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Ultimate Fighter on Spike by Fussbett 02/05/2005, 11:54pm PST
A bunch of amateur and semi-pro MMA fighters aspire to get a UFC contract, so they live in a big house, train under the tutelage of ex-champs Chuck Liddell(sp) and Randy Couteur(sp) and trash talk.

Interested as I am in both reality TV and mixed martial arts, Ultimate Fighter should be a knock out blow, but quickly I got disinterested in the series as it started slow with goofy Survivor-esque team challenges of carrying logs and racing and other bullshit. As of episode 4, I'm back under this show's full mount.

This most recent episode finally gave us the first fight, but that event was only the violent cherry on top of a crazy episode. Two guys were going to fight at the end of the week, but one was 20 pounds overweight, and with only one day until the weigh in, he clearly can't fight. Well that's what may happen in OUR reality, but holy shit, Chuck Liddell throws him into the sauna wearing rubber clothes, and he rides an excercise bike. After ten hours, he's lost 12 pounds of water. "Cutting weight" is unpleasant, I'm guessing, since Chuck is standing on the other side of the sauna door, holding it shut, while the fatty pushes against it, yelling obscenities and saying that he's going to die. Two hours before weigh in, he's still 4 pounds over. Bah, that's no problem -- coach just drags him back into the sauna by his feet. I think this was especially blowing my mind since another show I saw recently was Celebrity Fit Club where Biz Markie is tasked with losing 4 pounds in two weeks and there's a good chance he won't hit that target.

And then at the end of it all is a 2 round, 10 minute match in UFC-rules, and you dislike the people involved so it's great fun to watch them get punched. The fight isn't edited like that gay ass "Next Great Champ" boxing show that failed miserably. You should download it.
Ultimate Fighter on Spike by Fussbett 02/05/2005, 11:54pm PST NEW
    Re: Ultimate Fighter on Spike by diego 02/15/2005, 6:35pm PST NEW
        Celebration by Fussbett 02/15/2005, 10:56pm PST NEW
        Totally expecting article to be titled "Coulda been a contender..." by bombMexico 02/16/2005, 2:21am PST NEW
    Episode 5: lots of drunken house drama, no fight. :( NT by Fussbett 02/17/2005, 6:43pm PST NEW
    think im ready to TAP OUT on this show by bombMexico 03/04/2005, 11:58pm PST NEW
        New K1s aren't on every week. by Fussbett 03/05/2005, 2:11pm PST NEW
    The Contender is good too. NT by Fussbett 03/14/2005, 7:05am PST NEW
    This is the best show ever and Diego is my hero. by bombMexico 03/30/2005, 2:22am PST NEW
    Short review of Bonner vs Griffin: by curst 04/09/2005, 10:00pm PDT NEW
        A great finale. by Fussbett 04/10/2005, 5:08am PDT NEW
            VIDEO!!! by Fussbett 04/10/2005, 5:11am PDT NEW
                Jeepers, the poor cunt got 'es lights knocked out NT by Mysterio 04/10/2005, 9:26am PDT NEW
            Ken slipping and then getting punched into submission is technically GAY. by bombMexico 04/10/2005, 7:15pm PDT NEW
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