Forum Overview :: Mac Hall Complaints Department
This comic strip is fine. I'd like to have a conversation about this comic. by Ice Cream Jonsey 09/25/2023, 11:47am PDT

I will sometimes park like this. Not always. Sometimes. 30 years ago I parked next to the garage door and my girlfriend at the time had a sister that backed right up without looking and smashed into my truck. So the theory is sometimes, "I don't trust the cretins that may live here to start backing up and look where they are going, so let me buy a little time." It's like how they say that in flying, a greater altitude buys you time and safety if something goes wrong. Or something like that. I don't know the phrase.
Any fun web comics right now? NT by Kirahu Nagasawa 08/11/2023, 9:42pm PDT NEW
    Only one I check is Perry Bible. There must be others. by Ray Gun Gunray 08/12/2023, 1:27pm PDT NEW
    I like NT by blackwater 09/24/2023, 10:26pm PDT NEW
        Owen is great but his Catholic/Dad sensibilities probably won't play well here NT by Caltrops Marketing/Demographic Dept 09/25/2023, 6:39am PDT NEW
            This comic strip is fine. I'd like to have a conversation about this comic. by Ice Cream Jonsey 09/25/2023, 11:47am PDT NEW
                The daily breeze one is fantastic by laudablepuss 09/25/2023, 9:13pm PDT NEW
        I like Owen, I do not like "owen comics" by Vested Id 09/25/2023, 12:20pm PDT NEW
            You liked him more when he was part of the right-wing grifter crowd? by Caltrops Marketing/Demographic Dept 09/25/2023, 1:32pm PDT NEW
                He went from right-wing to grifter by Vested Id 09/25/2023, 1:50pm PDT NEW
            I mean not every comic has to be stonetoss. by blackwater 09/25/2023, 4:27pm PDT NEW
                Stonetoss sucks NT by Vested Id 09/25/2023, 5:58pm PDT NEW
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