Forum Overview :: Motherfucking News
What? by Mysterio 11/27/2023, 11:00am PST
blackwater wrote:

HEY GUISE CEOS ARE FIRING PEOPEL GRR POWER TO THE PEOPLE! (sits back and waits for a pat on the head and an updoot)


Only a bootlicking cretin like yourself would come to that conclusion. My post was clear. Dumbfuck, who I previously noted was a dumbfuck and you came roaring to his defense, is doing something stupid. You really dont get the site. Much of it is laughing at stupid people doing stupid things.

Yeah those finance bros making 300k a year, who are going to be fired by Dorsey, need you to white knight for them. They NEED it. Such a valuable public service you are doing here.

As opposed to you kneeling down and taking your shirt off so he can cum on your tits? Unbelievable but not really that YOU are trying to play the white knight card after you've consistently sucked the cock of every stupid decision made by Trump, Musk and now Dorsey. You really can't think beyond that. You really know how to go after the winners.

However, at a certain point, Elon Derangement Syndrome set in with certain commenters. So it became funnier to point out the things that Elon was doing well, and watch them have a meltdown.

I see that others have responded to this.

I have nothing against you personally, but I will reply every time this awkward loser Dorsey does something in his usual unmitigated retarded manner. The fact that you feel that this is a call out is your problem, not any of ours. Go suck his dick if it means that much to you
So Elon Musk bought twitter... by Mischief Maker 04/26/2022, 9:02am PDT NEW
    Re: So Elon Musk bought twitter... by Mysterio 04/26/2022, 1:13pm PDT NEW
        It... doesn't say that at all! by Mischief Maker 04/26/2022, 3:07pm PDT NEW
            Re: It... doesn't say that at all! by with more receipts 04/26/2022, 4:05pm PDT NEW
            Good news then by blackwater 04/27/2022, 9:52pm PDT NEW
                USAID is not, and has never been, concerned with eliminating world hunger. by Dr. Vernon Unsworth, S.C.U.B.A. 04/30/2022, 8:09pm PDT NEW
                    You missed the memo, criticizing US foreign policy is a right wing thing now. by blackwater 05/01/2022, 11:22pm PDT NEW
                Re: Good news then by uh oh spagetti o's 04/30/2022, 9:14pm PDT NEW
    Elon Musk is very stupid by laudablepuss 04/27/2022, 1:23pm PDT NEW
    Look how stupid this guy is by hO 04/27/2022, 2:18pm PDT NEW
        2 things by Fullofkittens 04/28/2022, 8:28am PDT NEW
    ...and now I can't scroll through more than 5 tweets without an account. NT by Myspace 2.0 05/06/2022, 6:03am PDT NEW
        Re: ...and now I can't scroll through more than 5 tweets without an account. by simp army 11/16/2022, 4:07am PST NEW
    I hope Caltrops outlasts both Facebook and Twitter. by blackwater 05/11/2022, 2:57pm PDT NEW
        Re: I hope Caltrops outlasts both Facebook and Twitter. by laudablepuss 06/06/2022, 1:14pm PDT NEW
            Re: I hope Caltrops outlasts both Facebook and Twitter. by Vinegar 11/05/2022, 12:36pm PDT NEW
    Twitter deal temporarily on hold by blackwater 05/13/2022, 5:35pm PDT NEW
        Musk being stupid and awkward, who would have guessed. NT by Geryk 05/14/2022, 11:24am PDT NEW
    Biden does photo with a union organizer. Musk: THE LEFT HAS LEFT ME I'M GOP NOW! NT by Mischief Maker 05/19/2022, 5:32pm PDT NEW
    Jack off the board! by Elon Musk 05/26/2022, 12:10pm PDT NEW
        Re: Jack off the board! by Mysterio 05/30/2022, 7:09am PDT NEW
            Not fair to say Jack Dorsey "has zero talent" / "fell backwards into wealth" by blackwater 06/04/2022, 11:06pm PDT NEW
                Re: Not fair to say Jack Dorsey "has zero talent" / "fell backwards into wealth" by Mysterio 06/05/2022, 8:35am PDT NEW
                    Re: Not fair to say Jack Dorsey "has zero talent" / "fell backwards into wealth" by Mysterio 11/23/2023, 12:38pm PST NEW
