Republicans so obsessed with Hunter Biden's cock they embraced gun regulation. NT by Mischief Maker 09/19/2023, 10:09pm PDT
And other headlines from DailyKos NT by YAWN 09/20/2023, 6:11am PDT
Thanks, Rock Paper Shotgun comments section. NT by Mischief is not Amused! 09/20/2023, 7:31am PDT
Another furlough coming thanks to the seditionists and traitors by Kirahu Nagasawa 09/26/2023, 11:22am PDT
Tuberville is a traitor, that is true. There is no argument as to otherwise. by Lincoln Project 09/26/2023, 11:38am PDT
Yes. I am crippled with syphilis, by the way. I got it the old fashioned way, I by Kirahu Nagasawa 09/26/2023, 11:40am PDT
poopy by Kirahu Nagasawa 09/26/2023, 11:48am PDT
Easy there edgelord NT by Mysterio 09/26/2023, 2:03pm PDT
Re: Easy there edgelord by Kirahu Nagasawa 09/26/2023, 3:47pm PDT
Too bad they'll never be as "hung" as Hunter Biden. by Mischief Maker 09/26/2023, 4:55pm PDT
Re: Another furlough coming thanks to the seditionists and traitors by laudablepuss 09/26/2023, 10:48pm PDT
Writers strike is over NT by Read the news 09/27/2023, 8:52am PDT
OMFG you're amazingly stupid NT by laudablepuss 09/27/2023, 9:06am PDT
I agree with laudable for once NT by laudablehater 09/27/2023, 11:36am PDT
Why Charlie hate? NT by ??????? 09/27/2023, 1:57pm PDT