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You're telling me you stuck with this and are continuing to gleefully enjoy it? by pinback 03/30/2023, 4:32pm PDT
Stellar Sovereigns: Sword of the Stars meets Starfleet Command meets Rebel Galax by Mischief Maker 03/26/2023, 4:56pm PDT NEW
    Way too dense for this old man. by pinback 03/27/2023, 7:02am PDT NEW
    You're telling me you stuck with this and are continuing to gleefully enjoy it? NT by pinback 03/30/2023, 4:32pm PDT NEW
        Honestly I'm still kinda lost, but sticking with it because it's so pretty. NT by MM 03/30/2023, 4:38pm PDT NEW
        I ended up putting it down. by Mischief Maker 04/01/2023, 6:12am PDT NEW
            Agreed on the map. I almost want to re-buy it just for that. by pinback 04/01/2023, 12:19pm PDT NEW
                Happy Ending. I started playing & loving Infinite Space III: Sea of Stars again! by MM 04/02/2023, 2:21pm PDT NEW
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