                        Translation: Dorsey wants to fire people faster at Square by Blackwater 11/24/2023, 7:49pm PST NEW
                            G-g-g-g-good for the stock price!!!!!!! by Mysterio 11/25/2023, 11:43am PST NEW
                                Are you the Reddit Gold guy? Because your takes are retarded by Blackwater 11/25/2023, 5:03pm PST NEW
                                    You are consistently the dumbest take guy here by Caltrops intervention 11/26/2023, 12:25am PST NEW
                                        Yes, I understand, you barely read posts, even your own by blackwater 11/26/2023, 12:51am PST NEW
                                            ^ pulling a blackwater NT by Mysterio 11/26/2023, 1:37pm PST NEW
                                                www-wa-was just pretending to NT by etc. etc. 11/26/2023, 6:54pm PST NEW
                                            "Elon Derangement Syndrome" jesus christ by you really are a moron 11/26/2023, 7:13pm PST NEW
                                            What? by Mysterio 11/27/2023, 11:00am PST NEW
                                                Your replies are boring and so are you. by blackwater 11/28/2023, 7:57pm PST NEW
                                                    Re: Your replies are boring and so are you. by Mysterio 12/01/2023, 7:55am PST NEW
                Re: Not fair to say Jack Dorsey "has zero talent" / "fell backwards into wealth" by Mysterio 11/21/2022, 7:24am PST NEW
    Lots of luck on his trip to the moon by lololololol 06/03/2022, 2:34pm PDT NEW
        I said that! NT by Pointing Joe Biden sticker 06/03/2022, 4:21pm PDT NEW
    The dumb fuck is backing out haha NT by lololololol 06/06/2022, 10:47am PDT NEW
        It's almost like the whole thing was a ploy to boost Tesla stock that backfired! by Mischief Maker 06/06/2022, 1:01pm PDT NEW
            But . . . civilization . . . ? NT by laudablepuss 06/06/2022, 1:10pm PDT NEW
    Private rocket company SpaceX fired at least five employees after it found they by fucking moron 06/17/2022, 9:25am PDT NEW
        This story is something else by laudablepuss 06/17/2022, 12:39pm PDT NEW
            Also by laudablepuss 06/17/2022, 12:47pm PDT NEW
        Just another asshole CEO Democrat, but he did switch to Republican this week! NT by Just may turn his life around 06/17/2022, 1:16pm PDT NEW
            Yeah, Republicans celebrate rapists! NT by Kavanaugh likes Beer 06/17/2022, 6:38pm PDT NEW
                Democrats take showers by with their daughters 06/17/2022, 7:47pm PDT NEW
    Teslas look pretty well-built though. by lol no they don't 06/19/2022, 11:53am PDT NEW
        gruman NT by gruman 06/19/2022, 5:04pm PDT NEW
        Wow, he must be terrible NT by Jesus christ 06/19/2022, 6:34pm PDT NEW
    Ho-leee shit! by Mischief Maker 06/20/2022, 1:45pm PDT NEW
        "Superior Court of California County of Los Angeles" by Does that really count 06/20/2022, 2:31pm PDT NEW
            Ha ha yeah, California Bad, California Bad /drinks bleach by fucking moron 06/20/2022, 2:44pm PDT NEW
                Los Angeles by now I've seen everything 06/20/2022, 2:57pm PDT NEW
                    hahaah you're one of THOSE by fucking moron 06/20/2022, 8:59pm PDT NEW
                        I can never tell if this might be a bruddah by Loving Midwit 06/20/2022, 9:49pm PDT NEW
                            Let's be friends then. NT by All other Caltrops Posters 06/21/2022, 5:47pm PDT NEW
                                Can't right now, addicted to rage, maybe later by fucking moron 06/22/2022, 5:39pm PDT NEW
            Re: "Superior Court of California County of Los Angeles" by Commander Tansin A. Darcos 09/23/2022, 10:34pm PDT NEW
        That said, the name being changed to is by uh oh spagetti o's 06/20/2022, 2:47pm PDT NEW
            Xavier is his old name NT by Changing it to Shelon 06/20/2022, 3:03pm PDT NEW
        Re: Ho-leee shit! by Richard Fitzwell 06/20/2022, 2:50pm PDT NEW
