by Zseni: Warrior-Poet 03/25/2005, 6:52pm PST |
Denis O'Bell wrote:
Fussbett wrote:
It's like magic. Comic strips are no match. Rees goes on for a fair number of words himself, if you follow your own link. His main point seems to be: The Schiavo case really makes me think... about how much I hate Republicans and Christians. Pretty dog-bites-man for him.
Jerkcity's point, if you can call it that, is something like: I hate that bitch for reminding me of my own frailty/mortality. Or maybe just: When thinking about something makes me uncomfortable, I weakly feign indifference by making crude, unfunny jokes. There's some of this in GYWO, too.
Feel free to try to prove me wrong, but I'd say that some ideas just sound stupider and stupider as the word count climbs.
I'd bet this is one of those, btw:The BABY KILLER wants more friends. Awww. Actually, "stupid" isn't quite the right word. There's an immaturity comon to all these points of view, and a cowardice; a feeling that the writer is missing some vital internal fulcrum. In a word, I'd say: Unmanly.
You suck cock.
Anyway the vital element in this whole atrocity isn't the woman, per se, who is a vegetable I mean to address later. It's how the woman has rapidly become something besides a woman for a wide variety of factions: to the right wing Christians, she's an "emblem" of a movement, a symbol, one who, as Michael Savage, was put on the earth to be the catalyst for a new conservative revolution. To the left wing she's a new thing to cry over with insulting, silly, and fruitless tears. To her parents she is a necromantic trophy - let's not sugarcoat this, she is a corpse chained to life by the dark arts of medicine, for no reason other than her parents' desire for her to continue living. To the body politic she is an expidient and a distraction.
I've heard a lot of arguments about how there is no point in killing her, no point in her staying alive, how she is not actually a vegetable, how we should be feeding actual starving people who will get better if given food instead of a pet lumpen flesh mass. What I have heard very little about is about how Terri is a woman deprived of all means of communication with the outside world. Fuck what her parents say: they will never see her "communicate" the desire to end her life any more than she will "communicate" an interest in a new band, a new hairstyle, a new brand of maxi pads.
There are two options: either is capable of some higher neural function or she is not. If she is not, then she is in fact just a pet lumpen flesh mass, and it shouldn't matter to anyone if her parents want to keep preening their little pet for as long as they're willing to pay for it. Necromancy has a fine and venerable tradition and would that it would always be put to such benign, if macabre, purposes. Much more horrifying, horrifying to the extent that nobody will even talk about it except for psycho leftists and the ABA, is that she IS capable of higher neural function, she IS thinking, she DOES perceive her surroundings, and she is conscious of being trapped in a nightmarish twilight in which her carass - in which she is jailed, life sentence without parole, in solitary confinement and deprived of all sensation - decays about her as the people she once loved bray past her and talk to the air and prod her private places and refuse to let her escape from the crushing weight of the hours. This necromancy is the true zombie production.
No wonder the Christian wing is so involved in this process: necromancy is their stock in trade. Their religion since the earliest days has been a death cult - it creeped out the Romans, can you imagine how hard it was to creep out Romans? - and now with its ludicrous, ponderous insistence at "life" at all costs it spreads a black shawl over living. The idea that nothing is as important as "life" is bestial and fabulously regressive. Life is the least of our worries. We have human life in overabundance, more than anyone is interested in supporting, with no end in sight. What is truly unique to humanity, as opposed to other fauna (and flora) isn't so much tool use or problem solving or communication, it's our ability to subjugate instinct. We alone of all animals do things that don't contribute to the basic survival of the species. We do more of those things than any other kind of things! 90% of what anyone does with their waking hours is stuff besides foraging and fucking! Ours alone are the concepts of vacation, break time, and recreational poisoning. Ours alone is the concept of dying for a abstract cause.
The hysterical insistence at life-at-all-costs distracts one totally from the much more difficult and complex problems and pleasures confronting us on all kinds of levels. In a way, this superabundance of life, the babies, the zombies, the procreational-sex-only, the taboos against onanism, the voluptuously overdeveloped maternal instincts of the doll-buyers and serial fathers, is more destructive than porn and gay sex and jacking off and dildos and whatever else the right wing hates these days, right down to, as Montagne would have it, the children of one's intellect - the sciences and above all the arts. The choking force of LIFE throttles all that is worth living for, even as it chews up the human race itself by driving to to the ever more insupportable population figures.
