Posting in solidarity with the brave resistance against colonial Zionists NT by Prayers up 4 Gaza 10/07/2023, 10:07pm PDT 
Did the Cables ever go on to touch another woman after that one basket case? by truth anti-social 10/07/2023, 10:39pm PDT 
I don't now how to feel about this shit. by Jerry Whorebach 10/08/2023, 12:10am PDT 
You're alright, don't come to Kibbutz Re’im tomorrow NT by Prayers up 4 Gaza 10/08/2023, 8:08am PDT 
MM sweetie I'm going on an all expenses paid vacation. Not sure when I'll be ba by MM's Bubbe 10/08/2023, 1:10pm PDT 
Is your mistaken belief that I'm Jewish the reason you've been stalking me all NT by these years? -MM 10/08/2023, 1:51pm PDT 
FUCK. Blackwater lied to all of us. NT by Playing the long con 10/08/2023, 3:06pm PDT 
No one replying to your sad sack ass? Talk to yourself! NT by Sad loser 10/08/2023, 2:20pm PDT 
During the pandemic, everyone was like "trust the experts" by Injustice 12/03/2023, 4:52pm PST 
We will never forget when the experts were a little wrong NT by Vested Id 12/03/2023, 11:20pm PST 