Forum Overview :: Dead Trees
VERMIS I: OFFICIAL GUIDE is extreme Caltrops-core. by Fullofkittens 09/19/2023, 5:01pm PDT
ICJ, MM, Pinback, et al you all need this in your possession immediately:

Buy it from Floating World Comics.

A friend loaned this to me, the vibes are off the chart. It's an "official guide" for a fictitious horror themed dungeon crawler from the pre-Myst era, every page is covered in spooky pixel art and hints about how and why not to look at the spooky corpses as you traverse the spooky fantasy world which is described in gruesome detail, complete with lists of mobs you might encounter in each region.
VERMIS I: OFFICIAL GUIDE is extreme Caltrops-core. by Fullofkittens 09/19/2023, 5:01pm PDT NEW
    I kinda resent how much this makes me nostalgic by Mischief Maker 09/19/2023, 7:49pm PDT NEW
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