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TLJ the latest target of Weaponizing The Haters by It's pretty bad 10/02/2018, 3:53pm PDT

209 of the 967 tweets Bay analyzed were negative — meaning about one in five fans were directly sending complaints or insults to Johnson. The rest were positive. It’s of those 209 tweets, however, that 50.9 percent were either politically motivated, trolls or bots.

Russian trolls

Bay told Polygon that although he expected to find trolls in his research, the most fascinating discovery was how many of the negative comments came from people who generally didn’t care about Star Wars.

Not anymore
So - The Last Jedi NT by What a goatfuck 12/15/2017, 11:41am PST NEW
    Tell me about it! by Mark Hamill 12/15/2017, 11:53am PST NEW
    Not a surprise by fabio 12/15/2017, 11:54am PST NEW
        MILD SPOILERS FAGS by What a goatfuck. 12/15/2017, 6:32pm PST NEW
            Re: MILD SPOILERS FAGS by A total lawyer 12/15/2017, 9:54pm PST NEW
                You got me. That doesn't happen in the movie. NT by What a goatfuck. 12/15/2017, 10:18pm PST NEW
        Did you review the last couple Star Wars movies? by Jerry Whorebach 12/01/2019, 7:51pm PST NEW
            Poe Gameron is 5'8'', that's a midheight NT by NORMAL 12/01/2019, 9:19pm PST NEW
                Next you're going to tell me Rose Tico has a "normal" bodyweight and ethnicity. by Jerry Whorebach 12/01/2019, 10:01pm PST NEW
    It's funny when there are hijinx. :( (spoilers) by Rafiki 12/26/2017, 9:49pm PST NEW
        I love this Luke meme by What a goatfuck. 12/30/2017, 2:40pm PST NEW
    So, I thought this movie was the most acceptable of all the Disney ones by blackwater 01/10/2018, 3:30pm PST NEW
    Is the rest of the franchise going to be like this? by Sfia 01/10/2018, 9:52pm PST NEW
    I love Rian Johnson, but this was terrible. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 02/02/2018, 3:17pm PST NEW
    TLJ the latest target of Weaponizing The Haters by It's pretty bad 10/02/2018, 3:53pm PDT NEW
        Darn ol' Russians hacked Robert Iger by Damage Control Twitter Analyst 10/02/2018, 10:16pm PDT NEW
            Yes, please, just let Star Wars die. by blackwater 10/03/2018, 5:21pm PDT NEW
                "Don't they have a vault" is truly the best take by Vested Id 10/03/2018, 6:33pm PDT NEW
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