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Re: As our immortal god-emperor is dragged to prison, let us remember... by laudablepuss 03/31/2023, 8:00am PDT
Psh, lots of moms play Mario Cart.

I don't know how solid this case is but it's not exactly shocking that the guy who commits crimes in the open and then talks to the press about them is finally under indictment.

DeSantis saying he won't extradite is completely insane. I wonder if Trump will actually go that route now. Could be exciting I guess.
As our immortal god-emperor is dragged to prison, let us remember... by Mischief Maker 03/30/2023, 7:46pm PDT NEW
    Re: As our immortal god-emperor is dragged to prison, let us remember... by laudablepuss 03/31/2023, 8:00am PDT NEW
        Re: As our immortal god-emperor is dragged to prison, let us remember... by Ray Gun Gunray 03/31/2023, 9:47am PDT NEW
        less dramatic than I thought, which is good by laudablepuss 04/04/2023, 3:15pm PDT NEW
    Second indictment dropped NT by laudablepuss 06/08/2023, 5:39pm PDT NEW
        He's screaming like a bitch on his dipshit twitter clone by Mysterio 06/09/2023, 7:27am PDT NEW
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