 3 actually. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 04/01/2009, 1:53pm PDT
What about Faxanadu? NT by Fullofkittens 04/02/2009, 9:15am PDT
It sucked. NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 04/02/2009, 11:28am PDT
Re: Some good tips for forum posting by Prettydeadkitty 03/31/2009, 6:02pm PDT
You've got to be fucking kidding me by Souffle of Pain 03/30/2009, 11:49pm PDT
Hahaha! Tell us more about this guy Jerry! Here's my favourite thread: by Quétinbec 03/31/2009, 12:11am PDT
The supplied answers are skeezy and freshmannicky. by Zsenitan 03/31/2009, 1:13am PDT
An ADAMS apple! NT by Jerry Whorebach 03/31/2009, 1:23am PDT
Your mom's adams apple. NT by Zsenitan 03/31/2009, 1:24am PDT
I didn't know INC's wife was my mom O_O NT by Jerry Whorebach 03/31/2009, 1:33am PDT
Icyburn! NT by Zsenitan 03/31/2009, 1:44am PDT
You're the one we didn't keep. No money for you, sorry. NT by I need clarification 03/31/2009, 8:54pm PDT
Then Godel knocks down your tower and kicks sand in your face NT by Entropy Stew 03/31/2009, 4:38pm PDT
Godel takes the trick which proves that we are playing a card game, my jealous by friend. - Zsenitan 03/31/2009, 5:31pm PDT
it's not physics, it's not biology or chemistry, so what the FUCK is the FUCKING NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 03/31/2009, 6:25pm PDT
so abstract so ideal oh god so abstract oh god yes YES YEEESSSSSSSS *splurt* by XKCD guy 03/31/2009, 6:59pm PDT
That wouldn't be just splurt then. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 03/31/2009, 7:13pm PDT
I actually only spilled my drink by XKCD guy 03/31/2009, 7:17pm PDT
Also some draenei. ^_^ NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 03/31/2009, 7:29pm PDT
icycalm quotes Wittgenstein as a reply. How much corn cobb pipe can one person NT by Fussbett 03/31/2009, 1:27am PDT
Alex and Jerry's Greatest Hits, vol. 1 by Jerry Whorebach 03/31/2009, 1:32am PDT
From the same comments by Fussbett 03/31/2009, 1:51am PDT
Wittgenstein says that..YOU KNOW WHAT FUCK IT I DONT HAVE TIME (flips keyboard) NT by Fortinbras 03/31/2009, 7:35am PDT
haha that screenname cracked me up all over again. NT by I need clarification 03/31/2009, 8:59pm PDT
So what have we learned, MM? by I need clarification 03/31/2009, 10:29pm PDT
I dunno I think it paid off. NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 04/01/2009, 6:47am PDT
Can we get a response from icycalm, please NT by Jkae Cable 03/31/2009, 1:03pm PDT
If this guy wasn't completely retarded... by mark 03/31/2009, 11:52pm PDT
icycalm has been banned from this site. by Admin 04/01/2009, 2:56am PDT
You ban me?! I BAN YOU! I BAN ALL OF YOU! YOU MOTHERFUUUUUCKERS I AM ICYCAAAAALM NT by icycalm 04/01/2009, 10:03am PDT
Looks like he isn't very icycalm anymore heh. 8) by Creexuls, a monster >:3 04/01/2009, 10:04am PDT
I don't have the TIME for this MICKEY MOUSE BULLSHIT! by Gary Oldman as icycalm in CALTROPS 04/01/2009, 11:36am PDT
Please don't ator as icycalm. He's banned. NT by Admin 04/01/2009, 1:29pm PDT
Oh, let's all laugh at your hilarious joke. WISE ASS. NT by Admin 04/01/2009, 1:49pm PDT
THIS IS THE STUPIDEST FORUM EVER THE LAYOUT SUCKS *slams door* NT by icycalm 04/01/2009, 1:50pm PDT
Re: THIS IS THE STUPIDEST FORUM EVER THE LAYOUT SUCKS *slams door* by icycalm 04/01/2009, 4:07pm PDT
Actually OMM shut down their whole site for about a year so we made our own foru NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 04/01/2009, 4:10pm PDT
Re: Actually OMM shut down their whole site for about a year so we made our own by icycalm 04/01/2009, 4:44pm PDT
