Forum Overview :: No Stairway to Heaven
Re: Reissue/Remaster of Better Dating Through Technology available for preorder by Ice Cream Jonsey 03/25/2023, 9:25am PDT
I have been saving the bonus/extended tracks so I don't burn myself out, but this is so great to listen to, FoK. I have a small flash disk I plug into my car with music, and the next time I remember to get it from outside, this is definitely going on it for the occasional driving that I do.

I remember a thread or conversation or something about how "invisible" it is when you make music and it goes off into the wild, because people don't really say when it becomes part of their daily rotation, but this is another example of exactly that for me!

Hey, I wrote a song (about elections). by Fullofkittens 11/06/2006, 7:11pm PST NEW
    You have better pitch than Robin Smith or Craig Peters. NT by Tony 11/07/2006, 7:38am PST NEW
        Thank you for praising me by talking shit about my friends. by Fullofkittens 11/12/2006, 11:41am PST NEW
            Re: Thank you for praising me by talking shit about my friends. by Ice Cream Jonsey 11/12/2006, 10:12pm PST NEW
                Glad people liked it. by Fullofkittens 11/13/2006, 7:32pm PST NEW
            He plays guitar better than you. NT by Tony 11/13/2006, 12:04am PST NEW
                Much. NT by Fullofkittens 11/13/2006, 7:32pm PST NEW
    Where can I download more like this, for free, possibly illegally? NT by Jerry Whorebach 11/14/2006, 2:32am PST NEW
        Wait a week or two (and you will be able to legally). NT by Fullofkittens 11/14/2006, 6:35am PST NEW
            You've got forty-eight hours. NT by Jerry Whorebach 11/14/2006, 8:20am PST NEW
                Did I make it? by Fullofkittens 11/16/2006, 6:55am PST NEW
                    We did it baby! by Jerry Whorebach 11/16/2006, 1:31pm PST NEW
                        Re: We did it baby! by Fullofkittens 02/27/2009, 3:58pm PST NEW
                            Don't everyone click at once. NT by Jerry Whorebach 02/27/2009, 5:04pm PST NEW
                                I'm just trying to be courteous. =| NT by Fullofkittens 02/27/2009, 5:48pm PST NEW
                                    Actually, I'm glad you warned me. I didn't have these on my new computer yet O_O NT by Jerry Whorebach 02/27/2009, 6:06pm PST NEW
                                        FoK hasn't learned how to deal with the twin fists of Whorebach zinger/praise NT by Fussbett 02/27/2009, 6:23pm PST NEW
                                            I miss you NT by Fussbett FAN 03/03/2023, 9:02am PST NEW
                            Reissue/Remaster of Better Dating Through Technology available for preorder by Fullofkittens 02/14/2023, 10:04am PST NEW
                                Note: there will also be CDs available and wav/mp3/flac whatever downloads NT by Fullofkittens 02/15/2023, 6:04pm PST NEW
                                    I meant to reply earlier. I am in. NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 02/22/2023, 7:14pm PST NEW
                                        I got my cassette today! It is beautiful! NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 03/11/2023, 8:38pm PST NEW
                                Now on Spotify. by Fullofkittens 03/03/2023, 4:05am PST NEW
                                    It's praise you deserve though. NT by Mike "US Gamer" Lindell 03/03/2023, 7:47am PST NEW
                                    Its 1950s pop that is better than actual 1950s music NT by Kirahu Nagasawa 03/03/2023, 8:27am PST NEW
                                        "Tired" is a machine that came from a time machine and I will not NT by accept evidence otherwise 03/03/2023, 12:06pm PST NEW
                                    So lovely, I hope you know that. NT by Judge Barry 03/21/2023, 8:42pm PDT NEW
                                Re: Reissue/Remaster of Better Dating Through Technology available for preorder by Ice Cream Jonsey 03/25/2023, 9:25am PDT NEW
                                    Thank you. :) by Fullofkittens 04/06/2023, 9:11am PDT NEW
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