        Re: Ho-leee shit! by Richard Shitswell 06/20/2022, 5:53pm PDT NEW
    Guess it was all bullshit. by Mischief Maker 07/09/2022, 9:05am PDT NEW
        Re: Guess it was all bullshit. by laudablepuss 07/14/2022, 12:57am PDT NEW
            Re: Guess it was all bullshit. by laudablepuss 07/15/2022, 4:22pm PDT NEW
                Awesome I love Mike Cernovich NT by Vested Idiot 07/15/2022, 4:23pm PDT NEW
    Twitter says Musk’s spam analysis used tool that called his own account a bot by blackwater 08/05/2022, 4:01pm PDT NEW
        Re: Musk’s [...] a bot by Mischief Maker 08/05/2022, 5:27pm PDT NEW
            is this a trailer for the next Deus Ex? by blackwater 08/06/2022, 10:34pm PDT NEW
                No, it's for the next Metal Gear. by Mischief Maker 08/07/2022, 5:59am PDT NEW
                    Lmao love this NT by Mysterio 10/27/2022, 8:34pm PDT NEW
        He wants to challenge the Twitter ceo to a debate lmaop by Horus Truthteller 08/08/2022, 4:52pm PDT NEW
            "I hereby challenge @paraga to a public debate about the Twitter bot percentage" by laudablepuss 08/09/2022, 8:24am PDT NEW
                Imagine Elon in a fedora. No, not me - Elon. Elon! NT by laudablepuss 08/09/2022, 10:53am PDT NEW
            He's selling lots of TSLA, so not that confident about THE BOTS as trump card by blackwater 08/10/2022, 3:38pm PDT NEW
    He's not Iron Man, but he might be Judge Doom... by Mischief Maker 08/11/2022, 6:21am PDT NEW
        We are all agreed that we'd love it if he went to Mars, right? by Mysterio 08/11/2022, 12:12pm PDT NEW
            Maybe he could take by The whole state of Texas 08/11/2022, 12:14pm PDT NEW
    Candace Owens grooms mentally ill man into taking Parler off her husband's hands NT by Mischief Maker 10/22/2022, 8:38am PDT NEW
    Someone convince him to buy PayPal! by Roop 10/26/2022, 9:10pm PDT NEW
        Why buy Paypal? NT by Geryk 10/27/2022, 7:42am PDT NEW
            There are two kinds of Tropsers NT by Eddie Lizzod 10/27/2022, 11:20am PDT NEW
                He did it by Eddie Lizzod 10/27/2022, 11:23am PDT NEW
                    Ha ha yeah. Why say "He should buy PayPal?" by Geryk 10/27/2022, 12:24pm PDT NEW
                        Re: Ha ha yeah. Why say "He should buy PayPal?" by Roop 10/27/2022, 2:56pm PDT NEW
                            Re: Ha ha yeah. Why say "He should buy PayPal?" by Geryk 10/27/2022, 6:14pm PDT NEW
                                You’re out of your element, Donny NT by blackwater 10/28/2022, 12:34am PDT NEW
                                    And you're beneath contempt, you pants-shitting bleacher fuck. by Geryk 10/28/2022, 4:50am PDT NEW
                                        Congratulations on validating blackwater. by Friendo 10/28/2022, 5:21pm PDT NEW
                                    This post was MAN MADE NT by Chicanery!! 10/28/2022, 9:27am PDT NEW
    He did it *ahem* by Eddie Lizzod 10/27/2022, 12:38pm PDT NEW
    My feed is half retarded shit for retarded retards now. That is not even a polit by Entropy Stew 10/27/2022, 10:48pm PDT NEW
        MY FEED IS LITERALLY ANIME TITTIES NEXT TO JOE BIDEN NT by Entropy Stew 10/27/2022, 11:44pm PDT NEW
            Subscribe NT by Oh 10/28/2022, 5:32am PDT NEW
        Mine hasn't changed, who are you following? by Eddie Lizzod 10/28/2022, 5:15am PDT NEW
            Nerd shit and a couple people I know by Entropy Stew 10/28/2022, 12:05pm PDT NEW
                I find Twitter is unusable if it's not showing "latest tweets first" by Mysterio 10/28/2022, 8:40pm PDT NEW
        Re: retarded shit for retarded retards by Mischief Maker 10/28/2022, 8:45am PDT NEW
            It's worse than I thought by Mischief Maker 10/28/2022, 7:01pm PDT NEW
                That wasn't me. If you're thirsting after Contrapoints, own up to it. NT by MM 10/28/2022, 10:17pm PDT NEW
        Hey there buddy, let's police that tone! Never mind, account suspended. NT by There, that's better. 10/28/2022, 5:25pm PDT NEW