It never went back up, no. NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 04/01/2009, 4:51pm PDT
We purged Chet with fire and lasers for being a fagmaster. by Zsenitan 04/01/2009, 5:38pm PDT
We then erected our own fagmaster NT by Entropy Stew 04/01/2009, 8:23pm PDT
In the land of the blind, the one-eyed snake is king. NT by Zsenitan 04/02/2009, 11:34am PDT
Re: THIS IS THE STUPIDEST FORUM EVER THE LAYOUT SUCKS *slams door* by mark 04/01/2009, 4:27pm PDT
Re: THIS IS THE STUPIDEST FORUM EVER THE LAYOUT SUCKS *slams door* by icycalm 04/01/2009, 4:46pm PDT
fag NT by grasp this 04/01/2009, 4:50pm PDT
WHAT DO YOU CALL FIVE FINGERS GRASPING A SMALL BOY'S PENIS by Creexuls, a monster >:3 04/01/2009, 4:59pm PDT
Oh, very nice by icycalm 04/01/2009, 5:01pm PDT
fag nt is a pretty common thing here, google more, faggot NT by grasp this 04/01/2009, 5:11pm PDT
Hey I wonder if that was an ATOR and you're an idiot? NT by Is it possible both are true? 04/01/2009, 5:13pm PDT
fag NT by grasp this 04/01/2009, 5:15pm PDT
I like your moxie kid, but next time read the whole post. NT by Mae West 04/01/2009, 5:15pm PDT
faaa.... dyke? NT by gasp this 04/01/2009, 5:17pm PDT
REAL MATURE PAL (CROSSES ARMS) NT by icybot 04/01/2009, 6:56pm PDT
Might I recommend that you quote Wittgenstein at this point? NT by Zsenitan 04/01/2009, 5:40pm PDT
I read this out loud for the benefit of onlookers by up with pod people 04/01/2009, 9:45pm PDT
I'm still proud of it even though the Grasp This guy ruined it immediately NT by I need clarification 04/02/2009, 11:25am PDT
This post is my favourite. Was it really written by icycalm? by Jerry Whorebach 04/01/2009, 9:21pm PDT
Don forget, you're sucking dick door to door for site content. by Worm 04/01/2009, 4:49pm PDT
Hey, retard - there's an easy way to make sure you don't have any more typos NT by I need clarification 04/01/2009, 4:56pm PDT
If you can smooth shit over at QT3 for me like you do for yourself, go ahead by Worm 04/01/2009, 5:00pm PDT
Nobody is going to help you with anything, ever, worm NT by Stop asking 04/01/2009, 5:05pm PDT
Hey, that's not true. We'd all like to help him leave the planet. NT by Steam Friends 04/01/2009, 5:07pm PDT
Would you settle for me leaving you a place on the MVP board? by Worm 04/01/2009, 5:13pm PDT
As long as you stop IMing us, Creep-o. NT by Steam Friends 04/01/2009, 5:14pm PDT
I am very upset about pyros, let me tell you about them for 5 hours while you ig NT by Worm 04/01/2009, 5:16pm PDT
ignite the flames of gossip like a faggot? NT by Worm 04/01/2009, 5:20pm PDT
No, ignore me because I'm so boring. NT by Worm 04/01/2009, 6:09pm PDT
If I was ever ignored we wouldn't even have this wonderful side conversation :( NT by Worm 04/01/2009, 6:13pm PDT
I'm still fascinated by the game of telephone that started this wromburn. by Worm 04/01/2009, 5:18pm PDT
That's an easy theory to test NT by Have you ever IMd with INC? 04/01/2009, 5:20pm PDT
I'm not in that flowchart. NT by Worm 04/01/2009, 5:21pm PDT
Oh yes you are NT by Steam Friends 04/01/2009, 6:07pm PDT
INC is shitting me into his own ass? NT by Worm 04/01/2009, 6:13pm PDT
Uh oh someone's fantasies are showing again. Hide the 6 year old girls. NT by Steam Friends 04/01/2009, 6:15pm PDT
Haha that is pretty good PERSON WHO ISN'T ME OR RELATED TO ME. NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 04/01/2009, 6:20pm PDT
Hey buster, that's what the flowchart symbol means, look it up. by Worm 04/01/2009, 6:31pm PDT
So someone other than you posted it under your name (and loved it)? NT by Steam Friends 04/01/2009, 7:02pm PDT
