Forum Overview :: Lemonade Stand
Re: Any of you guys invest at all? by CattleHumper 03/23/2023, 7:45am PDT
Why's that? I took out the money I put in long ago, and what's left is still worth a few hundred dollars.

Much better than the guy I know who invested in "bitcoin futures" at the same time I bought. He lost thousands. No idea what he was thinking, or what that even is.
Any of you guys invest at all? by Ice Cream Jonsey 04/08/2021, 6:00am PDT NEW
    Re: Any of you guys invest at all? by CattleHumper 04/08/2021, 6:30am PDT NEW
        Re: Any of you guys invest at all? by Dr. Foughtrough 03/23/2023, 7:01am PDT NEW
            Re: Any of you guys invest at all? by CattleHumper 03/23/2023, 7:45am PDT NEW
    Re: Any of you guys invest at all? by E. L. Koba 04/08/2021, 1:01pm PDT NEW
        I personally am not doing the 401(k) thing du eto covid. NT by A FRIEND 04/08/2021, 1:13pm PDT NEW
            ?????? NT by Lolol 04/08/2021, 4:25pm PDT NEW
                TBH will any of us live to retirement at the rate the world is spinning out of c NT by E. L. Koba 04/08/2021, 4:31pm PDT NEW
    Trying not to be homeless in a permanent gig to COVID transition economy NT by jerk 04/08/2021, 4:34pm PDT NEW
        Have you tried NT by Cocaine 04/08/2021, 5:38pm PDT NEW
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