    This is my new name by I Hate Twitter 10/28/2022, 10:24am PDT NEW
    Elon Musk Has Purchased Twitter by blackwater 10/28/2022, 6:05pm PDT NEW
        Counterpoint: by MM 10/28/2022, 10:33pm PDT NEW
        Also: by Mischief Maker 11/05/2022, 6:30am PDT NEW
    He's just so fucking stupid. by Mysterio 10/30/2022, 10:19am PDT NEW
        also this by laudablepuss 11/07/2022, 9:18am PST NEW
            "Job Creators" NT by Mischief Maker 11/07/2022, 9:34am PST NEW
                Re: "Job Creators" by Mysterio 11/07/2022, 12:07pm PST NEW
    Go Un-Woke Go Broke, it seems. by Mischief Maker 11/05/2022, 5:20am PDT NEW
        Hate to be that guy, but NT by Jewish lawyer boycott 11/05/2022, 5:23am PDT NEW
            You don't hate it, you're just a coward. NT by Mischief Maker 11/05/2022, 5:26am PDT NEW
                It's literally what happened! by ADL boycott 11/05/2022, 5:31am PDT NEW
                    This is such a stupid take NT by is this blackwater? 11/05/2022, 8:32am PDT NEW
                        It's the truth but that doesn't stop "REALLY?" guy does it lmao NT by Hands on hips head cocker 11/05/2022, 11:26am PDT NEW
                            ADL asks for boycott = Jews are space lizards who control the world's economy? NT by JQ's a self-licking ice cream cone 11/05/2022, 11:50am PDT NEW
                        Not all conservatives are me. by blackwater 11/05/2022, 10:16pm PDT NEW
                            Re: Not all conservatives are me. by HOHHC 11/06/2022, 5:15am PST NEW
                            he actually thinks it's "conservative" and not "retardation" by Mysterio 11/06/2022, 1:38pm PST NEW
                    Re: It's literally what happened! by Vinegar 11/05/2022, 12:35pm PDT NEW
                        This is the cunt poster, do not mess with this station agent. NT by HOHHC 11/05/2022, 1:06pm PDT NEW
                            Re: This is the cunt poster, do not mess with this station agent. by Vinegar 11/05/2022, 4:04pm PDT NEW
                                Vic Vinegar? NT by Mysterio 11/07/2022, 12:21pm PST NEW
            Re: Hate to be that guy, but by HOHHC 11/20/2022, 10:52am PST NEW
                You hate to be the guy? by What guy? 11/20/2022, 11:48am PST NEW
                    You misread and it's very nice NT by HOHHC 11/20/2022, 2:59pm PST NEW
                Re: Hate to be that guy, but by HOHHC 11/20/2022, 3:00pm PST NEW
    Comedy IS now legal on Twitter! by Mischief Maker 11/05/2022, 1:38pm PDT NEW
        Re: Comedy IS now legal on Twitter! by Mischief Maker 11/05/2022, 6:35pm PDT NEW
            Have you considered telling Elon that you will write reviews for other, cooler NT by forums if he doesn't cut it out? 11/05/2022, 7:11pm PDT NEW
                I'm sorry Daddy Elon didn't make the Parler model profitable. by Mischief Maker 11/05/2022, 7:51pm PDT NEW
                    You out Elon-post me 1000-1. Who's daddy is he? Mine? Okay. by Super cool SHMUP Forum Fan 11/05/2022, 8:00pm PDT NEW
                        Sorry I talk about indies and shmups instead the yaoi visual novels you prefer. NT by Mischief Maker 11/05/2022, 9:49pm PDT NEW
                    Seems like he's kidding here. NT by You know. Silly jokes? 11/06/2022, 10:28am PST NEW
        ChrisWarcraft is a bitch though. NT by Yahtzeek 11/05/2022, 9:34pm PDT NEW
            Is Josh's only sexual experience STILL listening in to his brother trying to sho by ve a limp dick into crazy cassy? 11/07/2022, 10:09pm PST NEW
                Yes. NT by Caltrops Historian 11/08/2022, 9:50am PST NEW
        All good things must come to an end by Mischief Maker 11/06/2022, 5:23pm PST NEW
            He got Big Red NT by Stop suspending assholes Elon 11/06/2022, 5:53pm PST NEW
                Never mind, she's back NT by In mom form 11/06/2022, 6:21pm PST NEW
            FREEDOM!!! by William Wallace on the torture rack 11/06/2022, 9:45pm PST NEW