I don't think you know how fake ascii flowcharts are supposed to work NT by XKCD Guy :\ 04/01/2009, 7:04pm PDT
A Caltrops phenomenon documented in the wild by Yukyuk Inc. 04/01/2009, 7:10pm PDT
Several posts in that subthread were pretty funny. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 04/01/2009, 7:18pm PDT
Like the ending of dresden codak? ^_^ NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 04/01/2009, 5:15pm PDT
Is that where Nerdboobs humps a robot so hard, she BECOMES a robot? NT by Mischief Maker 04/01/2009, 5:22pm PDT
Also she gets robot cumgut. NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 04/01/2009, 6:10pm PDT
Re: Don forget, you're sucking dick door to door for site content. by icycalm 04/01/2009, 5:01pm PDT
Re: Don forget, you're sucking dick door to door for site content. by Worm 04/01/2009, 5:09pm PDT
Re: Don forget, you're sucking dick door to door for site content. by icycalm 04/01/2009, 5:40pm PDT
DELICIOUS by Zsenitan 04/01/2009, 5:46pm PDT
Re: DELICIOUS by icycalm 04/01/2009, 5:51pm PDT
The first bracing rush of honesty. Feels good, doesn't it! NT by Zsenitan 04/01/2009, 6:07pm PDT
What does Nietzsche say about people who don't understand things? NT by Nietzsche 04/01/2009, 6:07pm PDT
DOES HE SAY IT'S GOOD? ^_^ NT by Creexuls, a monster >:3 04/01/2009, 6:11pm PDT
Quick, quick! Ask him what he thinks about me! NT by Caltrops 04/01/2009, 6:33pm PDT
Re: Don forget, you're sucking dick door to door for site content. by Worm 04/01/2009, 5:55pm PDT
icycalm as mom, guarding of A+ homework stuck to the fridge. by Fussbett 04/01/2009, 7:08pm PDT
Re: icycalm as mom, guarding of A+ homework stuck to the fridge. by E. L. Koba 04/01/2009, 10:01pm PDT
You can kiss his ass all you want, I don't think MM is going to start posting NT by on your site 04/01/2009, 7:21pm PDT
33751 NT by 59197 09/25/2009, 1:56pm PDT
These are pretty targeted by Worm 09/25/2009, 2:28pm PDT
I'm only about three THOUSAND miles from Toronto's van district :( by Jerry Whorebach 09/25/2009, 3:07pm PDT
I mentioned the diablo character editor, it was probably the most recent d2 post NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 09/26/2009, 6:56am PDT
- NT by - 09/25/2009, 9:10pm PDT
Re: 84888 by Forum Recommendations 09/25/2009, 9:17pm PDT
Question for icycalm (plus lets just start a new thread, I mean fuck) by Fussbett 04/01/2009, 9:26pm PDT
ooh ooh I know this one by up with pod people 04/01/2009, 9:42pm PDT
NEW THREAD NT by MY EYES 04/01/2009, 9:48pm PDT
He's short. Maybe he's ashamed of that. by Quétinbec 04/02/2009, 2:23am PDT
The box is about 250mm, meaning we're looking at about a meter of the "guy" by Zsenitan 04/02/2009, 4:40am PDT
Great moments in icycalm posting Part 1 - HOW DARE YOU INSULT TOURNEYFAGS by Fortinbras 04/02/2009, 7:57am PDT
it's like creationism, "I read the entire bible I think I know a little more abo NT by Weyoun Voidbringer 04/02/2009, 8:19am PDT
You aren't even allowed to support his position without getting banned. NT by mark 04/02/2009, 9:17am PDT
Icycalm wrote: (icycalm mix) by Entropy Stew 04/02/2009, 9:25am PDT
He's like ED209. by Creexuls, a monster >:3 04/02/2009, 11:43am PDT
Bitches leave (bans) NT by Clarence "Icycalm" Boddicker 04/02/2009, 12:28pm PDT
New character classes: John Rambo, hermaphroditic cane toad by Jerry Whorebach 04/08/2009, 12:35am PDT
Re: New character classes: John Rambo, hermaphroditic cane toad by Zsenitan 04/08/2009, 3:21am PDT
Re: New character classes: John Rambo, hermaphroditic cane toad by motherfuckerfoodeater 04/08/2009, 1:33pm PDT
