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Well hearing LoL's revenue model described as 'constant updates' baited me. by Worm 12/13/2012, 3:33pm PST
Constant updates, additions, and farming for those updates and additions. Unless you're talking about that hold this point mode.

The Darkness 2, I haven't enjoyed an FPS in a long time and this really had a great balance between narrative and combat. It wasn't quite as great as the first game but made up for it with much more polish. It puts in a good effort to draw you in, I'd really like to see the first game redone with that graphics style and combat system like with the Riddick games.

Special mention goes out to Dota 2 for having greyed out buttons which might lead to the various idiots playing better.

Most Overrated
This is easily Hotline Miami, everything but the gameplay is great and people let the whole theme and pacing of the game trick them into thinking it's some brutal action game when it's really a really fast paced puzzle game.

Most undeserved indie cock sucking is Fez, which I don't even have to play to tell it's boring. Especially considering what a giant egotistical piece of shit Phil Fish is, much like all alternative movements indie gaming has become more noxious and awful than the corporate bastards pumping out a new CoD every year.
So where's Caltrops' controversial Year end link bait list? by fabio 12/13/2012, 2:06pm PST NEW
    Well hearing LoL's revenue model described as 'constant updates' baited me. by Worm 12/13/2012, 3:33pm PST NEW
        Re: Well hearing LoL's revenue model described as 'constant updates' baited me. by Arbit 12/13/2012, 5:15pm PST NEW
            Poppycock! You either walk far away from that window or get shot at. by Worm 12/13/2012, 6:24pm PST NEW
    Re: So where's Caltrops' controversial Year end link bait list? by Jerry Whorebach 12/13/2012, 3:38pm PST NEW
    one change by fabio 12/13/2012, 7:38pm PST NEW
        most gullible jrpg fan award goes to fabio NT by irony 12/14/2012, 12:52am PST NEW
            The real irony... by Mischief Ouroboros 12/14/2012, 6:41am PST NEW
        I didn't think this through very well! by fabio 12/14/2012, 9:12am PST NEW
    Re: So where's Caltrops' controversial Year end link bait list? by Last 12/14/2012, 9:38am PST NEW
    Re: So where's Caltrops' controversial Year end link bait list? by Rafiki 12/14/2012, 11:08am PST NEW
        Re: So where's Caltrops' controversial Year end link bait list? by Arbit 12/14/2012, 3:30pm PST NEW
        Best Thief: The Dark Project Update - Dishonored by Rafiki 12/19/2012, 8:56am PST NEW
    Re: So where's Caltrops' controversial Year end link bait list? by Entropy Stew 12/14/2012, 5:07pm PST NEW
    Best Steam games I forgot I even owned and have yet to play by fabio 12/14/2012, 6:27pm PST NEW
        Re: Best Steam games I forgot I even owned and have yet to play by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/14/2012, 7:55pm PST NEW
    I looked back at Caltrops' Braid thread. by EatingContest 12/22/2012, 2:06pm PST NEW
        Re: I looked back at Caltrops' Braid thread. by jonathan blow's massive ego 12/22/2012, 7:55pm PST NEW
        It wouldn't go so far as to call it "alright". by Jerry Whorebach 12/23/2012, 1:52am PST NEW
            The jumping mechanics were pretty unforgiving, that's true. NT by EVERYONE AT CALTROPS WEARS MITTENS? 12/23/2012, 3:15pm PST NEW
                Re: The jumping mechanics were pretty unforgiving, that's true. by A 48 FPS Hobbit Movie, Posting 12/23/2012, 3:28pm PST NEW
                    The fuck you want, an "I figured it out, NEXT" button? NT by Dude 12/23/2012, 3:31pm PST NEW
                        I don't want anything. I am a movie posting as a person how can I NT by A 48 FPS Hobbit Movie, Posting 12/23/2012, 5:46pm PST NEW
                Point is, MITTENS, the platforming only served to obstruct the puzzle solving. by Jerry Whorebach 12/23/2012, 3:35pm PST NEW
                    "The puzzles weren't that interesting to begin with" by You guys are a real 12/23/2012, 9:45pm PST NEW
                        Blinx: The Time Sweeper? NT by Worm 12/23/2012, 10:17pm PST NEW
                        Re: "The puzzles weren't that interesting to begin with" by Mischief Maker 12/24/2012, 6:58am PST NEW
                            Ha! That's a very good point! by Unfortunately, 12/24/2012, 12:55pm PST NEW
                                It's a boring, mechanical game. by Gutsby 12/24/2012, 6:02pm PST NEW
                        Uh oh, someone said the puzzle in Braid weren't that interesting! NT by LET'S HAVE A FUCKING CORONARY 12/25/2012, 6:36am PST NEW
        In all fairness I can't figure a lot of shit out. by Worm 12/23/2012, 3:55pm PST NEW
            You couldn't think of anything 1 hundredth as cool by FUCK YOU WORM 12/23/2012, 9:48pm PST NEW
                Okay? I can't make or think of a better game. So what? by Worm 12/23/2012, 10:26pm PST NEW
                Dickscreen banned for 3 hours. NT by Bradley Svedka. 12/23/2012, 10:40pm PST NEW
                POTY 2012, coming in just under the wire! NT by Last 12/24/2012, 6:36am PST NEW
                    That's POST, not person (oh god why can't I ever do anything right on the first NT by Last 12/24/2012, 6:37am PST NEW
    Re: So where's Caltrops' controversial Year end link bait list? by Roop 12/22/2012, 7:05pm PST NEW
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