Forum Overview :: Reviews
Starcrawlers by Oom Shnibble 05/17/2016, 3:47am PDT
So I'm not going to pretend that I have any talent or skill when it comes to writing or reviewing. Fortunately the developer(s) of Starcrawlers are really good at making an old school dungeon crawler and let's be honest - they deserve a better advocate than I could ever be.

Essentially a less obtuse and more Science Fiction Legend of Grimrock with an understated but refreshing sense of humour, nicely balanced combat system and cyberpunk take on the genre. Just the sort of thing for someone feeling a bit burned out on the usual fantasy tropes that pollute this kind of thing.

It's the kind of game that is really easy to play. Almost casual in its approach but the next thing you look up at the clock and it is 2am.

Worth dropping $20 on.
Starcrawlers by Oom Shnibble 05/17/2016, 3:47am PDT NEW
    Would you suggest waiting for the full release? NT by Mischief Maker 05/17/2016, 7:01am PDT NEW
        Re: Would you suggest waiting for the full release? by Oom Shnibble 05/17/2016, 12:52pm PDT NEW
            Does it feel like a Roguelite or an actual RPG? NT by MM 05/17/2016, 7:28pm PDT NEW
                Re: Does it feel like a Roguelite or an actual RPG? by Oom Shnibble 05/17/2016, 8:30pm PDT NEW
    You had me at "Sci-fi Legends of Grimrock" NT by Rey Mysterio Jr. 05/30/2016, 4:55pm PDT NEW
    Picked this up from the GOG sale. Here's my first impressions. by Mischief Maker 06/22/2016, 3:45pm PDT NEW
        Hi, MM from the future, here. Press "F" to turn on the flashlight. NT by Mischief Maker 06/22/2018, 5:12pm PDT NEW
    It's out! NT by MM 05/23/2017, 3:36pm PDT NEW
    Just got the evil ending. by Mischief Maker 07/22/2017, 4:35pm PDT NEW
    Hacking DLC is out! by Mischief Maker 06/22/2018, 5:23pm PDT NEW
    It needs a better codex/manual by Rey Mysterio Jr. 07/15/2018, 4:10pm PDT NEW
        When you hire new party members, they spawn at your level, so yes. by Mischief Maker 07/15/2018, 4:39pm PDT NEW
            but do engineers hack consoles? NT by Rey Mysterio Jr. 07/15/2018, 5:22pm PDT NEW
                Not middle tree ones, no. by Mischief Maker 07/15/2018, 5:32pm PDT NEW
                    Correction: open every locked door on the map. by Mischief Maker 07/15/2018, 5:34pm PDT NEW
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