Forum Overview :: Motherfucking News
Best gimmick by We all imagine the sound and smile 03/30/2023, 4:03pm PDT
Awful quiet in here. NT by Uuuuhuh. Uuuhuhuhuh. 08/14/2022, 6:29am PDT NEW
    Quiet! The shitposters will HEAR YOU. NT by blackwater 08/14/2022, 7:59am PDT NEW
        You are who he is talking about. I know you don't understand things. NT by Mysterious Stranger 08/14/2022, 10:31am PDT NEW
        Your retarded game show host is going down. NT by Sorry, idiot. 08/15/2022, 10:34am PDT NEW
    **pats pockets** OMG!! Did I vote for a fat traitor that sold nuclear secrets? by Whew! No, I did not. 08/14/2022, 11:28am PDT NEW
    Guy who asked ICJ to ban the board's righties is upset that they're not by posting more 08/15/2022, 6:16pm PDT NEW
        All we needed for bitches to STFU was for your guy to steal NT by Nuclear Secrets 08/17/2022, 5:29pm PDT NEW
            Actually, all we seem to have needed was for you to go away by Those Were The Days My Friend 08/17/2022, 11:31pm PDT NEW
    I'm currently watching Sandman on Netflix. Will comment when finished. NT by Mischief Maker 08/15/2022, 6:35pm PDT NEW
        Sandman review NT by zzzzzzzz (yuk yuk) 08/17/2022, 9:56pm PDT NEW
    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwful quiet around here by Mysterio 09/02/2022, 2:15pm PDT NEW
        Hi Kirahu! :) NT by Still not getting laid? :( 09/03/2022, 6:34pm PDT NEW
            I have no idea what you guys are talking about, but I want to give a +1 to by not getting laid 8) 09/03/2022, 7:24pm PDT NEW
    The walls are closing in on Donald Trump by DNC 09/13/2022, 1:15am PDT NEW
        Just stop. by Fucking stop. 09/13/2022, 9:40am PDT NEW
            Wrong reason to stop by hO 09/13/2022, 10:07am PDT NEW
            Nah NT by your observations are stupid 09/13/2022, 12:08pm PDT NEW
        LOL, this shitty bleacher ignored the selling of nuclear secrets by Mysterio 09/13/2022, 4:39pm PDT NEW
            It was funnier when Bill and Hillary did it, tho. NT by Dickless Gary 09/13/2022, 4:42pm PDT NEW
                They didn't though, culty. You stupid cultist by Mysterio 09/13/2022, 4:50pm PDT NEW
                    Brian Stelter provided you with a mountain of evidence tho. NT by Dickless Gary 09/13/2022, 4:54pm PDT NEW
                        Re: Brian Stelter provided you with a mountain of evidence tho. by Mysterio 06/09/2023, 9:09am PDT NEW
    Yep. Awwwwwwwful quiet. by fucking moron 09/13/2022, 4:51pm PDT NEW
    Chirp chirp, motherfuckers. NT by Uhhuhuh. 09/23/2022, 4:08am PDT NEW
        Trump declassified this thread with his mind. NT by Kirahu Nagasawa 09/23/2022, 11:56am PDT NEW
            That's it! MIND SWAP! booo EEEEE ooooo NT by menTrump 09/23/2022, 2:03pm PDT NEW
    Uhhhuhuh. NT by Uhuhuhuhuhuhh. 12/21/2022, 11:33am PST NEW
    Uhhhuhuh NT by Uhuh 03/30/2023, 3:00pm PDT NEW
        Best gimmick NT by We all imagine the sound and smile 03/30/2023, 4:03pm PDT NEW
            It was more of a "Lights are on but nobody's home" stare NT by Mike Judge 07/03/2024, 2:55pm PDT NEW
    Uhuhuhuhuhuhh. NT by Uhuhuhuhu 05/09/2023, 3:35pm PDT NEW
    Uhhuhuhuh. NT by Uhhhhuhuhuuhuh. 06/08/2023, 5:14pm PDT NEW
        Re: Uhhuhuhuh. by Mysterio 06/09/2023, 9:08am PDT NEW
        Judge Aileen M. Cannon: the sequel =( by last laugh? 06/09/2023, 7:39pm PDT NEW
            No experience but also incompetent? NT by Huh 06/10/2023, 7:36pm PDT NEW
                Laughing stock legal decisions, only 2 1/2 years as a judge by so "yes" to both 06/10/2023, 8:43pm PDT NEW
                    Re: Laughing stock legal decisions, only 2 1/2 years as a judge by Huh 06/10/2023, 9:09pm PDT NEW
                        Haha, a Caltrops poster defending Aileen Cannon NT by laudablepuss 06/11/2023, 2:27am PDT NEW
                4 criminal cases as judge, 14 total days of trial time by yes, virtually zero 06/15/2023, 12:45am PDT NEW
                    "I'm going to need a detailed breakdown of who's living rent free in your head." by What You Heard 06/15/2023, 10:45am PDT NEW
                        When Jsoh was born, the doctor said WELCOME TO EARF and punched him in the face. by Jhoh Cable 06/15/2023, 11:23am PDT NEW
                    Re: 4 criminal cases as judge, 14 total days of trial time by Huh 06/15/2023, 3:49pm PDT NEW
    Uuuuhuh NT by UuuuhuhUuuuhuh 07/27/2023, 7:01pm PDT NEW
        Fired! Fired! NT by Beavis 07/28/2023, 9:39pm PDT NEW
    Uhhhhhuhuhuh. NT by Uhhuhuh. 08/01/2023, 3:26pm PDT NEW
        Re: Uhhhhhuhuhuh. NT by The Big Guy 08/01/2023, 4:35pm PDT NEW
    Uhhhuhuh NT by Uhhuhuhuh 08/15/2023, 4:29am PDT NEW