So I guess what I mean to say is that how you feel about Terri should reflect pretty closely how you feel about necromancy. And I guess, to put it more explicitly, that I feel the plug should be pulled and she should be euthanized. Not starved to death, like a precedent case too hot to decide or a symbol falling out of use or a vegetable withering in the sun, but put to rest as a human being who has been unjustly abused for fifteen years and requires our respectful and humane release from prison. And to directly answer the column that started this, I feel that the genetic and cultural and social system redundancies built into the 6 or 7 billion members of the human population makes no spirit small, mean, or "disposable"; it only makes the "intelligent" part of intelligent design more palpable, and the wastefulness of our raisers of the dead and their clients more appalling. That the money spent on the Garden of Terri could be spent, as GYWO has it, on actual living people who actually need and would benefit from help, is just icing on the cake.
Get Your War On updated a lot: Terri Shiavo by Fussbett 03/22/2005, 12:01pm PST
Jerkcity weighs in! by Worm 03/23/2005, 2:39pm PST
Jay Leno I so need you right now by Ray of Light 03/23/2005, 4:23pm PST
Smarter... by R.W. Troll 03/23/2005, 4:28pm PST
How did this author squeeze in so much smartness under 3000 words? by Fussbett 03/23/2005, 6:24pm PST
Weak by Denis O'Bell 03/25/2005, 5:27pm PST
Who the fuck are you and what the fuck are you doing here? NT by Casual observer 03/25/2005, 5:49pm PST
I'm like one of them serial killers what wantsta git caught... NT by Denis O'Bell 04/04/2005, 7:44am PDT
for most people it actually takes LESS than a week to tell co to shut thefuck up NT by bombMexico 04/04/2005, 2:51pm PDT
It also takes most people about six months on this place before they begin to... by Casual observer 04/05/2005, 12:06am PDT
i never realized it was a PRIVILEGE to call you a faggot. by bombMexico 04/05/2005, 3:33am PDT
Re: i never realized it was a PRIVILEGE to call you a faggot. by Casual observer 04/05/2005, 7:51am PDT
Hey, I'll bite that by Ray of Light 03/25/2005, 6:16pm PST
Edits by Denis O\'Bell 04/03/2005, 3:25pm PDT
TODAY, ON A VERY SPECIAL JERKCITY... by Fussbett 04/03/2005, 8:50pm PDT
You are like the gayest fag ever. NT by Creexul :( 04/04/2005, 12:11pm PDT
Re: Weak by Bill Dungsroman 03/25/2005, 6:19pm PST
Re: Weak by Denis O\'Bell 04/03/2005, 3:28pm PDT
Re: Weak by Bill Dungsroman 04/04/2005, 1:31pm PDT
Fag? by Fussbett 03/25/2005, 6:35pm PST
Toasting a bagel mid-post put me in third place. :( NT by Fussbett 03/25/2005, 6:36pm PST
Re: Fag? by Denis O\'Bell 04/03/2005, 3:39pm PDT
Welcome back! by Fussbett 04/03/2005, 8:34pm PDT
Re: Fag? by Creexul :( 04/04/2005, 12:14pm PDT
Well everyone has been waiting for me to weigh in on Terri, so here you are. by Zseni: Warrior-Poet 03/25/2005, 6:52pm PST
Forgoing the title-based cheap shot... by Denis O\'Bell 04/03/2005, 5:25pm PDT
He'll deal with it in another post. NT by Creexulesque =( 04/03/2005, 5:47pm PDT
Re: Forgoing the title-based cheap shot... by Zseni: Warrior-Poet 04/03/2005, 8:04pm PDT
Re: Forgoing the title-based cheap shot... by Casual observer 04/03/2005, 8:32pm PDT
You can start making sense anytime now. NT by Loves to Bling 04/03/2005, 8:40pm PDT
Re: Weak by Creexul :( 03/25/2005, 7:21pm PST
Factors this thread has been ignoring. by Casual observer 03/25/2005, 8:08pm PST
He deferred to the courts. He couldn't change anything even if he wanted. by Worm 03/25/2005, 8:21pm PST
