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"Final Theory" is exactly what I was looking for. by Mischief Maker 11/28/2023, 7:37pm PST

My tour of indie space strategy games has most recently stopped at Final Theory. It's literally Risk in space, but instead of dice rolls when your fleets meet, it turns into a hex-grid turn-based tactics battle. Ship models are nice and chonky, and there are basic line-of-sight rules.

This isn't a trailer, but I think it's a great explanation of the game:

Note that despite my recommendation, it isn't DRM-free. I'm just putting up with Steam for this game's sake because it is exactly what I wanted at this point in time.
"Final Theory" is exactly what I was looking for. by Mischief Maker 11/28/2023, 7:37pm PST NEW
    After the Honeymoon... by Mischief Maker 12/02/2023, 5:58pm PST NEW
        Thanks for following up, this one's been on my list NT by Mysterio 12/03/2023, 11:00am PST NEW
            Yeah, the interface is kinda crap, too. by MM 12/03/2023, 1:44pm PST NEW
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