When are we going to turn on MM for his role in this? NT by icypalm 03/31/2009, 9:00pm PDT
It doesn't have to be said, we all think less of him. NT by Fussbett 03/31/2009, 9:12pm PDT
"him" NT by Zsenitan 03/31/2009, 9:23pm PDT
We get a thread's worth of entertainment out of the crazy, plus a new link... by Mischief Maker 03/31/2009, 9:25pm PDT
Extremely poor Fussbett ator, Quétinbec. Must try harder. See me after class. NT by Caltrops Society for Better Atoring 03/31/2009, 9:40pm PDT
That wasn't me but he atored in my style, implicating me and Fuss. A multi-ator? NT by Quétinbec 04/01/2009, 12:56am PDT
Let's send that post to the boys at Langley and see what they come up with. by Fussbett 04/01/2009, 2:37am PDT
It's not too bad! by FABIO 08/08/2008, 2:08pm PDT
Being able to change styles on the fly is amazing by Ethan Steele 08/08/2008, 2:38pm PDT
Trickser is training wheels by FABIO 08/08/2008, 5:42pm PDT
This is where I call you all faggots for doubting me NT by Entropy Stew 08/08/2008, 6:50pm PDT
Re: It's not too bad! by Mischief Maker 09/24/2008, 8:32pm PDT
Re: It's not too bad! by FABIO 09/24/2008, 9:37pm PDT
Some jerk interviews DMC4 producer Hiroyuki Kobayashi, mistakes him for wrom? by Jerry Whorebach 02/25/2008, 7:25am PST
Not nice to women! by Worm 02/25/2008, 6:21pm PST
If your significant other gave up on you long ago, you are one of us. NT by One of us! One of us! 02/25/2008, 6:25pm PST
And here I was about to adopt calling cold beers "crispy." Guess that's out the NT by Fullofkittens 02/25/2008, 7:40pm PST
Crispy Gamer: still doing its best to make me hate everything about it by Jerry Whorebach 03/20/2008, 3:40am PDT
I forgot to link the thing that set me off by Jerry Whorebach 03/20/2008, 3:56am PDT
QT3's Charles's game feels so good HRRRRRRN *jizzes all over his huge tits* NT by Jhoh Creebul, Witch Toucher O_O 03/20/2008, 5:19am PDT
I really fucking hate everything about it so far. by Worm 02/12/2008, 6:05pm PST
Maybe it's only good on the odd-numbered ones? by Mischief Maker 02/12/2008, 6:23pm PST
(spoilers maybe) by Ethan Steele 02/12/2008, 7:10pm PST
Details, are confusing. by Worm 02/12/2008, 7:27pm PST
I'm liking it because, unlike DMC 3, I could play the first level without dying by a billion times. Entropy Stew 02/17/2008, 4:50pm PST
holy fuck gilgamesh NT by Quentin Beck 02/17/2008, 4:59pm PST
GASP! What happened to Stinkykick??????? NT by Mischief Maker 02/17/2008, 6:17pm PST
The horrible lightning lizard guy is so horrible. =( NT by Worm 02/17/2008, 7:54pm PST
The Blitzes? by Ethan Steele 02/17/2008, 8:14pm PST
Also, did they really think the grim grip was that great? (spoilers) by Worm 02/17/2008, 10:36pm PST
Fucking Blitzes! by Worm 02/19/2008, 2:52pm PST
Re: Fucking Blitzes! by Ethan Steele 02/19/2008, 4:23pm PST
The trickster type is hypothetical style. I sure as hell haven't done it :( NT by Worm 02/19/2008, 5:58pm PST
*tip. Also blitzes hate overdrive! Problem solved on Dante at least. NT by Worm 02/19/2008, 7:40pm PST
So how does this compare to DMC3 then? by FABIO 02/19/2008, 11:23pm PST
Re: So how does this compare to DMC3 then? by Worm 02/20/2008, 8:18pm PST
That is pretty accurate. by Ethan Steele 02/21/2008, 11:14am PST
Nobody has answered my DMC4 question. by motherfuckerfoodeater 02/21/2008, 12:02pm PST
In one of Neros' taunts he will air guitar, accompanied with real guitar sounds! by Worm 02/21/2008, 1:19pm PST
Re: In one of Neros' taunts he will air guitar, accompanied with real guitar sou by Entropy Stew 02/21/2008, 3:23pm PST
It's not quite Tango based by Ethan Steele 02/22/2008, 11:08am PST