            Death of comedy on Twitter bringing down the house by HOHHC 11/06/2022, 9:45pm PST NEW
                Snooped, you cancel culture snowflake! NT by Mischief Maker 11/06/2022, 10:09pm PST NEW
                    Re: Snooped, you cancel culture snowflake! by HOHHC 11/06/2022, 10:21pm PST NEW
                        When did I invoke 1st Amendment? Stop strawmanning chud arguments onto me. NT by Mischief Maker 11/06/2022, 10:33pm PST NEW
                            I don't like xkcd and he is wrong about everything. by Horus Truthteller 11/07/2022, 11:36am PST NEW
                                Is it true NT by Did he get fat 11/07/2022, 11:40am PST NEW
                                    I don't know. Probably not. NT by Horus Truthteller 11/07/2022, 11:54am PST NEW
                                        "Everyone I don't like is large." You can't build a functioning social intercour by Mysterio 11/07/2022, 12:06pm PST NEW
                                        He is right though by laudablepuss 11/07/2022, 12:22pm PST NEW
                The deleted h3h3 tweet was about Elon Musk's connections to Jeffrey Epstein. NT by All conservatives are "pedo guys" 11/07/2022, 2:49pm PST NEW
                    Deleted tweet: "I, Elon, want to snuggle with Epstein!" by Like Bill Clinton 11/07/2022, 5:24pm PST NEW
    Spot the flaw by hO 11/07/2022, 8:42am PST NEW
        No better time to move to Canada fellas NT by Sadness Clinic 11/07/2022, 8:44am PST NEW
        This is because Musk is a bitch. by Horus Truthteller 11/07/2022, 11:29am PST NEW
            Suck it down Elon! NT by Purple corncob 11/07/2022, 11:39am PST NEW
    Now apparently everyone who blocked Elon has had him unblocked automatically. NT by MM 11/08/2022, 6:36am PST NEW
    Hero by hO 11/10/2022, 1:52pm PST NEW
        Re: Hero by hO 11/10/2022, 1:58pm PST NEW
            God, you're a fucking bootlicker. You really are a piece of shit. by LOCAL POLITICAL LEADERS 11/10/2022, 2:22pm PST NEW
                I'm not the Ivermectin guy but it's great to see you back here Jhoh NT by hO 11/10/2022, 2:25pm PST NEW
                    Cable stopped chugging republican dick when they got bleachy NT by wheres that leave you 11/10/2022, 3:08pm PST NEW
                        You put the bleach in the cock or the cock in the bleach? by and then, what? My mouth? 11/10/2022, 3:21pm PST NEW
                            looorf its funny because you voted for a guy that told you to drink bleach NT by you stupid cunt cultist 11/10/2022, 5:10pm PST NEW
                                Presented with such attractive options, I voted for neither. by You voted for elder abuse. 11/10/2022, 8:11pm PST NEW
                                    You're really bad at this. by Mysterio 11/12/2022, 9:16am PST NEW
                                        That’s, narrative spinning. Embrace your trump porn fetish. by We won’t judge. 11/12/2022, 11:07am PST NEW
                                            So fucking awful at this, you and the other guy down below. by Mysterio 11/12/2022, 12:03pm PST NEW
                                                I am awesome at this. by You are awkward and sad. 11/12/2022, 12:17pm PST NEW
                                                    Re: I am awesome at this. by hahahhahaha 11/12/2022, 12:31pm PST NEW
                                                        Poor impulse control is on the spectrum. by You are awkward and sad. 11/12/2022, 12:42pm PST NEW
                                        lol 36 hrs and this is the best response the diskord krew could come up with by Makes you look weak. Also: sad. 11/12/2022, 12:05pm PST NEW
                                            Please share the Discord info. I don't have it. by Mysterio 11/12/2022, 12:06pm PST NEW
                                        Gonna go out on a tiny limb here: by 'Diss-kord Krew' is all-millenials 11/12/2022, 12:21pm PST NEW
