Imagine being against hbombermanguy NT by what a loser 10/28/2023, 4:11pm PDT 
Are you his mom NT by Mysterio 10/28/2023, 7:36pm PDT 
no by maybe 10/28/2023, 8:06pm PDT 
FOUUUUUUR FUUUUUCKING HOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURS!!! by Five and a half if you count Todd 12/04/2023, 8:58am PST 
needs to rename himself to hairlossguy NT by gottem 12/04/2023, 10:48am PST 
2.5 hours on the Roblox "oof" NT by but it's still entertaining 12/05/2023, 1:09am PST 
That was really two documentaries in one though. by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/05/2023, 8:29am PST 
He has chapter markers. Also modern Youtube saves your spot. NT by Mischief Maker 12/05/2023, 7:29am PST 
MischiefMaker try not to defend his embarrassing preferences challenge NT by IMPOSSIBLE 12/05/2023, 7:32am PST 
You get cringe and embarassment from the most random things, Mr. Silly! NT by Mischief Maker 12/05/2023, 8:49am PST 
You are such a moronic embarrassment with what you consider gotchas NT by blackwattgenstein 12/05/2023, 12:20pm PST 
Great director NT by I enjoyed Doctor Sleep 12/04/2023, 10:15am PST 
Plagiarism by hbomberguy by Mysterio 12/04/2023, 5:25pm PST 
I've been pronouncing "banal" wrong my whole life. Thanks, hbomberguy NT by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/04/2023, 6:07pm PST 
I cannot be fucked to care about any of this except that he did by internethistorian dirty. 12/05/2023, 8:03am PST 
Re: I cannot be fucked to care about any of this except that he did by Ice Cream Jonsey 12/05/2023, 8:25am PST 
You're part of the problem by Geryk 12/05/2023, 11:41am PST 
InternetHistorian is an insipid moron by Feris 12/05/2023, 12:08pm PST 
The guy here who hates hbomber and MM sure is a moro NT by with moron takes and moron heroes 12/05/2023, 12:17pm PST 