Forum Overview :: Gamergate
When I saw this forum get bumped I thought anti-gaga killed another guy by Toro 01/17/2020, 7:10am PST
Can we talk about KotakuinAction on reddit? NT by Vidinfox 10/12/2018, 6:37am PDT NEW
    They hate women and love Trump. Anything else? NT by Jack Bauer 10/12/2018, 8:32am PDT NEW
    It's been discussed by Vested Id 10/12/2018, 11:16am PDT NEW
    Sargon, plz go NT by #gamergate 2.0 isn't a thing 10/12/2018, 9:53pm PDT NEW
        The mods there tho NT by Narrator 10/20/2018, 9:38pm PDT NEW
            This is the kind of person moderating KiA by Vidinfox 10/28/2018, 9:29am PDT NEW
                Is this spill over drama Ooooh! by Oh 10/28/2018, 1:17pm PDT NEW
                No need to bring this here by Geryk 10/28/2018, 7:12pm PDT NEW
    How it all went down by Vidinfox 03/19/2019, 10:35am PDT NEW
        Re: How it all went down by Roop 03/21/2019, 11:35am PDT NEW
            Good post by more roop pls 03/21/2019, 11:50am PDT NEW
            *Not sure if trolling* NT by Mischief Hurricane Maria 03/21/2019, 12:45pm PDT NEW
                If shit gets real, I got a buddy with a boat and arsenal in Michigan, welcome to NT by Roop 03/21/2019, 12:53pm PDT NEW
            Every thread that mentions climate change turns into a climate change thread =( by blackwater 03/21/2019, 8:59pm PDT NEW
                I love stuff like this by laudablepuss 03/22/2019, 10:56am PDT NEW
                    We're a mile up, doesn't affect us. by Ice Cream Jonsey 03/22/2019, 7:17pm PDT NEW
                        Report: Colorado has worst air quality on Earth by Ice Cream Jonsey 08/09/2021, 10:53pm PDT NEW
                    laudablepuss endorsing Communist 5 year plans NT by irony meter is spinning 03/22/2019, 7:47pm PDT NEW
        A "gaming" forum that's nothing but idiotic political arguments? Man, now I've NT by seen everything! 03/23/2019, 8:48am PDT NEW
        Re: How it all went down by Vested Id 03/28/2019, 10:37am PDT NEW
    KiA on Watchmen not getting renewed by Vidinfox 01/17/2020, 7:06am PST NEW
        When I saw this forum get bumped I thought anti-gaga killed another guy NT by Toro 01/17/2020, 7:10am PST NEW
        Re: KiA on Watchmen not getting renewed by MM 01/17/2020, 7:57am PST NEW
        Thank you for this brutal take down of retards we all knew were retards NT by Horus Truthteller 01/17/2020, 8:49am PST NEW
        The version where Rorschach is a black miss isn't woke/retarded? by Vested Id 01/17/2020, 9:07am PST NEW
            Re: The version where Rorschach is a black miss isn't woke/retarded? by Vidinfox 01/17/2020, 9:55am PST NEW
                Ma'am... by Vested Id 01/17/2020, 11:36am PST NEW
                    Re: Ma'am... by Vidinfox 01/17/2020, 1:54pm PST NEW
                        Re: Ma'am... by Vested Id 01/17/2020, 2:32pm PST NEW
        haha you like garbage by haha 01/17/2020, 11:30am PST NEW
            What is garbage? NT by Ix 01/17/2020, 3:51pm PST NEW
            I don't know by Vested Id 01/18/2020, 7:39am PST NEW
                There were two. by Ice Cream Jonsey 01/18/2020, 12:08pm PST NEW
                    Thanks for the tip by Vested Id 01/18/2020, 4:13pm PST NEW
        Re: KiA on Watchmen not getting renewed by Annointed Agitprop 01/17/2020, 8:40pm PST NEW
            I no longer possess the ability to post on reddit. by Vidinfox 01/17/2020, 9:24pm PST NEW
                I was just curious if you were banned, because you sound jilted by PSH NERRRDS! 01/18/2020, 5:29pm PST NEW
                    Re: I was just curious if you were banned, because you sound jilted by Ulrachi 01/19/2020, 9:10am PST NEW
                        Veritas odium parit by PSH NERRRDS!! 01/19/2020, 12:44pm PST NEW
                            I appreciate the bullet points. Can you turn this into a powerpoint? by homotional bullshit 01/19/2020, 1:14pm PST NEW
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