                                            Re: Gonna go out on a tiny limb here: by Mystwrio 11/12/2022, 12:32pm PST NEW
        I wonder why he's leaving? by Mischief Maker 11/10/2022, 2:28pm PST NEW
            Re: I wonder why he's leaving? by hO 11/10/2022, 2:53pm PST NEW
    Look at this fucking retard. by Mysterio 11/11/2022, 1:44pm PST NEW
    What a stupid asshole. NT by Tuey 11/11/2022, 9:33pm PST NEW
        The, engineering crabs, have NT by really gone bucket mad huh 11/11/2022, 9:38pm PST NEW
            Re: The, engineering crabs, have by Mysterio 11/12/2022, 12:06pm PST NEW
                " what brings most Americans together" by There's your problem right there 11/12/2022, 12:39pm PST NEW
                    Re: " what brings most Americans together" by Quote the whole thing 11/14/2022, 2:14pm PST NEW
                Re: The, engineering crabs, have by really gone bucket mad huh 11/12/2022, 1:04pm PST NEW
    Question for any lawyers here by Mysterio 11/12/2022, 12:10pm PST NEW
        You should get UPSET when I call you names! by Them's the RULES 11/12/2022, 12:41pm PST NEW
        Not a lawyer. But yes, you make them fire you. NT by Vic Vinegar 11/12/2022, 6:46pm PST NEW
        Pretty sure refusing to show up would count as being fired "for cause" by blackwater 11/14/2022, 11:51am PST NEW
            Re: Pretty sure refusing to show up would count as being fired "for cause" by Mysterio 11/14/2022, 1:55pm PST NEW
                It is nuts how companies cheap out on unemployment tho NT by Yaris 11/14/2022, 2:09pm PST NEW
                You might also be interested in these products by blackwater 11/15/2022, 4:10am PST NEW
                    Re: You might also be interested in these products by Mysterio 11/15/2022, 10:08am PST NEW
            Objective libertarian NT by Objectively autistic 11/14/2022, 2:35pm PST NEW
                Re: Objective libertarian by Horus Truthteller 11/14/2022, 3:42pm PST NEW
                    Look, I am not anti-remote work. It's just harder to manage remote people by blackwater 11/15/2022, 4:08am PST NEW
                        Re: Look, I am not anti-remote work. It's just harder to manage remote people by Mysterio 11/15/2022, 4:57am PST NEW
                            Re: Look, I am not anti-remote work. It's just harder to manage remote people by Tuey 11/15/2022, 5:44am PST NEW
                            oh, well, if "transgender marxbro" says it, it must be true by blackwater 11/15/2022, 1:03pm PST NEW
                                You didn't read the tweet past the nickname, dummy. Doesn't say what you think. NT by Mysterio 11/15/2022, 3:07pm PST NEW
                            What kind of moron links Southpaw NT by Try again 11/15/2022, 5:22pm PST NEW
        Bro you gotta follow the bro code or you're broing home NT by Bro, Esq. 11/16/2022, 4:04pm PST NEW
    Re: So Elon Musk bought twitter... by Elon Muskrat 11/12/2022, 12:33pm PST NEW
    Twitter moderation under Elon by Mischief Maker 11/13/2022, 7:45pm PST NEW
        Re: Twitter moderation under Elon by This is Chris's Blood 11/13/2022, 8:12pm PST NEW
    The dumb bald asshole started turning off microservices yesterday. NT by Mysterio 11/15/2022, 10:09am PST NEW
        He really is a worthless narcissist. by Mysterio 11/15/2022, 10:15am PST NEW
    Counterpoint by Eddie Lizzod 11/16/2022, 7:22am PST NEW
        A certain kind of engineer by Bootlickers is the kind 11/16/2022, 3:57pm PST NEW
            20 year olds NT by Bro, Esq. 11/16/2022, 4:36pm PST NEW
    Re: So Elon Musk bought twitter... by Horus Truthteller 11/17/2022, 4:47pm PST NEW
        Now they're locked out NT by Just... not funny at all 11/17/2022, 4:57pm PST NEW
            You think it's not funny? by Mysterio 11/17/2022, 5:10pm PST NEW
                I don't think it's funny when the walls are closing in NT by End is nigh 11/17/2022, 6:17pm PST NEW
                    Of Twitter? Or the world? by Horus Truthteller 11/17/2022, 6:44pm PST NEW
