Forum Overview :: Rants
I'd argue the Abrams trilogy is worse than the prequels by hot take 03/19/2023, 3:46pm PDT
They're both dog shit.

But the prequels were at least trying to tell an actual story. You can almost see where it could have been good if you squint real hard and cut out 70% of them. Plus they're way more fun to mock.

Disney-Wars are just so damn bland. Zero fucks given to a coherent narrative.

The contrarian takes went from "the prequels were good" to "The Last Jedi was actually brilliant".
What the fuck is up with all the "Star Wars prequels are actually good" takes??? NT by MM 03/19/2023, 4:53am PDT NEW
    Prequel-aimed kids growing up + sequels being complete shit by Vested Id 03/19/2023, 6:02am PDT NEW
        Just something I was triggered by on twitter. by MM 03/19/2023, 8:32am PDT NEW
    A lot of the groundwork for the TV shows is laid in the prequels NT by Mysterio 03/19/2023, 8:14am PDT NEW
    I'd argue the Abrams trilogy is worse than the prequels by hot take 03/19/2023, 3:46pm PDT NEW
        The Abrams films are absolute shit, that's more canon than the films themselves NT by They'll probably try again 03/19/2023, 4:00pm PDT NEW
    A sandwich where the bread is a little stale is better than a shit sandwich NT by blackwater 03/19/2023, 10:48pm PDT NEW
        (I'm talking about the prequels vs. the sequels here) NT by blackwater 03/19/2023, 10:49pm PDT NEW
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