Forum Overview :: Reviews
Lawbreakers: Negative by Everyone on Steam plus ES 09/11/2017, 10:13pm PDT
I tried to open beta. While the gameplay was fun for a little while, I feel like the class balance was completely fucked. Healing barely felt effective, tanks didn't seem to be able tank much, and utility is a joke. The only enjoyment I had was playing the two hyper-mobile DPS classes, Vanguard and Wraith.

Vanguard is the lovechild of Pharah and Sonic, which may sound like Tribes, but is actually just a point-and-fly arcade flight mechanic sped up way too fast. It's incredibly fun to speeder bike your way through a building trying not to hit walls, and that's without even throwing the shootin in. Wraith is...Richter from Castlevania: SotN? You slide jump like mad. Since this is an FPS, maybe Warframe's parkour system was actually the inspiration, though the speed and distance on the jumps are ridiculous. These two classes were a great deal of fun to play, and could potentially have entire single player campaigns built around them. The other's...weren't.

Maybe I was just bad at the less mobile classes? Possibly! But I didn't have that problem in Overwatch or, going a ways back, TF2, so I'm going to blame the class design.

Final Score: CliffyB-minus

Lawbreakers: Negative by Everyone on Steam plus ES 09/11/2017, 10:13pm PDT NEW
    Sounds like an Overwatch ripoff by Rey Mysterio Jr. 09/12/2017, 6:52am PDT NEW
        It's been in development for a billion years NT by Entropy Stew 09/12/2017, 6:35pm PDT NEW
            This game is CliffyB's Daikatana by Rey Mysterio Jr. 11/22/2017, 10:15pm PST NEW
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