                        Re: Of Twitter? Or the world? by 1-800-Flowers 11/17/2022, 7:16pm PST NEW
        Those remaining: H1B visa requires employment to stay in the country NT by Entropy Stew 11/18/2022, 10:11am PST NEW
        You can't make this stuff up. by Horus Truthteller 11/18/2022, 11:14am PST NEW
    Offices shut down amid mass employee exodus. by Mischief Maker 11/18/2022, 4:15am PST NEW
        Re: Offices shut down amid mass employee exodus. by Rafiki 11/18/2022, 7:44am PST NEW
            Re: Offices shut down amid mass employee exodus. by Ice Cream Jonsey 11/18/2022, 9:31am PST NEW
        Re: Offices shut down amid mass employee exodus. by 1-800-Flowers 11/18/2022, 8:06am PST NEW
    Re: So Elon Musk bought twitter... by MM 11/18/2022, 9:54am PST NEW
        Powerful NT by 1-800-Flowers 11/18/2022, 10:11am PST NEW
    Musk Twitter's Dear Zachary moment arrives by 1-800-Flowers 11/18/2022, 1:18pm PST NEW
        Slurs! Bwahahahahaa!!! NT by Conservative Comedy = Easy Mode 11/18/2022, 1:44pm PST NEW
            Bwaa by Bwaa 11/18/2022, 1:51pm PST NEW
            Slur? NT by What slur? 11/18/2022, 2:19pm PST NEW
                Pedantry! Bwahahahahahaaa!!! NT by Conservative Comedy = Easy Mode 11/18/2022, 2:22pm PST NEW
                    Since when did "man" become a slur, baby by George Carlin 11/18/2022, 2:30pm PST NEW
                        Careful which dead guy you try to puppeteer as your champion. by Conservative Comedy = Easy Mode 11/18/2022, 2:58pm PST NEW
                            Our champion? NT by Only Gen X could redeem Carlin 11/18/2022, 3:15pm PST NEW
        Here is how stupid blackwater is by So very stupid 11/18/2022, 4:00pm PST NEW
    Looks like shadowbanning's back on the menu, boys! by MM 11/18/2022, 1:18pm PST NEW
        My time is nigh. NT by Max Deboosted 11/18/2022, 3:35pm PST NEW
    What does Orange Man think about all this? by Mischief Maker 11/19/2022, 5:14pm PST NEW
        Trump is reinstated NT by Eddie Lizzod 11/19/2022, 5:27pm PST NEW
    Voting has consequences by Vested Id 11/19/2022, 6:27pm PST NEW
        He was going to do it anyway, he was too much of a bitch to take responsibility by for it. 11/19/2022, 6:47pm PST NEW
        Re: Voting has consequences by MM 11/20/2022, 11:19am PST NEW
            Sick burn NT by Josephus 11/20/2022, 11:24am PST NEW
        Project Veritas also reinstated NT by HOHHC 11/20/2022, 1:56pm PST NEW
            Can you post these important updates over at bo-news? NT by And also never come back? 11/21/2022, 7:22am PST NEW
    This entire fucking thread NT by : ( 11/19/2022, 8:41pm PST NEW
        sorry bootlicker by for savaging your hero 11/20/2022, 11:46am PST NEW
            Line describes cone by HOHHC 11/20/2022, 11:49am PST NEW
                Let him go. NT by It's funnier that way 11/20/2022, 3:34pm PST NEW
                    HURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR by for savaging your hero 11/20/2022, 8:23pm PST NEW
                        See? NT by It's funnier that way 11/21/2022, 1:03am PST NEW
                            Re: See? by Mysterio 11/21/2022, 4:43am PST NEW
                                Everyone is well aware of the retarded kid in the thread. NT by You keep giving 11/21/2022, 6:07am PST NEW
                                    Great comeback! Well done, champ!! NT by ;-) 11/21/2022, 7:23am PST NEW
                                        And, you can't stop. NT by It's funnier that way 11/21/2022, 12:55pm PST NEW
            Re: sorry bootlicker by HOHHC 11/20/2022, 5:29pm PST NEW
                Re: sorry bootlicker by Dr. Jordan B. Peterson 11/21/2022, 3:31am PST NEW
                    I'm part of this. I'm on the inside. These are my heroes. by HOHHC 11/21/2022, 7:32am PST NEW
                        That's right NT by HOHHC (real) 11/21/2022, 9:18am PST NEW
                    Re: sorry bootlicker by Elon Musk 11/21/2022, 8:58am PST NEW
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