Forum Overview :: Slipways
10 stars! 10 MOTHERFUCKING STARS!!! Great googly moogly! by Mischief Maker 09/30/2023, 9:25am PDT
I just figured out that on top of the stated uses, Dendr "culture" allows you to set up import and export lanes between planets that have nothing to trade, exploding your number of prosperous planets.

Also that "everted slipways" tech that lets you build more expensive lanes in zero time is worth its weight in gold.

I guess I'm done with "reasonable" difficulty.
5-star, baby! by Mischief Maker 06/10/2021, 1:02pm PDT NEW
    6-star ratings are possible??? by Mischief Maker 06/29/2021, 6:31am PDT NEW
        You ruined this for me. by pinback 06/29/2021, 6:19pm PDT NEW
            If it's any consolation, I flipped my keyboard and ragequit Tharsis. NT by Mischief Maker 06/29/2021, 6:44pm PDT NEW
                That is a comfort, thank you. NT by pinback 06/30/2021, 4:06am PDT NEW
                    Ho-Lee-Sheeit! My first 8 stars on a game I played while waiting on hold!!! by Mischief Maker 09/21/2023, 9:30am PDT NEW
                        10 stars! 10 MOTHERFUCKING STARS!!! Great googly moogly! by Mischief Maker 09/30/2023, 9:25am PDT NEW
    Max Difficulty ("Tough") 5-star by Mischief Maker 10/19/2023, 4:30pm PDT NEW
        Bah! The higher difficulty levels suck and I'm done with them! by Mischief Maker 11/08/2023, 6:24am PST NEW
    10-star for the second time! by Mischief Maker 01/10/2024, 4:02pm PST NEW
        Re: 10-star for the second time! by Mysteriobama 01/10/2024, 7:00pm PST NEW
            Hold "alt" while mousing over planets to show possible connections. by Mischief Maker 01/10/2024, 8:47pm PST NEW
                You can also hold alt while placing labs to see all possible connections there. NT by Mischief Maker 01/10/2024, 8:54pm PST NEW
                Re: Hold "alt" while mousing over planets to show possible connections. by Mysteriobama 01/11/2024, 7:10pm PST NEW
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