THAT'S A REPUBLICAN SITE NT by Creexul :( 03/25/2005, 9:51pm PST
RepubLIEcan NT by Bill Dungsroman 03/25/2005, 10:11pm PST
ReTHUGliKKKan. NT by Creexul :( 03/25/2005, 10:12pm PST
I figured you would have a better one. NT by Bill Dungsroman 03/25/2005, 10:29pm PST
ReTHUGliKKKunts NT by Creexul :( 03/25/2005, 10:38pm PST
I figured you would have a better one. NT by Bill Dungsroman 03/25/2005, 10:45pm PST
That's basically all I got. :( by Creexul :( 03/25/2005, 11:07pm PST
forgot Jesse Venturas ReBLOODlicans NT by bombMexico 03/26/2005, 12:40am PST
I think these two are more effective. Republican = Fascist; Democrat = Traitor. NT by bink 03/26/2005, 9:33pm PST
You have a lot to learn about our (great) country. Please research from outside. by I need clarification 03/26/2005, 1:39am PST
Upcoming T.V. movie of the month, brought to you by Fox News! by Casual observer 03/26/2005, 2:28am PST
and exactly what is the horrible fate they're trying to save Terry from, anyway? by Casual observer 03/28/2005, 12:58am PST
There's only one way to find out, pendejo. NT by William H. Hayt, Jr. 03/28/2005, 8:25am PST
Is that the Venezuelan Pendejo or the Mexican Pendejo? by Casual observer 03/28/2005, 11:42am PST
Oh man CO, you're gonna feel silly when the old content goes up. by Bill Dungsroman 03/29/2005, 2:30pm PST
Shut up! by Casual observer 03/29/2005, 4:28pm PST
Because I used to write bad stories, my insults don't work. by William H. Hayt, Jr. 03/30/2005, 9:46pm PST
Actually no, perhaps your poor grasp of irony points to your failure as a writer NT by Period 03/30/2005, 10:00pm PST
No; because you used to write poorly, CO's insult doesn't work. by Bill Dungsroman 03/31/2005, 1:21am PST
I'd yell trolled, but you wouldn't believe me anyway. by William H. Hayt, Jr. 03/31/2005, 9:36am PST
Hey, your favorite site has the wrong picture of The Pope with doves! by Worm 04/03/2005, 10:38pm PDT
Re: How did this author squeeze in so much smartness under 3000 words? by Arbit 03/25/2005, 6:37pm PST
Re: Smarter... by Zseni: Warrior-Poet 03/27/2005, 4:34pm PST
Re: Smarter... by jeep 04/04/2005, 10:53pm PDT
Christianity, formerly all about leaving this world for the next one by motherfuckerfoodeater 03/27/2005, 4:37pm PST
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA by Fullofkittens 03/27/2005, 7:21pm PST
P.S. by Fullofkittens 03/27/2005, 7:22pm PST
HAHAHAHAHAHAH by Creexul :( 03/27/2005, 8:17pm PST
Did I say that here already? (I might have.) NT by Fullofkittens 03/27/2005, 8:23pm PST
THIS ISN'T ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (NO) NT by Creexul :( 03/27/2005, 8:57pm PST
Re: P.S. by motherfuckerfoodeater 03/27/2005, 11:09pm PST
Blogs by Bodybag 03/27/2005, 8:01pm PST
Tom Delay: Hypocrite? (NO!!!) by Fussbett 03/29/2005, 4:37pm PST
Re: Tom Delay: Hypocrite? (NO!!!) by Zseni: Warrior-Poet 03/29/2005, 4:45pm PST
Don't feel too bad at Hitch. He's drunk most of the time. NT by bink 03/29/2005, 5:02pm PST
Yeah, don't feel bad at him. by Fussbett 03/29/2005, 5:13pm PST
Well, he is! NT by bink 03/29/2005, 11:35pm PST
Re: Tom Delay: Hypocrite? (NO!!!) by Creexul :( 03/30/2005, 10:02pm PST
Also a hypocrite... SOMEONE ELSE! by Fussbett 03/30/2005, 11:37pm PST
Really important news given lower media coverage prioity than feeding tubes by Mischief Maker 03/31/2005, 9:55am PST
I snooped the NEWS! by Zseni: Warrior-Poet 03/31/2005, 10:23am PST
Whoa, holy shit, the EPA pulled the page. by Zseni: Warrior-Poet 03/31/2005, 10:29am PST