Forum Overview :: Homeworld II
Did anyone play this? by Mischief Maker 11/29/2023, 12:28pm PST
I know SsethTzeentach liked it, but I've learned that his tastes and mine differ wildly, especially when it comes to games with an economics element.
Hardspace: Shipbreaker works to recapture the Homeworld feel with a genre swich by saltlord 06/23/2020, 10:53pm PDT NEW
    did jonesy beg you to post here NT by i give you 2 months 06/24/2020, 7:23am PDT NEW
        I came here in 2007 for MM's system shock review and have posted for years by saltlord 06/24/2020, 2:33pm PDT NEW
            *gasp* that's FABIO'S SS review! by laudablepuss 06/24/2020, 2:50pm PDT NEW
                The crazy thing is, I was the one warning him on OMM that SS2's disappointing. by Mischief Maker 06/24/2020, 3:30pm PDT NEW
                    Re: The crazy thing is, I was the one warning him on OMM that SS2's disappoi by laudablepuss 06/24/2020, 5:25pm PDT NEW
                        sorry, I can't keep you assholes straight anymore. MM still writes reviews so my by brain said they're all his work now 06/24/2020, 8:46pm PDT NEW
                            FABIO quit around 2018. NT by I Hate Epic 06/25/2020, 7:09am PDT NEW
                                bring him back so I can hear more reductionism about 4x games NT by saltlord 06/25/2020, 10:28am PDT NEW
                                    MENS ROOM! PENIS! TWO PENISES!!! NT by saltlord 06/25/2020, 3:16pm PDT NEW
                                        I'm absolutely in favor of this being a free service to boost my postcount by and search results 06/25/2020, 4:02pm PDT NEW
                                        FABIO quit penis in 2018. NT by I Hate Epic 06/25/2020, 8:37pm PDT NEW
        Shaddap by I Hate Epic 06/24/2020, 4:26pm PDT NEW
    Did anyone play this? by Mischief Maker 11/29/2023, 12:28pm PST NEW
        Dumb story, fun gameplay 8/10 NT by Mysterio 11/29/2023, 4:11pm PST NEW
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