    UHHUHUH, UH-- *cough*... sips water... UHHUhuHUH NT by UhUHuH--*cough, gag...* Huh. Whew. 08/16/2023, 1:12pm PDT NEW
    Uhhuhuuhuh. NT by Uhuhuh. 08/24/2023, 5:45pm PDT NEW
    Uhhuhuh. NT by Uhhhuh. 10/02/2023, 2:22pm PDT NEW
    Debate me cowards NT by Uuuuhuh. 10/03/2023, 9:27am PDT NEW
        Uuuuhuuhuuh NT by creepy AI fingers 10/03/2023, 1:10pm PDT NEW
        If I break the silence too much, my anonymous stalker will turn me into a NEET. NT by Mischief Maker 10/03/2023, 3:03pm PDT NEW
            Weird that MM responds to cuckoo leftist begging for engagement by Oh nvm he modestly declined 10/03/2023, 8:14pm PDT NEW
                How the fuck could you tell that? "cuckoo leftist"? by laudablepuss 10/03/2023, 8:51pm PDT NEW
                    The guy who screams 'cultist' at political oppo and posts 'Uhhhuhhuh' monthly by as a sad attempt at engagement? 10/03/2023, 10:36pm PDT NEW
                        hahaha this culty is SO MAD!!! by ??????? 10/04/2023, 1:04am PDT NEW
                        Oh you can see IP addresses then I guess NT by laudablepuss 10/04/2023, 1:43am PDT NEW
    Uhhhuhuhuuhuh. NT by Uhhuhuhuh. 12/19/2023, 5:48pm PST NEW
    You guys letting the magnet thing go? by Mysterio2 01/08/2024, 9:17am PST NEW
        We are ignoring the Epstein stuff. by The Shitposters 01/08/2024, 9:58am PST NEW
            (Jim Downey was Norm's writing partner on Weekend Update.) by Injustice 01/08/2024, 10:14am PST NEW
        Nobody cares about Trump as much as Biden supporters by Not even us Literal Nazis* 01/08/2024, 5:27pm PST NEW
            Do you guys ever watch your own videos? by Mischief Maker 01/08/2024, 7:08pm PST NEW
                HAHAHAH SHE'S JUST HOLDING HIS HAND GUYS by Forget his wanderin' ways 01/08/2024, 11:13pm PST NEW
                    When did Roop lose his mind? by a friend 01/09/2024, 6:44am PST NEW
                        Somewhere around 1 million Americans dying of the by Trump Virus 01/09/2024, 7:18am PST NEW
                    you guys are so fucking pathetic by Doe 174 01/09/2024, 6:47am PST NEW
            Re: Nobody cares about Trump as much as Biden supporters by holy shit holy shit holy shit 01/08/2024, 8:45pm PST NEW
                Find yourself someone who thinks of you as often as lefties think abt Trump by Then run as far away as possible 01/08/2024, 11:17pm PST NEW
                    Re: Find yourself someone who thinks of you as often as lefties think abt Trump by hmmm 01/09/2024, 5:11am PST NEW
                    Find someone who thinks of you as often as righties think of Hunter Biden's cock NT by Mysterioso 01/09/2024, 8:16am PST NEW
        Can we please just talk about games? NT by Eury 01/09/2024, 9:09am PST NEW
            *just* talk about games? No? by laudablepuss 01/09/2024, 12:52pm PST NEW
                I'm not going to do the 'get your politics out of my games' bullshit but we get by more TRUMP shitposting nowadays 01/09/2024, 12:54pm PST NEW
                    Or it's the not-so-great state of the world right now NT by laudablepuss 01/09/2024, 1:12pm PST NEW
                        Just because you let your girlfriend die doesn't mean the rest of us have it by bad or allow you to be a buzzkill 01/09/2024, 1:23pm PST NEW
                            lol NT by laudablepuss 01/09/2024, 1:47pm PST NEW
                            Nothing stopping YOU from starting a banger viral trump-free thread. Post away! NT by Mischief Maker 01/09/2024, 1:57pm PST NEW
            Every time I see any game thread without you commenting NT by you have to suck every dick here 02/16/2024, 6:54pm PST NEW
    Uhuhuhh. NT by Uhhuuh. 02/16/2024, 12:41pm PST NEW
        $364 million NT by plus interest 02/16/2024, 5:40pm PST NEW
    UHhhuhuhUHUuhhuhh. NT by Uhuhuhuh. 05/30/2024, 2:11pm PDT NEW
        Election interference for the disgusting traitor. Lock him the fuck up NT by I Hate Epic 05/30/2024, 2:37pm PDT NEW
        F is for failson, finished, NT by FELON 05/30/2024, 3:11pm PDT NEW
            I mean, he's gonna win again, but okay. NT by pinback 05/30/2024, 4:55pm PDT NEW
                what, campaign from his cell like Eugene Debs with this loser stink on him? by it choked his lawyers bad enough 05/30/2024, 9:17pm PDT NEW
                GUYS i need to step in and DEFEND trump! by pinback, tail tucked between legs 05/30/2024, 10:38pm PDT NEW
                    What? NT by pinback 05/31/2024, 3:22am PDT NEW
                    Also I am the uhhuhuh guy, you retard. NT by pinback 05/31/2024, 3:24am PDT NEW
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